Armor Art Thread

How about a thread focusing on suits of armor? Looking for stuff that is baroque, outlandish, and a little unsettling if at all possible. Real or fantasy, I don't care.

I'll start off with Keith Thompson's 'baron,' which I assume most of you have seen.


I was gonna say it looked retarded but then I saw the codpiece and now I love it.

The dude's supposed to be 'not of human shape.' It's implied his body is changing hideously due to the effects of a disease or a curse.


When it comes to 'outlandish,' accept no substitutes.


And when it comes to "unsettling," Lautrec the Embraced has you covered.















Always liked this one.



Lookin kinda Ornstein




I wish this pic was larger.






































my fave











Somewhat based off this
