Word Bearers: Can't Live With Them, Can't Let Them Live Edition
New general image Sub-Edition
Another axe and Aquila discussion happened, we've seen painting horror, Malcador's chair and which legion has the best Termies became a topic, and we discussed Word Bearers and much more in the last bread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): mega.nz
Crusade Imperialis epub:
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
First for securtarii!
Until we get skitarii with 30k rules, are we stuck with cult militia? I love their models and want to use them in the heresy.
Kitbash man. Kitbash with thralls or enginseers. Or your Magos.
What would be the best way to use WB allies for summoning daemons purposes? Zardu Layak with minimum Troops?
He's asking about rules, not models.
He's a ML2 Diabolist (Daemon), so yeah, I guess.
He asked if he was stuck using militia to use the models, because he wanted to use rules that represented them.
I proposed kit bashing to provide both rules and a means of using the models in a better way than stand in militia.
How does kitbashing models affect the rules?
It's happening anons.
9 thallax two irad cleansers one plasma fusil
2 castallax
1 thanatar
1 Magos
1 cerastus knight atropos
You did this to me anons. You did this to me.
Nigga, I recommended kit bashing wth mechanicum as a means of providing rules that are better than militia.
Don't be dense.
All I wanted was a little cheese. A little word bearer cheese. A smidge f mastery level 3. It's too late now. Too late for me...
Good bye cruel Galaxy, I will conquer systems for the machine god now.
Why can't you just use Mechanicum rules for the skitarii models without having to kitbash?
Are you cheesed-out WB?
Traitor or Loyalist?
Think carefully.
With WB there is only 1 choice.
>loyalist WB
Most 2nd founding chapters only adopted new color schemes after being founded, but a few were already on their way. The Black Templars are the best-known example; they were already wearing mostly black during the Heresy (with some yellow that they later dropped).
For Flesh Tearers, I wouldn’t go all the way. I can see them starting to paint some armor pieces black during the Heresy, maybe during the Siege of Terra, but using a darker shade of red seems less likely.
He's talking about whether to be loyalist or traitor as Mechanicum. For the Machine God.
Most stuff wants you to be DarkMech, though.
Scoria, thicc "Castellax-bodied" Satarael and Draykavac are all DarkMech.
And then there's angry loyalist Reductor Caleb Decima hanging out with undead Crysos Morturg.
Need 42 x MK2 shoulder pads - what do ?
You're welcome.
>tfw no separate kits of plain shoulderpads or armour mark backpacks
FW pls
People seem to be selling the B@C box bits in bundles on ebay so you might have some luck over there.
>implying they left behind no garrisons, fleets stuck in the warp, or fled the purge
Even Battle for prospero, BfP, won't have mk2
What happened to 30k being the hobby game where you sculpt half your army into existence
If you want to cheese go crawling back to 40k and pick up some gay space elves or vagina-head fisman. That's what it's there for
fucking fite me bro irl
That ended when they released models for most units.
Actually he's most likely correct; so far not only have we not seen one (that sniper guy doesn't count since he's a blackshield) but because they slowly killed them off over 40 decades by sending them into highly dangerous positions
BAC has some mk2 in it?
i bought mk2 upgrade shoulders for jetbikes and speeders, then realised they had mk4 for the other shoulder.... so im short 42 mk2 shoulders :(
Sergeant shoulder pads. As you can see on this image of a sergeant in Mk IV wearing them. Seriously, a true 30k player who has put effort and dedication into their army could tell the difference between what you posted and Mk II shoulderpads a mile away.
Guess I'm not true enough for the hobby then.
Probably loyalist. I don't really care for flesh magic. I'm turned off by the daemon aesthetic anyway.
I much prefer cold iron and copper over
Wierd daemon colors.
Plus, the loyalist mechanicum elements are pretty metal, despite the scrap code and shit they still brutally main the tsars mechanicum.
I'll never forget how the clashing of their forces was portrayed in Mechanicum. The torrential roaring of steel slamming into steel, oil slick blades, hammers and the like rose and fell in their own grim staccato. Such devastating blows where mirrored, amplified by the howling of ancient cannonades, the cascade of shells sized amongst boulders, each bearing payloads the likes of which the emperors finest couldn't hope to match.
It was upon the red stained soil of Mars the Imperium fell, secrets of artifice lost with each strewn shamble of machinery.
I'm afraid you're going to have to leave sir, turn in your heresy card at the door and forget all references to beep boops, free chain axes and geometry.
I've got a book from BL that's a collection of Jes Goodwin sketches. I appreciate the attention to detail as much as the next guy for the armor marks, but there's a quote from him personally to the effect of "ya we designed it that way, but we never really wanted to officially push constructing them that way because of 'your dudes.'"
If you want to call an user out for it it's a free internet, but seriously. The designers of the game don't give a shit. It wouldn't blow my mind if a bro slapped some ablative armor on his shoulder pad for tacticool reasons. Isn't mk4 supposed to be a frankenstein, cost efficient stopgap during the heresy due to desperate times anyway?
>Isn't mk4 supposed to be a frankenstein, cost efficient stopgap during the heresy due to desperate times anyway?
thats mk5
and mk5 is a SHIT
I think you mean mk5. Instead of screws and stitches you get a studded crotch.
You're now imagine the "It's alive!" scene with a techmarine shouting it as lightning hits a marine's crotch studs.
>tfw all those cool ass sounding BL books we'll never get to see because they want to keep the hype going and want to end it by book 60
Every night, I can feel them...
That might have been earlier on, but every since Vulkan Lives the quality of the HH series has taken a nosedive into wankingfanfic and can't-be-arsed-really filler content. And don't even get me started on the amount of unplausible scenarios and plotholes.
For example, remember that whole setup for a civil war between Alpharius and Omegon ? Has no relevance whatsoever , because somebody tried and failed to make Dorn look cool.
Palatine blades are great and Gal Vorbak are a very nice compliment.
Basically only posessed stuff
>And that clash between the dark Angel brothers, yeah scratch that because the author wanted to call the lion a fucking autist
Why not both
MK 5 is studs to stop bolters and CCW
Mk 4 is holy cow we got advanced tech, let's make these guys into void soldiers
The computer says "No."
Last sentence, from "the Gothic and the Eldritch"
Loyaler than the most loyal of all loyalists
Dare you say otherwise?
goddamit I need a primarch
just need one that fun to build and paint
what would people think is the best one for that?
That's when they were making 40k, where shit's put together from all sorts of bits. In 30k suits were designed and made as complete kits. Of course there's variations, personal touches, repairs, etc. to consider, but as a whole they were far more uniformed than in 40k.
Also, MkV had a design and even non-production MkVs have some design elements in common. Just slapping together shit doesn't make it a MkV.
It's the crotch studs that makes it a MkV.
Scars and Path of Heaven came after Vulkan Lives, and they're solid.
The Alpha Legion could still be interesting... but only if they're willing to finally write some actual content and not just give us more questions. As you say, Praetorian of Dorn didn't clarify anything at all regarding Alpharius's goals and motivations and that pissed me off. If it had, I would've actually paid for it despite reading the epub someone posted here.
Anyway, there's still potential. Not a civil war anymore, but we know Omegon's helped the loyalists at times. He'll keep doing that while being careful to keep Horus thinking he's on the traitor side (now that Omegon has to pretend to be Alpharius). It's not like the loyalists would accept the Alpha Legion if he announced that they were actually on their side. The AL are now lost and confused, hoist by their own petard.
Ferrus Manus has the best-posed model, imo. Best face, too. A pity he doesn't last longer.
>omegon playing double agent storyline
is infinitely worse than
>omegon playing double agent while Alpharius tries to stop him
Mainly because there's actual conflict in legion. Can Omegon trust his bodyguards? Can Alpharius?
Stuff like that
Now you've got Omegon just sabotaging the effort with no one to stop him
Duck you they're imperial heralds
They missed an opportunity to have a random legionnaire with a meltagun stumble upon Alpharius and Omegon fighting each other.
>Alpharius tells the guy, "Shoot him!"
>Alpharius says, "No, I am Alpharius, shoot HIM!"
>Random legionnaire says, "I am Alpharius" and shoots both of them.
>Alpharius sneaks up from behind and shoots Alpharius.
>BL still doesn't tell the reader what the hell just happened.
Exactly, and what's also a major problem with Alpharius being gone : there is absolutely nothing preventing Omegon from just withdrawing the Alpha Legion from the Traitor's side and either joining the Loyalists or supporting them from the shadows.
Because if there is any legion surely capable of getting out of the traitor camp, it has to be the AL. Just look at the Ravenguard. Despite being AL wannabes, already loyalist and all that, they managed to escape the clusterfuck that was Istvann V with their primarch alive. Without any bullshit like Vulkan got by the way (If I wanted to read about unkillable, uncorruptable whitewashed good guys I'd be reading age of smegma fic)
I agree.
Scars was good, but everything else has been poor.
Anybody got latest reading map?
vengful spirit was fucking awesome
On the oe hand I would love Alpha legion civil war, but there are so many subplots in entire HH alone, I dont need another one, I can bearly keep up as it is.
Also it is topic we seen several times now. White scars had internal conflict, Dark Angels will have internal conflict.
I get nerdgasm reading about the HH and the new figs etc, but how does it play out compared to 40k? What is it like?
But this time it's different, scars and DA are marines vs Primarch; this is primarch vs primarch, and since almost no lore existed on the AL you've got carte Blanche to write whatever you want.
Also if you've already set up the subplot it seems stupid to derail it out of nowhere
I didn't think so.
I generally find McNeill's books to be OK, and not much more.
Nah, it provided a shot of adrenaline to a series that was drowning in muck and actually moved it forward, but let's agree to disagree
Da vas Luther vs Lion, and Luther was primarch level strong due to Chaos, if I recall, but I get your point.
And yeah, bummer for creating something and than forgeting about it, but mabye they dropped it, thinking the payoff would not be so great
I agree with that. Without Vengeful Spirit the series and would've been at a dead halt. At least that is my impression, not having read the latest 2.
I just didn't think it was very well written.
It used to be waves of marines charging each other
Then it was death stars charging eachother
Then it was vechiles ramming each other
And now it's vechiles ramming eachother whilst death stars kill everything and your 2 tactical squads camp at the back of the board
Oh, they spared none. Considering they spent 40 years secretly culling their loyalists and the Crusade lasted about 200 years, it means 20% of that time was spent on getting rid of their loyalists.
The Imperial Heralds died a looong time ago...but then we have Endryd Haar, a dude from even before the XIIIth took the name of "War Hounds".
Could the Imperial Heralds be represented by taking Stubborn as their Legiones Astartes rule?
Would it be better to run them as stubborn legiones astartes or as blackshields
I'm biased towards Stubborn marines due to WB Legiones Astartes rule being morale-centered, but whatever you choose, fluff them nicely.
Also, loyal Ashen Circle are beste.
Book got me hyped for possible Adeptus Titanicus game. And I started working on SoH army right before hand
How would an Kaoz Boyz army look?
Also, if you amalgamated Kaoz Boyz with feral Tyranid mounts/fast attack, what would you end up with?
you'd get fuck off to 40k general?
Nope. Comeon man, the studs are even bonding studs in 40k. They are attached to armor to jerry-rig it together, they are not additional armor themselves.
If you see armor covered in studs (studs, not spikes) its pretty much automatically shit. Those are the future version of glue.
I dont get the hate this book gets. Same as Unremembered empire or Angel exterminatus. Yeah, they are not top tier HH books, but they are not that bad really. At worst they are mediocre.VS dug deep into chaos and gaved some revelations about Emperor, established a beginning of final HH act and creation of Black legion. Yeah some parts were bad, and some eaven worse, but all in all, it still dosen't deserve the hate it has.
Orphans of War or Deathseekers would be pretty good, imo both would nicely represent some Imperial Heralds who have discovered that their legion has betrayed the Emperor.
The whole umremembered empire plot has been one gaint fuckup. It could have been at least OK if they didn't feel the need to have the Blood Angels there too for some reason. Ultrafags + Dark angels would have been explainable, as the former was tied up in Ultramar by the Word Bearers' shenanigans and the latter has always been know to have been too far from Terra to be there when the siege happend.
But now we have DA, UM ánd BA in one place, and only ONE of those was at the siege of terra. Gonna be hilarious what kind of bullshit deus ex machina BL is gonna come up with to explain this mess.
And that is why most people would rather forget Umremembered Empire and every book on the same subject.
DA will probably go to Caliban and therefore prevented to be at Terra. I have no idea when Caliban happend, but I belive BL will move it to be just before Sige of Terra. And as far as why Ultramarines were not at Terra, I guess BL will have to come up with something.
But how else could they show horn in tyranids
Although still
>dantiochXPollux 4 lyfe
Even in death I still love
you seem to speak for the masses... except... you don't. So please stfu.
The story arc was fantastic and there's lots of great books in there.
If the fluff still holds up they meet up with the SW then go to Terra alongside the UM and I guess the RG, and in the new fluff they don't arrive after the duel but DURING it, so I imagine Magnus throws a warp storm around the solar system
Not him
But could you please counter his points and then present credible ones of your own
Well with Alpharius gone, you can also explain how the fuck Omegon got all this shit that could theorerically be attributed to him down, such as the Grey Knights or Omega Vault.
In what way couldn't he do it with Alpharius still alive? If anything, it would be a moment of pure brilliance; Alpharius falling to Chaos for real when the only person he trusts betrays him
im more on board with the idea that omegon is dismantling the legion from within so they get lost to chaos, ending it off by exploiting the standard 'legion goes crazy' trope by dying to the hands of papa smurf
Well if Alpharius was breathing down his back, all that bullshit becomes much more difficult. In a sense, having Dorn kill Alpharius was a godsend for Omegon. It relieves him of the fact that he would eventually would have had to turn on his brother and removes his biggest obstacle.
I do agree with you on that last point, would be a good plot point.
>a secret loyalist
>turning a legion to chaos
>dying at the hands off a loyalist Primarch
Why were Terran legionaries so badly treated?
Because they were seen to be loyalists, were snobbish pricks, argued with their Primarch prefusely
Because they were always outsiders compared to those who came from the same primarch homeworld
How would you improve Headhunters to bring them in line with Seekers?
Special deepstrike rules?
More special weapon options?
How do you make Banestrike not worthless???
I'm currently reading Deus Encarmine, not HH per se but it gives an insight at the minds of full corrupted Word Bearers, I found it curious how they are somewhat similar to SM in terms of praising gods before and after a battle with the difference of one chanting in gratitude and the other sacrificing helots and using SM meat as food
Also a dreadnought that got made after Calth gets a power sword jammed right in the dick
well in theory he would have to take care of AL members that are really buying into the whole traitor thing, if he wants to be loyal in disguise the needs to do some purges WB style
I have yet to read VS but AE took hate from people no liking how Perty got described and the whole affair itself seems kinda pointless, I mean you go to fuck nowhere with Fulgrim and waste resources and manpower to get some machine, find out it was your brother trolling you into becoming a battery for him growing a bigger penis and then you stay in the same side as him, for me it seems kinda stupid in Perturabo's place.
As for UE it's fine at explaining how Guilliman's practical mind fucked him up but at the same time you get in how they are gonna explain it.
some homeworld born soldiers saw them as outsiders or petulant snobs that believed themselves over the others, several primarch homeworlds were basically backwaters, that's the thing that happened to both DG and DA
- give them the same special ammo as seekers have (SUPERIOR SEEKERS BUT NOT EVEN THE SAME AMMO, REEEEEE)
- give them all 2 attacks and Precision Strike in addition to Precision Shots
- see how the unit does and adjust points.accordingly
Make Banestrike 18" assault 2
Give Banestrike Shred and Rending. Make Banestrike great again It never was great to begin with
On a scale of 1-Angron how mad will people be if i use a slightly converted Khrone Lord Zufhor as a late heresy World Eater preator?