
Old thread:
Let's talk about Kaladesh. How do you like it so far? Did they go too far with energy and vehicles or are you thrilled?

Power level is looking pretty good. Pretty cool set imo.

Other urls found in this thread:


>How do you like it so far?





There isn't any burn. They don't print burn in every set.

How about we don't devolve into a thread about whether or not paying X is inherently green or blue..since every colour has this?

That'd be nice.

Not the most exciting, flashy card to spoil. Have hope.

How many of these new artifacts will delirium decks play? Could you run some of the cluestones to help with delirium?

There will be some other retardation going on, I'm sure.

>Chandra: The set
>No burn


>Where is the most boring aspect of the game
Off yourself

None of the puzzlecunts are worth running.

>tfw no art by Seb McKinnon

I hope he got to at least do some commons