Space Marine Weapons

What are Veeky Forums's favourite space marine weapon combinations? I've always kinda dug the bolter/power sword.

Also, Space Marine art thread.


Thunder Hammers.

I also like power weapon/shield because space knight.

Storm bolter/power fist

I ask, because I am going to be building a space marine costume.

Thought, the shield would help hide the classic stumpy arm problem...

Personally love the good ole Heavy Bolter.


Love the heavy bolter...

Bolt pistol and plasma pistol.
It's a pity only 30k destroyers use akimbo guns.

Double lightning claws on terminator armor.
>inb4 4 ton hulk too slow for CQC

Every other special snowflake is using a power sword or something like it but this motherfucker goes in head first with an Eviscerator.

>Every other special snowflake
Wouldn't he be the only special snowflake for using the melee fedora?


Teleporters solve that problem real quick.

Well fuck me in the ass, I suppose when you put it that way I suppose...


Combi-melta and power sword.



Makes me wanna kit a deathwatch Black Shield just like Cypher, with Bolt and Plasma, and then make the Sargeant a DA. Just to mess with him


Heavy Bolter has always been my favorite.

I love the look of the heavy bolter. I just dont want to have to carry around such a bulky prop.

agreed, i have my high marshal wielding a eviscerator chainsword which i say was gifted to him by the ecclesiarchy during a joint campaign. extra gory holy nigga strolly trolly.




In spite of the fact he turned the guardsmen into flesh slurry, it speaks of their skill considering how many knives they stuck in him and the fact they penetrated at all.

I like a powerfist with lightning claws on top and chainswords on the palms, personally.

If your happy and you know it clap your hands....

I really dig the underslung plasma cannon.

I'm thinking he probably let them do that, user. The Classic "Let your enemy hit you with all they've got" tactic of destroying squad morale.

Those things were SEX in Dawn of War.

those hips are a weapon i wouldn't mind getting a hold of, if you know what i mean.

>femboi/twink marine
>He's uber manly but insanely pretty as well

You figure one of them has to have made it through the training with thier looks intact.

Something something, Slaanesh, something heresy, something Dark Angels.
clank clank clank

You're thinking like a heretic user, was definitely written by pic related

You aren't purging the heretics right until
you make thunder that rivals a disco marine
upon bashing said heretics heads and or bodies
to tiny bits/pulp

pic related

Tell us how you really feel user...

Rules were released for 40k Cataphractii Terminators but can anyone think of any particular reason why the traitor legions wouldn't have access to Cataphractii Armor? They tend to have to steal Terminator Armor from the Imperium so if the Imperium still has it then the traitor legions should have managed to steal if from them a few times. Does Cataphractii have complex maintenance that leave the traitor legions unable to maintain it like with Land Speeders?

Dark Angel Veterans can. They can take two pistols and fire them both. They can actually be pretty damn powerful in the opening volley after deepstriking.

I've always been a sucker for Bolters of all kinds. Armour-Piercing, Explosive, Rocket-Propelled Round-Firing assault rifles just tickle my sphincter.

Vanguard Vets can replace either Bolt Pistol and/or Chainsword with Plasma or Grav Pistols. So, for 30 points you could gunslinger Grav Pistols.


Only on Veeky Forums will men lust after genetically-engineered monsters in giant metal suits. Although, those are some damn fine hips now that I think about it.

If anybody wondered what Al Pacino would look like as a Space Marine, well now you know!

And to answer OP, Thunder Hammers. The big ones that Commanders lug around to be the fuck out of a tank with.

Missile Launcher every time. Krak for armoured targets, Frag for mobs, jack of all trades.

Power Fists just do something to me.

It has 393 years since I have infiltrated the Black Templars and they have yet to suspect that I am a Blood Angel.

>Assault Marine with bullpup bolter with a chainknife bayonet
>Tactical Marine with a plasma pistol and a chainaxe
>Terminator with a storm bolter, Cyclops missile launcher and chainfist
I don't play the tabletop, but if I ever get into modelling I'm doing this for my homebrew tacticool Chapter

Personally I love all the Space Marine weaponry, the exceptions being thunder hammers and power swords, but they are still pretty cool.

Assault Cannon best cannon

A bolter styled on the Monte Carlo from destiny with power-bayonet.

If anyone has the full version of this it would be greatly appreciated.

Looks like the trusty bolter in its many forms is in the lead. Also thunderhammers.

Personally I think a bullpup bolter would be pretty stupid. Bullpup designs are based on making the weapon more compact without losing stopping power, muzzle velocity etc.

Bolters are short as fuck already, so it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Moving the action and magazine behind the trigger gives more space for mounting underslung combi weapons or the bayonet. Plus bullpups are cool.

>Bolt weapons
The most iconic weapons of 40k, and all of them are so over-the-top violent it's both cool and funny.

Melta guns
I'm a sucker for anything involving super heating something until it melts

Reaper Auto Cannon is hands fish my favorite conventual weapon in 40k.

If I could combine that with a Blastmaster I would be a very happy heretic.

I'm a sucker for exotic shit like Lightning Guns, Volkite weapons and Irrad-cleansers. Btw, I'm not sure but is it explained in the lore what exactly are Volkite weapons? Microwave guns?

Visually? Assault Cannon/Chain Fist.


He doesn't look heavy enough. Too... normal.

Axe and sword. Or power sword and shield. Too bad these combos suck in game.

They're almost 1 to 1 the Martian Heat-Ray from War of the Worlds also interesting enough pic related is the only "canon depiction" of one currently.

I'm right there with you!

I like Powerfist/Volkite Serpenta.
Nice and brutal/archaic.

Is that how Ultramarines kit out their scouts?