Another "x in 40k" thread

So, 40K fans. Reapers

How long would the robo-space-squids last? Would they do well? How fucked are the parties involved?

Pretty sure you can compare any sci-fi universe with another but 40k is different, it has Chaos, Chaos ain't some random 'different biology alien' they're fucking demons, they are literally interdimesnional abominations that you cannot permanently kill unless the entire universe is devoid of all thought, emotion and sentience (souls pretty much). And even then you haven't killed Chaos, just crippled it. No amount of 'egads amazeballs so advance ftl tech' is gonna save your from the corruption of the warp, it will erode and mutate the very essence of anything it touches.

It's an endless tide of madness

They wouldn't last as long as this thread.

Who can tell? In 1 they were god machines of inscrutable design and purpose. In 3 they are Saturday morning cartoon villains getting blow up left and right. BioWare really fucked up what was shaping up to be an incredible series.

I think a more accurate point of decline was when they built up an incredible finale of the entire galaxy vs the reapers and ended it with "fuck it, pick a color"

>can't use ftl because no warp engines and no mass relays
They'd probably just get lost in the void for 50000 years again

>permanently kill the entire universe
That can be arranged.

The Mass Effect universe is literally one of the weakest I've ever seen. Not kidding, the Reapers would easily be destroyed in 40k.

The mass effect weapons are pretty cool though. Weak, yeah but cool

Dude, Halo humanity could wreck the reapers. Fuck man, I'm pretty sure the Tau could wreck the reapers. Mass Effect is Yamcha as a setting.

Depends, do they indoctrinate the Necrons and Admech? Or do the Necrons indoctrinate them?
If the former, then the Galaxy is fucked as all Necrons and every Explorator fleet active are suddenly united under one banner.
If the latter, which is far more likely, the Dynasties will fight over who gets the shiny new lobster ships until they start a war, accidentally blow them all up, and returns the galaxy back to the status quo.

Important distinction, the explicitly 'what looks cool' of the games like ship combat being in visual range and in some cases acting like dogfighters - which admittedly had justification for being so off - or the actual Canon of the codex entries that explain how things really work? They are very, very different.

tbf, they try to cleave pretty close to the one-big-lie of Mass Effect fields and shit.
Except for Reaper Space Magic of course

Biggest issue is going to be a distinct lack of mass effect relays. You'd have to slightly retcon them in for them not to be a threat localised to a single planetary system at a time.

The reapers still had FTL without the mass relays, its just not as absurdly fast as the relays are.

With the relays, a Reaper could cross the galaxy in less than a day.

When the Batarian relay was exploded by Shepherd to prevent the Reapers from using it, the reaper fleet just had to slow hoof it over to the nearest relay. That still involved crossing hundreds of light years in a couple weeks. Its not as impressive, but there is worse FTL.

Its also worth pointing out that the Reapers can always build more relays. If they just get dropped into 40k, the rest of the setting moves slow enough that they should have plenty of time to build a relay, and from that relay shoot themselves wherever they need to be.

If the AdMech find out about a human-Reaper, how many of them will think that's a brilliant idea?

Unrelated, but I have to ask.
It's possible to unlock the destination of Mass Relays from the grid of relays. If Orks got to them, could they use the relays to slingshot themselves into targets for ultimate ramming speed?

In the beginning of the series when they use the mass effect relay for the first time Joker says that when using the relay he was aiming for something the size of a pin head. So yeah Mass Relays dont have a set destination you have to aim it. This isn't true for the Omega 4 relay which does have a set destination. So yeah if you have a good enough pilot they could be the strongest railguns in existence.

The Reapers would be at a disadvantage in 40k, but not an insurmountable one. The various 40k factions have enough firepower to take the Reapers in a fight, but the Reapers do have a number of unique advantages that would make them a serious pest.

The first, and most important, is that the Reapers have no need to hold territory of any kind. They are a space based power, they don't need planets and they don't need food. The moment they get any indication that the heat is about to come down on them, they can always just leave and lose nothing in the process.

They also have true FTL travel. Without the relays they wont cross long distances as fast as some warp travel (warp travel being notoriously unreliable when it comes to travel times) but they can still mass effect their way out of a system as greater than the sped of light with virtually no acceleration time. Warp travel based ships simply cannot pursue and engage under those circumstances, because they physically cannot keep up and none of their projectiles go that fast. Their only chance is to guess where the Reapers are going and try to beat them them with a warp jump, but the reapers can always just change direction so unless you know what their plans are you are making wild guesses.

The Necrons are the only faction that the Reapers cannot easily hit and run against. But that's fine, because the Necron's are also the faction that the reapers are most likely to be on friendly terms with. The reapers don't gain anything by attacking Necron tombworlds, and the necrons don't have much of a reason to give a shit about the reapers in kind. They might even trade some tech and science bro it up, given that the Reapers probably have some pretty interesting solutions to putting the Necrons back into organic bodies given Harbinger's possession abilities and their genetic research.

Its even been done before in ME. In a previous cycle, some alien race converted a mass effect relay into a massive railgun (which, apparently, required heavy modification to do so. The Mass Effect relays didn't normally work like that) and they used it to shoot down a reaper. The same reaper that you get the IFF from in 2.

This has some fairly horrifying implications, when you think about it, because that Reaper was still mostly intact. Reaper mass effect shields have to be pretty goddamn strong, because a shot of that power would have atomized any planet it struck.

Holy shit.
I'm not one for writing fanfiction, but I suddenly feel the need to write about this.
>Mysterious invaders take over a relay.
>Ships across the galaxy suddenly exploding en-route, no witnesses
>It's up to Shepherd and the gang to figure out what the hell is going on.

>Pretty sure you can compare any sci-fi universe with another but 40k is different, it has Chaos


The difference between Wh40k and anime is that in anime, they are able to beat the gods and become them as well while 40k is assfucked by Chaos.

~sayonara, user-chan~

So what it comes down to is that the reapers, both in a group and individually, are not strong enough to stand up to major fleets from the heavy hitter factions, but they can easily avoid those fights due to their FTL branch.

Their firepower is also enough to make them a serious threat the vast majority of planets. Only the most well defended worlds would handle a bunch of Reapers dropping in on them well.

And once they are there, indoctrination is a BITCH. The Reapers actually understand and use their tech, unlike the Imperium. They are used to dealing from a position of strength, but the moment they find out that isn't the case its a pretty simply matter for them to capture and indoctrinate some admech and get ahold of Imperial tech. We know the Reapers can be inventive, and subtly fucking over civilizations to prep them for the hammer is sort of their MO. So all they have to do is avoid getting caught in a straight-up firefight with the Imperium and they can steal the best Imperial tech has to offer and add it to themselves. They would probably use it even better, actually, given that lots of Imperial tech is just shitty knockoffs of DaoT tech, and they can't use most of the good DaoT stuff because it relied on AIs which the IoM won't touch. The Reapers don't have that problem, so they could theoretically get up to near the same tech level as the DaoT was if they get ahold of any archeotech.

The good news is that the Imperium already has the inquisition, so a lot of indoctrinated folks that get sent back to the IoM for espionage can still get caught. But the presence of Chaos in the setting also gives the Reapers a convenient smokescreen. Until the Imperium figures out that Reaper indoctrination is a thing, there is a good chance that the IoM will mistake them for some kind of Chaos cult instead of recognizing them as a new threat.

>Chaos ain't some random 'different biology alien' they're fucking demons, they are literally interdimesnional abominations that you cannot permanently kill unless the entire universe is devoid of all thought, emotion and sentience (souls pretty much).

So they are literally the Protodevlin from Macross 7.

Where we're going you we won't need eyes to see.

I never do.

>converting useless biomass into a towering killing machine
Fund it

It impacted on a planet as well, left a canyon 10 kilometres wide, iirc


How would Ultimate Kars fare in 40k?
What if he encountered nids?

It could be worse.

How the hell do you figure that? Also keep in mind that the entire ME universe tech is based off of "Protheon" tech which is designed to ensure tech flows along certain paths

No one brought up anime at all you cancerous weeb

>complaining about animu on Veeky Forums

>Warhammer 40k is the unbeatablest ever!
>No, it's really not.
>... a-a-anime is cancerous!

There's a board for anime and this ain't it fucktron


This site is for anime, dingaling.

Oh really now.

This is Veeky Forums, user. There has never been any special rule that doesn't permit anime.
Normal anons have no problem with it.

No it's not. /a/ is for anime

>normal user

Moot made this site for anime nerds.
Thus, animu is welcome everywhere.
Deal with it, pleb.

>Someone's getting buttblasted about Anime.
Dear oh dear.

moot made /a/ for anime you fucking retard. Anime doesn't belong on Veeky Forums /sp/ /tv/ /k/ etc etc

>He's still going

They're not QUITE that fast (IIRC it was more like a month or two, not mere weeks) but even at those relatively slow speeds they're still about as fast as 'conventional' warp travel without any of the downsides.

>he's still shitposting

Go back to whatever shithole of a site you crawled out of, user.

>Let's discuss Sci-fi franchises.
>But not these sci-fi franchises because reasons.

You could have just said so.
Let's jerk ourselves off over Warhammer 40k once again.*****************

*I'm triggered by any mentions of Star Wars
*I'm triggered by any mentions of anime.

If you want more smug animu grills, all you need to do is ask, no need to keep up this facade desu senpai.

Yep! It was only a glancing blow, but still enough to basically put it into a low-power emergency mode "coma".

To all you cancerous anime faggots, pic related. Keep that shit on your containment board

Ooooh. It's an unfunny /pol/tard.
That explains everything.

Nigga, you'll get vanned for wasting their time. You won't be missed.

Yeah... no

And the mighty crusader looked over the lands of Veeky Forums, of which was his duly elected realm of self determined responsibility. Daisies blew through the wind a thousand lewd images of monster girls and kobolds, and the trees grew the fruit of world build and homebrews. Fat people danced about with neck beards happily rolling dice and laughter, an impotent rage, filled the air.
Lo ho he did not tolerate the menace that did flow from the lips of those of him he did detect evil, those whom wore over themselves the masque de a'ni'm'e. Of how dare they plague the noble art of roleplaying and traditional gaming discussion with their smugness and references. So forth he drew his napkin, wiping up the tears of utter hatred that spewed from his sockets, and rode down to smite the foreigners with great charisma.

And then he rolled a 1 for intimidation, and the cult of senpai had the initiative.

>hating anime


Drown in the desu desu, baka hentai

You won't escape it here.
One look at the pathfinder general could have warned you.

Minor threat, at best. Even the weakest faction in 40k has absurd firepower compared to that of the Mass Effect universe.


Pretty well, I'd imagine, between basically being invincible, his Super Hamon and his shapeshifting, he'd be a force to be reckoned with. Only real question is what happens if he falls to Chaos.

He'd probably fall to Slaanesh almost immediately.
I mean, look at the motherfucker. He is practically Slaaneshi already.