Where do you stand on the concept of virgins having significance in a fantasy setting?
Where do you stand on the concept of virgins having significance in a fantasy setting?
Having societal/social significance? Sure, whatever, it would be weird if there were zero societies that thought it mattered.
Having magical significance? Meh. As a concept it doesn't really hold up. (Does anal/oral count? Do the genitals have to be involved? If I have a foot fetish and get off to someone rubbing their feet on me, am I still a virgin? Do I only lose my virginity if they touch my genitals? etc.)
I would be interested in seeing a magical concept of virginity that extended to any form of communion or violation. Like, if getting Dominate Person cast on you made you no longer a virgin for magical purposes (violation), or having a religious experience where you communed with your god.
Virgins have significance in non-fantasy settings: it means your waifu isn't a slut.
>Where do you stand on the concept of virgins having significance in a fantasy setting?
This is my issue with it. It already exists a bit in fantasy like unicorns only letting virgins ride them but then when people start analyzing virginity with a fine toothed comb it starts sounding a little fetishy. Not to mention if they were used in magic or something, chastity belts would be all over the place and that is someone's fetish.
I don't mind giving it some kind of social significance. But I've found the concept of the "pure virgin" existed mostly in the minds of erudite nobles and writers who were largely out of touch with common people. It wasn't uncommon for young people to have been around the block a few times before getting married. Only rich people made a big deal of it.
I won't go further than that, because my limit on going into detail of a character's sexual experience is the lady paladin getting a wry look on her face when someone around her makes some comment about how women must be pure and save themselves for marriage. People like sex, regardless of their walk of life. Going much deeper than that just starts getting weird.
Also just as a person I don't get too hung up on virginity. /r9k/ fags who get assmad when a woman they're into isn't a virgin are a special brand of autistic.
Given most d&d players are virgins it's understandable
It's the potential life force all living beings have that enable them to give life to children. By pledging to be chaste and securing your virginity you are giving the god/spirit that you pledged it to a powerful means of connecting their divine magic to you.
Replace virginity with child like innocence.
Yes I know kids are sneaky dicks but you know what I mean
Only vaginal sex counts. Because this is the part that produces children.
Not a concept of virginity that's matched with any culture I can think of.
"Yeah my girlfriend's sucked 37 dicks but she's still a virgin so it's fine."
Technically she is. This concept was, probably, born because it was important to someone to make 100% sure that the children his wife gives birth to are his, and for that she needs an intact hymen. Someone broaded that concept to any sexual activity, because it makes sense. The more sexual active a person is, even thougth she only takes it in the ass, the more prone she will be to fuck someone she isn't supposed to. So better raise her as a pure, innocent maiden that never even things about dicks, like in my japanese cartoons.
>my girlfriend's sucked 37 dicks
In a row?
Beat me to it.
I'm surprised by your moral fortitude Satan
>party captured by cultists of Loviatar
>cleric being kept in a separate cell
>find out it's because they intend to use him for some fucked-up ritual because he's a virgin
>"but I'm a guy"
>"that matters not to Loviatar, sweet child"
>all human(oid) souls have a value to Demons, based on how strong their willpower and personality are
>virgins have a slightly higher value, both as currency and as sacrifice
>stronger willpower and personality
Pick one, well, maybe one and a half.
>Not a concept of virginity that's matched with any culture I can think of.
I know of at least one girl/woman who thought "i only do anal because i'm saving my virginity for marriage" was a valid statement.
Not to say she wasn't stupid as hell, but she legitimately believed that as far as i could tell.
No, your base value is derived from your willpower and personality, being virginal is just a modifier to it. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
I don't stand to gain much from giving Veeky Forums significance in anything I do.
I don't know anyone that both plays DnD and is a virgin besides myself.
>tfw I'll never roll Djugan
I'll probably roll fucking Nakupi^ before I roll him.
>Goddess of whips & chains and general sadism
>Their clerical attire is usually fetish clothes
Is this considered a red flag for a magical realm or do you take it with a grain of salt?
The dragons/demons/etc just don't want to eat anything that someone's rubbed their junk on/in. It's really pretty illogical of them to think that way, since a person who practices good hygiene will always be cleaner than someone who doesn't regardless of their sexual history, but I guess taste doesn't always make sense.
More seriously, though, there are several interpretations you could use.
Say, for example, it's a spiritual thing. It's not the physical act in itself, but the intimacy - by having sex with another being you share something with them that creates a bond between you, the same way as the classic "blood brother" ritual of sharing blood. You have allowed yourself to be entangled in a visceral, primal way with another, shared a part of your being, and as a result you may not be able to focus your spiritual power in the same way, or your soul might no longer be as easily or cleanly taken from you.
In a case like that, it may cover not only virginity but also "innocence" in general - if you've killed another sentient being, for example, you could lose it that way as well. What is more intimate than murder? To take another creature's entire being, their history and thoughts and feelings and unique perspective on the world, and hold it in the palm of your hand, then to crush every single particle of it into nothing by your own willful deed...
... well that's pretty gay desu
In my little magic system it isn't so much virginity as 'youth' or involvement in what we consider adult matters.
A child of roughly 12 or under who hasn't become significantly involved in sex, violence, trade or the troubles of society will have twice the usual capacity for mystical channelling inside them. This is the effect of not having a total connection to humanity or it's struggles in the physical realm. When they begin learning the ways of our world, becoming emotionally and ideologically invested in our existence their ability to channel otherworldly patterns declines.
Before they experience the pleasure, pains and dramas of our world they can still be turned to other existences. This is why creatures such as faeries are so interested in children, because they can be turned without going mad or being killed. Dragons and evil sorcerers have a simpler use in that harvesting certain groups of organs from these kids yields more powerful reagents.
Good wizards will grudgingly involve children in their rituals when the need is dire. The child isn't harmed but after several spells the weight of the task will way them down and remove their 'purity.'
A kid can still play-fight, experiment and help their parents at work and keep their enhanced channelling. It's when these things become consistent drives or responsibilities for them that they are bound to this world. By puberty most kids are feeling powerful needs to have sex or lash out and begin significantly questioning their society and their place in it. So as a general rule the early teens marks the ends of their 'purity' period. This doesn't mean they aren't still children but that they no longer have a particular mystical quality.
They will also usually lose this quality if they gain a certain number of trained skills or swear an oath to a mortal monarch or guild.
My setting's take on virginity in magic is less being celibate or not going to sexytown in general but more on not having kids.
Most covenants which allow humans (who are normally mundane) to use magic require the user sacrifice the ability to create new life, both magically and the natural way. If you already put a baby out there the pact isn't getting made and GODS HELP YOU if you somehow hide that knowledge from the quasi-sentient powers of the otherworld and cheat your way into magic.
They're only really relevant other than real world reasons when they're used in powerful demonic rituals. That's also how a succubus is made!