Tauren Master Race edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Tauren Master Race edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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First for best dorfs
Baine Bloodhoof for Warchief when?
Didn't they sorta confirm WC4 is a thing?
>tfw Night Elves might be getting Paladin next expac.
>next expac
I was kinda hoping this would be the last one.
I mean all the build up,all the important characters returning to life/dying,all the artifact weapons, all the ''you're the boss of all now!''.
The legion has decades of build up as the final foe.
Fuck ''the void lords'',they're literally some ''shit we need a bigger threat so we can keep churning out expacs'' bullshit.
What do you suppose alternate Azeroth is like? Like from the WoD timeline.
We do know that we only deal with the avatar of sargeras this expansion and that the attack on argus is gonna be like 50 years in the future.
Which makes me hope that there will be a cut with the possibility of a wc4/wow2.
Would half the player characters even be alive for that?
Don't think about it.
If you think about it you start asking yourself questions such as ''did the legion,who exists outside of time,fail a million alternate timeline war of the ancients/hyjal invasions of Azeroth?did they succeed in some?If so why do they care about ours in specific?How the fuck can you wipe out all of existence if you can just keep spawning more and more alternate dimensions?''
I don't get why people are so up in arms about there being things a level above the old gods.
I mean, if there were something above that, I would get it.
Also, if it's established you have to be smart as balls to mage it up, how do ogres measure up?
If night elves are getting paladins then trolls should get some surviving zandalari to teach the darkspear to be paladins
The only way it'd make sense is if our Azeroth was the "Prime" Universe, the one that all the others sprung from and blowing it up would crash the web.
Like the original Comic TMNT universe or Earth-0/Prime in DC.
Considering that ~45% of all characters are elves, and that things like dwarves, undead and dreanei are also a thing, I dare to say yes
>~45% of all characters are elves
Objectively wrong.
If there's only one Burning Legion, then is there only one Illidari?
Overrun. Because green Jesus wasn't there to save the day.
>army of light is literally infinite Illidans
>Sargerite Keystone allows multiverse travel
>this is actually Illidan's plan
Aaah why the fuck did blizzard put in this stupid detail about the legion?
Overrun by what? The Legion got stopped on Draenor, the Horde never invaded, Ner'zhul never got stuck in a block of ice so no Scourge.
Honestly, I'm okay with the Void Lords stuff. No worse than some of the other stuff Blizz has thrown into the game.
And there's a reason Ogre mages all have two heads.
but the greatest mage of all time was an ogre
show some fucking respect, peasant
No idea. I actually stopped playing WoD a few months in, so most of the alt timeline shit is unknown to me. Didn't even know about the Naaru/Void God shit until I was leveling characters for Legion.
Aegwynn was an ogre? News to me.
>greatest mage of all time
>didn't have her own empire
>didn't command the arcane
is this the work of that traitor, Cho'gall?
If Elune is a naaru, then nelf "paladins" would be knights of Elune, which would make for an even bigger story and gameplay segregation than tauren sunwalkers
>If Elune is a naaru, then nelf "paladins" would be knights of Elune, which would make for an even bigger story and gameplay segregation than tauren sunwalkers
As revealed in Legion, the Naaru are creations of Elune. So she's more like the creator of the Naaru rather than "just" one of them. She made the Prime Naaru, Xe'ra, and then all the other naaru were born from it.
Well Tyrande already told Velen he was full of shit when he claimed Elune was a naaru, and the fan backlash against the idea made it easy for them to retcon it since pretty much nobody liked it to begin with.
>I was going through some ancient cosmology tomes when I stumbled upon a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow.
>If Elune did create Xe'ra, then it stands to reason that we could use the Tears of Elune to unlock the secrets of Light's Heart.
(And this does work, confirming the theory)
Tyrande please
Thus proving that the Naaru are not, in fact, void-beings "corrupted" by the Light.
See? The knife lies.
So then what is Elune?
>the different bars that showed the population of a race weren't for Male/Female but for EU/US
I'm partially retarded. Still, the elves count for roughly 25% of the playerbase, and the other immortal/long lived races also add up to 19%, so I still say that more than half of the characters will be alive and kickin'
Azeroth's growing personality manifesting itself
>calling elves "knife ears"
That's unlikely given that Elune seems to have been sentient and sapient way way back in time and the titan inside Azeroth is still barely developed and can only communicate with one dude. Unless it somehow regressed into babby form for some reason.
So what the fuck happens when Azeroth is 'born'? Does it just turn into a giant humanoid and everyone on it fucking dies?
Does it go Primus/Unicron from Transformers and stay in planetto modo?
We go Tengen Toppa Mythic Raider.
Assuming that's how the other titans work.
Though I think Azzy is too infected with old god to ever let get to maturity.
Nobody knows. All who do are dead, want to cleave planets with giant Flaming Vorpal Longsword +4's or stick their tentacles deep into the moist quivering titan-to-be and do some stem cell research.
she unfolds like an armadillo and we all live on her back
why do you think Kalimdor was a big circle in the exact center of the planet's surface?
Which RPG would work best for a Warcraft campaign?
Mutants & Masterminds. The shit you can do sometimes as a PC is bonkers. Plus, the game allows proper parity between casters and melee fighters.
He's talking about Xal'atath, user.
Troll shadow priests are the only ones that make sense because bwonsambi is a loa of death that uses shadow magic so he can bestow it to his followers (I guess you could do an asspull and say forsaken work too because the shadow aspect of being undead)
The Old Gods accept all, user.
>you could do an asspull and say forsaken work too because the shadow aspect of being undead
Lore-wise, majority of forsaken priests are shadow priests because channeling the Light both hurts them and returns their feeling. You don't want your feeling returned when you're a partially rotted corpse
>for some reason.
Possibly 'has had its ass ripped back by the Sundering and everyone trying to hump world trees.'
>literally the worst of the three choices
c'mon friend.
Sylvanas is Warchief because she's arguably stronger and definitely more experienced than Baine or Lor'Themar.
My money would be on mr.belfboi for bestleader, but it's important to consider (which apparently Blizz did not) that the Horde as a whole would be more likely to follow Baine. Y'know, since he's a true-blooded tauren.
I don't think the orcs would adapt well to being the pawns of a corpse.
>mfw Garrosh would've lead the horde to greatness against the Legion
>Horde as a whole would be more likely to follow Baine.
I'm still wondering why they put Sylvanas in charge, then, since the Horde as a whole is sick of her shady ass.
No, Sylvanas is warchief because Kosak can't stop masturbating to her. There is literally no good in-universe reason for it.
>lead the horde to greatness
He's have thrown all his soldiers into a head on conflict that would grind them into mince meat, without actually inflicting significant losses to the Legion.
He was a hammer and nail sort of war leader: No subtlety, no foresight, just throwing bodies at it.
Which is great if he's got a strategic mind pointing him at the right targets to bum rush, but he's a shit general. Only succeeds through numbers and calling on the goblins' explosive fetish.
That stuff isn't from WoD. The only place that stuff was talked about before Legion was the Chronicles books they started putting out not that long ago.
Sylvanas is in charge because it's an easy way to keep the pants-on-head faction rivalry going. Vol'jin and Baine are too reasonable, especially with Anduin on the Alliance side.
But then again, pretty much ALL of the Legion lore is pants-on-head, so I'm not actually surprised in the slightest.
>most experienced as a leader
>had a huge hand in defeating the lich king
>the only "Forsaken" to have a non-human body
>has tangled with the legion in her own city
experience is everything right now. It's not SJW bullshit or writerfapping imo. Just the clear choice based on their circumstance.
"Vol'jin is dead... who wants to help me avenge him!"
wow such warchief speech emanating strength wow. Any orc willingly laying down their life for that zombie is haraam as fuck.
he learned a lot from Saurfang during Wrath. The way he acted during council sessions and warplans make him out to be more than just a smorcface zugzug leader.
Shit on him all you like, but I guarantee he would've mana-nuked most of the Legion into ash by now.
>mfw everyone treated garrosh like shit since day 1 of him being warchief
>they were all against him, and acted so surprised when he didnt treat them like allies anymore
>literally betrayed by your own faction-leaders over some highschool level drama
>isolated within your own group, unable to trust anyone
>everyone is sneaking some bullshit behind your back
>or rubbing it in your face like the fucking lich queen
"haha wow i thought my death threats and constantly shown yet unwarranted hate for him would make him a better warchief."
Dat Godfrey Ho gif doe
>garrosh dindu nuffin
>sylvie dindu nuffin
>dey just victims!
Go fuck yourself, kid.
Without the Horde invasion or the Scourge to unify them, the human kingdoms have gradually gone from distrusting and avoiding each other to outright war.
King Arthas the Just of Lordaeron has bought a temporary alliance with Kul'tiras by marrying Admiral Jaina Proudmoore, and together they wage an increasingly bitter and costly war against Stormwind's aging king, Llane Wrynn, and his most renowned champion, General Varian Wrynn.
Stromgarde and Alterac shift their allegiances every few years as they try to find a balance between the two growing superpowers, while Ironforge and Quel'thalas have both closed their borders to human traders and diplomats entirely. Though travellers and explorers in the northeastern forests are still regularly turned back by stoic Elven rangers, those who have ventured near Dun Morogh or Loch Modan recently have reported only impassable walls enchanted with glowing runes with watchtowers that sit strangely silent and empty, and great plumes of fire and smoke rising from Blackrock Mountain in the distance.
Meanwhile rumours abound that Medivh, leader of the Kirin Tor and Guardian of Dalaran, has made some sort of arrangement with King Greymane of Gilneas and the two are delving into forbidden magics. Wild, feral creatures have been seen stalking the Gilnean hinterlands at night...
Thought you lads might appreciate my Khorne Bloodbound from Age of Sigmar
pretty cool user.
That's how you slaughter entire villages.
>literally can't articulate an argument
>lapses into internet tough-guy racial slang
Mmm, I bet you don't have a worthwhile opinion anyway
meant for
reading comprehension 1/100
good job, retard
The last piece of lore regarding Elune is pure bullshit.
I know, since the nelves got into the story, she always had a thin background.
But putting her as super-entity, creator of naarus n' shit, in a setting where abrahamic-like gods/goddesses are non-existent is, imho, a fuckup to coherence.
Unless Elune originated from the Void as well.
A rogue Void Lord? And they are her Old Gods?
What if she is a guardian to Azeroth, the egg, and resides in the moon? Lending her ability to the living on Azeroth to help keep it safe.
To be fair, it's not just Kosak.
Sylvanas is way more popular than she ought to be.
The only reason I see this perhaps working is because of how the cinematic with her went down. Elune evokes her power, and the moon gets eclipsed.
Were Dranosh and Garrosh friends? Were there any interactions between the two of them before Wrath Gate?
Not really, though you think they would be. Along with the guy who was Kilrogg's son.
Shame. Was just thinking of a timeline where instead Garrosh gets Deathbringer'd and we get Saurfang Jr. As warchief for Cata
Wait, theres a scourge civil war?
You know Garrosh started to insult Vol'jin because Vol'jin was acting as an advisor and advised him not to do what he was about to do so Garrosh went off on him until Vol'jin said the truth and Garrosh threatend to have him killed which in turn led to the whole I'll shoot you in the back when you betray the horde speech.
Garroshfags always bring up Vol'jin giving Garrosh the finger but they always ignore the fact that Garrosh threatened to have Vol'jin killed because he hurt his feelings when he said the truth.
Tauren warlocks when?
You mean we would get a warchief that listens to his advisors instead of having a fit when advised against something?
He would be "already better than Garrosh" - tier
>inb4 Magatha welcomed back into Thunder Bluff as a temporary measure to fight the Legion, bringing Grimtotem Warlocks with her
>inb4 she actually begins to find herself trusting and respecting Baine, and softening on her hatred for other races
>inb4 she starts actually feeling remorse for what she's done
>inb4 he forgives her and tells her they can work together to heal the rift in their people
>inb4 the Sunwalkers are just as willing to forgive
Forsaken paladins when?
When using the Light doesn't slowly restore the life to their bodies.
Forsaken Holy priests are still a thing, so let me repeat his question.
Forsaken Paladins when?
Thrall trusted Vol'Jin to be wise. A guide. Not an authority.
Even though VJ understood why Garrosh must be warchief, he acted proudly and flippant before they traded death threats.
>overlord krom'gar died for nothing because they 180'd garrosh's story into a brick wall
from honorbound to hitlertown.
I feel robbed.
they are canonically all shadow priests with very few exceptions retard.
>Blizz still wants to trick us into a crafting system when we could just as well purchase the materials for and set up automated assembly lines because Azeroth is well at the tech level for that
Really makes you think
you realize your pic isnt wrong at all right? thats like a kid laughing when he hears the name Uranus
>oy vey, this manufacturing machine is anudda internment act!
>...though they may wish they would
So what's up with the Darkmoon Faire?
Old gods or some shit, right? Isn't it always?
>molestation is fine
>Veeky Forums 2016
It's fine if it aint a human
Sponsors, I guess.
>priests talk all about dat shadow
>causes physical pain
>feel abandoned by the light and left to die
totally paladin material
>I can only think literally
>dorn 39999
Why user, it's the happiest place on Azeroth, of course!
Just don't be causing any trouble at the faire though. Bad things happen to troublemakers at the faire.
>The Blood Elves have completely forgotten the meaning of sacrifice now that the sunwell's back, and we're just High Elves again.
>Red's the new blue, our eyes glow green now and nobody mentions the statues of the Last Prince of Quel'thalas everywhere
>Our former Ranger-General is perpetually stuck in time-out for all her warcrimes and she's never going to grow as a person or just go all the way
>I'm stuck at 3 in the morning sadly PVPing to Nightfall in Middle Earth
I was going to say something about the Lich King never coming back to save us from this hell but then I remembered Bolvar's makin' it big. Time to sleep.