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Haven't seen this in ages.
Let's bring some fun the treat
My tech is based on the idea of hyper space, the technology uses genetic engineering to create Hyperspace Shamans who are each capable of opening hyperspace portals through meditation. The minions are high powered super soldiers capable of laying waste to entire armies. Our tactics revolve around communication sabotage and bringing chaos into the midst of our enemies.
The leader often takes time to study the results of his many genetic experiments.
Rolled 66 (1d100)
Rolled 47 (1d100)
Method: Brute Force
Material: Innocent
Girl: Alina
Complication: Active Police
Power: 28
Cost: 0
Time: 1
Threat: 20
What to do: Stockholm Syndrolm, Shows, Pictures, Public Play, Humiliation, Accomplice, Sexual Contact, Penetration (All), Taboo, Denial, Attire, Routine, Money
I never figured out whether "A Friend In Need" required a new method or not.
Where the fuck are the American NEETs? This thread isn't supposed to have had 10 posts during prime time.
They're in school right now, they won't be active for another hour or two.
Wiggly boners.
>At school
Are you a NEET user? Or just some procrastinating college kid?
Give me your 60 point builds nerds, no drawbacks.
Bonus: have related char art for the build
Hard mode: stick to a theme
Godlike mode: No waifus
Rolled 1 (1d2)
Slider: (70% to the right; many things were different.)
Sex ratio 1:9; M;F
Male puberty:
Not sure, so rolling. (1 or 2)
Male Intelligence: 130-160 IQ, medium spread.
Female: 140-160, high spread.
Memory Slider at 55%
M/F ratio of 25/75
Sliders to 3 for both sexes.
Turn on horns, tails, and wings for both sexes. Turn on pheromones for men.
Adjust average IQ to 200 for both sexes, leave the thickness the same.
The latter. Curses, how did you guess?
A NEET is just a college student waiting for school to start.
Hanging out with friends. Oh wait, I'm not a NEET, I'm just awkward.
I was at classes most of the day.
The NEETs are in school?
Hi. Thank Christ there's 7 more IPs now, I thought I was going more insane.
Explanation please?
Have some waifus you fucking NEET, I know you need your fix.
Seriously though, there is only like 6 dudes among the Adventurer faction. I need manly men to be rivals with.
Impossible by the very definition of the acronym. They're just shut ins.
Every time I look at Pokemon Personified, I kind of just say "Fuck it". I'd probably actually do it if someone ever complied it into a PDF.
Magic Wand (Curse)
Reality Slider: Middle
Gender Ratio: 50:50
Puberty: Level 4
Hair: On
Hips: On
Claws: On
Gigantism: On
Hide: On
Tail: On
Intelligence: 250 IQ
Maximum arrow length and bell curve Steepness
Puberty: Level 4
Hair: On
Mammaries: On
Hips: On
Claws: On
Gigantism: On
Hide: On
Tail: On
Cycle: On
Intelligence: 250 IQ
Maximum arrow length and bell curve Steepness
We yetis now.
Someone did, but it was 2 PDFs since one would be too big to upload.
>hanging out with friends
Does not compute
>Godlike mode: No waifus
What's even the point?
Anyone have Desert Soldier?
There is really not that much information and choices to pick from, the problem is Italics user made all the images fuckhuge and spaced all the options and images with a shitton of empty spaces inbetween for the sake of aesthetic.
Reality Slider: 4
M/F Ratio: 50:50
Puberty 4
Maximum intelligence/bellcurve
Puberty 4
Maximum intelligence/bellcurve
Basically just geniuses with comic book bodies everywhere.
Wow. My magical realm is really bland.
It's okay, I'm even blander. All I'd do is make everyone a bit smarter, adjust the intelligence curve so there are less idiots but geniuses are still far above everyone else, and remove flat chested girls.
Maybe have some of the guys be traps, but I don't think I can do that. It would mostly be for fun.
My biggest problem is trying to get the text at a reasonable size without having to scroll around all the time. Plus navigating between a bunch of pages is a pain in the ass. Usually in PDF format, I can justify the image.
On the other hand, it's my fault for trying to do this on a phone.
I would get her just so i could kill her and rid the world of her evil
Spire CYOA soon! You will enjoy returning to the world Dusk City is set in.
You all know what he asked, stop adding on fake autism on top of your real autism.
But then you wouldn't have an ally to rid the world of evil even worse than her.
We posting WIPs now or what?
Not if we have any sense of self respect or respect for the thread. So yeah, a lot of people will inevitably post it.
What about a single finished page that might be the entire cyoa unless the anons want more from it?
Can't wait user, Kyur & Kyab and Nani are my favorite companions in any CYOA ever.
>Dryads are hermaphrodites
>Alraune and Harpies
So bestiality. Ruins them pretty hard too
Most plants are hermaphrodites though, plants are also in general massive sluts. Though mythological Dryads, being nymphs, were all female.
Yes, I can see a post that was a response to my own. Just like I can see your post that was a response to my own.
If it actually works on its own, post it.
>Though mythological Dryads, being nymphs, were all female.
Exactly. In addition, there are Gingko trees, which are gendered. On top of that, there are a lot of types of trees with variants that are gendered, such as Fig trees where you have both fully female and hermaphrodite trees.
He should have left it up to us what gender they were. Maybe I wanted a gingko dryad. Maybe a female fig one or something else like that. Or we could just go with the mythological depiction where they're all female by default. It's fantasy.
Every section has had changes. The power section in particular has been completely redone.
So, when buying stats, do you have to buy each level of stat, or just for whatever level you want?
Cause if it's the latter, I'm buying all the stats.
Are the powers actually worthwhile and fleshed out?
I decided to grab an image first and make a build that would fit that character.
Then I realized I only save cyoa's and waifus. So I grabbed this guy from the character art thread.
Now, he looks like an old rogue. But he's seen some shit. I think it would really fit this character if he has some of the more subtler outright sorcery powers and mostly physical acumen.
I was going to stick to canon worlds, but he just didn't fit.
>extra world(x2) (5)
>scrying (6)
>calling (7)
>boon companion (but she died) (9)
>guide (10)
>sands of time (11)
>bridge building(x2) (Earth & Phaeron) (15)
>bridge finding (16)
>inheritance (20)
>Tongues (21)
>Directed Contact (23)
>Soft Contact (25)
>Human Facade (27)
>Earth Meister (32)
>wyrd oath (33)
>binding pledge (35)
>Pathfinding (36)
>Hag's Eye (37)
>Crone's Omen (38)
>Awaken (39)
>Outpost (40)
>Predator (41)
>Unawaken (42)
>Indoctrinate (43)
>Mesmerize (45)
>Conjure (47)
>Infusion (49)
>Claim (50)
>Infuse (52)
>Crown (54)
The Deep Dark
>Runecraft (56)
>Flyting (57)
>Crafting of inherency (59)
>Darkvision (60)
Straight out of a celtic myth.
Well, considering the power section is now 5 pages and each power has a full description written out for it, I certainly hope you'll think so.
It's fucking perfect.
Cool. Give me a moment.
I always think it's weird when a cyoa makes assumptions about the player. I know it's dumb, but it throws me off. No, I don't masturbate five times per day or whatever you're implying.
It's like I already don't feel the cyoa is happening, right off the bat, and the fantasy is broken...
This is harder to read than it could be.
>No, I don't masturbate five times per day
Usually closer to ten!
Each level has its cost next to it, so you only pay the cost for that level.
But even if you took every Challenge/Event, join Underground, and sold all your companion slots for points, you'd still be about 200 points short of maxing every stat I think. If you dumped one of your attack stats, yeah, you could max the rest. Or you can max everything but Accuracy and Evasion and have 15 points left. Assuming you're okay with only being one type, which limits your movepool in the CYOA.
There's an obvious way to effectively max every stat, but you can figure it out yourself now, so go ahead.
It's been like four days since last time, maybe more, I can't remember. You seriously do it ten times per day?
It kinda sucks I'm forced to pick "Apathy" as my motivation in the cyoa. Picking "Hero" seems like false advertisement.
Slow thread. Whats your favorite CYOA?
But that's wrong. There are multiple monsters that are clearly sapient like the Animal and Insect People (Insect People can become Minions once you get a Queen for them). Minions are you actual subordinates who work for you while monsters generally just live within your dungeon. Depending upon the obedience and intelligence of the monster though, you might be able to order it around like a Minion.
Beyond Sanctuary.
New World.
Wasn't my cup of tea.
>Mild mannered
>Breasts C
>Ass Bubble
>Eye color Purple
>Head hair To shoulders
>Body hair Light fuzz
>Hair color Brunette
>Voice Smooth
>Wealthy Philantropist (4)
>Minor Resistance (5)
>Self-sustenance (7)
>Shape-shifting (10)
Went with a "nice comfy life"-build, I guess.
I had to pick Apathy and not Hero since, well, I'm apathetic especially when it comes to fucking, so there weren't many options.
All this is too vague for me to make any kind of build, i can't invent technolgies like that myself, i don't see how is that a proper CYOA.
Add on soon perhaps?
ancestry mer
powers necromancy, pyromancy, marking, mean and green, madness and raven tongue
It's always slow at night
Never actually read it. It looks good though.
Patrician taste my friend
>Wasn't my cup of tea.
Thanks for giving it a try!
I thought I was the only one. Still, feels more spiteful than useful.
As soon as you finish it.
I mean, considering how often you beg for it, you seem like the ideal candidate to do it.
But someone else is already working on it and managed to get pretty far with it.
Not thrilled with the cost changes. Totally destroys my last build with the same stuff, so hate it. Nice to see you're fleshing it out though.
>There are multiple monsters that are clearly sapient
You are correct. However, the harpy and alraune entries specifically so they are not sapient. Alraune are 'only semi-sapient', and harpies are 'unintelligent'.
Well, the whole thing relies around wanting to fuck everything that moves (and getting the powers to do so).
I care for neither.
I do appreciate you included the Apathy motivation, so I felt I could get something. I skipped the companion section though, I figured they were just whatever your fetishes are.
Then maybe stop asking about it nearly every thread and let them work?
Awesome, thanks. I'm still looking over it to try and figure out what sort of build I want to try.
Not that guy, but I gotta say that unintelligent doesn't necessarily non-sapient. I could easily just mean stupid. Bird brained, if you will.
It isn't clear, but the implication I get is one of being non-sapient.
>nearly every thread
I haven't asked for the past seven or so threads, and the reason I asked here is because asked for favorite cyoa and I decided to bring that little fact up.
You somehow fail to realize that if one asks for it often it means they can't do it themselves.
To everyone else, this is obvious, a given. But it just flies right past you. Further research into this astounding lack of awareness is required.
literally never seen or before, are they well known?
Beyond Sanctuary is old as fuck. I'm not sure which one New World is.
I looked them up on google, i do recognize beyond sanctuary but never read it. new world is one of those ones with the tiny italic text that is frustrating to try to read and has anime pictures.
> it means they can't do it themselves
Or they're lazy. Or, and this is uncommon, they don't want to end up making a cyoa that another dude is making.
Why wouldn't he be able to do it himself?
If everyone could make CYOAs, everyone would. Do you know how expensive a CYOA budget is? Specially if you're hiring professionals.
High fantasy kingdom building bullshit in a world currently re-discovering ancient technology and magic after the last war obliterated civilization as they knew it. It's dumb and probably too open ended about what the world is like, but I enjoy it a lot.
No, Italics is known for Girls Military or Pokemon Personified, but I like New World the most.
Anyone got the prison island cyoa from a few months ago, the one the creator said contained clues and hints?
What? I'm actually interested in hearing your reasoning behind "it means they can't do it themselves". Why can't he?
He has the interest, evidently.
Making a good CYOA requires you to know image editing and using specific softwares. Not everyone does, not everyone is interested in learning.
The guy you quoted said he only asked for the add-on once, but even if he asked a million times he would still be well within his rights not to wanna make it himself.
>I like New World the most
How about this then?
Method: A Drunken Night Out
Material: Odd Fetish (taboo)
Victim: Abigail and Myu
Complication: Shy
>Power: 11
>Cost: 0
>Time: 3
>Threat: 4
What to do:
>Money (from extra Power)
On a night out, Abigail lets something slip about her (or her daughter's)... proclivities. It's relatively harmless, but enough that she's willing to bribe me to keep quiet. I'll spend some quality time with the pair, while secretly indulging them (or myself) in private.