Generally speaking, how do you survive those early caster levels where you're still the squishiest person in the party and your spells aren't doing that much more damage than the melee classes so you can't burn down the orc who wants to remodel your shithole with a club?
Generally speaking...
try not being a faggot
try not leaving town without someone who can take a couple stabbings.
also don't walk down dark alleys at night. You might be accosted by a pack of cats.
Let the martials take a blade, it's what they're good for. If you're getting stabbed you've got a shit party.
>spells aren't doing that much more damage
Spells aren't for damage. Swords and knives are for damage. Any chucklefuck with a sharp stick can reduce an enemy's HP. You can twist reality to your will; if you're using your subtle and profound powers to do HP damage, you're fucking up.
Short answer: Don't cast Magic Missile, cast Sleep, Grease, or Web.
By not playing D&D.
Why would you need to survive? If your character dies, just reroll another one. Eventually you get to roll a high level wizard, it's just a matter of time.
What game? If dnd, specify which edition, because it varies a lot.
Befriend a tough party member so that he takes on most of the beating, and befriend a party member capable of healing so that he saves you from death when your tough friend inevitably fails to protect you.
And stay the fuck away from danger at all times.
Invest in running skils. Get a crossbow.
c >Short answer: Don't cast Magic Missile, cast Sleep, Grease, or Web.
>your spells aren't doing that much more damage
Hey in old-school play first level wizards used to have 1 level 1 spell. And they couldn't damage SHIT. Just deal with the fact that the reason you suck now is so you can be imba later.
I get what you're going for, I really do. But there is nothing more boring to me as a melee class as having the enemy I'm fighting just fall asleep for three turns, or being unable to move.
>Actually caring about fighting things, and not just killing them so you can get that sweet, sweet loot.
This is why Grease is such a great spell. It doesn't take the enemy out of the combat, it just knocks it down. Then it stands up, and everyone around it gets an AoO.
>>Not forcing players to re-roll at the level 1.
Acquire gains.
Man, I barely care about the loot. I never know what to use the gold I get on, and I haven't had any GM's dropping cool weapons or magic items yet.
I'm cool with Grease, except that it might affect my character as well now that there's a big grease stain in the middle of the battlefield he has to work around or move slowly through.
I'd be happier with spells that caused an AC reduction or buffed me up, but Grease is okay.
>Muscle wizard casts fist
>I'd be happier with spells that caused an AC reduction or buffed me up, but Grease is okay.
I'd love to lay some buffs, but in pretty much every game I tried, due to starting at level 5 with some cash, everybody has their own magical trinkets that provide strength and etc that don't stack with bull's strength and other buffs.
Both of you faggots are everything wrong with people playing D&D.
With Meatshield.
Really, didn't you read the beginners guide?