>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Community DMs Guild trove
>Submit to [email protected], cleaning available!
>Pastebin with resources and so on:
>/5eg/ Discord server
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>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Community DMs Guild trove
>Submit to [email protected], cleaning available!
>Pastebin with resources and so on:
>/5eg/ Discord server
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I sure hope that Fighter is good with that axe.
I'm suddenly craving Lobster
>No topic
What's your favorite demon or devil /5eg/?
Lobster demon
any one has adventures in middle earth players guide pdf to share?
Anyone homebrew an alchemist base class?
Also, share base class homebrews.
Tie between Marilith and Vrock
Tie between Horned Devil, Erinyes and Chain Devil.
It depends heavily what it's for. Fluff, mechanics, potential, etc.
any advice on what to do with herbalism kits? is it pretty much just for anti-toxins?
I keep running into the same two problems. Could use some advice.
I can't stay committed to a setting or campaign. I think this is contributing to burnout as it seems the characters can't get anywhere significant.
I don't start prepping until it's too late, which costs all of us precious time. I'm just really lazy and even when I do make some time I always delete anything I've made because it just seems dumb.
How can I improve?
Good taste
Check out that ranger on the end of last thread. Pretty good herbalism dealios in there.
Stick with something and stop throwing out your prep.
Either that or learn how to DM with very little prep like I do.
Best Ranger rework
Well, this won't be anything you hadn't heard yourself or realized by yourself, really. But.
First. Get invested. Try out something that really works for you, something you are really into. I deal with pretty serious burnout in some of my games, so I often try to vary stuff around pretty dramatically.
"So you saved me from slavery" said the efreet in a bottle "now I will save you from your pursuers, masters!" Cue in adventure in the City of Brass as slaves to the Efreet nobility! Took us 4 sessions to get out and it was pretty aggravating to my players, but they liked it.
Read some of this maybe, otherwise idk what exactly you want. Literally, i.e. find out what you like doing and what makes you excited/engaged. I love worldbuilding and working out ideas, while battlemaps and such aren't as fun so I don't do those in time usually. But if I have a cool idea for an encounter, making the battlemap for it is part of working it out.
>rebel Tiefling raised by demons seeks to do good because he's been raised to think it's bad, and relishes rebelling against his upbringing
Too gimmicky?
Oh, forgot to mention.
Second. Stop being lazy. The more work you put into your games the more you will feel at ease coming into it, so you won't stumble as much. Learn to be flexible, but nothing is a substitute for hard work.
Trust me. Your players will notice when you put in the extra hours.
I dunno.
How frequently are tieflings raised by demons or even come into contact with them personally in your setting?
Why not just an evil tiefling that does evil to evil? Daemon eats daemon kinda deal.
Good is not really an active force of rebellion, more like a moral maturity and greater understanding of things that evil characters will often overlook or take for granted.
Idea: Warlock invocation that allows them to treat arcane implements as shields (because magic).
Good, bad, broken?
>arcane implements as shields
You mean Shields as Arcane Implements, I gather?
There is a feat that does that and more.
He would be from a demon planet, so his environment would have it be very common.
That's a good point, I think it could be developed into him gaining satisfaction for it beyond just the rebellion factor and thinking about the good good can do.
No, I mean implements as shields. Rather than using a shield to cast, you project a magical shield from a rod. The difference is mostly academic.
More to the point, is having that effect on an invocation broken? I'd rather not be required to spend a feat to make bladelocks more viable.
How about using it as directional cover instead of a shield?
That seems a bit complicated. A simple +2 to AC would serve bladelocks very well.
If you mean shield the SPELL for free because you have an implement, then yes. In my table that'd be out of the question.
If you are saying that it works as a shield... then I don't see a difference from using a shield as an implement, honestly.
Light cover gives you +2 AC. How is that different than a shield?
>He would be from a demon planet, so his environment would have it be very common
Then it's not very gimmicky at all.
In settings where tieflings work like they usually do it might be gimmicky.
Oh, my fault, I forgot what cover did, was thinking about disadvantage rather than raising AC.
Pardon me, I meant half-cover.
Where can one find such a feat?
I thought you meant being raised by demons, not the rebelling good aspect. Which would be unheard of.
My question in the first place would be whether you think it was gimmicky, or whether you think it could be something that could be developed.
Nope, was mistaken. It was a honest mistake between War Caster being able to use Somatic components with a shield.
I guess I have allowed my players to eschew the use of components and focuses as long as they do have them in their inventory, ruling that they wield it together with their weapons or other apparatus.
Worked for Big Barda and Mister Miracle!!!
Honestly, I think the only gish class that can't use a weapon as a focus is the bladelock anyways.
Must be because warlocks can't use a shield normally. Also Spellsinger doesn't get it either, but they are forced to use only one weapon, so I guess it wasn't a concern.
>Which would be unheard of.
Just makes it something heroes do.
I mean there's that Drizzt fella for drow for example, but he's not the first; a single person breaking away from established social norms to do his or her own thing is kind of something common to many heroes in general.
I took that idea of making the TOB classes from 3.5 into archetypes for the monk, fighter, and barbarian and attempted my best brew of it.
It wouldn't print correctly so I can only really share it through the share link
What do you think? If there's anything you might think is OP please tell me, I want to try to convince my DM to let me play this and he is very wary of homebrew.
Look pal, I'm not going to pretend to agree with the notion that is kind of thing belongs in 5e in the first place, but it's your brew so it's your prerogative. But at least state which path is for which class in the descriptions. Oh, and fix your tables, because they all say Monk Level.
how come I can't ever browse homebrewery on firefox? whole page is just blue
Don't forget EK
Thanks, missed that. I thought it was pretty obvious? Only monks have monastic traditions, Only fighters have martial archetypes, and only barbarians have primal paths. Each is listed by name in the first ability gained. Where would you suggest I put it exactly to make it more obvious?
As a header. Monastic Tradition: Way of the Swordsage, etc.
I make this suggestion only if you ever plan on releasing this abomination to the world. Because while it "should" be fairly obvious, just last thread we had an incredible display of lack of reading comprehension. Idiots are everywhere, user.
Not that guy, but ran into same momentary confusion. Maybe put the relevant class at the top of the page? Put "Monk" or whatever in big letters at the top. Or at least say "Monk: [name of monastic tradition]" as the title.
Quick! You've been tasked with making a new archetype for each of the core classes! What do you design and call them?
. . . I totally thought they could. What the fuck?
A Rogue archetype focused on poison/alchemical weapons, simply called the Alchemist.
In fact: pastebin.com
Monster Slayer (Bonuses for using 2-handed weapons and fighting large monsters)
Arcane Duelist (Heavier focus on combat, less on spells)
Domain of Darkness (Something people living underground might use?)
Kaiju Druid (no clue but capstone would be to grow huge for a number of rounds equal to Wis mod)
Templar (akin to EK but divine)
No clue on name, something to do with archery though
Oath of the Witch-hunter (major focus against spellcasters and fey)
Arcane Archer (Seriously, need I explain?)
No clue on name, something akin to Lupin maybe?
Luck Blood (They get added bonuses to certain spells based on type chosen at creation, such as evocation or transmutation)
Vestige Pact (similar to the 4e version)
Mad Wizard (mix it up, have a wild magic table similar to the Sorcerer's Wild Blooded one)
Saved this a while back, what are your all thoughts on this?
Okay, fixed. I don't see how this is an abomination really though, could you enlighten me as to why? I get that a lot of people don't like the TOB classes being brought to 5e. I made it mainly because I felt as though non-spellcasters didn't have enough options in combat with the base 5e rules when compared to spellcasters.
Kinda cool way to supplement making a higher level character.
Oh wait, EACH OF.
Ancestor Worshipper. Uses shamanistic magic to summon ghosts and shit to aid in combat.
Fochluan Lyricist. Gains a smattering of druidic magic, can affect beasts and plants with their mind-affecting abilities.
Runepriest. Focused on long-duration buffs on self and others.
Rot Druid. Focused on necrotic damage and disease, perhaps with some swarm-based abilities.
Defender. Proper tank with marking and the like, a la 4e.
Drunken Master. Seriously why is this not a thing yet.
Hospitaler, focused on defense and healing more than smiting.
Arcane Archer.
The aforementioned Alchemist.
Pick and choose any bloodline from Pathfinder. Sylvan would be nice.
It's unclear if an archetype for this class would be a patron or pact. If Patron, I shat out a vampire patron called the Lord of the Night a few days ago. If Pact, go with a Pact of the Skin, which slowly turns you into a creature akin to your patron.
Bloodmage. The one ability I can think of is using a phial of a creature's blood as an additional focus for a spell, allowing you to target them at any range (barring interplanar distances).
That's what I'd thought. Be cool if there were more backgrounds though, maybe things to tie into the various published campaigns too.
Is there a pdf containing all magic items and more from all adventure books and dmg?
>Beast OR Ranger.
Meh. It's still shit. Crossbow Expert fighter gets more done.
It's really not, it's overpowered wishlist garbage. The issues with the Ranger were the narrowness of Natural Explorer, poor comparison between Primeval Awareness and Divine Sense, and tone-deaf advancement of stealth features. This does very little for those problems while jacking DPR through the roof.
It also pastes chunks of Herbalism & Alchemy v1.2 for no good reason. This is especially frustrating since the full form is bloated and convoluted. This chopped off version is just gibberish.
>Variant Human Male Fighter with STR 14 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 12 CHA 12 w/ Polearm Master
Is this the safest build one could make? I'm not trying to do that, it just felt like that incidentally.
So, 3 characters died in todays game, including mine. I want Veeky Forums's opinion on how this all went down.
>fight was unnecessary, our rogue wanted the monster's treasure and shot at it while we were negotiating with it
>monster had tons of spider minions that hit us with web that restrained us, knocked us prone, and then we were grappled as they continued to wrap us up
>this happened on the second turn, half the party was not in the room
>boss monster had a cube of force that never turned off and nothing could get in or out, and cast silence on a large area, including creatures in the cube (our only 2 spellcasters and our rogue)
Again, the 3 characters who died had all these effects on them by the time their second turn came around in combat. We just became level 7.
Maybe I'm being too salty about this, but as a person who DMs and plays, I felt like this was unfairly a no-win situation. Am I wrong?
Do you feel that the monster would logically have the cube of force as part of its arsenal?
I feel like targeting the entire party was unnecessary if the rogue was the only one being aggressive. What sort of actions did you take after he shot at the monster?
What do you mean safest? The most vanilla wouldn't be variant I think.
I've never played DnD, I got introduced to Critical Role by my younger brother, I know some of you here don't like it but it's got me interested in playing. Not that I know anyone who does.
A few weeks ago I saw a thread about an aranea as a player character.
I thought they'd make a decent rogue sorcerer. Spent a few days learning how to create a player sheet. Still not done.
I figured I'd ask Veeky Forums whether I am wasting my time, and any pointers they could give on building my first PC/ sorcerer spells/ rogue abilities to pick.
he was some kind of homebrewed drider-elf guy, the cube of force wasnt a huge stretch, but in conjunction with already being restrained/prone/grappled AND silenced it felt excessive.
one member of the party was trying to talk to the monster, as soon as the rogue shot at it all the spider minions rushed us so we went on the defensive, most of us rushed in to regroup with the party
I think the DM should have shown some restraint, based on your account and my questions.
Did anyone scan that adventure from the Fathom event?
I couldn't sleep. pastebin.com
Reminder to have half your NPCs in Storm Kangs Thunder be black
Or else Chris Perkins will call you racist
Your words were not heeded, white one. I am the fool, now.
You know me, paleface. I am one you know as cuck.
Ranger is fine already it's a really fun class to play with lots of options as they can cast spells, fight well at range or jn close quarters and of course have their animal companion.
I have a beast master ranger in my group and she's having loads of fun. Her pet is simply a badger, not even a dire badger, but she always finds something interesting to do with it. She cares about roleplay, not maxing out her DPR and having her class be the best ever and I think other players could learn a lot by following that example.
Adventures in Middle-earth Player's Guide is out so I humbly request it. Thank you!
kek ok
this pls
Stormwind Fallacy you idiot. You're literally praising her for doing something mechanically sub-optimal as if that makes her roleplay better.
i play a black wizard with 6 int, at level 1 his firebolt is +0
No I'm saying she doesn't give a shit about being 'mechanically sub-optimal' because such a problem only exists on character optimisation boards. In real play, with real people (something most of this board never does) it doesn't matter at all that one character when compared to every other one and ran through 1000 simulated combats does 0.2 less DPR or whatever.
Honestly considering how flat the math is in 5E I'm surprised anybody is whining about balance at all. Just keep in mind it was all the crying about the imbalance in 3.5( which didn't really exist either ) that spawned 4E. Yes that abomination of a system is you and every other person who sobbed imbalance! On the internet and you should be sorry, let's not spawn another please?
you are right
my wiz always misses but at least he can say he dindu nuffin
I'll agree that beast masters can work out fine in play, however I'd say there's little to no reason to do so. As I said, stormwind fallacy, there's no reason to be a beastmaster if you can be better mechanically (noticeably so, not just with DPR shit but with features you actually use and that have impact, leading to it being more fun at least in combat) without being different in fluff. You do rely on the GM giving a pet but if it's not even for combat then there should be no problem there. You can definitely still play BM and have fun, but that does not mean that it's going to be as fun as other options, or that it is well designed.
>imbalance in 3.5( which didn't really exist either )
>that abomination of a system
You seem to have a poor grasp of reality. Also balancing fallacy, as much as I hate mentioning fallacies you practically beg me to.
>imbalance in 3.5 didn't exist
And I thought that the racists were the only ones trolling.
Since now everyone is proficient with unarmed strikes, I want to add another benefit to Tavern Brawler, and figured it could be a light version of the barbarians unarmored defense.
>While you are not wearing any armor or shield, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier up to a +2.
Is that too much? Should it be just up to +1 instead?
Still has the problem of no one ever using it, doesn't it? Even with +5 CON which if you ever get it, it's really lategame, it's just as good as half plate. This on a strength non-barb character, which means they probably have heavy armor.
Yeah, but it's not supposed to be great. it's supposed to save you in a pinch and actually help you in a tavern brawl where you're not supposed to have your armor on.
I think it's okay for what it is.
People taking it won't be looking for the most mechanically perfect character, they just want to be able to hit stuff with their fists.
I think TB could do with scaling damage (not as high as a Monk's but still scaling).
I'm joining a game that is set in Greyhawk and I don't know anything about the setting. What should I know? Where can I read up on it?
So, I want to make a bard.
The problem is that I want it to be super supportive. And my group has a super boner for high damage characters.
Really, whenever an encounter didn't go smoothly, they'll blame whoever didn't do enough damage. So I need to somehow make a character that can contribute enough outside of damage to be worth it.
How do I do this? I wanted to focus on a social aspect, but I am not sure how I can tie in combat supporting abilities here. Lore bard is obvious, I just can't figure out where to go from there.
Faerie Fire is your go-to spell. They can't say shit about not contributing when you're giving them advantage on all their attacks.
Thank you. I was worried it would be too much, that it would intrude on the barbarian's turf. But judging by the responses, seems like it is exactly what I wanted: a situational benefit that is good to have, but not amazing.
They rarely get advantages, so that dies sound good. It helps a lot to alleviate the reliance on luck (hitting on 7+ isn't really good enough to prevent a chain of bad luck.
I should decide between Chain Devil and Marilith, the both of them are a cut above the rest.
What is the best Paladin fighting style and why is it Dueling?
I'd give bardic inspiration to whoever did the most damage in a single turn the encounter before
What other one page dungeons are decent except the Ouubliette?
I want to stick the Oubliette under another dungeon, and that one under another, to make up a whole session of player deaths
Griswald's Shifting Dungeon seems okay, and so does the Quintessential dungeon
I like how the Monster Slayer of sounds.
Dashing Swordsman :^)
Something that will give him back the ability to control, rebuke and everything else undead instead of being forced to only turn, destroy, etc.
Circle of the Fey I guess.
Weapon Master, as in, you have a weapon of choice you're extremely good with, in exchange the rest of your stuff is not that great.
Drunken Fist of course :^)
I like how the Witch Hunter of sounds.
I'd focus on buffing the Beast Master a little bit, just the Beast Companion so it can advance with levels (3/5/8) and he can pick Large beasts at his cap.
If that doesn't cut it, Arcane Archer.
We need more Necromancers.
Eh, not that I can think of one. Guess hags are still out there to bargain with.
Golem maker.
Best Paladin fighting style is diplomancer. You convince the bad guys to repent/face justice/commit suicide/defect to goodness. If they don't, you self-defense them to death and then brood about how you didn't want to orphan children/please the death god/etc.
So Dueling.
Given a Fighter can get an extra action once per short rest at 2nd level, what level would a "extra bonus action" or "extra reaction" ability be balanced at?
Do you mean, permanently?
One per turn forever?
Either. Obviously a "you get two reactions/bonus actions a round" ability is higher level than a "You may take an extra bonus action/reaction. Regain this ability after a short or long rest." ability.
If you wanted to go that path just give an Improved Action Surge feature at like 9. You get an extra bonus action when you use action surge.
Then at like level 15 you get Superior Action Surge and you gain an extra reaction when you use it.