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So what are your 3 favorite cards so far?
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So just how common are Planeswalkers supposed to be? I only ask because it seems like every plane has like 3-5 at any given time.
1. Aetherworks Marvel
2. Nissa, Vital Force
3. Lost Legacy/Pia Nalaar Because I'm a sucker for feels
The one card that I can identify with.
Thriving Grubs?
Mister "pay to play" Orzov
The rest is kinda cool, mostly junk
Terror of the Fairgrounds
>implying any of us is thriving
Let's be real here.
One in a million or so.
The Mending made them probably as widespread as it lowered their powerlevel.
The Fair land is great for muh lantmeme control, paradoxical outcome could be great in the eggs deck i'm looking to build, maybe even the big thing that blast for 50. Pretty hyped for this set actually famalam.
>psuedo-indian planeswalker
>named Raj
fucking lol
This one?
>"no thanks"
>can't see shit with my sunburn captain, is it near? Now?
I wonder how long this was their name
In no particular order:
Demon of Dark Schemes
Madcap Experiment
Start Your Engines
One in a million seems absurdly common to be honest. Each one is basically a god.
Cultivator of Blades
Verdurous Gearhulk
I'm building G/W Counters this set and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>finally print a hate card for eldrazi after eldrazi have already rotated out
nuWalkers aren't "gods". They're just normal people (for a fantasy world) who happen to be able to walk the planes. They generally aren't stronger than any other mages inherently.
Only Dragons and Origins are rotating out, Memedrazi are around for another 6 months
BFZ is still in standard, it rotates out with Amonket
>Each one is basically a god
whut? how long has it been since you last touched Magic?
Planeswalkers these days literally can just travel between worlds. That's all the spark does.
Torrential Gearhulk
Demon of Dark Schemes
The modules are also really cool as are a few of the other cards, I like the angel of invention too though I don't think it's particularly good.
It looks like a dumb Johnny set.
I'm in.
They used to be, not anymore post-Mending, and it was also a point in lore that while maybe one in a million possess a Spark, not everyone who has one ignites. Case in point: Glacian.
rakdos plainswalker when
>paradoxical outcome could be great in the eggs deck i'm looking to build
do you like getting punched in the crotch?
Oh boy secondo harvest is in standard oh boy
Does every single fucking set have to be 20% EDH bait now?
Thats HOW it fucked up.
Wizards saw the anime boom and instead of ridindg that wave they gave people a Shinto 101 text book.
So the flavor was fucked and the design was crappy.
Kamigawa is dead, bury it.
1. Voltaic Brawler
2. Longtusk Cub
3. Lathnu Hellion
No particular order
Noxious Gearhulk
Filigree Familiar
..Angel of Invention?
There are definitely some other good ones like Kambal, Fleetwheel Cruiser, Saheeli, Chandra, the land cycle, and Depala.
Commander Is typically played casually unless your group is a bunch of combo-fetching tryhards.
>So the flavor was fucked
No, the flavor was spot-on perfect. The problem was everything else. It was the Homelands situation all over again.
Let's remember that MaRo is not the best judge of anything, even his own failures. His idea of why Devoid was unpopular was because it's keyworded, not because it's inherently shit on a conceptual level (actual reason).
never forgetti the 3 drop daretti
>No, the flavor was spot-on perfect
Yeah, that explains why it's the uncontested least popular plane in terms of flavor.
Oh wait.
It's one thing to say 'I liked Kamigawa, it would be nice to see it again' (I'm in that group), but what makes Kamigawa fans deny reality and insist it was secretly hugely successful and is definitely coming back?
Not a single legendary is EDH playable so far, and they even went out of their way to design a legendary creature that can't be used in EDH because it starts out as not a creature.
Flavor was great, if/when they do a new Japanese plane and they anime it up it'll never be anywhere near as good as Kamigawa, flavorwise.
Ignoring thst is because it's played by casuals, it's easily the least expensive eternal format barring specific exceptions of which there are also exceptions for commander such as buying a precon. magine having to buy more than one force of will.
>what makes Kamigawa fans deny reality and insist it was secretly hugely successful
Nobody has said or even implied it was "successful". Just that it had fucking fantastic flavor.
>Not a single legendary is EDH playable so far
Sarkhan was printed in... Rise of the Eldrazi I think?
You also got Daretti in Conspiracy 2.
>tfw rtkamigawa will be a sci-fi fantasy block.
prismatic walker when
>Yeah, that explains why it's the uncontested least popular plane in terms of flavor.
Being perfect doesn't mean that people like you. Kamigawa, in terms of flavor, was perfect. A 10/10 jackpot in terms of theme, story and lore. People hated it because its mechanics were annoying garbage and its cards weak.
A worse Edric that promotes playing on your opponents' turn in a multiplayer format.
Meanwhile BW guy, Gonti, Dwarf and Pia are unplayable.
>turning Kamigawa into Ninja Slayer
I'm in.
There's nothing inherently bad about a "colorless" mechanic, no one ever complained about Ghostfire. It's just that they decided to take away any reason that might be relevant (protection, Intimidate) right before dedicating a block to it, turning it into not-Tribal.
When Bolas ascends in Amonkhet.
The only thing we have to go on that is MaRo and his nebulous market research.
I have never once heard a complaint about Kamigawa's setting in the 13 years I have been playing.
You know the best part about this guy is that he hits the field and he technically does something. Literally a 4 life swing every time an opponent tries to cast shit.
>BW Guy unplayable.
>triggers on each opponent.
>A worse Edric
Other than drawing cards, being UG, and being an elf, what exactly is the relation to edric. They build into totally different decks. Rashmi is like Jori En in a better color, and Jori En was a perfectly good commander that exchanges a mana for the ability to cascade.
>There's nothing inherently bad about a "colorless" mechanic, no one ever complained about Ghostfire.
No one complained about Ghostfire because Ghostfire wasn't printed in a fucking "colorlessness matters" block. It was just a random gimmick on one random card in a set filled with random gimmicks. But when you actually go and make a "colorlessness matters" block, you better not fucking print Ghostfire in there, let alone two hundred different variants of it, because it RUINS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. The point of such a block is to have tons of colorless cards, not colored cards that are arbitrarily designated as colorless but act exactly like colored cards in every other way including cost. It was inherently fucked up anti-design that defeated the whole purpose of the block. It doesn't matter if it had a keyword or not. If your block's idea is "colorlessness matters", then you have to bite the bullet and wreck the color pie for the duration of that block, print massive amounts of cards that actually are colorless down to their mana cost, not just pretend-colorless.
Also the criticism was "unplayable". I get you mean "not good enough to be played" but Rashmi IS good enough to be played so the criticism is still moot. Also Kambal is possibly playable as well and probably better in commander than anywhere else.
Gonti and Pia are definitely not commander cards, sure, and I think Depala WAS a commander card but they don't understand how to make it worth playing trash vehicles and dwarves so also fair enough shes not good.
goodrakdos planeswalker when
What? There's absolutely nothing wrong with Devoid mechanically. It's not just about "biting the bullet" and wrecking the color pie, but also about balancing colors and how they build limited environments around the color combinations. They needed the lesser eldrazi to have color not just because of the color pie but also because the eldrazi should have colors to signal the kind of decks they should be played in and to make sure there's enough colored cards to go around. There is no proble mwith devoid on a mechanical level. I also don't think there's a problem with Devoid on a naming level either as I understand why they chose to do it instead of writing it out, but it does get wrapped into the issue of pointless keywords they've been having lately where they just make keywords and tie cards together to signal limited archetypes without actually needing the keywords.
rakdoretti is good tho
1. Ovalchase Daredevil - this card is a house of a discard engine and beats players / Planeswalkers in the face for 4 or chump blocks for days if needed.
2. Armorcraft Judge - In a Hardened Scales deck, this is a Harmonize (or better) with legs.
3. Aether Hub - Good land is goooooood.
You're utterly casual, not a single one of these legendaries have the qualities required to break tier 3 junk let alone actual be played.
Yeah sure in semantics even Haakon isn't "unplayable" but if we're going to be childishly strict in our wording you said "Does every single fucking set have to be 20% EDH bait now?" while we've seen less than half a dozen EDH cards.
Unless you're building Tier-1 Infinite Loop Narset decks EDH is cheaper than Modern, considering that outside of certain combo pieces most cards in your deck will run under $1-2. You can easily build functioning decks at the $100-$150 range
in what format
Wow, you did not read my post at all and just devolved into shitflinging. You know how I know you didn't read my post?
>Yeah sure in semantics even Haakon isn't "unplayable" but if we're going to be childishly strict in our wording
I wasn't doing this. I know what you meant whe nyo usaid unplayable and while I didn't say it since it didn't matter I agree with it, and my post was clearly acknowledging that definition by doing on to agree that Gonti, Pia, and Depala weren't commander playable.
cn2 draft
>Unless you're Playing it right, EDH is cheaper than Modern
Fixed that for you
Not that guy but he could possibly see play in Legacy Tezzerator. He isn't even Modern/Standard legal though so you it's not like he's got a lot of options.
Who gives a shit about tiers in EDH? It's all about making things work and building around what you like.
It was fucked BECAUSE it was perfect.
Super accurate shinto didnt resonate with anymore than a small sliver of the audience. Peopel actually liking ti is more important that being uber faithful
>And so—for example, if you say you’re going to do Japanese culture. And I write down everything I expect to see. Well, you know, ninjas are pretty high. Because even though ninjas in actual Japanese mythology are very tiny part of what’s going on, they are a very big part and they’re resonant of most people playing the game.
>Because most people playing the game are not super enfranchised in Japanese mythology. That they know the surface level but not the deep level. And one of the problems that Champions of Kamigawa had was they went pretty deep. Like, if you really knew Shinto and a lot of the religion, they did a lot of cool things that you would recognize. But the problem was, they didn’t do enough stuff that was easily recognizable.
>And that’s one of the tricky things about resonance is, resonance isn’t reality. Resonance is perceived reality. Meaning what the audience knows is not the same of what really is. And part of trying to do a resonant set is, yes you can do faithful things that are realistically there. But you also have to do some stuff that’s perceived to be there.
>And that’s an important point, which is you have to meet some expectations. Otherwise, the funny thing is, the audience feels like you’re not doing what you say you’re doing because even though you’re being faithful, it doesn't feel correct to them.
>And that’s the tricky part of—you want to kind of be faithful to your source on some level, but you also want to make sure you’re faithful to the perception of the source. And that’s another thing that’s really important is design, is one of the quotes they talk about is “perception is reality.”
I find that difficult to believe: the fans of Kamigawa's setting are a minority over here. The main arguments against it are that the artwork is a mess, the names make it difficult to tell the cards apart, and that the setting is only fun for the weeaboos. Of course, being a weeaboo, myself, I disagree, but I can see where they're coming from. I still scratch my head at some of Kamigawa's artwork.
To add to 's points, BFZ was not a "Colorless matters" block, it was a vague "Zendikar vs Eldrazi" block. It's just that they've chosen to unite all the Eldrazi with the colorless theme, even though they could've just made the minor eldrazi colored again, like in ROE.
Does anyone else think the aetherborn aren't that black? They seem a lot more red-aligned.
First time posting in Kaldesh spoilers, so I don't know if this has already been discussed at length.
You know you can actually be competitive while having fun right?
>What? There's absolutely nothing wrong with Devoid mechanically.
Yes there is, as I just explained. It ruins the entire point of the god damn block. Devoid is as if they printed Ravnica but instead of having tons of multicolored cards, they made a keyword that means "this card is multicolored", slapped it on a hundred monocolored cards and called it a day. It's the worst possible idea.
>They needed the lesser eldrazi to have color
Nope. Not going to even address the rest of your points because this is the sort of thing where if you disagree, you are just a fucking idiot.
>Implying there's a "right" way to play with printed cardboard
You can, but why bother if it's not your thing? I'd have more fun making something around cards I like. There's nothing wrong with being competitive, but tiers hardly matter.
a Japanese set would be all anime and mecha and giant robots and ninjas and kaiju and shoen action and such . Top Down only works when people actually get the top
Kamigawas lore was very well detailed and very fleshed out but also most people didnt get it. It wasnt like Gothic Horror or Greek Myth it was just weird ass shit tied to a very poorly done set with weak power level parasitic mechanics not interconnection between the blocks, ugly ass flip cards a ridiculous legend theme, a tribal that only really worked with the set and a play pattern that didnt capture the lore at all. It failed on almost every possible rubric which is amazing because so many of those failures acted a templates for what NOT to do that made magic better.
Kmaigawa was basically your first time having sex; it was fucking horrible but it was still a good idea and when you do it again it will suck less.
pretty much every part of kamigawa has since been done in a way that doesnt totally suck. The Japanese theme is the only one left really.
Its okay that you liked it but you are part of a very very very small minority.
>It ruins the entire point of the god damn block.
No it didn't. How the fuck is having a mechanic that makes colored cards colorless "ruining the entire point of the god damn block"? Do you think about you post? We had colored eldrazi before that filled the exact same purpose. The difference between the old ones and the new ones is the new ones actually qualify for the colorless matters support thanks to Devoid.
>If you disagree you're retarded
damn how can i live against that argument brb killing self
These aren't the same though. You still had to spend colored mana on those Eldrazi with devoid.
Becasue it wasnt for weaboos; as the snl sketch points out webaooism is the kind of pop culture japanophilai wotc was TRYING to cash in on; instead you got super accurate obscure shinto stuff
Kamigawa lore was made for this guy...
Yeah, you're right. Still, that doesn't stop people from assuming it's weeaboo bait and disregarding the entire block based on that.
When it should have been made for these people
Note that this was the same year yugioh began to rape mtg ins ales for about a decade straight; the card design change; creating duelmasters, kamigawa,
This was wotc on its maximum yellow peril mode. thrashing in fear of the spikey headed overlord who would soon have more cards sold than us currency existed.
Aaron Forscthe saved mtg by selling out; and Maro showed you can sell out and still make good shit (see: Innistrad, Empire Strikes Back, the dark Knight)
Its funny, it was weaboo bait but it FAILED to be weaboo bait and people still hate it for being weaboo bait.
It takes it from both ends.
You can play legacy with cheap brews as well, this doesn't make the format cheap
They were like Lorwyn changelings.
If you do colorness as a core theme you have to get the as fan high while not fucking the color pie and still being backwards compatible.
Devoid was how to do that. Eldrazi tribal would be too parasitic.
>tfw there will never be a group of Walkers based off the Gang
>mfw people in my LGS are comparing Chandra to Jace, tms
Why is everyone fucking terrible at card evaluation?
are you saying new chandra is bad, or just not the level of format distorting power that JtMS was?
Oh god someone stop my autism, i keep trying to colro sort them!
Green, Blue, Black,White, Red
This proves all colors can equally be crazy dicks
She'll probably be a fine fit in standard as long as red gets more help.
I really don't think she'll see play in any other format
It is a delicate dance for Wizards
>Oh my god guys remember the last time they released a 4-ability PW?
Uhh, yes. Yes, I do.
And that's even before you take into account Arlinn and the like.
>made magic better
>Dennis: whiteblack human
>Mac: greenblack human
>Frank: redblack goblin
>Charlie: red human
>Dee: black aven
red getting more help in standard
i have some bad news for you user...
It makes Commander cheaper if you're assuming the best decks though because of only needing one copy of every expensive card. I don't think anyone was claimining ANY magic format was a "cheap" format.
i-i just want searing spear...