Does anyone else here have a problem with system shilling? i mean when you're playing a game and you have a That Guy who would otherwise be fine, but uses every fucking opportunity to shill his system.
Our That Guy has been shilling a system every week we've met since 2013. Its not necessarily bad behavior but its fucking annoying.
Logan Harris
>every week we've met since 2013 If that nigga actually finds a way to mention his system as superior to the one you are using every week, than he might be right, have you thought about that?
Jason Perry
What exactly is "system shilling"?
t. newfag
Hudson Johnson
The system he's talking about is Dungeon Crawl Classics, and we ran it. He promptly swarmed us with kobolds, blocked the exits and killed us in the first encounter.
"....THAT'S DCC!!" followed by peals of childish laughter. Maybe DCC is an amazing RPG, but we're doing fine with Pathfinder and my DMing. We havent let him DM anything since, and he just keeps talking about DCC like its amazing.
Carter Turner
I have a hard time not mentioning my favorite system any time my group talks a bout a rule being weird/bad/incomplete in the game we're currently playing, but I keep my mouth shut because I know how annoying it would be.
Christopher Phillips
I told this story once before, but I have these two guys in my group who inevitably go on and on and on about how awesome Dark Heresy is, but never want to run it, because I'm apparently a great GM.
Then, when I do run it, they whine about how I don't make 40k they way they want it. Not enough to actually run things themselves, but that won't stop them from whining.
Levi Baker
I'll admit that I have basically vetoed GURPS forever because every single time I ask for any advice on Veeky Forums someone shills it to me.
I've nixed it for myself, I told the FLGS owner to stop carrying GURPS supplements and he actually did it, I've probably cost them 200-300 customers by now.
Get fucking fucked Jackson you cocksucker, stop sending shills to Veeky Forums.
Logan Allen
Please use your basic reading comprehension skills
They want to play, not run. But they can't get what they want if they don't run. They're stuck.
>I told the FLGS owner to stop carrying GURPS supplements and he actually did it, I've probably cost them 200-300 customers by now. >I've probably cost them 200-300 customers by now. Apologize profusely to the owner, and then hang yourself.
Chase Williams
Nobody buys GURPS stuff. GURPS is only published because Munchkin prints money and Steve Jackson loves GURPS. You can't stop GURPS. Join us.
Joseph Sullivan
No. Fuck GURPs, fuck anyone who plays it, and fuck you. I have done nothing wrong.
Henry Wood
>every week for 3 years no shame
Juan Stewart
Show of hands: How many of you actually believe that there are paid shills on Veeky Forums?
Jace Evans
Yeah, you had a good reason to make someone loose customers, namely __________
Asher Hernandez
In my first Roll20 5e game, the DM would regularly mention how 3.5 did something better. I don't mind 3.5 or people who play it, but if you're DMing on Roll20 and want to do a 3.5 game, why not just do that, instead?
Andrew Phillips
>Nobody buys GURPS stuff. 814 people buy GURPS stuff, at least.
Dominic Diaz
How did he mention it? Every week is really thirsty but still there is a difference between >Guys let's really try my system its similar and fun and >Well fuck you too, in my system this would have worked; this rule is stupid my system does not have it we should play that
Nathaniel Gray
My Brother, since 2009, Pathfinder. Granted he doesn't play with us, but he used to, any time tabletop gets brought up in his presence, he shills Pathfinder. Even though we play it from time to time, he's still trying to sell us on it.
Nolan Anderson
I don't understand him here, as a player sure you have to search for a good group, but as DM he is the person running the game, why play something he didn't like. Maybe he wanted to try 5e and after a few sessions did not like it and wanted the group to play 3.5 instead.
Joshua Cooper
Namely Fuck Gurps.
Hudson Wood
You have to be over 18 to post here, user.
Evan Stewart
Exactly how did you convince a business owner to stopp carrying a product that sells?
Alexander Turner
He made shit up on the Internet and you fell for it.
Hunter Jones
>What exactly is "system shilling"? It's when someone suggests an alternate RPG system to the one your group is currently using, but you don't like it because you heard on Veeky Forums that [SUBCULTURE] enjoys it.
Benjamin Cooper
People can shill their system all they want, but if you try to make a case for FATAL you are out.
Jayden Cruz
Maybe you should try running the system yourself.
Owen Edwards
DCC is actually quite good.
Entirely different from PF tho, and the guy also sounds like a douche.