So, how is the Kill Team box?
Is it worth the money?
I have never played Kill Team, but I am interested in it.
Also, post yer kill teams here.
So, how is the Kill Team box?
Is it worth the money?
I have never played Kill Team, but I am interested in it.
Also, post yer kill teams here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gonna post mine to get the thread going.
Shadow Shrike hunter pack
8 Scourges all together, 128 points.
-Solarite with Venom Blade and Splinter pistol, 15 points. The leader of the pack.
-1 scourge has a Blaster, and is the Guerrilla Specialist with Infiltrate, 15 points.
-1 scourge has a Dark Lance and is the Weapon Specialist with Eagle-Eye (54 '' fucking range) 20 points
-1 scourge has a Splinter Cannon, and is the Indomitable specialist, with Relentless.
Total, 193 points.
The idea is to sit the Dark Lance fucker in a ruin, or some other position where he can see the whole table, and let him snipe fuckers, while the Blaster dude infiltrates near the enemy, and hopefully eliminates or at least damages something important with the blaster, or at the very least, becomes something that the enemy has to kill to feel secure, giving the rest of my birds of prey an opportunity to advance closer unmolested.
The Splinter cannon dude will give salvo fire on the move due to him having relentless, while the regular dudes simply swoop in for the kill with the Solarite, whose venom blade is a threat to pretty much everyone due to it wounding pretty much everything on 2+.
Scourges being jump infantry, I should also have very decent mobility on everyone besides the Dark Lance dude, who can't really move without losing his ability to shoot on the shooting phase.
What do you guys think?
feels like a missed opportunity IMO.
should have been a tester for a streamlined 'Age of Emperor' ruleset, not big old bloaty 7e
>'Age of Emperor'
Nigga you better be jesting.
Not him but 40k needs an aos-ification in a big way. I find myself avoiding it lately because it's gotten so dumb.
search your feelings
you know it to be true
>Not him but 40k needs an aos-ification in a big way.
>40k needs to be ruined in a big way.
You ain't fooling me, jesters.
>gotten so dumb.
And you want it to be like Age of shitmar?
+++ KT Raven Guard (196pts) +++
++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (196pts) ++
+ (No Category) +
Chapter Tactics [Raven Guard]
+ No Battle Role (Troops) (83pts) +
Scout Squad (83pts) [3x Boltgun, Camo Cloaks (10pts), 4x Scouts (44pts)]
Heavy Bolter (13pts) [Hellfire Rounds (5pts)]
Scout Sergeant (16pts) [Boltgun, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)]
+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack) (113pts) +
Assault Squad (113pts) [Flamer (5pts), Jump Packs (12pts), Plasma Pistol (15pts), 3x Space Marines (42pts)]
Veteran Sergeant (39pts) [Bolt Pistol, Power Sword (15pts)]
Created with BattleScribe (
Haven't tried this yet. Thoughts?
The scout with the heavy bolter has relentless.
Would getting the Start collecting scion box be perfect for a Scion kill team?
Yeah, you've pretty much got all there is to the Scions in that box.
Pretty much every start collecting box, par the Eldar one, is good for a kill team.
The Eldar one is just bikes and a fucking tank, so I dunno about it.
You can make some interesting combos with them I think a special rule commissars get is that if you lets say lost a squad of scions the next turn you can get the scions back.
I think some base list was
>Taurox with missile launcher and assault cannons
>Squad of Scions x1 Plasma Gun master crafted and x1 Hotshot Volleygun Relentless and the rest have hotshot lasguns
>Officio Perfectorum Commissar with plasma pistol and CCW
Anyone got any comments on this list?
Seems alright and bullshitty.
I like Kill Team alot be it GW or HoR rules it brings alot of new life into the game and doesnt force you to waste hundreds of dollars if you want to bulid/paint new armies
>Is it worth the money?
Simple: do you need a box of Space Marines, Tau, or a rule book?
>$75 for box of Space Marines
>$75 for box of Tau
>$125 for rule book
>$65 for Kill Team box: 10 Space Marines, 10 Fire Warriors, rule book (all the rules, minus the fluff)
I forget, did any of the old versions have rules for NPC's?
Say two Kill Teams have to try and get some McGuffins from a site before Tyranid gaunts overrun it.
Had my prices set to fuckin' AU. So, uh... reduce some of those prices down--Kill teams box is still cheaper.
Well, I am playing Deldar, so dickish bs is what I am supposed to do.
I am positively aroused by the mere thought of the 54'' Dark Lance mofo.
>$75 for a box of space marines
Holy fuck you Aussies got some messed up prices on alot of shit their and its not just the classic GW meme I got family their and they rave about how cheap clothes are in america
You can't really ruin what's already a complete wreck.
I might make a Raptor list based on this
The rules are really bloated and unwieldly a lot of the time. Kill Teams is a great fix for this though.
So is it
>Assault squad
>One with a flamer
>2 with Plasma pisol
>one sergeant with power sword
Your scouts look good though
I just got the Kill Team box handed to me earlier this week (work at a FLGS, owner wanted me to know 40K more). Haven't played for at least 12 years. The idea of small scale 200 point matches sounds appealing. How popular is Kill Team? I always see a bunch of 40K players come in the store, but i'm working at the front so I never get to see their matches. I'd like to build a Tau Kill Team and maybe get events for Kill Team going (if we don't have them already). Would adding two Crisis suits and cutting some Fire Warriors be a decent list to run?
One pistol one flamer. Assualt squads can only take two special weapons. I was gonna go for two plasma pistol originally but i wanted to fit in the heavy bolter.
You can have the sergeant use a plasma pistol instead of a power sword.
Astra Militarum too, can't use the Leman Russ or the Commissar.
and then the other 2 are just basic bolt pistol+Chain sword? Just want to make sure since I really like your list
Im only using 4 assualt marines total so the last one is just carrying a bolt pistol and chainsword like you said
Why can't they use the Commisar?
HQ choices aren't allowed in Kill Team.
Depends on the rule set but yeah cant use HQs
Won't replace regular 40k, but it's always a nice change of pace. My local shop occasionally has tournaments for it and it's always has a nice turnout.
Playing dark angels.
Camo cloaks
Sargeant - sniper rifle and bolter (stealth)
5x sniper (relentless)
Heavy bolter (reaping volley)
Twin linked assault cannon
Storm bolter
Hunter killer missle
So would a Scion list be basically
>x5 Scions
>Plasma gun master crafted
>Hotshot volley gun relentless
>2 with just hotshot lasguns
and then would I use either the
>Command Squad
How do all your scouts have relentless?
Just one of the snipers
Yeah, thank god I don't live in the hell hole I just had my prices set to AU for some reason.
>Kill Team: Black Templars
Crusader Squad(100pts)
4 Initiates w/ Sword Brother
Power Weapon
Crusader Squad(100pts)
5 Initiates
Heavy Bolter
Plasma Gun
When people talk about making 40k similar to AoS, they're almost always talking about overhauling the rules. AoS needs some ironing out, but it's better than the clusterfuck that is current 40k and that was Fantasy.
I gave my heavy bolter scout relentless in my Raven Guard list although it was a tough choice between relentless and reaping volley. I went for mobility at the end because of Raven Guard's chapter tactics.
AoS is one of the worst games on the market, anything that makes 40k more like it is a mistake.
Making 40k even more overpriced and even less balanced while telling your customers they are all morons won't make it better.
Vet squads bruv
Khorne Daemonkin
8 cultists, shotgun on champ, flamer.
3 Blood crushers.
I'll make a crusher my leader, give one the promethium grenades, and the other like FNP or death blow.
And then the cultist champ gets stealth because why not? any other KDK teams you got in mind?
Any Chaos teams in general? they seem very unpopular in KT
Are Tau OP in Killteam? I want to play, but I am afraid no one will stand a chance against me if I play a game, mostly due to the supportive fire speacial rule. I even chose to add bonding knifes to my firewarriors and pathfinders to my list to cut down on stuff I can take
Do the box contain any transfer sheets or Raven Guard shoulder pads?
are dreadnoughts allowed?
Fucking lost
Too much armor, can only have a combined total of 33 at max.
Age of Sigmar is the most balanced game Games Workshop has.
And in what universe is Age of Sigmar more expensive to play than 40k?
I'm just going to run a Ravenwing Bike squad. 6 Bikers, 2 with plasma guns, and a Sarge with a power sword. It'll just scrape into the game at 200 points, and I'll be one of the most durable things on the board due to all my bikes having 3+ re rolling jink saves. With the plasma guns, I can kill two MEQ models right at the start of the shooting phase too.
It comes with transfers, but I'm not sure what's on it. I would assume it comes with transfers of the chapter that's on the cover of the box, but that would make me an ass.
Wow you sure swallowed the meme koolaid.
Most badass Leader/Specialist combinations ?
Going to have a longnight event at the hobby shop tomorrow, want to be prepared.
> yfw We live in a world where motherfuckers opinions are dictated by fake internet memes and in-jokes
>nfw they butchered the lore that's been established for over a decade just to appease casual players.
>nfw players don't care about lore
>nfw those players should be playing other (better) wargames that focus more on the casual elements
>nfw when GW doesn't care about it's main demographic and instead tries to bleed other wargames
Yeah that was 4e Kill Team, it was in the rulebook I believe. Lot of fun that game.
Because it's awesome. All that butthurt, name-calling, a giant trainwreck in slow-motion. It's hilarious.
I mean, I wouldn't spend a cent on AoS, but it's great to watch.
Really torn between the following two lists:
>Sicarian Inflitrators with taser goads and flechette blasters (185+10)
- Princeps (leader; conversion field)
- Dirty Fighter Infiltrator (Exploit Weakness)
- Guerilla Infiltrator (Preferred Enemy)
- Weapon Infiltrator (Machine Saboteur)
- Infiltrator
The infiltrators are a nicely balanced bag of abilities. 4+/6++, FnP, Stealth, two wounds and a large debuff aura make them fairly hard to get rid off, Dunestrider and Infiltrate allow for comfy deployment and mobility and the armament is even better in any environment lacking 2+ saves.
On the other hand, low model count, so here's the other idea:
>Skitarii Rangers (120+30+25+15+10)
- Alpha (leader; conversion field)
- Guerilla Ranger (Preferred Enemy; plasma caliver)
- Weapon Ranger (Eagle-Eye; arc rifle)
- Dirty Fighter Ranger (Executioner; transuranic arquebus)
- 6 Rangers
Not terribly sophisticated, this one is basically all about killzones, firing lanes and having the right rangers on hand, but provides some more dudes if shit goes south.
So, my friend wants to join in on the Kill Team fun, but he's limited on funds and wants to use Eldar.
I tried piecing together a list from just a single box of Eldar and could only come up with ~120pts.
>10x Guardians (90pts)
>Eldar Missile Launcher (30pts)
Is there anything I could possible do to get him to 200pts without telling him to buy another box? I think I can find him an appropriate Warlock proxy, but he'll still be short 40 points. I have absolutely no experiencing with Eldar.
He'll be facing Black Templars and Chaos--not even sure he'll have much fun getting stomped using just guardians.
Vanguards are better imo. Rangers have better range but lose out on precision shots because of how the rules work (Each model is it's own unit.)
You've gone far to overboard with special weapons as well, skitarii aren't tough enough to have them last long enough to get much value.
Plasma Calivers absolutely delete everything it hits. But for 39 points eh.
How do I into tabletop without wasting incorrigible amounts of money?
I demand a Tau Empire Army.
I want Ethereal, Broadsides, Riptide, and Daemon Prince of Khorne. Fire Warriors, and Kroot snipers too. Also, Hammerheads.
How do I without assembly? I can't paint or glue things. They turn out ugly, two years ago, when I painted Space Marines and Veeky Forums Veeky Forums told me they looked bad, and I painted them wrong.
Buy fake shit from China
Proxies, paper tokens (please don't), or China.
>Veeky Forums Veeky Forums told me they looked bad
Well, did you try to get better?
Yeah way too expensive. Three extra vanguard is a far better deal.
Still no scan?
There a rules/army list pdf?
So how would I go about making a Genestealer cult in Kill Team? The Deathwatch set provided a bunch of units, but I'm having trouble coming up with a working full 200 points that isn't just the two hyrbid squads mashed together... Because I really don't want to paint up 28 miniatures for Killteam.
Could I theoretically 'ally' with a Tyranid force, and just field a bunch of genestealers with a couple of the Abberants?
pay someone to fix it for you?
Ravenwing Command Squad (190pts)
[3x Black Knight (120pts), Bolt pistol, Corvus Hammer, Frag and Krak Grenades, Plasma Talon, Ravenwing Apothecary (30pts), 2x Ravenwing Grenade Launcher, Sacred Standard (35pts), Teleport Homer] Ravenwing Champion (5pts) [Blade of Caliban]
You need four models for a kill team.
>Could I theoretically 'ally' with
>I really don't want to paint up 28 miniatures for Killteam.
then do pure genestealers instead
but cults are always going to be hordes of squishy dudes
It's 3 Knights, an apocothary, and a champion.
but commission painters overcharge a fuckton
Aren't those upgrades?
On one hand, that's fine by me since I got a fuckton of genestealers lying around from Space Hulk. On the other hand, I'll be hard pressed to give them much in the way of any personality. But that's probably more for /wip/ then here.
So... How would you describe the rules? Does the box include full 7e rulebook as well? Is it it's own game or a mod on general rules?
Assume that I've never played any iteration of Kill Team before and I've moved on to 40k from Infinity.
I would love to get more mileage out of my 40k minis and maybe find a game less mechanically intimidating than Infinity, to get people easier into.
Its just a mod to the regular 40k rules. You get the KT and the softback rules in the box I believe.
>How would you describe the rules?
40k, but every individual model is its own unit
casual as fuck, but amusing
Undercoat white
Paint one colour.
Pick out key things, robes, different armour and stuff like that, in a different colour. Maybe two.
Black wash or use the 'dip' method, aka wood varnish.
Paint the base.
Congratulations, you've now got a decently painted miniature.
Duh, you're right. Guess I can do a sarge / knight / biker squad.
Apothecary isn't worth it anyway, as the FnP would only apply to himself.
What is so bad about it?
Honestly, a lot of the complaints I've seen are either nothing that couldn't be ironed out as I said or basically come down to AoS being a different game from Fantasy, dropping as it does the rank and flank gameplay and simulationist aspects. That doesn't make something bad, it just means it isn't to your taste.
I don't play AoS, but it's ruleset looks a lot more straightforward compared to either 40k or Fantasy.
You just use the the codices with the exceptions and rule additions found in the Kill Team rules. A few armies don't benefit from some of the army wide rules found in their codices, Skitarii, Daemons, Daemonkin, and Orks off the top of my head.
Is there a pdf of the new Kill Team book yet?
Whats a good, dont get raped in the face Imperial guard kill team?
Last time i ran plasma vets, chimera and a heavy bolter team to decent effect.
Can vets plus a plasma sentinel work?
Look for someone knew you to do it.
Dont trust commission sites literal jews right there
>How do I into tabletop without wasting incorrigible amounts of money?
Buy not everything at once.
>I demand a Tau Empire Army.
You can demand alot.. Check out the "Start collecting!" box for Tau. Its one of the boxes with the best value for its price. You save almost 50% compared with buying the single units.
>How do I without assembly? I can't paint or glue things.
Ask for help? Practice?
Why cant you glue things? Are you handicapped? Its no rocket science. Literally 10 year olds can do it.
> two years ago, when I painted Space Marines and Veeky Forums Veeky Forums told me they looked bad, and I painted them wrong.
So, did you ask for advise how to paint them better?
Did you try to paint them better?
Thanks user.
But wtf, is it really just 24 pages?
No this pdf has a few pages cut out but nothing important.
+++ SoB KT (200pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) ++
Celestian x2
Celestian with Flamer
>Specialist - Infiltrate
Celestian with Heavy Flamer
>Specialist - Expose Weakness
Celestian Superior w/ Bolt Pistol + Chainsword
Dominion w/Melta
Dominion w/Melta
Dominion w/Melta
>Specialist - Eagle Eye
Dominion w/Melta
Dominion Veteran Superior
Thanks user
>no 2+ save