What is the most powerful fleet, and why is it the Irken Empire?
What is the most powerful fleet, and why is it the Irken Empire?
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From Tel Fyr to Hew's Bane to Akavir, and back again before the Maromer could jerk off enough snakes to breed a new cruise ship.
All Flags Navy > All other fleets ever
>Flys through a star because they cant be fucked to go around
A pretty good feat of strength.
Sure it is.
One ship isn't a fleet, no matter how hueg and manly.
They're also able to toss engines onto planets and smash them into eachother.
Or was that another species?
Was it specifically the Planet Jackers?
The Jackers were a separate species not part of the Empire. Their shtick was stealing planets and throwing them into their dying sun as kindling. Zim referenced some kind of treat they had with the Irkens where the Jackers were to leave planets marked for invasion alone. They pointed out Earth wasn't on that list.
Was it that episode, in which Zim and Dib battled with planets?
I feel like that was a different episode.
No, the episode in which Zim and Dib battled with planets was the episode in which Zim and Dib battled with planets. The episode with the planet jackers was the episode with the planet jackers.
I'm also now realizing that the Amarr Empire's ships from Eve are basically blatant reskins of Irken ships.
But were those planet-sized-engines Irken technology?
If so, that's a pretty yuge level of power.
That was a different episode. Zim traveled to Mars and discovered the Martians worked themselves to death turning the entire planet into a single-pilot space ship. Dib's contact at NASA (a janitor) reveals the former inhabitants of Mercury did the same to their own planet.
Dammit, that's right.
Damn you, ancient aliens.
But we cant afford space meat and instead use used napkins
Really though, meat would be obscenely expensive in space.
Irken Empire vs. combined might of every 40k faction
Who wins?
The answer to this shit is always 40k because everything in 40k exists in absolutely retarded extremes.
Yeah but Zim is Cartoonishly Dark Extreme instead of Grimdark Extreme, they're both pretty retarded.
Nothing in Zim quite exists in the same numbers as in 40k.
It'd probably be a spirited fight. Mostly likely involve the Irken enslaving the Tau as is their want. But the nasties in 40k (including the Imperium) win by sheer numbers.
But it does bring to question how the Irkens would respond to the warp.
Could they even give a shit?
They're probably too stupid to be affected, and their main mind is implied to be an AI of sorts, so it depends on if that got corrupted or not.
Maybe just Irkens vs. Orkz, then. Whoever wins, that would be a fun one to watch.
> That moment when you realize that Zim is the voice in Tzeentch's head driving him to act as he does.
Most Irkens are very intelligent, see Tak as an example. Their robots are usually hyper-competent as well, gir is an exception.
Overall though they're extremely hedonistic and myopic, with no real interest in anything besides domination.
What else could they possibly be, with their impossible level of military strength?
The planet engines were from some ancient species. They only did it on Mars, and another nearby planet. I forget which. Then they all died.
The answer is always The Culture. Because they both have retarded numbers and retarded power levels.
The "super amazing space anarcho-communist" plot armour doesn't hurt either
Zim/Dib would accidentelly corporealize a chaos god to the material plane, obliterate whatever fleet was there, and then be banished to the moose realm or some such other lol so randum deus ex machina.
>I said the irken empire
Same scenario. The whole universe was hinged upon people dealing with shit that was already vastly outside their realm of influence and accidentally this and that.
>most irkens are intelligent
Tak was literally an exception. Even the tallest are borderline idiots. They're just not as stupid as Zim. They were given rank depending on their height. Irkens are as smart/dumb as the joke needs them to be.
Fair point here, if any universe leaves itself open to almighty horrors from beyond space and time, it's the Zim universe.
>and another nearby planet
Irkens, at least their Invader corps, have very high Int but comically low Wis. Even Tak wasn't immune to this.
Even though most irkens are stupid, but they have such extreme technology capacity that they send single solitary invader units to conquer whole planets. Not scout the planets, conquer them, with one irken and a robot. They don't reproduce naturally either but are grown in artificial wombs and permanently connected with high tech backpacks that allow for high mobility and various tool usage instantly on hand from birth. Regardless of how good their ships are, which have been shown to be able to plow through stars, planets, and even their single person ships have been able to take down larger vessels, and how dumb they are, their superior technology would allow them to win against nearly all opponents unless those opponents had a similar or higher tech level.
BRB, putting together irken invasion themed d20 game
Protip: you can't beat them unless your specific invader is buggernuts stupid
Incredibly high int but comically low wis is a perfect way to describe them, Zim can build a fucking time machine but has so little wisdom on how to use it that ends up fucking himself over every time. Which is basically the plot of every episode involving his world domination schemes, Irkens as a race seem to be similar in this regard but not as extreme as zim.
Remember why Zim was outcasted?
He used one of the Irken's own technologies, the front line battlemech, to rampage across THEIR OWN PLANET, their weapons are so obscenely overpowered, that they themselves are not immediately able to defeat them, even in the hands of an absolute moron like Zim.
It is also worth noting that most Irken piloting seems to be dependent on visual navigation, whenever possible.
They must be absurdly good pilots.
That's because the collective Irken war machine is built on the backs of enslaved races. Kind of cancels out some their problems when you consider them on a larger scale.
Zim has low Wis, even by Irken standards. The only reason he's even been as successful as he has been is because he's invaded the one race with an even lower collective Wisdom score than the Irkens. Frankly, Zim probably would have succeeded if he wasn't so caught up in his personal vendettas.
> Irken invaders are more effective than Genestealers.
there is no "probably", he would have definitely succeeded, and quickly
Pride and vindication is his ultimate downfall even more so then is incompetency now that you mention, several times has he thrown his plans a monkey wrench just because he wants to succeed the way he envisions it or because he has a personal vendetta against someone. Hell he's even SAVED the planet several times because he won't allow anyone to destroy or conquer the planet he's been assigned to take over, even if it's his own kind doing so as was the case with tak.
And it's implied not all of them go the "infiltrate and gather information" route when they first get to there target, some just smack down with superior military might if they think the planet is weak enough.
If I remember right one of the primary reason the Irkens are the way they are is because their entire race is controlled by a hyper advanced A.I. that sends subliminal thoughts or outright takes control of individuals through their P.A.K.s.
Zims' is malfunction so he doesn't get anything from it. He is basically cut off from the Irken God yet still trying to serve as best as he can and does amazing considering his crippling defect.
Those packs are amazing, really.
How would you stat one, if you were going to add it to say.... a pathfinder or D&D setting?
The pak or whatever it's called is basically just the agency you get from being a player character.
You know, its almost funny how well Invader Zim fits into 40k. They are stupidly, stupidly grimdark, while still maintaining a militaristic attitude.
How could we work this into a actually functional army and part of the 40k universe, like the Covenant Fandex?
Via loading a gun, and shoving it in your mouth before pulling the trigger several times.
What the fuck, man?
I'm just asking a question.
So it;s kind of like cosmic dorf fortress is what you're saying...
>Irkist is seeking snack
>Irkist is interrupted by Troatian Spleebar
>Irkist in tantrum!
>Mecha is destroyed!
>City is destroyed!
>Planet is now desolate!
Difficult to say, given how little we actually know of their military outside the Invaders. All we can really tell is the actual subjugation is pretty destructive. When they invaded the rat people planet, they just used ships to glass the world (presumably after loading up on slaves) so they could build a food court or some shit on it.
Play a fucking system that actually supports it, rather then trying to chain everything to that abortion of a system, you dense sack of shit.
Let's see if I can remember all the functions they have...
Spider-like mobility, climbing, and speed, welding, storage space, life support systems (irkens literally die without them), information relay into spinal column (Irkens are given a lot of basic knowledge from birth thanks to the paks), laser weapons, and a grappling hook...am I forgetting anything?
Parking structure planet.
You know, for the most part I think a lot of the show was cringey, obnoxious lolrandom bullshit. But damn did it have some clever moments when it wanted to.
Make it some kind of psionic arachnid parasite. Give it movment buffs and... a psionic blast? PAKs have some other shit but I can't remember.
A GM can use it to take control of the PC whenever.
I liked the art style for everything involving the Irken and other alien races. Not so much for humanity since it tended to overplay filth and squalor.
> Ironically, the galaxy resembles pre-space age mankind the more the Irken control.
> Entire planets are now arcades, parking lots, or fast food restaurants.
Yeah, it seems that most everything that isn't military related for the irkens is built around basic fast-service, creature comforts, and entertainment but on a galactic scale.
> Not so much for humanity since it tended to overplay filth and squalor.
That's because Vasquez has a very, very dim view of humanity.
In that case, a Mini-dex like the Scions could work. Perhaps after Zim conquers earth and the Tallest arrive, they decide to pack him in with all of the defective Irkens they can find, and send him on a one way trip to the deadliest galaxy they can find, which just so happens to be the 40k galaxy.
> The tyranids aren't invading.
> They're running.
> From some shit Zim caused.
Oi, wots dis fink?
I think it may also be worth noting that the irkens have massive levels of dedication to their cause. They have a huge sense of duty.
heh.... duty.
Still loved the aliens, though, alongside some stuff like Professor Membrane and his technology.
Pic related. I remember thinking these guys looked awesome as a kid. Shame the fanbase was so obsessively shitty though.
>> The tyranids aren't invading.
>> They're running.
>> From some shit Zim caused.
>They're running
>From Zim
> Tzeentch embodies randomness, mental instability, and change.
> This was not always so, for once he could have been known as a God of Order.
> Perhaps even by a different name.
> Then he peered into the mind of Zim.
You need to chill
Wow, you know, Irken are basically Space Gobbos
>Lazier thans Orcs
>All a buncha weedy gits
>Utterly insane, need constant supervision not to fuck up
>Crafty and cunning, but not smart; they have the slave races for new tech.
>Literally born from tubes
Vasquez is just salty that he didn't hire a better lawyer to check his contract
To be fair, some of the shit the Imperium does fits right in with the Vasquez view on humanity. Hell, it's even easy to imagine a Commissar done in his artstyle.
Try and imagine it.
Bet you pictured the hat covering his eyes, didn't you?
>I think it may also be worth noting that the irkens have massive levels of dedication to their cause.
Again, that comes back to their low Wis and the apparent fact they're bred for warfare. The Tallest frequently bully and harass their underlings; even drawing their Invaders getting mauled to death at the fucking mission briefing. They all just kind of go along with it because they're short-sighted morons.
Ironically Zim is one of the closest things you'll find to a renegade in the Irken ranks.
>Shame the fanbase was so obsessively shitty though.
The show's fansbase is directly responsible for the unbearably awful Myspace culture which helped make /b/ such a fucking shithole.
>Zim infilrates a Schola ran by the Imperiun
>Claims that he's just from another planet that full of the people like him
>Due to his outstand loyalty, ability to overcome any challenge, and effectively lead the troops under his command(at the cost of their lives), he is made Commissar Zim
Fund it
To be fair, during the episode on the bootcamp planet, Zim was shown to be very skilled at rationing the lives of his soldiers to overcome obstacles in the pursuit of his end goal.
The closest thing to a renegade is probably the living table servant who told the Tallest to shove it and was summarily duct-taped to a frigate with its autopilot locked to navigate into a star.
Such a fundamentally huge waste of resources over something so incredibly petty, yeah that sounds about right for Irkens.
it sends a message...
into the sun
IIRC, they wound up owing that table slave a massive gambling debt because they forced him to bet on Zim surviving a training course.
Holy shit, are the Irkens just the polar opposite of the Federation of TNG/DS9?
Pretty much.
Take every meme about the Imperium being so bloody, wasteful and self centered and crank it up past elev- fifteen.
Crank it past 15.
The Irkens literally kill millions, and burn their entire planet's surface to ash.
To make a parking lot.
These are their "Leaders".
As noted they are figureheads, meant to appease the baser biological parts of Irken brains while the Control Brain (an A.I.) macro manages the species.
Man I would have love a mini series about these two being dicks to everyone.
Also on PAKs
The device contains all of the Irken's knowledge, effectively serving as a auxiliary brain, and it holds a great array of weapons and tools. It also contains the host's personality, charging cell, atmospheric processor, and a handy auto-reset that will 'reactivate' an Irken if they suffer a fatal injury (Plague of Babies). The Irken host's job is encoded into the PAK's programming, and can be changed instantly by a Control Brain (which can also delete all data in the PAK; such is known as deactivation).
>Well whoever they were they're all dead, and they left these huge monuments to mock me. I HATE THEM! I hate them so much I wish they were-
>*Goes to kick bare skull lying in the sand*
>Oh-ho. Yeah...
I remember one episode where Zim reported the humans were monumentally stupid despite being significantly taller than the average Irken. Red was visibly confused, asking how something tall could be dumb, all while Purple kept losing track of the conversation.
Honestly, the Red one at least seemed usually competent.
I feel like he was low-key aware of being a puppet figure, but knew he had it good as is.
He was totally one of those upper management types who knew how to do his job -just- well enough to not bring ire or greater responsibilities.
Thing is though Red isn't beholden to anyone. I do get the impression he was sincerley interested in expanding the Empire for the sake of more junk food and cheap entertainment.
That's the one.
Strangely one of the few times they seem to take Zim at face value instead of assuming he's too stupid to recognize the intelligence of other beings. Obviously the very idea, ahem, irked them that much.
>Waaaah I don't like these systems so I'm going to shit all over anybody referring to them
This is literally what you sound like, you dense sack of shit.
I get the feeling he knew that if the Control Brain thought the Empire was better off without him it would get rid of him.
Well their society is almost religiously adherent to the idea tall individuals are naturally smarter and stronger. They have a peace treaty with the Planet Jackers, which is unusual for an empire content to just subjugate whatever other races they encounter. It might not be too hard to imagine part of it is respect for the large height of the Jackers.
The idea an entire race of Tallest-sized aliens is collectively dumber than Zim probably intrigued them.
I'm also pretty sure he knew something was up.
He just knows better than to ask anything. This is pretty likely goven that he is the one making most of the "rational" decisions, and generally grasps the severity of whatever situation presents itself. Usually.
Actually, this would make him really intelligent given the setting.
Red almost certainly is smarter than just about any other Irken. But like the rest of them, he's still a short-sighted hedonist.
You know when you respond to a troll like that you're basically sucking his dick, right? Like to completion.
As is to be expected of one handed any luxury one would demand. He was a figure head, and this ensures that his life is comparatively luxurious within reason. The short-sighted nature of his work could conceivably be due to his suspicion of the Brains actual role.
They're pulling the strings and could dispose of him, so why risk personal agency? Go with the flow because that's your safest bet.
Still not calling him a genius though.
>Irkens are Veeky Forums