Late night /bfg/ general
Tau fleet just arrived in beta with brand new ships and multiple alien, non-Tau ships included, why isn't Veeky Forums talking about this? Having a blast myself
Late night /bfg/ general
Tau fleet just arrived in beta with brand new ships and multiple alien, non-Tau ships included, why isn't Veeky Forums talking about this? Having a blast myself
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Tau finally dropped? I might have to pick that up. Are they using the awful second sphere fleet designs from GW or the awesome forge world third sphere designs?
Also Niccassar escorts, kroot war spheres and demiurge ships.
Forge world mostly, you got Demiurg and Kroot ships alongside some classic and some new Tau ships.
Demiurg stronghold especially is a GOAT design
>Demiurg stronghold
I always thought that shit flied like Star Destroyers, the pointy bit pointed to the enemy.
I do feel retard now.
Fuck yes.
I'm still astonished GW tried to sell those awful second sphere designs. They're interesting from a fluff point of view, the janky early efforts of a young race, but they just look like complete crap.
I didn't think they would have demiurg too. That's pretty awesome.
Bumping before going to sleep.
>hear Tau drop
>user that new trick I learned, remote in from work to start patch downloading on home desktop
>turns out to be literally five seconds
O-okay. Th-thanks, frogs...
Make sure you opt in to the beta so that you can actually play with the tau.
Downloading now. I am hype.
I read in a comments section somewhere about a new campaign?
Damocles Crusade expansion when?
> It's all Ochre Now.
Been sitting here for a while trying to get a game. Where's errybody at?
Got bored, played skirmish.
>holy kek, they're voiced like ching-chang impersonators
I want more story goddammit!
No but really, they are.
And they seem massivly overpowered, at least in skirmish. Never got the chance to play TT, but they seem WAY too shooty.
They're flimsy and slow as duck. Even their lightest escorts seem to be 188 speed.
I was getting my queue to pop without much trouble. Make sure you're in regions: all
Based on what I've experienced in skirmish that doesn't seem to matter much. I'm gonna try to catch a MP game.
>where the fuck is my campaign?
They're swingy as fuck on breakthrough missions.
Basically take as many seeker missiles as you can and spam the fuck out of the torpedo button. Do not stop moving to the other side of the map for any reason.
Hope the opponent is either slow or stupid, because if you get stopped you will not be winning today.
They're overpowered as fuck in assassination, though.
I can't wait for Tyranids now, maybe they'll finally allow auto ram on some option So that I don't need to micro 10+ ramship
Just had my first mp, at Tau v atau of course. I'm very impressed with the Castellan.
Welp, after 4-5 games I stand by my original statement. I know the stats of them on the TT, and having never played it I can't gauge their effectiveness off of that. But almost any attack from the front is suicide. They strip shields from full to null so quickly, and their turning radius allows them to pivot and keep raining fire down. I would say lower their ROF.
Downloading right now, getting hype.
Any nice webms of stuff.
That can happen.
But if you see official pic, the model self you see, the pointy is the truster or backside.
The cockpit is a clear sign if you see it.
Haven't lost a single game to Tau while playing with IN, ramming is great!
I haven't played this since release.
Is the balance still retarded?
Balance has gotten a lot better in regards to pulsars.
What about Chaos permastealth shenanigans?
Where is everyone?
are you all busy playing the game?
I thought Tau were all missile all the time or is it limited to special abilities?
I'm probably retarded here, but are gun ranges all the same with only accuracy / damage modifiers being the difference?
Most of those ships are post-Damocles Crusade
No, botg range and accuracy differ among the diffrent gun tyoes and factions.
Damn I can't type for shit on this phone, sorry grammernazi's. I meant to say that both the accuracy and the range differ among the weapons, weapon types, upgrades and factions.
I'm building a demirge army as we speak. supremacy dwarf will be fun going to take the color theam from this game probs. red and black like the Ai mechs from peacewalker
>Tau finally dropped?
Only as beta.
The demiurg drilling laser is definitely fun.
>charge up to 7 in one of the asteroid fields
>if anything gets close enough to fire on it the ship is basically dead unless it's an Eldar who can swoop away
>they seem massivly overpowered, at least in skirmish
Mostly because the AI is retarded as fuck.
Tau are slow and squishy. All you really need to do is hit the thrusters the moment you get spotted so they don't have too much time to wreck your shit from afar.
But i you play a sniping match against them you are as good as dead.
Necron fleets when?
I really do hope they will add another few fleets.
But with the small playerbase I am not entirely sure if it will still be profitable for them to provide DLC past the ones they promised as preorder bonus.
What they would really need to do is add some kind of long term progression. Once you upgraded everything it quickly starts to feel repetitive because there is nothing else to look forward to anymore.
>seeker missiles fly in circles and proceed to hit friendly ships
Did they change something about torpedoes?
With the SM I never had friendly fire torpedoes deal any damage to my own ships. But now with the Tau I constantly have to make sure that my fleet isn't clustering too much because otherwise the second row annihilates me from behind when I leave the torpedoes on auto
What they really need is an MMO-type PvP galaxy campaign. Team up with friends to help conquer the sector/segmentum. Different types of battle/scenery/terrain in different areas.
Yeah, that goes into the same direction I meant. Add something that leads to matches still having some result once you hit max level.
I have returned from my mission of taking pics and playing the beta for a bit.
First of all, let's start with the escorts.
Second one looks pretty much the same as the first one.
Fucking milenials and their progression systems.
Back in my day we had one game and enjoy it.
The problem with game right now is that ranked is boring. Players still crash the game when loosing or abuse the lag spike to put more ships than the point limit.
73 sword escorts is not fun. Reporting the fuckers does little to nothing.
Playing with chaos and fighting chaos is the most boring thing ever.
On the flip side the Orks are no longer auto win. I was surprise to loose a match while making dinner.
Third one is definitely an auxiliary race ship.
>Second one looks pretty much the same as the first one.
All the Tau ships look fairly close to be honest.
Not all of them as evidenced by this fella.
Next up some line ships.
Starting off with the light cruiser that is more expensive than regular cruisers.
Yeah, the messenger is different, same for the auxiliary ships, but the light cruisers and above vary only slightly.
Also does anyone know if these point distributions are final, i.e. taken from the TT? The differences seems way too huge in some cases, especially with the light cruisers.
Then the second one.
Finally the cheapest one, built for missile spamming.
Also a thing i forgot to mention about the earlier ship is that it has frontal lances with AP capabilities.
>free escorts
well thats a thing
More like free escort.
Next up the cruiser options we get.
>I have returned from my mission of taking pics and
> Shas'O
> Shas
> Not Kor'O
Apply yourself.
Not really "free" since their costs are calculated into the cost of the ship carrying the hooks as far as I can tell.
At least partly.
The only difference between these two is that one costs a single point more and has twin forward facing rail guns instead of singular rails on 2 weapons.
nyds when?
I'm waiting to see how they do nyds before buying.
>More like free escort
Both light cruisers with Gravatic hooks come with a pair. So you get two "free" Wardens. I say free, they're included in the price of the ship.
Damn it someone release an offical picture of what a Niscarr looks like already so we can end the age of pancake-bear speculation.
But first i will unload all the pics i took.
Now here you can see both the cruiser and one of the effects of the fire caste favor.
Yes, favors are cast specific.
More effects coming soon.
>nyds when?
The Tau DLC will be fully released before the end of the month.
I guess when it officially comes out the devs will provide a road map for what is planned in the future, the current one only reaches to the Tau release IIRC.
and the second fire warrior effect.
Next up, water caste.
Still not too sure which favors to pick on my ships.
Fire caste seems superstrong but then again you are too squishy to constantly engage the enemy at short range.
Earth caste seems like the most versatile choice since you get a free upgrade slot and also a pulsar-like attack which is fairly strong. But hard to aim since it doesn't point exactly forward and also on a huge cooldown.
Forgot the other two favors but run of them gave additional speed, which is probably sorely needed too.
Earth caste.
Can we get any pics of what the Nicassar, Kroot or Demiurg vessels pilot portraits look like? GW haven't given much idea so it will be interesting to see how the designers handle that...
They all lack portraits, which Tau ships do have.
Assuming you don't know about that yet - you can make a ranked admiral for MP and thus get access to all ship classes right away.
welp, that's what i get for having last played when Spehss muhreens were a new thing.
Also, sorry for delay.
Don't worry m8, I power leveled up to 5 to see what their ships look like before I realized I could just abuse the ranked mode, too.
Next up, air caste.
How i wish we could post more than just one pic at a time.
Or that i would had been smart and smashed some of these pics together in paint.
Well, slow mind slows entire body i guess.
Last of the air caste shenanigans.
Next up, some portraits and a picture of a destroyed Tau ship.
>by 50
That is 33% for most of them, isn't it?
Pretty decent
I present you, Tau crew.
Drones for spotters and drones for repairs, seems legit.
And finally, the destroyed Tau ship.
Which is represented by a destroyed traitor ship due to reasons.
>Which is represented by a destroyed traitor ship due to reasons.
I think they mentioned that not all assets are ingame yet. IIRC, their transport ships also still show a pilot portrait from the IN
That's pretty much it.
I have some screencaps i took in space im willing to share if you just want pics of ships in space.
No pics of anything above cruiser class?
Nope, sorry.
I was a bit lazy and i haven't tried the ranked one yet, so no pics of those.
Alright, thanks user!
>stealthic alloy: the ship is considered stealthy until it is revealed atleast once
I'm not entirely sure yet what that means. Do my ships remain in stealth, no matter what I do, unless they enter the detection range of an enemy's ship?
They're likely considered on running silent until detected.
Just tried and that seems to be the case. Seekers against eldars arent that good idea the nimble fucks dodge them like hell and then you have a swarm of moving missiles going everywhere in the engagement zone
Really? I lost my first 3 or 4 until I figured out that an unupgraded Dauntless (and even a Tyrant) doesn't have the armor to just rush strait in.
Had a match last night that I was proud of. Two Dauntless vs one of their light cruisers and a bunch of escorts lured them around an asteroid field into a gas cloud. Lured them in with my MkI while my MkII swung around the field. Then once the MkI was detected I did a high speed turn w/ the MKII and rushed in AAF behind a wave of torps.
I find once you get the Tau's shields down you've got them. And yes, all ramming, all the time.
A lot of their ships have very low hull points, so yeah, once the shields are gun they start dropping like flies.
The only problem is that they will in return strip your shields in one or two salvos if you just let them fire from range.
All I do is rush straight in with my Dauntlesses, almost never even lose a single ship, don't know why, but ramming seems to work great for me.
Shas'O Wee'A Boo here.
I went back in and took some pics from the competitive mode version 8thanks for the tip guys).
So, let's start with the kroot battle sphere.
You wont see it, but the parts on it are rotating constantly, looking pretty damn great.
Next up some demiurg ships.
same from behind.
Also worth a note, these auxiliary ships are the battle cruiser ecuivalents of the Tau.
>identical armor into all directions
>all weapons have 360° firing arc
So you just park it somewhere in space and then let it do whatever it wants?
Then the second one.
>Place Demiurg ship inside an asteroid field
>Cutting laser charges up as those small drones begin to mine the asteroids
Small details man