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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So I couldn't for example fuse Saitama and Boros through Niceae. I need the SMT thing for that instead, gotcha
As for devil Tamers, nah I'm talking more about how when you fight Demon Tamers and they summon demons as separable skirmish able unit on map.
Also, does fighting generate Magnetite only in DeSu jump or any fights with Comps and such?
How do I fix her wagon?
You have just exited hyperspace/warp/whaterver and are about crash into the BBEG's base.
What song is playing?
With a great. Big. Axel.
Bend her over a table, shes a M.
Any of the selection below.
Captia has a pic of Slinderman!? Weird.
I think it'd go a little something like this
French Pop probably covered by myself with my obscenely Perk-Enhanced voice.
Any battle with COMPs.
You can't stop me.
Do I have to pick drop-in to be a traveler?
References to historical events altered appropriately:
Hey Red, does the Additional Tools option for the Infested in Warframe apply the SAME Tools purchased to every being you Infest?
Are there any perks that would keep blood from staining my shirt?
Bancho, ¿eres un Spaniard?
I will sing it myself. In a deep and monotone voice.
Howdy /JC, wherefore am I off to this time?
Technically I guess? but it's more about how my Jumper is a total thug, I do have the Title "mugger of Gods"
Ensoul from Cardcaptors + Scourgify from Harry Potter.
Elite Beat Agents
>we're literally about to crash into the BBEG's base
>I don't know how to fly this thing
>nobody in the party knows how to fly this thing
>Knockout Kiss
Why specifically only unrequited? Ah well, would've been nice otherwise.
Anyway... Build time! pic only vaguely related.
Location: Eihon village
Villager [Free]
Bride [Free] ...I like the discounts? Also, I guess I'm female for the jump again. I'm noticing a pattern.
Age: 16
Eye for Detail [Free] Always get sense boosts.
Shepherd [Free] Uh. Okay?
Scribe [200] Oh hey, I finally have legible handwriting. Only took a few hundred years. Cool.
Sing Away The Time [Free] I like singing. That's going to be a hazard for people around me after Infernals, but whatever.
Embroidery [200] I like making fancy things.
Grow Together [300] For the Waifus!
Best Way To The Heart [100] Good food is good.
Window to the Soul [100] Awesome. Vanity and communication.
Beauty Shines Through [100] Moar vanity.
Through Deeds Not Words [100] And communication.
Attired Appropriately [200] This is nice. My clothes are pretty much indestructable, and now they can't be taken away either.
Period wear [Free] Cool, kinda like this style.
Animal Charm [Free] I'm gonna say... Tiger. Not sure what attribute though.
Tapestries [50] Gotta deck out the warehouse in all the fancy stuff.
Pomegranates 2x [50] Sure. Fruit's fine.
Grape trees [200] Grape TREES. I love things like this. Grapes don't work that way, and getting trees that /do/ work that way is just wonderful. Will evoke a delightfully subtle weirdness in other worlds.
Extended Family [Free] Fun for everyone.
Strange Customs [+200]
Engagement Difficulties [+300]
Damn, this jump is hard on my cp budget. There's some really great perks here.
I also have no idea what this is, but the jump is awesome and now I want to read it. Is it worth it?
...Also any good waifus here? It seems I get to take one with me, if I manage to marry someone.
Don't know jack about this setting. What's it like?
Right back at cha!
Where's your husband? You need a husband.
Male Japanese cheerleaders save the world With the power of funk
Cho Aniki
Am I the only one who thinks that "Prinny, Can I really be a hero, dood?" Controls like garbage?
....I approve of this message.
This again? As I said before sell it to me, otherwise I'm not going!
Are you fond of GAINS, TEAMWORK, and the absurdity of the PROTEIN-POWERED UNIVERSE?
If so, then CHO ANIKI is the Jump for you!
>Engagement Difficulties [+300]
Don't have one.
Probably something to do with me being a embroidery-obsessed weirdo, who can't into the local customs.
>not getting good enough to kill a thousand men without a single drop of blood staining your clothes
>not proceeding to ridicule and smack talk all of them nonstop throughout the entire fight
Pai Mei would be disappointed in you user.
My TEAMWORK could use some upgrading...
you're forgetting the Rampant Homoerotic beefcake,like everything In that world is Homoerotic beefcake
No, I usually am that good. The problem is, that in some cases, pure brutality is more efficient. Rip and tear, my friend.
I'm mostly in it for the Perks at this point. I've seen a speed run of it and it's not a very interesting thing, weird yes but not very interesting. Are the Perks worth it, cause ten years of that is going to fucking be annoying as hell.
Why bother with efficiency when you can just stroll through your opponents and beat all of them one-handed while stroking your beard and pointing out the flaws in their fighting styles before immediately using those flaws to kill them?
If Eyebrows is here, may I ask if the purchased Race Piece in NGNL can only belong to your backgrounds race, or can you have it represent a race from a different setting?
Are you being serious right now?
Nice build! Also, excuse me while I have a small aneurysm at the GRAPE TREES.
Actually, am I the only one who thinks someone needs to Photoshop them into existence?
I am 1/2 Hispanic, and that is a Title my Jumper has, so yes.
The aneurysm-inducing is one reason I like them
I completely agree. Unfortunately, I can't into photoshop.
"...wait. This perk would have fixed everything in five minutes. Why didn't I use it?!"
How often does this happen to you, Jumpers?
>mugger of Gods
I...I have no idea how to respond to that.
God damn.
Grape trees.
Damnit man everybtime I think you cant get cringier you hit new levels of sanic.
the trick is is finding really pissant Gods that a late game combat Spec Jumper can pick on.
Elite Beat Agents Jump 086:
CP: 1000
Walk with Rhythm [+200]
Agents are No! [+400]
The Last Dance: The Sultan at the Center of Everything [+400]
Background: Drop-In [Free]
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
Step it Up [-50]
The Next Step Is [-150]
Step to the Left [-300]
Walking and Talking [-100]
Dance Dance Revitalization [-300]
Song and Dance [-100]
Elite Threads [Free]
Music to Dance to [Free]
Purple Frog Juice [-100]
Elite Beat Badge [-100]
Elite Beat Engine [-200]
Elite Beat Pen [-400]
Backup Dancers x3 [-200]
Yuno Half-Caste Sidereal
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
(___)'s Symbiote
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
Gaunlet's Symbiote
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
The Parents
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
Airfield Princess and the Ship Girls
Elite Beat [Free]
Agents are Go! [Free]
I can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm leveraging Cuh-Ray-Zee!, Down with the Sickness (Devil May Cry), (S)he's Learning Our History... (Fifth Element), Basic Warrior Training (Claymore), Now Your Voice is Crystal-Clear! (Steven Universe), The Jack (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures), CH-CHAN MIO! (Niichijou), Exaggerated Reality (Super Robot Wars), and all of my 'internal' soundtrack perks to make this the funkiest decade the world has ever known. Funny I didn't think I'd have even one Perk I could turn into Dance Skill but dear lord with all of the perks I have now I've gotten my bases mostly covered at this point.
The Earth is a magical place isn't it?
I give it a C+ for imagination.
All the time. Sometimes Companions, too.
>"Hello? Flying, lightning-breathing dragon right here. I can get you across that sea."
>"Well okay yeah."
>"If only I could tell how he feels."
>"Aura, remember? You can."
Wasn't someone doing that jump?
Go home Sugg, you're Sugg.
Kind of is, yeah.
But seriously, Evolution? You were drunk when you made the platypus, I don't even want to know what you were on when you made this.
I'm not sure I trust you to even get home at this point.
I've found that the Fortune Energy draining Syringe from Binbougami is a great way to deal with shounen protagonists and their enemies. Just drain both parties at the start of the jump and I'm free to solve the other problems in a more or less sane manner.
>not just draining the BBEG and letting events take its course
What if... I use EVO on demons...
Also, Miyako gotten for cp or for Errai Rising keeps her transformation, right?
Side note: must get a Magatama of Alcor's form, it looks interesting
Side side note: when I first saw ending I thought for a second Alcor reincarnated as a surfboard due to design. But now I am imagining a hyper cube surfing on a surfboard
I drain the BBEG and the hero. Mutual disarmament of the belligerent parties makes things much nicer.
How strong is Lugh spear actually? I guess weaker than Shiva's BLAAAAM beam
I repeatedly forget that I have Copy from Kirby's Dreamland. It would solve so many of my problems if I just remembered I freaking have it.
But to be fair it was also the first in my chain and lots of things have happened.
Kirby Jump 087:
CP: 1000
Location: Battleship Halberd
Shadow Jumper [+300]
EX-Mode [+200]
Background: Ruler [-200]
Copy Power: Mirror [-150]
Loyal Retainers [Free]
Royal Authority [Free]
Void Magic [-300]
Dream Power [-300]
Royal Magic [-300]
Maximum Tomato [-200]
So, I finally met my mirror self and dear lord is it hard to fight one of those son of bitches. I mean I thought I understood the extent of my own powers but once you and another one you lock horns for the first time its like realizing that everything you were planning for and building towards could have been done in ways you'd never thought possible. Also fights between two Sharing-hax users is fucking rough on the mental processes even ones like my own, I've got three different mutitasking perks at this point I think and the head ache is still debilitating.
In character, never. There's a perk in Black Lagoon that means you'll always be aware of any of your capabilities that would be appropriate for a situation. Out of character, though, I don't have that perk, and have to rewrite things when I realize I've made a mistake. Pretty often.
Why not go to ww2 and take all the jews luck?
Not all that much, given that my list of perks is pretty well organized, and in character my Jumper has eidetic memory and the ability to see the most fortuitous path.
Because /pol/ a shit.
Going by the myths, not super strong. The idea that it is comes from conflating it with the Luin of Celtchar, with which it shared the property that it had to be kept in a vat of brine to keep it from bursting into flames. But while the Luin of Celtchar could slay entire armies with each strike, Areadbhar was merely super accurate and struck with great force.
Well, as I said last thread, I've recently reread 8-Bit Theater. This lead to me redoing some of my plans for that jump, just slightly.
Which lead to this:
> Goal: To steal things of value.
> Problem: Things are often held by other characters.
> Solution (Discovered Five Days Later): Oh, I picked up Drop from Nintendogs. It makes people drop things they are holding.
> ...
> Wow, that would have been really useful to remember in like a hundred other jumps I've been to.
Now if I can just remember which hundred jumps those were, I'll be in business!
I think I'd have better results harnessing luck from the November 1929 Stock Market.
Otoyomegatari WIP V0.93
Swapped Embroidery for First Time Is Always The Hardest. Added First Time Is Always The Hardest notes.
> First Time Is Always The Hardest is not truly a soft-cap remover as you don’t necessarily get out any more improvement than you would normally – it just improves reaching your previous limit, and further improvements on top of that prior limit are as hard as they normally would be. On its own it does not remove hard cap or soft cap limits but is still really useful in combination, but 200cp was too cheap so it’s now 400cp.
Changed Old Ways to be less meta. It’s now loads of rusty skills from this time period that you don't already have.
Fixed grape VINES.
Knockout kiss can now be used on anyone in love with you, no limit on repeats/unrequitedness.
Removed (Drop In) from Traveler heading – “Foreigner” plus any Background is the equivalent of dropping in.
My spellcheck can’t decide between “Traveller” and “Traveler”
Sorry have to dump and run. Will respond as able.
No, you don't have to be. You can pick any combination of "Foreigner" and "Background" to be a drop in.
Those kind of grape trees are only found in south america. A bit of a far cry from this setting, so, now corrected.
>That great big blank box in drawbacks
Love the jump, the layout is awesome and it looks amazing. I just wanted to confirm that you don't have to pay to import a companion as either a bride or groom.
>You may import an existing companion into this role for free.
Sister-wife is a term that makes me laugh. Is that supposed to refer to your husband's other wive(s) or what? Or do they seriously call a random friend their sister and their wife?
That is the point. Somebody took the luck, which one of you did it?
Well, I think I've just found the first jump of my new chain!
Also, damn. No more grape trees.
I actually deliberately restrict myself to in-jump perks and a small handful of non-native perks because of this exact problem. I'd rather apply half a dozen perks creatively to solve my problems than try and manage the unwieldy repertoire of my full power. Not to mention that it's more entertaining to try and puzzle together how to combine whatever perks I'm using for maximum synergy and contemplate how they would screw with the setting in general. Even then I benefit more from relying primarily upon in-setting perks because it forces me to improve and master the native abilities at least somewhat as opposed to just letting them stagnate in favor of relying on overwhelmingly superior powers from other settings.
Sister-wife is the technical term used by wifes in a polygamous to refer to one another and their relationship with each other. Multiple wives =/= harem, so it's assumed, and preached, that they aren't fucking.
The take-away is that harems are not ipso facto polygamous relationships within the actual definition of polygamy.
>all point values next to perks and items represent points remaining after purchase
52. /co/co/'s Bizzare Adventures
- Starting Era: The Beginning
- Drawbacks: Long Runner
- Background: Warrior
- Perks: Dramatics [Free], [The Show Must Go On] [Free], Friends On This Side [Free], Chinese Ninja Warrior [Discount, 900], Rougher Than The Rest Of Them, Tougher Than Leather [Discount, 700], [STYLE] [Discount, 400]
- Items: Propane and Propane Accessories [Free], Companion Import (Tharja) [350], Companion Import (Sturmdrang) [300], The Jumper's New Groove [100], Self-Help Books [0]
Tharja (600)
- Background: Drop-In
- Perks: Dramatics [Free], Awaken [0]
Sturmdrang (600)
- Background: Warrior
- Perks: The Stand (Man or Machine) [200], Rougher Than The Rest Of Them, Tougher Than Leather [Discount, 0]
- Future: Move On
Three questions.
>1. Am I doing this right?
>2. What kind of Stand does a D&D blue dragon get anyway?
>3. How long should I stick around? Until Part 6, or through Part 7?
That's what I thought. But moving on from that.
Polygamy and harems don't assume the women are or are not sleeping with each other either way. You must be mixing it up with polyamory.
Dropped your trip
Sister-wife is the culture's term for BFF. They dont have to be married to the same man, though the canon example are.
There is no extra cost to import an existing companion as a wedded companion. So if you got Wedded for free, you can import someone as your partner for free.
Also i'm not seeing a blank box in drawbacks on my copy? Anyone else seeing it?
Out of curiosity, if a Dragonblooded were to have multiple copies of the Mantle of Brigid from Exalted through various methods available in the chain (presumably the second would be transformed into something else so they aren't wearing multiple cloaks), would they be able to cast Solar Circle Sorcery?
It's the one right under "so I heard you like embroidery"
>So if you got Wedded for free, you can import someone as your partner for free.
Do you get multiple purchases of this for free if it was free to you?
Mostly I was curious if this people were a bunch of rampant lesbians with this sister-wife thing. user says no, you aren't clear.
No blank for me famalam.
>Use EVO on demons
>I thought Alcor reincarnated as a surfboard
You can't see me right now, but I'm laughing my ass off over here.
That wasn't me, though he is correct.
Artifacts don't generally stack like that. You'd just have two mantles and could give one to someone else.
>Stylin' on fools
>Aztec Godess of Fitness import
>Didn't give your companions their freebies?
I'd say you're doing alright.
Well, what type of person are they? I get that D&D has this stupid thing about non-standard races (almost) always acting in a certain way, but surely he's more than a racial caricature.
Part 6, definitely. Part 7 is almost a complete unknown far as specifics go, and with the idea of Stardust the Super Wizard and his [STAND PROUD] being imprisoned inside Superman's Corpse being under consideration going there is a terrible idea.