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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Don't you mean catch and release?
When's the last time you had to do the opposite of your job, /jc/?
>When you realized Jenny fucked the wrong kind of vegetable
Jesus Christ, what took so long?
For a time, we were... sated. Content. At peace.
It is a strange feeling.
Just out of curiosity, is there a mandatory delay or something before the next thread can be posted, or did we all just spend the last two hours thinking 'someone else will do it in just a minute'?
Pretty much the latter.
I wish i'd made this thread an hour ago.
I would have made it, had I not been banned.
Does anyone else kinda want to just go to all the low tech worlds and enjoy the feeling of pure martial power?
I just feel that high-tech isn't half as much fun with how they tend to systematically study tech and magic.
I think there's usually only one or two people who make threads, and everyone else just waits for them. They were probably not around.
I make the thread whenever no one else is doing so and I get tired of waiting, so I've made about two dozen threads or so? But yeah, finally decided I might as well go ahead and make it and here we are.
>only 400 points left in /co/co/
>trying to decide between importing two Companions and getting a Stand
Send help.
So, guy from last thread claiming Val gave permission. Just checked the thread you gave as evidence and it's nothing more then this guy claiming it, she never speaks at all. The guy also says he's gonna hand out Grand Servants too, which is a great indication of his quality.
More importantly, why the fuck are we honoring a claim by a guy form SB that has never posted his work here and never intends to? His claim should be invalidated if he never intends to show it here.
Okay, people. I need ideas. Racial perks for the Qlurians. AKA space elves.
Throw some ideas at me. Please.
What's the opposite of jumping?
Getting your own Rock.
That sounds more like a companion option than a racial perk.
Hey now. It's not like you can't find a Jawbreaker and test your luck in-jump.
Assuming you didn't roll an Era before the things even existed, anyway. In which case you're fucked and I recommend Companions.
>grand servants
>ridiculously expensive
>locked till post jump/spark
>maybe both.
ive never posted because ive never had anything you wouldnt reject out of hand. now i have the claim on the jump, so i kind of HAVE to post it here.
I guess any time I work as a healer, seeing as my original Class is Maid of Doom.
Going Long Runner. I'm 52 jumps in at this point and if need be I can duck out before Part 6.
>have to post it here
Yet you never have till now despite having a WIP. And how you've repeatedly said you don't intend to post your jumps.
Look dude, it's pretty simply. You have the claim on it over at SB. If you never intend to post it here and make it acceptable for here, rescind your claim for it here.
Again, you're not going to get constructive criticism when there's nothing to critique.
Anyway, there's a link to the IRC at the top of the page. It's usually better for such things anyway.
>Don't worry, you just have to wait till the next jump to use your x1,000,000 strength Excalibur guys, this is totally balanced.
Bitch Babylon isnt even done yet, why are you claiming it, collabs and side events are probably canon. the Illya collab is probably canon. Why are you touching something we only just got skills for barely half of the roster
This is dumb
This is beyond dumb
Don't mind me.
Lessons of Adversity(100cp, Free Shard): Regardless of the form it takes you find that conflict is the perfect stimulus to learn and train yourself. You always learn or grow at least a little bit from a confrontation or conflict, no matter what form it takes. The more intense, risky, and the higher the stakes the more you’ll take away from it. This applies to general development as well. Fighting for your life is the perfect exercise regimen for you, and pushing your abilities to their limits in such situations is the best training you could ask for.
Root of Distress (100cp, Free Shard): Everybody has faults, weaknesses, seams along which certain kinds of pressure can break them. You have an intuitive ability to sense these in a person’s psychology and personality as you observe them. You can tell what stress they can handle, what would break them, and in what manner. You can also tell what kind of pressure would make them grow. Beyond this being able to know the faults and flaws of a person always comes in handy, let alone knowing exactly how they’d respond to different types of strain. This sixth sense won’t necessarily give you the means to capitalize on this knowledge, but you can tell where the chinks in their armor are.
wow your thick. or just ignore the bits i say that you dont like.
either way, have a link to the google doc the jump is in.
You said in your post 'post jump' you fucking moron.
No, he's repeatedly said that he doesn't intend to post jumps here which violate the rules, such as lewd jumps or a Bleach replacement. Stop trying to drive away jumpmakers, shitposter.
You do realize proper summaries do exist on at least /fgog/ right? Like most of your plot stuff probably isnt right
Are shards even sapient?
Well I was going to go Shard for the novelty anyway, but these are great.
He's not from Veeky Forums. He probably doesn't know Veeky Forums has a Grand Order General.
Not really (it's complicated), but you're a jumper playing the part of one. You're not getting lobotomized by taking the origin.
Glad you like them.
when i find actual translations and stuff, ill rework it. those are just from memory, for the most part.
So, apparently there was some confusion over what I said/did not said last thread (And this thread too?).
I've never given permission for a GO jump because I don't need to. I have no claim on it (And have only ever said I /might/ do it well in the future) and anyone who wants to have a shot can, no skin off my nose. So yeah, please stop arguing about that in the future because it's stupid.
However I would ask that anyone who does make another Fate jump, and intends to post it on Veeky Forums's /JC/, talks to me about how they're handling stuff related to Servants and the Servant Supplement. It'd make the lives of myself and any jumpmaker/s making said GO jump much easier if we worked together on this, because I handle the supplement and I'm sure things would just get really unpleasant if people decided they wanted their jump to change the supplement or something dumb.
about the only modification i was going to make was the base amount of sp you would get to use in the supplement, based off star ranking.
>You get 10% more magic everytime you face someone with more magic
>Double all damage you deal
>You can buy Solomon as a Servant
Only need a quick skim to see this is just another power grab from space battles.
That's a dumb system, like honestly even crunching the numbers im doubtful it will work well for either end of the rarity scale
Well, first things first. You DO intend to post it here? Want it clear because it's a little confusing now and I'd hate to waste time if you're not.
So from what I understand, the various stars just indicate how much SP you have to make that Servant? It's not a way to buy any Servant with that many stars regardless of how much SP they'd really cost? The note about the scenarios is making me a little doubtful it's the former.
>See the notes about NPC Servants
>'Yeah you can buy Solomon if you want'
You are just full of shit aren't you?
yes, i do intend to post it here.
you can use the sp to custom build them, or you stick to the canon build for the servant.
so if you want a 1* arturia who literally cant be a saber, then you can theoretically take that.
unless i change that to only canon 1*'s, which i might do.
scenarios/events are for dropping the prices somewhat.
>is literarily the most expensive thing in the jump
if you want to buy solomon, and only solomon, go right ahead.
Jump #21: Megaman Classic
Drawbacks: Comm-Chatter, Copy Robot, Three Laws Compliant (1600)
Name: Diamond
Age: 33
Location: Archie Comix
Origin: Doctor (1500)
Gender: Female
Basic Robotics (Free)
Enhanced I.C. Chips (1400)
Weaponisation (1200)
Robot Master Builder (900)
OST (Free)
Light Capsule (Free)
Beam Saber (0)
Hello, Doctor Wily. You are a tough man to get ahold of.
>That was intended, hence the army of robots guarding the fortress.
Yeah, sorry my little friends here had to bust them up. but they just wouldn't let us in. Anyway, i'm sure you're curious about why I'm here.
>Yes, that started after you destroyed the second platoon of robots.
I had a proposal I wanted to share with you: I want to make you, the most famous person on the planet.
>Yes, and I suppose you'll also give me a billion dollars while you're at it?
I'm being serious doctor, there is nothing I dislike more than someone not getting the recognition they deserve.
>...Why me?
Because you're the best at what you do Doctor.
>While that is true, you're probably looking for Light.
Nah. For one, you plan so far ahead of him that its ridiculous. Two, it's his little robot who needs to smash yours to get those nifty abilities, isn't it?
>I suppose I would be working under you?
Yes, though yoou'd mostly be doing what you've been doing, except instead of committing acts of terrorism, the robots will help clean up the environment.
>...I accept.
>The man with 1 million excalibur lasers
>Go ahead
For one, use proper capitalization. Your text is hurting me inside.
>Everything Is Berserkers
Maybe have it be a mode that gives you the actual modifiers of Berserker? It would still be a good perk.
>Three Servants
Does the 10% boost to mana only apply to Nasuverse mana? Maybe replace the hard 10% to something like "in a particularly difficult fight, you have a chance of having a breakthrough, restoring most of your Mana/Od/Prana and slightly increasing your maximum reserves and the quality of your circuits."
>NPC Servant
You might want a ban list. I know Solomon and Gilgamesh would be on there, but other than that I haven't been following phone games enough to tell.
>post here
I'll leave the rest of the jump to other people then.
>Stick with the canon build
Yeah, that's not gonna work out that well. There's a reason the supplement exists and it's not so you can put an option in your jump to bypass all the rules and limits in it while also being cheaper, sometimes massively so, then they'd ordinarily be.
Honestly don't even know how you can justify that one.
*, especially if you're good at dodging or healing yourself.
City of Heroes let's you buy a top tier Darkseid level guy for 1200/600 cp. If taking Solomon costs all of your points to get him, I'd say that's fine.
>Darkseid level
Since when was anything in that setting Darkseid level? Proof or get the fuck out man.
Val, if you don't mind, I have some questions.
Firstly, is there any reason to purchase Expert of Many Specializations over Wisdom of the Gods? From what I can tell, the latter is just more of the former.
Can EoMS include combat skills?
Does Knowledge of Respect and Harmony actually do what it says it does, or does it just add various effects to go about achieving that goal?
>"prevents any decrease in the effectiveness of a technique, regardless of how many times it is used against the same opponent"
The following adds effects to make it harder for enemies to adapt to your attacks:
>B: Attacks cannot be perceived by the enemy.
Does Eternal Arms Mastership include Servant-level combat skills?
And one more: In future jumps, if an NP is based on the rank of an attack, should I base its primacy on displayed feats of Noble Phantasms or Magecraft? Because the ranking system doesn't really translate very well in non-Nasuverse settings, it'd make sense to choose one or the other.
Oh? And what projects would you be having the good Doctor work on in particular? And don't forget about Zero. He's pretty crucial to the timeline.
One user made the mistake of comparing a character to Darkseid by saying he was that much stronger than your PCs comparatively, and the guy you're quoting basically latched onto it and is trying to use it as bait.
>canon build
then what would be fair? removing the supplement entirely, unless importing a companion? (or yourself?)
i have zero interest in him, personally.
if i up the npc price by another 400, then solomons price becomes 1600 cp, assuming you use the free 3* discount. if i put a 600 cp drawback limit, then he becomes 100% of your budget. or i can ban him. either way.
Fuck if I know. People talked about it last thread, and no one seemed to disagree. I'd trust them over your salty ass.
Zero is secretly the worst villain in history.
Maybe make 2 versions of the jump, one for the SB drive, the other for the /jc/ drive?
That's one of the stupidest things I've heard in ages.
Just have the supplement function like normal, with the exception of adding more SP based on star-level.
Also, just ban Solomon. He is just so far above the other Servants, it's not even funny.
Not that user, but the character you are referring to isn't anywhere near Darkseid's level. For reference, he's weaker than a being that's basically planet cancer or something. So he's at most a planetary scale threat, where as Darkseid is always at least a galaxy level threat.
Doesn't Grand Order use multiple servants in a team anyway? How would you build three servants with the normal amount of SP?
How much higher-powered is GO than regular Fate? Are all the servants stronger, or do they just get rolled when Solomon shows up?
so instead of 200/600/1000/1400/1800, make it 1000/1200/1400/1600/1800?
start at 1000, not at zero? thats... fair-ish. may need to reprice servants themselves though.
to be fair, he is a grand servant.
but, sure. why the hell not. its simpler than trying to rebalance the pricing.
1. Not sure. I've always treated them as mostly the same as each other at each rank, rather then one being explicitly better then the former.
2. Sure, though I imagine the broader the form of combat, the less good overall you'd be. So just going 'combat' won't make you as good with knives as if you went 'knife fighting'.
3. It does what it says. The 'cannot be percieved' thing seems to be a mistake the wiki made. It's based on Kojiro's rank in the skill which works like your first quote from it. Saber could still see his attacks, she just saw each one as the first one rather then remembering how it worked the last time.
4. EAM doesn't give any combat skill, just prevents you from losing it and stuff. Very few of the skills actually grant combat skills, surprisingly, so I guess most Servants are just assumed to have great combat skill with their NPs. You can assume that too if you want, that you're automatically extremely skilled with any weapons you pick as your NPs.
5. The ranking system is pretty weird. NPs and Magecraft both operate on a different system, which is why Rin's attacks, which are much weaker then some of the other NP based attacks Berserker shrugs off with Godhand, can harm him. If you want to stick to canon, you're better of judging things like physical attacks, magical weapons and supernatural abilities as NP based feats and any normal magical spells as based on magecraft feats.
Not gonna jump down your throat if you just base it off NP stuff though, it is pretty complicated and contrary.
Just don't let people buy the canon builds? The star idea seems fine, if a bit unnecessary with the existing system, if it just translates to SP instead.
Have each one get the normal amount of SP each I imagine.
That works real well. Solves my issues with it.
From what I've heard, everyone's stronger, it's just that Solomon is to GO what Gilgamesh was to Stay Night
Well, maybe you can go like SMT demon fusions. Pay CP for multiple Servants. Least expensive or first is free, middle or second most expensive discounted, most expensive or last full-price.
...No user, no he is not. At regular levels Superman can fight him, and Superman is only rarely above Solar-System busting, and usually quite a bit below that. Darkseid normally isn't close to Galactic-level.
regular fate can be considered a 1 vs 6 match.
Go is canonically a 2 vs 6 or so match. you have mashu and a random other servant, vs a half dozen or so other servants in each singularity.
except theres 8 singularities, so its more like 1.5 vs 48.
and mashu is slowly dying over the course of this.
camelot basically boils down to 'lancer!saber with excalibur, rhyosomething, and an unlimited power supply, vs a dying mashu and a hassan'.
so pretty bad.
does the changed sp value solve sticking to the canon build?
Erm, assuming that you can no longer stick to the canon builds, yeah I think it fixes it.
So, uh, does that mean that using the current Stand Supplement is even appropriate for Grand Order? In terms of the level of power and ability Servants get from their Stats/Noble Phantasms per rank in FSN vs FGO, I mean.
1. I asked this question because Wisdom of the Gods seems to apply to every skill, while Expert of Many Specializations has a limit of about thirty. Unless my reading is off, WotG seems to be the vastly superior purchase.
Also, thanks for the quick reply.
Stand Supplement?
WHAT current stand supplement? No such thing exists.
>At regular levels, Superman can fight him
Clearly you've never seen Darkseid's feat list before. He's been a multiversial threat before.
The current Supplement should be yes. 1000SP alone is enough to put you easily on average, above average if you have any thought to your build in most Fate settings (And high tier if you actually abuse it with actual knowledge of the setting). Most of GO's Servants aren't actually that much higher in stats and abilities, from what I can tell most of the really strong opponents come from plot power ups and not having super powerful builds. More then 1000SP, such as 1800SP, should be enough to make you a very strong Servant even without much planning (And again, with canon knowledge and that many points much stronger), even if you might not be at the top tiers of the series. From what I see in the jump, having several Servants too (And assumedly not the in game limitations on more then 3) would make it easier as well.
Servant Supplement, I mean.
Actually, there was one more question that I forgot. What counts as an "engagement" for Information Erasure? Is it merely combat engagements, or would sneaking or diplomacy count? Also, can it be toggled?
erm, other way around? given that they are no longer saving several hundred sp by going with canon, can they just keep the canon build?
with a little extra cp, or some powergaming, you can do fine.
six, technically. protag can only support having three out at a time though.
I know. I'm trying to use a more reasonable reading of the skill. Mastery of every skill ever would be extremely silly to give for the same rank as just 32 skills from EoMS at A+ rank.
I believe it is combat yes.
No, them being cheaper was just one of the problems. Letting them keep the canon build bypasses any rules or limits that the supplement has on making Servants, which isn't okay. There's a reason you can't get a fully stocked Gate of Babylon or some of the banned skills when making a Servant.
We're talking about capeshit. Darkseid's powerlevels and abilities are all over the frigging place. Kind of the inevitable result of over 50 years of different, sometimes retarded writers. But generally, Superman can fight on par with him, and Superman very rarely gets beyond Star-levels of bullshit.
Oh, sorry, missed the last part. I guess you could toggle it off like any perk if you desired.
I'm looking for a ruling and having trouble, does anyone else remember this? I vaguely recall Babylon user saying that your civilizations in Fall From Heaven and Sins of a Solar Empire follow you, but the text doesn't itself mention this. And it seems odd for entire planets worth of people to come along, so if that is the case it must have some limits. Does anyone know what those might be? I've got a project that would benefit from having some aliens having "always been there".
but you're not making a servant? you're getting the canon one, as is.
you CAN use the supplement, and im sure there are cases where one is more beneficial than the other - for example, trying to replicate solomon, had he not been banned.
but, for a slightly more meta perspecitve, summoning gil without his armory is pointless.
if you want to be gil, then you can pay through the nose for it, but if you want him as an ally, then he should have it.
Maybe it's like Civilization? More just ruins or proof of your civ being present in the past with a small nation or embassies or something in the present?
>you're getting the canon one, as is.
Yes, that is the problem. Because there are several canon servants who cannot be built because of bans or limits in the supplement. The option you are trying to put bypasses all of that. That isn't a good thing.
>summoning gil without his armory is pointless
Only pointless if the only reason you are summoning him is for the countless thousands of Noble Phantasms he has. Which is why you can't buy a stocked GoB. And why you putting in an option to get around that rule is a problem.
I hope not. I've already got Civilization to fill the ancient progenitor race slot. I'm basically making a sci-fi universe to my specifications by using things that follow between jumps and then activating that one perk from Kingdom Hearts that lets you change the tone of a world.
By the way, was the person who made the SB Bleach Jump going to do something related to the filler?
Seeing as everyone is talking about Fate I thought I'd show how I'm planning to do the class cards in Prisma Illya. Haven't done the prices yet though. Currently only has the cards from the fifth war (normal Fate) as I'm unsure about other cards. Any suggestions or questions welcome.
I wasn't aware of any main Fate jump maker and when making my claim for Prisma didn't see any objections, you ok with me doing this?
So what can this Solomon guy do that makes him such a big deal? How do mc-kun and his shower of bastards beat him?
I'm...not necessarily opposed. I thought cards were all supposed to be weaker then the actual Servants though, there's several here that manage to be equal to or stronger then the originals. Interested to see how you handle Gilgamesh too.
>So what can this Solomon guy do that makes him such a big deal?
>How do mc-kun and his shower of bastards beat him?
They don't.
I'd give him fair odds against two Teen Titans Trigons at the same time.
Pretty sure he just tests them, finds them worthy, then fucks off.
It's weord. They're all supposed to be weaker, but Shirou takes Archer and makes it like 10* stronger.
From what I remember they are weaker than actual servants on average, but "aligning" with a specific servant can make it stronger.
Shirou obviously aligns with Archer.
Ah, that first sentence came off weirdly. What I meant to say is I don't really have any objection to it. My issue with the GO stuff is that it relates to the supplement I handle, whether doing stuff in it or making it obsolete, which is a problem. Your supplement seems to handle the situation really well by not needing to interact with the supplement, which is good, and since it's an AU I don't need to have any involvement either.