Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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Tiers are usage-based. A Tier 2 deck can be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific metagame.
Posting best pact
RG Breach is my deckfu
Click! Clack! The Queen is coming out!
>Why is Death and Taxes the best Modern deck?
>Why aren't you playing it?
Poc related
But user I do play Death and Taxes
Are there any decks that uses or could use Narset Transcendant ? I really want to see her have some play. Maybe a UWR shell to copy spell with value ?
I only opened two Vials during the first Modern Masters.
Doesn't provide enough value on the spot, or protect herself. Death knells for a Planeswalker.
What is the best Death and Taxes?
>budget gw hatebears
not reason to play this over gw on modern, unfortunetely
>stable mana
>can actually run enough LD to matter
>makes better use of vial
GW hits harder but Mono W is more consistent.
How is the B/W Eldrazi version?
i'm not sure if i get it. the fact that it's modern playable? the op is a free force of will you can fit into any deck
I made some research and I guess you are right because she's only played in some fringe deck as 1-of. Too bad, really like her design.
>you can fit into any deck
>you have to pay 5 CMC on the upkeep or lose
>this vs a -2 that loses you 1 life and can be used even during your opponent's first turn
Force of Will is better in pretty much every situation.
The green pact, on the other hand, searches out a combo piece intended to take over a game when you cheat it into play. On top of that, 1 less CMC to pay during your upkeep if you have to in a color with a metric fuckton of mana dorks.
there's no mana problems on g/w. sure, you take some damage because of it, but only matters against burn and finks can fix most of that damage.
it runs 4 gq with 2 tect edge + loam on the sb, i think that's an amount of ld that matters.
Is it possible to make this deck decent in modern?
It's fun af and I'd hate to not be able to use it anymore
Yeah, you can convert that to modern. There are some Grixis variants, mostly control, that use snapcaster, dank- dwellers and various control spells. Midrange variants use Cletus and it's all fine. Be prepared to drop about 500 bucks for a land base.
holy shit this looks fun.
What exactly is that?
A nickname for Kalitas, I assume.
Grixis Delver is best modern
I'm kinda hoping the new Chandra might give way to a better variant of Grixis Control though
The local nickname for Kalitas.
I particularly like it because on scg and wotc streams that pronounce it Kuh- LEE- tus when it's so obviously KAHL- eh- TAS.
Sorry bud. We rug in here
Potentially fucks up delve, snap and Tasigur abilities. Dunno.
Samefag please.
Not really? Exiling the top card of your library doesn't hurt your graveyard at all.
Dumbass please.
Yeah, I'm not sure why I was thinking that now.
Either way, forced to cast at sorcery speed seems bad senpai.
Same user btw. Any lists I could take a look at? Or just throw together some control good stuff and fine tune from there?
When would you say you cast most of your creatures?
Thanks so much familia
Right, right, because grixis casts so many creatures.
Don't let then pull the RUG out from under you
Grixis Delver?
Around 15 Creatures, and just to sweeten the deal, maybe 7-8 Sorceries.
You've got a pretty decent shot of hitting a card you were going to play at Sorcery.
Yeah..more like 10-12 and 4 of which are snap, 3~ are delve so basically cost 1.
I'm getting the feeling you've never played the deck before.
There's 15 in there. I'm getting the feeling you haven't won a Grand Prix, so you know, it's hard to value your opinion over recorded decklists.
for gw, between hierarch, vial, path, pridemage and only being 2 colors, im quite ok with blood moon
Are we supposed to randomly point out that hate cards exist?
Should we be posting pictures of Rest in Peace whenever someone mentions Dredge, Delve, or Living End cards? Am I supposed to post a picture of an enchantment removal spell now?
What the fuck are you on about?
Say I were to build a modern G/W enchantress deck. What are some good ways to blank enchantment removal outside of my 2 copies of greater auramancy? Ivory mask is pretty good but it's 4 cmc. I suppose sideboard witchbane orbs could work as well?
Also, I'm not that blood moon posting cuck. Just wanted to point that out
ah, forgot they didn't always forgo vial for company
it wasn't random. someone said there was no reason not to play gw hatebears over monowhite, and i think weakness to hate counts as a reason not to play it instead of the version that isn't weak to hate
How the fuck does runed halo work. Is it only fit for naming creatures or damage spells? Can it stop cards like diabolic edict or batterskull? How about emrakul?
It gives protection. Go learn what protection does. Then the card does exactly what it says it does.
>You can't be targeted, dealt damage, or enchanted by anything with that name.
that's it. choose wisely
it's literally printed in the card. i bet his a standar player
modern DnT is a complete memedeck and is fundamentally flawed
eldrazi taxes maybe just because it runs a shitton of value, but monowhite "Im running path to exile in my mana disruption gameplan" DnT is a joke
>Legacy D&T shouldn't run Swords!
I don't agree with that guy but you clearly missed his point entirely
How does Magic work in universe? I assume people aren't actually playing cards like Yu-Gi-Oh. But then when someone summons Emrakul, how does that work? What's actually going on?
>have disciple and coating out
>cast Saheeli
>use coating to turn her into an artifact
>us her -2 on herself
>get copy of her (which is an artifact) and sac the original
>disciple makes opponent 1 life
>activate -2 of copy Saheeli to get another copy Saheeli
>sac first copy
>disciple makes opponent 1 life
>activate -2 of #2copy Saheeli to get another copy Saheeli
Wrong. Copying is the very first layer, so you get a copy of Saheeli before anything is done to her, so the copy isn't an artifact.
It copies all attributes of the target. If the target is an artifact at the time then the copy will also be an artifact.
Type modification comes after copying. That's literally all there is to this.
I already goldfished this like 25 times.
The combo is wildly inconsistent but can pull turn 3/4 wins out of nowhere.
However you lose to literally every interactive spell in the modern format, notably Lightning Bolt.
Judges have confirmed that this works. You are simply wrong about this mate.
Sheeli's -2 makes a copy as an artifact in addition to its other types. Read the fucking card.
This. Please stop, this doesn't work guys.
Tasigur looks like Meowth with long flowing hair in the thumbnail.
Also, Grixis Delver a best.
>-2: Create a token that's a copy of target artifact or creature you control, except it's an artifact in addition to its other types. That token gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.
>except it's an artifact in addition to its other types
>it's an artifact
it's a simple concept. Before you call a judge, talk about layers, post on Veeky Forums, you read the card first.
>an artifact in addition to its other types
This shit works because her ability makes it work
Guilty as charged. How embarrassing.
It depends on whether her ability is interpreted as
>copy target artifact [END] or copy a creature; it becomes an artifact
>copy target artifact or creature, it becomes an artifact
because the former would only make creature copies also an artifact (and thus it wouldn't work) but the latter always makes it an artifact no matter what you copy
but it's a 3 card combo using indvdually bad cards that dies to bolt so it's unplayable either way
Yeah, it's definitely the latter. It would seem that if you copy an artifact the type-altering part of the ability is just redundant.
Thanks to oversimplified text I'm fairly certain it works.
>no thread for standard
I want to build a deck around Displace and "Enters the battlefield" effects. I'm browsing as hard as I can right now through the standard card list, but I haven't played MTG since like Stronghold was a thing. Inspiration friends?
Just look for effects that draw cards, create tokens, or kill stuff.
Use the advanced search function on gatherer for EtB effects in standard
Basically what I'm looking for, but I wanted to see if anyone knew of specific cards/colours that would compliment this idea well.
>tfw awaken is too expensive to do some kind of derpy landfall awaken flickerdeck.
Could be fun though;)
>try to make fun themed decks
>usually not the most powerful decks but fun one
>friend just goes green/white buff and exile deck every time
>has half my creatures suppressed or exiled by round 10 and has 4 10/10s with menace and life link
No fun allowed
.... are you joking? Seriously, tell me you're joking.
I did the same search in xmage.
Idk, this is the modern thread. Go look at bant eldrazi decks, those eldrazi are still in standard I'm pretty sure, use some of their stuff.
This is the modern thread, not tyhe casual general. You could start one though, they tend to be fairly successful. Dont forget to post pics of your decks!
>draw SB cards
>don't draw SB cards
>not main decking sideboard cards and building around them for maximum jank
obviously great sideboard card: scapeshift, ad nauseam, primeval titan, nahiri, living end, ...
i just realized that wotc successfully managed to kill control AND combo in modern. quite impressive
Just ones with only 1 win con. They can always go Celestial Colonnade to the face.
Some Ad Nauseam lists run conflagrate as well as lightning storm so they'll be fine.
>They can always go Celestial Colonnade to the face.
>Some Ad Nauseam lists run conflagrate as well as lightning storm so they'll be fine.
name ad nauseam?
My bad, I was thinking they could use spoils of the vault but I read part of it incorrectly.
Updated Tendo Ice Bridge at uncommon is sort of neat. Not really a huge deal, but Ice Bridge had gotten up to about $7 just from being a 1-of in random decks.
If they print any good cards that need Energy, it could see play.
alright boys time to start brewing modern liquimetal
run any number of 1 cost destructions and just start picking off any permanents, saheeli is your wincon
you can run splinter in the sideboard if you wanna piss off someone someday who thinks they're clever with their Mountains Only board and blood moon
well shit, time to uncuck modern
It hurts Nahiri but it's pretty meh against other control decks.
A new toy for BW decks? More looking at Deadguy Ale and BW Eldrazi rather than tokens.
Can't see why you'd run this. SB Rule of Law if you want to beat storm, this card reads 'gain 5 life' against burn.
His is a one sided effect where as rule of law and eidolon are both. Plus he doesn't read in that sense more, pay 3, negate 5 damage to you, make opponent waste a card, opponent loses 2, at least in the burn matchup he does.
It's just not big enough I think. The effect is not bad since at the very least it also drains 2 when trading 1-for-1 with removal.
It's just that it's a very subpar beater for 3 mana. It doesn't hold up as a blocker or attacker compared to other creatures in Modern.
>negate 5 damage to you, make opponent waste a card
he only does 1 of these things. You don't gain 5 and make the opponent use a bolt, you gain 2 and make the opponent use bolt. If the opponent would prefer to bolt your face that's exactly the same as a gain 5 deal 2 damage spell.
>tfw all it needed was 2 counters
>naming valakut
>"the card says nonland though"
>"wait seriously? fuck okay, scapeshift"
>"i slam titan"
I think it's big enough for a sideboard in Junk or something. It's a free 2 for 1 against burn and counters a lot of Zoo's pump. If they don't deal with it, they can't beat you. If they do deal with it, which they have to, then they burned a card on him and rolled back a bolt (almost)