>Because a certain martial/magical skill exclusively affects women, the martial segment of society has become almost exclusively female
Is this automatically magical realm or can it be done right?
Because a certain martial/magical skill exclusively affects women...
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You have to sell me on it.
So far, it sounds dumb, and you sound dumb, and even if it wasn't magical realm, I'd still tell you to fuck off.
It's almost exclusively bullshit.
What magical ability do you have in mind that will render everyone who doesn't have it useless in combat?
That's pretty cool OP, but is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Ju Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyuseishu Futarime no Rikudo Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushodo, Shurado, Tendo, Ningendo, Jigokudo, Gakido, Gedo, Bansho Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sozo) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Futon, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yoton and even Onmyoton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujo because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudodama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudo Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kotan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4
+4 Strength.
Eeh.... I've never seen it done that great, but it doesn't automatically make it magical realm material. Now, the no pants thing, that's definitely magical realm territory.
>Short one phrase greentext followed by: Issit magical realm?
Yes. Always.
Even if it's not, presented in such a lazy way, and when all you care about in your premisse is if it looks like Magical Realm or not, it would look like it is. It's like this:
You describe a barbarian or bronze age culture. If someone asks about shoewear, or when someone's looking for footprints, you mention they usually go barefoot. That's not magical realm.
You make a thread on Veeky Forums saying
>My barbarians go barefoot because they believe energy flows from the earth and bla bla religious reasons. Is it magical realm?
Yes it is.
Maybe it's the same culture, but, if you care so much about that single detail, you clearly fixating on it, which suggest fetishism. Since you had to ASK if it is fetishism, it seems fetishes were already in your mind.
>can it be done right?
Probably not. Not with humans, at least.
>Is this automatically magical realm
No, it's not. By a fucking long shot. Now if you were making it "only women with Double-E cup sizes are gifted with magic enhancements to their martial prowess to the point they are the best fighters in the land provided they always fight naked" or "only women in diapers are allowed to serve in this military" then it would be magical realm.
Magical Realm is the blatant telegraphing of weird, off-kilter sexual fetishes to your players because you are a giant fucking weirdo who doesn't see why that's a bad thing. It's graphically describing what makes you hard and inviting players to play along because you're a retard who thinks he's being funny and/or for some reason thinks it's okay to share that with other people.
"Eeew a character had sex once so lewd giggle squee" is not magical realm. A society of Amazons is not magical realm.
That said, your idea still smells like bullshit unless you elaborate.
If you have to ask, then yes, it's magical realm if run by you.
You gotta think these things in a trade-off basis, you can have one attributes considered magic realm and use it but add one more and you basically fucked it up i'l write and example at the end
Only women can use magic
you can offer an explanation so has to not let people immediately go into magical realm or have a trade off where you incorporate something that would be not be normally magical realmy
Here is an example:
The magic gene is tipicly passed through people with XX chromosomes and strange cases such as the follow occurrences
that's an explanation that may suffice but have that AND a trade off is more effective.
"Males" are cast the fuck out because they think that shit ain't normal and their culture just doesn't take males into account.
Or without the gene explanation here's another
Males just can't hold on to magical power it's well known that males with magic power blow themselves up since magic is directly connected to their emotions and mood most wizards in their teens typically grow too sure of their abilities or just plane and simple explode when angered
And what happens then is they are put down by the rest of course women are more calm (inb4 everyone is diferent and women are worst at managing their emotions redpill stuff) in this world it's just a fact that more women manage to handle their power through their lives then most men.
Maybe girls are the only ones who can use magic, including weaboo fighting magic?
Oh and a last one ffs don't try to pass off shit that is clearly magical realm as if not people can smell it.
Anyone will instantly understand if this shit is here for the game world or just for cummies.
Magical realm does not mean what you think it does. Your idea is, however, massively stupid and has no reason to ever be accepted.
>Warrior god(ess) demands their servants be female
Fucking done. Why are you people so obsessed with coming up with retardedly complex justifications for or against femwarriors- oh, right, this is Veeky Forums.
If you really want a magical skill association with gender, have men optimize towards black magic due to hunting or whatever while women tend towards white magic because caring for the wounded.
Or some shit like that. It's magic, which means you don't have to explain it, but you don't have to go full fetish, which it sounds like you will because you're asking.
Also this.
Why would this world need babytalk for ejaculation? The phrase "does baby want cummies?" shouldn't exist.
A lot of the terms and concepts Veeky Forums uses shouldn't exist.
Skullgirls/ touhou anyone?
Also D 2 Amazons
There should be a fucking sticky with what magical realm actually means this comes up every damn hour.
See, I have no problem with the idea of a female order of knights or warriors or even fucking special forces operators operating.
I just think it's fucking dumb to exclusively have women able to fight in the setting. Even if you flip things on their heads and make them the traditionally more expendable gender, then you'd still have male warriors popping up here and there, like we have female warriors scattered about.
So yeah... It's not magical realm to like the idea of women able to kick ass. I mean come on; that's barely a fetish next to the pissforest.
It's just fucking stupid.
I am going to fucking set the next person who uses that god-forsaken phrase on fire, you see if I don't.
lots of people think complexity gives freedom.
and alot just have second thoughts because tg bitches about everything if they didn't get their cummies that day.
Yeah but if it's not bullshit strong then throwing a crowd of worker drones at a magical kween should still result in victory and therefore be a more viable strategy
Stay away from /d/ then friend, they get up to some weird shit over there.
This. No one understands what Magical Realm is, they start crying "Wizzard!" every time anything gets vaguely lewd. Which doesn't have a place at the tabletop unless the game is predetermined and agreed upon to be lewd.
>every time anything gets vaguely lewd
But why would you let things get lewd when you're in a room with a bunch of other men?
>Inb4 "m-muh 1 on 1 roleplay with my gf"
Why not just have sex at that point? BoEF has zero reason to exist.
But could he even bring himself to fight his old friend Tsukishima? They've been through so much together, working side by side to save the world.
No. But Freezing is still full magical realm. Especially the siblings arc which was blatantly penned with semen.
>Now, the no pants thing, that's definitely magical realm territory.
It's historically accurate, though.
>He wouldn't play a game based on Freezing
I would play a game inspired by Freezing. Unfortunately the author has a bad habit of just slapping bigger power levels into the series and completely overshadowing the established cast. Also men are integral to the story but completely useless 90% of the time.
Not to mention his unknown and completely indefensible reasons for never giving best girl any screen time.
watching freezing is frustrating it is like a 50/50 split between interesting character drama and weird fan service.
Anime-only fag but I hate how they set up this world full of demon-monster-angel things (I forgot what they're called, that's how unimportant they are) but that's entirely overshadowed by interpersonal drama. Let me repeat that: the MAIN CONFLICT of the series is overshadowed by highschool-tier bullying with superpowered magical girls.
Other than that it's okay, and I like how it appeals to muh fetish. I also like how both main girls are likeable, even though Satella must win by virtue of being First Girl. She's beautiful to boot, I'd say it's a wasted character design.
>Woman central magic
Once a month blood magic.
>even though Satella must win by virtue of being First Girl.
Rana obviously never stood a chance from the beginning. The only thing that could possibly pull Kazuya off the Satella route is if his sister magically came back to life and wanted his dick.
And yes, the plot of every arc can be broken down into three phases: humans do bad things to other humans, now humans done fucked it all up, aliens attacking.
>if you care so much about that single detail, you clearly fixating on it, which suggest fetishism. Since you had to ASK if it is fetishism, it seems fetishes were already in your mind.
This is the only answer that OP needs.
Not like he actually made this setting or has friends or anything, but all that aside, this is the answer to his pointless question.
It's only a magical realm if you think it is user.
That point aside, most RPGs make a point of having men and women be equals mechanically. You've gotta be careful not only to explain why this inequality is in place, but also ensure that the players won't feel restrained by not choosing a female character.
Magical realm my foot, women gallivanting about in only their underwear and calling it "pants" is common fashion IRL.
A well justified piss forest is still a piss forest. And this isn't even well justified.
This guy gets it. The more complicated you make your justification, the more forced and desperate it feels.
>it's a "female knight wat do" episode
>Is this automatically magical realm?
Funnily enough the answer to this question is almost never yes, just about anything can be worked in the history and culture of a world and just be a neat fact about your homebrew.
I don't know when Freud's vengeful ghost hijacked Veeky Forums and convinced it that everything is secretly about people's fetishes but just playing things straight has a remarkable ability to cut though bullshit like that.
>Is this automatically magical realm or can it be done right?
Depends on how it's presented, odds are it'll either be magical realm or a girl power thing, but I can believe it can be done right
Mind you, it as a magical realm/girl power thing can also be done in a fun way, but both of those are real easy to go bad
>Maybe it's the same culture, but, if you care so much about that single detail, you clearly fixating on it, which suggest fetishism. Since you had to ASK if it is fetishism, it seems fetishes were already in your mind.
What if it's not a single detail, it's just one aspect he's iffy on?
>ctrl+F "claymore"
How has no one mentioned claymore?
This, you don't need super complicated explanations, just keep things internally constant
I am into some of the weirdest shit but this word rubs me the wrong way
>But why would you let things get lewd when you're in a room with a bunch of other men?
Different strokes for different folks, I don't think I'd enjoy that but I'm not going to complain if someone else does. I understand different people will have different ranges of what they feel comfortable RPing
Hush you, those are popular now a days for some reason, if you don't like it change the channel
>the martial segment of society has become almost exclusively female
That's inconsequential.
But it would make sense to have, for example, special divisions that are female only. Maybe only (some) women can use a certain form of holy magic that's extremely effective at fighting demons and then you get Claymore-style all female paladin divisions.
because it's literally weeb genderswapped Witcher
>Is this automatically magical realm
>can it be done right?
Just because its retarded doesn't mean its magical realm.
>What is "Wheel of Time?" And I'll take Who's a Faggot for one hundred Alex.
Well, there are multiple ways of performing gender exclusive occupations. I am not going to say whether or not they are "magical realm", but there are different types:
Even though men could be, let's say, clerics, they are rare or non-existent because
a.) Society views being a cleric a female thing and that males are not fit or worthy of being clerics. Society might change as maybe a male decides to go against conformity and pursue their dreams
b.) Clergy does not accept men as clerics (similar reasons to above)
c.) Deity/Spirit/Sentient supernatural being only blesses and/or assists clerics that are female. Hypothetically, one could convince that source to make an exception or trick that source into bestowing power onto a male.
Genes, chromosomes, or just present hormones or ethereal shit exclusive to women allows them to do clerical things. 98% of males are magically incapable of becoming clerics. However, that doesn't mean that every single female is a hypothetical cleric.
Feel free to add to the list.
Do you WANT Aes Sedai?
Because this is how you get bloody Aes Sedai!
And the only good thing to come from it are Aiel Wise Ones
>setting of knights and and shit
>protagonist is a woman
>half-giant so she's strong enough to fight monsters but tall and gangly and very shy
>she fights the shit out of men but mostly just wants to go home and read
am I doin it right Veeky Forums
Center of Balance
For women it's closer to the middle of their body, for men it's closer to the chest. Women who train enough for control of their CoB will have a much easier time doing crazy martial fu shit
>can X be done right?
Yes. Next question.
It's done pretty right in Anima.
There's a martial art that was developed by women, and employed strictly by women called Selene. It's also the name of the island where it was developed, as well as an all-women assassin's guild that specialize in that martial art. If a man learns it, they don't get a chance to seduce their way out, they get fucking slaughtered. No trying to seduce or persuade these bitches, they just keep sending assassins until you fucking die.
To be fair, it's a REALLY good Martial Art. Mastering it gives you theoretically UNLIMITED counters so long as you don't get put on the defensive. And those counters get DOUBLE the normal counter bonus.
Also, you can combine it with two other martial arts to suffer no penalties to defense when surrounded, and from precarious situations like being on the ground or partially paralyzed.
It's either magical realm or everything is problematic realm and neither is very good.
For the love of god, read the manga if you have any interest in this whatsoever. The anime is ridiculously cringey and butchers a lot of the characters.
Wheel of Time did it, but men were actually more powerful.
They just had a tendency to go mad.