Filename thread?

I never start these things but I had a though relating to this...


The feeling resignation he displayed with his body language is incredible. You wonder if in that moment, he didn't just give up on getting away, but his entire life as well.

I can't help but think that one that went through the windshield took way too long to get that weapon out.

I get the feeling it might be a training exercise.

>shadowrun secret police

Yes, I did think of that, and maybe that's why it took so long. He's not used to doing it.



You see how far the guy went into the car after he double kicked his way into it. He had to shimmy back out enough to get his gun.

If anything it's smalltime propaganda for the public,that glass shattered way to easily,maybe it's jsut because it's a commie junker but his ass would get stuck halfway through a proper windshield and he'd be stuck there wiggling.

I was just thinking the same thing. Not sure what country it is, though.

What force has a windshield-jumping standard operating procedure haha?

Second-world countries with something to prove?









Leopard seals are awesome!




At least one person does, tho

I giggled




last time I posted this one, name was too long, had no punch.


Aaaand there's a last one from me.

The intent is probably "these are things that we have because we used to want ourselves to conform to beauty standards, so we obsessed over weight; we have to get rid of the influence of those standards on ourselves just as much as we want to get rid of them in general."


That's like beating up your doctor because he told you promiscuous behavior could give you STDs.

Make that two...


>Breaking the Masquerade.jpg


That's about what I'd expect from those retards.


I figure someone will ha e clocked their doc if the doc implied that they should stop being such a slut, but I digress. That's a retarded analogy, because you've conflated not meeting a cultural standard to an illness.

Here's an analogy. You like these things called Chumps. But for reasons, people think liking Chumps is awful, so they all have these things that tell them how many Chumps they have, and if you have too many you're basically the town Chumpdump. And you don't want to be the town fucking Chumpdump, so you get one too. Sure, the thing only tells you how many Chumps you had, and that's a fact. But you still want to be comfortable having Chumps, and that thing is basically a reminder that you're a Chumpdump. So one day, you're fed up, and you say that being called a Chumpdump is stupid, so you toss the thing out. Sure, it's only giving you "objective info", but it's also the basis by which other people can call you a Chumpdump. So you want people to get over this whole Chumpdump thing, and you're going to start by not being ashamed to have to count your Chumps.


The sad thing is, the names that the kids are suggesting are actually better than the names those kids' parents actually chose for them.





I played with a kid that legit called his character potato. He's got some social issues though so we rolled with it. Best genetically engineered root vegetable I ever did play with.







Is that really what I think it is?

>all this useless verbiage

A much shorter anecdote: an ostrich sticks its head in a hole so it doesn't have to see it has a huge ass. But everyone can still see its huge ass.

I can't really help you if you're the kind of person who likes going around calling people fatasses, I guess.

>you've conflated not meeting a cultural standard to an illness
being overweight is an illness, though

And people can't help themselves if they run away from a problem instead of confronting it. Or if they waste their energy on extraneous elements of the problem instead of dealing with the central issue. Or if they then try to justify their position even though it rests on a flawed foundation.

Blue-ringed octopus.

Hope that guy was attempting suicide, otherwise he was in for a bad time.

Don't give me that, obviously you don't really think of it as a health problem, you just use that as good cover. Unless you get on smokers, red meat eaters, people who like risky hobbies, so-called 'social drinkers', not wearing a helmet while biking, not wearing a seatbelt, or other various health risks with a similar amount of scorn.



>ad hominem
>reductio ad absurdum

Here's your last (You).

Outside of risky hobbies, which is a vague term, and "red meat eaters" (what does that even mean? Only undercooked or copius amounts of red meat is bad for your health). I absolutely give everyone else that level of scorn.

Helmets are there for a reason and if you crack your head open you become a burden on the healthcare system.

Smoking is blatantly bad for you and everyone around you and should never be encouraged.

Seatbelts take a second to put on and if you end up getting seriously injured because you were too stupid to wear one you put an unnecessary burden on our healthcare system.

"Social drinkers" are most likely alcoholics and need treatment. Excessive drinking leads to various societal ills and should be something you look down on.

fuck em, unless they smoke so rarely I don't notice
>red meat eaters,
Shouldn't be an everyday meal. If you're poorer then getting some red meat in your diet is likely to be more beneficial to you in the long term than not, so eat up.
>people who like risky hobbies
Usually can cover for themselves. Besides, it's fun.
>so-called 'social drinkers',
The effects of social drinking can get you socially adapted and thus is marginally worth the health hazard of liver damage. If the person is a barely functional alcoholic, then it's not worth it.
>not wearing a helmet while biking,
terminal stupidity
>not wearing a seatbelt
terminal stupidity

Being fat has about 2 benefits, that's keeping warmer at winter and attracting fat fetishists. That's not worth the crippling later life complications which also smoking brings and not using easily equippable safety gear on transportation.

Red meat? That's goddamn nutrients. Social drinking? Social benefits. There are downsides, but there are upsides that are much more easily understood compared to chugging tar into your lungs or being so fat you can't exit your own goddamn fire escape.

It's never explained in the anime, but Sailor Moon's powers get stronger when she's around Tuxedo Mask. So him just showing up is all he needs to do.

Former USSR country, more than likely. Russkies are fucking crazy

I hear this ride is sponsored by R Kelly

I give every single one of then the same level of scorn tho. Obesity is by far the worst because at least the others can admit they are in the wrong

Aren't they relatively non lethal to hold when they're as young as that little guy?

They don't get bigger than that. That's full grown

They never get big, so that one's probably full grown.

Well, shit. Doesn't look like the little guy was anxious though, since his rings aren't lit up with the "your ass is screwed" electric blue

Why you gotta be a little shit Karch?

Especially if the dude doesn't get bit by it

Even then, immediate medical attention with artificial respiration until the toxin metabolizes can keep you alive

>relatively non lethal

If someone tells you that it's 'relatively non-lethal', that still means it's a bad time.

His parents named him Karch, he clearly has no idea what normal humans should be called.

Good old buttered pussy engine.
My local language uncyclopedia page about it must have been translated by some 16yo, because it interpreted pussy as vagina instead of cat, and the whole idea made no sense.

Like anything incredibly venomous, they're fine to hold as long as they're calm, unharmed, and don't feel threatened.

If any one of these things is tripped to "on" the relative level of poisonous becomes "deadly". Black widow spiders are relatively non-poisonous too - unless you happen to be allergic, in which case, you're dead in minutes. There's no test for that allergy except the one that kills you.


My local tech uni had a sort of parody of this during the orientation seminar, something about "skip the bread step entirely and jelly the cat."




false analogies. We would act in similar suprise if we saw bikers smashing helmets and complaining about society imposing false norms and "safety shaming" bikers who want to let their hair down.

I don't begrudge human beings right to be fat, but I also think the norm of valuing the absence of tremendous, western obesity is a good norm, not an evil one. Just as wearing helmets is a good norm, though I don't begrudge their right to not wear one, I will heartily laugh at anyone who thinks it is an issue of civil rights or oppression.


He Ded!



>Tfw I googled that.
You're a real mother fucker.


I apologize for nothing!

>tfw no qt ginger gf with a skilled tongue

This is the feel that's finally pushed me to end it all tonight

There's always hope you'll find someone.

