/exg/ - Exalted General

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For the basics of combat, read this tutorial. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition:

>Final 3E Core Release:
>Backer Charm Book:

>Frequently updated Character Sheet with Formulas and Autofill
>General Homebrew dumping folder:
>Collection of old 3e Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies:
>Charm Trees:
Solar Charms: imgur.com/a/q6Vbc
Martial Arts: imgur.com/a/mnQDe
Evocations: imgur.com/a/TYKE4

>Resources for Previous Editions:

Martial arts edition! What's your favorite style and why? What 2e style are you looking forward to seeing getting a 3e version?

Other urls found in this thread:


Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style!
Battle raps! Synergy with Presence and Performance! Dance Battles!
Free Artifact Weapon!

So, I'm working on a group of antagonists for my campaign; a band of Dragonblooded that are in training to become part of the Wyld Hunt. However, one of the apprentices is a close relative of the Mouth of Peace, and even though the Mouth of Peace is supposed to cut her ties to her past, she knows her relative is a good person and is concerned about her safety. So, she called in a favor to bring her and her circle the best mentor they could have: a very old, retired Water aspect that came out of retirement to teach them.

Now, I'm not 100% certain what the Immaculates consider acceptable when it comes to worship of the Dragonblooded, so I thought I'd bring my idea here. My idea was that this guy was actually one of the best in his field, knew everything there was to know about anathema and how to deal with them. After saving a couple smaller island chains from some rather nasty lunars (cause he was in his prime before the Solars returned), people were so awestruck by this guy that they started worshiping him. They built statues of him, prayed to him, villainized the anathema and praised him as "The Black Dragon of the West" or some similar sounding title. After one incident shook his resolve, however, he returned to the Blessed Isle and retired as a hermit, willingly choosing not to grab any anti-aging drugs so that he would eventually grow old and die. After the return of the Solars and the Mouth of Peace called him in to train her relative's circle, however, he decided he couldn't quite let himself renter the cycle of reincarnation yet, and came out of retirement. My plan is for the PCs and even his own students to come across statues, legends, and stories of the great "Black Dragon of the West", but no one realizes it's him because that was hundreds of years ago and now he's old and looks different than the statues and legends describe him.

Is this something that's plausible? Or would the Immaculate Order step in to put down that sort of worship?

they don't like direct worship in the way cops don't like when other cops have savior complexes.

it happens but if anyone else finds out then whoever caused it gets into shit for not being more careful and not promoting the idea that they're obviously there for the realm.

my point being, if it's not traced to him, then why worry, right?

i know i'm probably posting in a prenatally dead thread (especially with such a shitty OP prompt) but this has something i've been itching to ask for a while now:

how the fuck do i even get my head around Lintha? like, at all? what are they? no books really classify them so properly i can tell what they're supposed to do or be, aside from "something everyone hates" in the West.

Question for you veterans.

is there a way to make a character that revolves around using a big ass shield? Not weapons and fists. Just a shield.

Melee style, focus on defensive charms like Dipping Swallow and whatever-Bulwark Stance rather than the attack ones. A Shield is considered a melee weapon with tags that pertain to it's shielding abilities.

Maybe take some Thrown for the sake of being Captain America, even? Captain Anathema

When you sacrifice resources to make prayer easier what happens to the stuff you sacrifice does it disappear into essence or do the gods send something to come and get it and take it to heaven?

Does anywhere in third edition handle what happens when you tie someone up and what can stop a sorcerer from teleporting away if they know the spell?