Let's try to make a coherent adventure out of some random tables.
1d20 for the dungeon goal
Let's try to make a coherent adventure out of some random tables.
1d20 for the dungeon goal
Rolled 3 (1d20)
Why not?
Rolled 1, 9 = 10 (2d20)
Let's see what happens here.
So the adventurers need to destroy a magical threat
And locate a dungeon or othe site of interest
I'm skipping over other goal for villain it's a humanoid cultist.
1d12 for the party's ally
Rolled 11 (1d12)
6 get
A disguised monster that's definitely interesting.
D20 for the party's patron.
Rolled 5 (1d20)
A military officer
So 1d12 for how this adventure starts.
Rolled 3 (1d12)
>While traveling on a road, the characters are attacked bny monsters that flee into the nearby adventure location
Alright d12 for climax
Rolled 9 (1d12)
Rolled 6 (1d12)
>The dungeon begins to collapse while the adventurers face the main villain, who attempts to escape the chaos
So we have basic plot outline but let's find out more about our humanoid cultist. Let's see what his scheme is.
Rolled 4 (1d8)
I fucked up apparently
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Mayhem, of course. D6 for the type of mayhem. Hope it is the prophecy so he can shout about winning as the dungeon collapses.
So our guy just wants to cause mayhem d6 for how the specifics of it.
>Vile contagion
So he definitely fucked up. At the end but 1d20 to see how he was going to try to achieve this.
Rolled 20 (1d20)
D6 for the type of war he's hoping to have.
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Is there another page with the rest of these? Or just a name for the source, seems like a fun set of charts and looks like.. 4th ed or 5th, but not sure.
The cult leader wants terrrorism shocking.
D100 for the dungeon itself
Rolled 73 (1d100)
I pray for desert.
It's in the DMG for 5th edition.
>sea caves
The exact opposite.
Now let's see who was resonsible for making the dungeon before Osama Bin Badguy decided to chill here.
Rolled 11 (1d20)
Let's see if the cult created their own cave.
Cool, thanks
Hobgoblins in caves by the sea. Maybe they were using it for hidden raids and set up the collapse to protect their treasures?
d20 for the purpose of it.
Rolled 19 (1d20)
Oh, nevermind, of course there's a table for this.
Looks like osama set up in the tomb of a great hob pirate or something. Undead hobgoblin ally trying to remove the cultist from his captain's tomb anyone?
Spooky hobgoblin pirate king skeleton would be fucking dope.
Hobgoblins in this setting are now not-Barbary Pirates. I'm liking how this is turning out.
One last d20 for history of the dungeon
Rolled 5 (1d20)
Looks like the Hobgoblin tomb was invaded by the cultists. Unappeased by the cultists, the skeleton pirate king arose and sought help in exterminating the interlopers
Don't panar creatures usually refer to stuff from another realm like aberrations or demons?
There could be a mindflayer pirate in that fucking dungeon
So, we have a hobgoblin, who attacked a party and fleeing into a desecrated tomb of his old King, while a ISIS trying establish a base there for spreading magical AIDS?
I'm totally okay with that.
Fuck son
Mindflayer Pirates sound fucking awesome. Sailing the high seas to take captives and bring them back to their Elder Brains as food, and then sell their cargo to help finance more piracy.
Practical villains are best villains. Meanwhile, Fantasy-ISIS is gearing up to produce an artificial Bubonic Plague magic-disease in the hopes of depopulating the planet.
So these cultists have this magic item also which I assume they're using to try and create this disease. So the party's going through the dungeon and then they see some ships dock because Mindflayers just got back from their pillaging.
I'm surprised how decent this turned out.