> The party accidentally attacks the """Holy""" """Roman""" """Empire""".
The party accidentally attacks the """Holy""" """Roman""" """Empire"""
Other urls found in this thread:
>the party starts the finno-korean hyperwar
That meme sucks more cocks than Voltaire.
I used to think HRE was a bloody mess. I still think that, but somehow I started to like it.
It's like a tiny pug with three legs trying to catch it's own tail.
Pathetic, but oddly endearing in its determination to continue such a difficult and pointless game.
Commonly known as "none of the above"
Fuck off Voltaire
Become Emperor next.
Annex Rome.
And merge back with the ERE.
>Can't mend the schism as catholic.
Can you not? I've never given the whole Emperor of HRE a try, so I wouldn't know. Seems odd that you can't, but maybe there's a mod? Specifically, one that works with Historical Immersion Project.
Convert to Orthodox
Fix schism
Catholicism now an Orthodox heresy
Convert to Catholic
Spread Catholicism to become majority
Orthodoxy is now a Catholic heresy
Catholic Roman Empire.
Or just install CK2+ mod because it's the best mod ever made for that game.
I think you don't have to be orthodox, just have the title of byzanthine emperor as your primary
Not with CK2+ you don't.
It is possible to make Roman Empire and fix schism as Venice.
Republic of Rome is reborn.
>republican rome
I want memesters to leave
You have no idea how rich you can get when you scheme your way to having your Venice Republic heir become heir to HRE and/or ERE.
That might be so, but republics were a mistake anyway. Emperor or bust
The meme sucks because the people who spout it clearly don't understand what Voltaire meant by it.
Of course. Because an incomprehensible mess is a much more fun and realistic structure than one that is perfectly ordered.
You can't, because Catholocism is the schism.
When its a choice between "I became leader because-"
I was the most cunning, intelligent and ruthless
I was born
>he isn't even a direct descendant of a god
Leave already
Because my daddy clicked the + signs a lot of times in the election screen.
Because my daddy finally instituted primogeniture and managed to kill off my two older brothers that were dumb.
>Sweden hasn't blobbed out
>player is Ottomans, yet Wallachia and Moldova exist
>Ukraine exists. Perhaps the player forced the Commonwealth to release nations?
>Spain controls Burgundy. Perhaps a Spanish Emperor when the Burgudian Inheritance fired?
>Saxony left the empire
Holy shit, OP, what the fuck happened in this game?
you are like a little baby
watch this
The only challenge of this is:
1. Winning a defensive war early on to get lodesofmoney
2. Managing your budget so your mercenaries are able to fight off subsequent wars
3. Waiting and getting lucky until a decadence revolt destroys the Abbasids.
More luck than skill.
Though it is probably the hardest objective in CK2.
>That big a byzzie so late.
Better be your family on that throne.
Not since they added the Zunists.
I was actually kinda surprised they weren't wracked by civil wars constantly, but I was more focused on driving out the Muslim menace
No, Zunists are easier.
Zunists have 3 provinces (and a very low chance to get another) that are PURE DEATH to any enemy. All you have to do is bait the Abbassids to linger around on those provinces, and their army will go from 30,000 to 3000 in a few months and you can just attack them and win, then go around sieging stuff.
I was unimpressed, until I saw the word "Zoroastrian."
I'm impressed.
I've just had an incredibly hard time expanding at all with them, not to mention that they avoid those provinces like the plague whenever I try to.
You kind of have to play around with the AI. Play on lowest speed and pause as much as you need. Have your army on the other side of the province, and have them move towards it. The AI will then move into the province to try to fight you. Make sure they will arrive before you, and when they get there, cancel the move, and make sure your army is safe.
Just keep gaming the AI like that and they'll just kill themselves.
Also, try to convert a strategic province. The chance is ridiculously low, but chances are if you are dedicated to it, you'll get one province eventually.
you forget not getting rekt by goddamn seljuks
>1. Winning a defensive war early on to get lodesofmoney
I hope you converted a shitload of pagans already to based zoroastrianism
Wait, if you're actually serious, the Seljuks usually divide their forces among your provinces, meaning you can intercept each army individually.
Not to mention that by the time they show up you should have Khiva and most of persia.
Rek him when he spawns with his army, force him to convert, land him.
Fucker will expand your realm like mad.
>force him to convert, land him
How do you do this?
If he's your vassal, and have high enough crown authority, you can force a conversion.
If he's indipendent, you can try with prostheletyzing, but that rarely works.
>The party begins dabbling in genetics
>mfw the Abbasids collapse after a single generation
Because the HRE did nothing wrong.
Voltaire was being a snarky ass, as he was wont to do.
desu I haven't seen that happen in a while.
Now I have to force it by assassinating their good leaders or making them lose battles.
Not worth a korealine.
Unfortunately I ended up dying and having my titles inherited by a fucking Buddhist
>Voltaire was being a snarky ass, as he was wont to do.
He was pointing out how the title no longer held any legitimacy in his own time. It was no longer unified by religion (not Holy), no longer supported by the Pope of Rome (not Roman), and was eclipsed in power by France and Spain (not an Empire).
Has anyone ever managed to get a 3 Romes going?
Holy Roman Empire
Roman Empire
East Roman Empire
All in the same game.
I think it's theoretically possible but I've never quite managed it.
EU 3 was so good. I haven't played it since the shekel-fishing scam that EU 4 came out.
Any mods that fix the horrible UI scheme and make RotW nations not have worse units than the West for no reason but don't touch the rest?
>They accidentily destroy it because it's about as stable as a house of soggy cards
Prussian genocide; best day of my life.
>and was eclipsed in power by France and Spain (not an Empire).
that doesn't make it not an Empire. Prussia having about as much power as the Emperor, if not more, within it, does.
Is the HRE the only nation whose name is a toatal lie?
Even the Republic of China technically cant say the "of" part is a lie.
And it's technically a Republic. And it's "of China", that is to say part of (de jure) China.
The HRE was not a nation. It was Holy and Roman (Created and Crowned by the Pope) and an Empire (contained multiple kingdoms such as Germany, Italy, Bohemia, and later Hungary).
>a republic
>being china
>It was Holy
Guffaw guffaw
>Roman (Created and Crowned by the Pope)
1. That would make it Papal, not Roman
2. It was not created by the Pope. Charlemagne forged his own empire and was crowned by the pope, with France being the closest thing to a direct successor to that empire (if there even is one, considering even the Frankish Capetians weren't directly related to the Merovingians). Otto the >Great's empire is just some pretender empire that claimed Charlemagne's legacy. And let's not forget how half of them turned Protestant.
>Empire (contained multiple kingdoms
That doesn't count if all those kingdoms are independent. Also
>Implying Hungary was ever formally part of the "Empire"
>Implying it wasn't just dragged in through association with Austria
You know the name "Austria-Hungary" didn't come into play until 1866, right? Before that what we call Hungary was simply an Austrian territory therefore an "Archduchy".
I want Veeky Forumstorians to leave this board.
>Before that what we call Hungary was simply an Austrian territory therefore an "Archduchy".
No, that isn't how things work. Please don't post such ridiculous things. Hungary was always a kingdom and the title of King of Hungary was a higher ranked position than "Arch"-Duke of Austria. Which was, if you weren't aware, the only Arch-Duchy in existence, because the Hapsburgs wanted a fancier title for their home territory, since a mere Duchy didn't seem prestigious enough for an Imperial family.
Because most of Veeky Forums is filled with /b/ tier shitposting.
To be fair, Voltaire was a /b/ tier shitposter before /b/ was a thing.
Mine was better desu (abbasids aren't conquered because they are Zoroastrian)
uhh, no? does not go beyond historical regions held by the Persians.
Win against him, he gets imprisoned by you - force him to convert.
Just like with everyone.
>tfw everyone thinks that the Persian Empire was evil because of 300
I did the Zoroaster run as the satrapy of Karen.
The key was to use your event troops to wage a couple lightning fast early wars, and after that it wasn't too difficult.
How are you a merchant republic without a sea access? Unless you took the Canary Islands, can't quite see if it's the same color.
>hurr durr not holy
It was instituted by Jehovas top honcho on earth according to the believe at that time.
Institutions started by popes oftes carried "holy" in the name.
>not an empire
An empire is any realm that has more than one sort of people. As the HRE stood it had boemians, all kinds of germans which would eventually drift into something different like the dutch, the italians, french, wends and other slavic populations.
>bashing zeh Otto
Otto got his land the same way Karl did- by fucking everyone up who disagreed and making shit up to seem legitimate.
>And let's not forget how half of them turned Protestant.
That has to do something with the name of the HRE?
In short Voltaire shut up you are drunk, go visit your bro Friedrich sometimes, the ol' Fritz is growing ever more grumpy by the day.
Who cares what /pol/acks think?
That's the modern definition.
Back then it just meant the ruler was crowned by the Pope and they draw legitimacy from the Roman Empire.
Yea I have the Canary Islands Mauretania declares DeJure war on me every ten years/change of ruler without fail.
To them it meant a universal ruler. This is why there was so much conflict surrounding the institution and its relations to other states (including the Pope). By definition, an Emperor has rightful rule over everything.
The more modern definition of a state that rules over multiple nations also applied to it, though.
That was a test run for practice, this was my ironman Karen run.
>conquering the byzantines
>not declining
user they must it is how things are
Mate you need to drive those muslim fuckheads who destroyed the empire into extinction, not convert them.
>not baiting them into restoring the empire
>not making it as it was 1000 years ago
I had a problem with my vassals blobbing up north into the steppes, so my borders ended up looking horrible.
Everyone has that problem.
Especially in the last couple of versions.
>3 to 7 people ""accidentally"" attack an entire empire (it had emperors, it's more than a kingdom)
3 to 7 players need new characters
>Wanting a restored Rome
Avenge Xerxes, all Greeks must submit or die.
whereas france and england were neat and orderly? main difference is the lack of a strong central government.
furthermore, there is a general failure to recognize that classical fantasy is based on (in no particular order): england, scandinavia and germany/the HRE.
arthur, robin hood, beowulf, siegfried, dietrich.
>not wanting to restore the old rivalries
>being a filthy barbarian
I guess its better than my vassals declaring and losing holy wars when I decided to play as a Jewish ruler. Not like I needed that moral Authority or anything.
How would look a french based fantasy world?
>How would look a french based fantasy world?
...Do you mean "What would a French based fantasy world look like?"
Let me correct that.
>Wanting a single state that can truly be called a restored Rome.
>Not wanting a bunch of kingdoms all wanting to be Rome but can never quite be it.
>Wanting a Blob on your map.
>Not wanting HRE tier border gore everywhere.
And a sultanate of Rum, too.
The same.
The others kept going through French and Frankish myths because they had none of their own. :^)
I got hype for an another flavor of west medieval fatansy, and you crush my hope.
The culture of the medieval English court was like backwaters French. The ruling family was from France.
If you want French fantasy, take the standard D&D and add a bit of class and extra chivalry.
Medieval French thought themselves more cultured than the Brits who were just a step above barbarism, while Brits thought the French fops.
>And a sultanate of Rum, too.
>Be steppe savages
>Kebabs drop by and tell you how totally awesome it is to rape little girls
>Go to the last remnants of the Roman Empire
>Conquer like 5% of it
Even the fucking Russians have a better claim.
>Even the fucking Russians have a better claim.
Russians never ruled from the seat of power of the Eastern Roman Empire. Honestly there are so many claimants to Rome it is fucking hilarious.
>Ottoman Empire
>Sultanate of Rum (less claimed to be the heirs of Rome and more just a way to differentiate them from their Seljuk cousins since Rum was in formerly Roman lands, hence the name)
>Holy Roman Empire
>Kingdom of Italy
>German Empire
IIRC Bulgaria also declared itself as a successor to the Eastern Roman Empire for a while plus.
A Game of Romes, the Roman Empire, Eastern Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Bulgarian Empire, and Italy. Seven Empires fight to be the one true successor to Rome.
You forgot about "Roman history on fast-forward: the country"