/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:

>Community DMs Guild trove
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reminder paladins are bullies that are trying to keep the corpse recycler down

Thank you for not starting the thread with a drow loli.

Liches be crazy.

You are welcome Mr Adorable Black and White Dog.

say that to my staff crafted from halfling bones and not on the internet

About to run Curse of Strahd for the first time as a relatively new DM. Any hints/tips? Worried a couple of my players might find the atmosphere a bit oppressive but was thinking of running it a bit campy anyway.

Is that a chocolate egg on the electric company?

Anyone know how to start Hoard of the dragon queen with Phandelver characters?

So is there anything I should do to convert anything from 3.5 over to 5th for an Eberron game? I'm starting smallish by having them do a lot in Sharn at first before moving them off. Endgame is them going into the Mournlands to find out why it fell.

Honestly, I'd try for something different first.
CoS is awesome but it needs a DM who can keep track of Strahd's objectives and goals in a fair and balanced way while still having him make decisions and based on the PC's actions.
He's something like a PC himself, only the DM controls him as a response to what the players do rather then as a response to what the DM does.

Death House is supposed to kill your players. Let it.

Don't expect the characters to be as all-powerful later on as in 3.5.
Large numbers of regular foes CAN kill them, even at 20thlvl.
Hope that they play standard races and don't want any Dragonmarks because all you have is the not particularly playtested UA for Eberron stuff.

Welp, guess we need a question. Alright Veeky Forums;

Are there any characters you've made that you're overly attached to? One's that you save for the 'right' campaign? One's that you keep trying to bring back, or recreate?

What was/is your favorite own PC?

And then what?

They come back, with some weird curse.

Not really. There are a few that I bring back with changes, but that's because I like the archetype they fight.

The best characters are ones that build in reaction to a campaign. Having preconceptions of how a campaign should go for a character you made way before the campaign started is a recipe for disaster.

I was going to say as much if you didn't

I want to say they recommends you start either right before or right after the caravan section. probably right after. I could be wrong though


I don't remember reading anything about that

I tend to become very attached to all of my characters, but the only character I've tried to recreate was a bardic doctor I created for 3.5 game a long time ago. I haven't actually recreated the character yet but I have vg e laid out the groundwork on how I would recreate him.

Tell me about romance, /5eg/.

>have old waifu (we broke up :( )
>she joins party and things are awkward and yelly
>meet new waifu
>old waifu wants to be waifu again (yay :D )
>drama ensues
>near death experience rekindles flame with old waifu
>new waifu befriends old waifu
>new waifu starts hitting on new waifu
>but for right now things are good

Yeah, but I try to not overuse them or have them show up in impossible places when I'm GMing.
If you're in the area they like to hang out you might run into them, but at best they'll get an off-hand mention.

Favorite is Son of Gorge. A dwarf barbarian from a culture where names are earned by mighty deeds, he left his homeland to seek adventure... and a name of his own.

Close second is Sir Wellington. Catfolk monk who overcame his humble beginnings and Ong Bak'd his way to glory in the big city.

>want to play necromancer
>party always has no fun allowed paladin
I just want to puppet my downed enemies and dress them in fashionable armour so they carry me around in a chair.

Why are the lawful good so murder hobo? Is it because the bodies smell? Could you strip bodies to skeletons and treat the bones to reduce odour? Could I use speak with dead try to befriend my dead army?

>Tell me about romance, /5eg/.

What, you mean like, in the game?

Yeah. Duh, not like anyone here knows what love is.

Anyone get that adventure from the Fathom theater event?

what the fuck are you even talking about

>Having more than one waifu

What the fuck.

I have a few characters from before I was perma-DM that are now NPCs, and my recurring players' PCs that survive end up as NPCs in later campaigns.

I had a warforged cleric from 3.5 prestiged into the landforged walker I really liked. He was a cleric of The Traveler, so since there's nothing quite like the landforged walker in 5e, I changed him to a light cleric and explained it as his god thinking it was funny to give a wooden warforged fire spells. He ran a business in Sharn in my last game and my players befriended him. His business ended up being their home base of sorts in the gang war that ensued during the campaign.

Hah. Right, sure.
Have fun with that.

It has been a whirlwind of drama and emotion, let me tell you.

So I recognize all of the UA stuff in the mega trove with The Faithful being the last UA I kept up with. What was this month's?

>PCs want to chase the BBEG who escaped via planar travel
>Wizard proposes he casts Gate something he saw in a spellbook he got in the BBEG's lair
>he can use it but he is lacking a diamond worth 5,000GP
>rogue decides to use his contacts from his criminal days of leads on a diamond of such value
>they find out one such diamond is being kept in a rich noble's manor
>they're now going full Ocean's 11/Heist on this shit

I love it when I get a table that thinks big.

I really want to run a celtic british inspired campaign but have a dissertation to write, any tips on how to do it for minimal effort?

It was put back a week due to Labor Day. It's gonna be another ranger revision.

Invest in a disguise kit, perfume, and make all your undead skeletons. You can dress them up as mercenaries from head to toe to hide their undead features. Then invest in deception to explain away all inquiries of their strange behavior. This is not a full proof plan but it will allow you to gain the trust of the rest of the party. Even if the paladin finds out, the rest of the party won't believe him. Hopefully.

That sounds pretty awesome.

Please keep us updated.


Go back to /pfg/.

It's total bullshit though. They're allowing gods into Sigil and they made the Lady of Pain black.

Presdigitation says it can color an object or a surface for an hour. Would a creature's skin count as a surface?

Exactly 10 years ago, someone wanted to play some obscure superhero system, playing villains. Character Creation Rules were a bit convulted and I didn't have an idea, so I asked the GM if I could randomize everything on the sheet. He accepted with glee.

Dice got me a petite human girl, no powers, just a badass normal swordsman/martial artist hybrid. Three perfect stats (100) out of six, a fourth not so far behind (78), so the equivalents of INT and CHA got to be dump stats for obvious reasons (both on the mid 60s).

Since I had no idea how to play a character I rolled everything, except for the fact that I worked for the local mafia as a bodyguard. I made her the silent type, which really helped since she had the social skills of a tuna. On combat however... everytime she was on a pinch she rolled a critical. Everytime she needed to finish someone she rolled a critical. Her build was to be a critical machine on battle, but her luck was ridiculous in and outside battle situations.

My GM started throwing as many shit as he could to her and she always managed to either beat or escape the challenge. She was meant to be just a background character to a group of supervillains and ended up being the main focus of the heroes, all while she barely spoke at all as her main focus was "I just want to fight someone strong."

She outgrew my expectations by a hundred miles, I had to make a decent background after the second or third session and she's the reason why I create characters by rolling for everything now. I get joy to discover who is my character when I'm playing them, I feel extremely happy as they grow, and it pained me so much when I lost someone to death.

So yeah, not a D&D character, but a character that changed my mind at how to roleplay properly and the character I'll fondly remember to be the one I enjoyed the most.

Are you saying 5e doesn't have characters who develop romantic interests in PCs?

I'm partly worried about the detect evil bit, since I doubt I wouldn't pop up on his radar. I guess if I'm not actively doing anything evil the regular party might not try to kill me if I'm useful.

That's a fun way to attempt it though, thank you for the ideas!

Yeah, Benton the Baker. He was a fighter who really just wanted to bake bread. All of his armor was bread-themed (croissant pauldrons, shield with crossed baguettes, and at one point a helmet made of a hollowed out rye loaf), and he fought with a rolling pin classed as a large club. He would drop sick-nasty bread puns when he killed stuff, too.

RIP in Piece

I'm actually panicking a bit cause we're having a session tomorrow which we usually use for Cthulhu nights but everyone is so pumped up they want to continue the adventure. I mean, fuck, I'm right now looking up tips on how to write up an effective and fun heist set in a manor by tomorrow night.

So far I've got it that the rich noble has a big dinner party that the party can learn as an entrypoint in their heist. I wanna give options as well like disgusing as caterers, security, etc. Jesus, I'm excited over here but still nervous as fuck. My table is the kind of who thinks such crazy shit I have to keep up as a DM.

No, I think he's saying there's already a cancer general thread

You should check out some WFRP 2e material if you like rolling for everything character related. They've even got tables where you make several percentile rolls to find out their names.

How did he die? In a blaze of glory or got baked in his armor?

If you can't get everything together tonight, just let them know and delay it until next session. I'm sure they'll understand and prefer you not rush it for maximum fun. Sometimes our DM delays us with side missions if he doesn't have a big area or quest quite ready. Downtime to dick around and plan is pretty nice too, if the situation allows it.

Do regular bows have any advantage over their crossbow counterparts?

Reload - or lack thereof.

He was inspecting the farm where a rival baker bought his grain under the suspicion that the farmer was lacing the grain with habit-forming magics. He fell into a silo and essentially drowned as his party dealt with the mercenary-guards or whatever. It took like 5 awful rolls in a row, but eventually the DM couldn't make any excuses and he died.

Pouring one for Benton over here, user. I'm sure every moment he breathed mattered.

Longer range. No need for a feat to use extra attack.

My favorite session with him revolved entirely around trying to make a bakery out of elementals. An earth elemental to tend to the wheat, a stone elemental to grind the flour, water elemental for the... water, fire to bake it, etc. We wound up failing to capture any of them but watching an already ridiculous plan fall apart was hilarious.

Most of my players don't know eberron that well. They played a little in it back in 3.5 but not enough to care or understand anything.


Listed down a ways under "Adventures"


He's saying he needs love and racial homebrew less gay/cringey/fetish-tier than elves, dwarves, and hobgoblins.
Lucky for him - the work's been done already!
Enjoy, good sir anti-weeb.


Simple to make, should be much more common, including the likelihood of a magical one or magical ammunition, Maintenance, Racial Proficiency


Wait, isn't the Lady of Pain a god?

A 17 year old game is causing you pain?

She's the Lady of Pain.

Is the READY Action only a combat action or can a player use it all the time out of combat??

No, she's something else.
She's basically a walking plot device, and has no worshippers nor dogma or doctrine, instead acting like a deity-smashing version of that robot from RoboCop 1.

She doesn't really operate the same way as a god, but in the sense she is incredibly powerful and as far as anyone knows immortal she would qualify. I'm pretty sure she flays people that worship her though

generally trying to break down every activity players do as if it were a round of combat when they aren't in combat gets tedious, and preparing to do something before a fight starts is usually better represented with a surprise round

But what's the context here?

I don't think you know what the word means. If you think you have 2 waifus, you don't actually have a waifu. That's like saying everyone at your table is That Guy, blissfully unaware that That Guy refers to the odd man out ( you, in the example).

Creatures aren't objects, the books go to lengths to keep the two concepts mutually exclusive.

>instead acting like a deity-smashing version of that robot from RoboCop 1.

You mean the one that fell down the stairs?

Mass combat rules! I need some. My players have decided to forego stealth and instead call in every favor and ally they have, which will result in a massive aerial battle involving demons, goblin bat riders, hive-mind bee people, "owl swarms," and various wicked fey.

Are there any mass combat rules that don't suck, or should I do a quick-and-dirty homebrew?

Ah thanks for the clarification.

Question how would one go about making an Eldritch knight/Artificer without falling behind in usefulness?

Have you checked Unearthed Arcana:When Armies Clash?

there's some fairly quick and dirty ones in the Primeval Thule campaign setting, which is in the mega

I'm looking at them, but it's hard to tell how good they are without playtesting. I was hoping someone had tried them out and could offer an opinion.

Continuing this here. I'm trying to make it kinda like a commoner. With a focus on utility abilities. Lime granting proficiency with tools rather than improving combat past the first ability. It would also have a theme of clothing damage I was trying to work in but it didn't quite make it.

Just posted this in the old thread, I was quite far behind.
>Barbarian, Sea Raider
viking, medium armour bonus, options for using shields, dual wielding, and /or throwing
>Bard, Storyteller
knows folklore better than any other - can recall the weakness of monsters, spending bardic inspiration to grant better advantages when fighting 'known' monster types, like favored enemy. Also good at spreading rumours and deception
>Cleric, Nobility Domain
For Gods like Odin who would be worshiped by nobles, Kings, and very lawful Authority. Spirit Weapon, ghost warrior/s bodyguard summon, guidance from ancestors, control spells
>Druid, Circle of the Pack
more supportive, allows allies to shapeshift to a limited degree
>Fighter, Ironclad
Gets bonuses when wearing heavy armour, counter attack, provide cover to adjacent allies with a shield
>Monk, Way of the Blade
ki swordsman, some dynasty warriors shit, I don't know
>Paladin, Oath of Excellence
built around success, aura of confidence, temporary HP. Any failures knock you hard though and make worse for a short time
>Ranger, Rider
gets a beast mount? Horse archery?
>Rogue, Vampire Hunter
a 1/3 caster, but divine. Basically Castlevania
>Sorcerer, Mutant
no bloodline, you've been born with magic in you. So you get options to decide your other mutant powers
>Warlock, Blood Pact, pact of the flesh
get the old constitution warlock back! Built around your body being host to some energy/ force /being, being tough enough to channel it. Good opportunities for musclewizard and bloodmage, things people like.
Pact of the flesh could be a Mr Hyde or Vincent Valentine kind of deal. Monstrous transformation.
Don't need to pick the two together, but they fit.
Wizard, self taught ?
Maybe they get no big bonus but learn spells more cheaply. One free counter spell per day at high level because they can see what's being cast easily due to understanding from first principles?

Am I missing something with Warlocks?

They just seem to be woefully bad.

Like, compare a 5th level lock with a 5th level wiz or 5th level sorc or something. It's barely even a competition

I'm trying to think of magical items to reward my players with for an upcoming dungeon segment. It's featuring a haunted magical library with ancient tomes and populated with zombie and ghost librarians and book golems. I guess some kind of magical book would be appropriate but I just can't think of something fun or creative. Somebody help

They're decent-damage cantrip turrets with really good at-will magic tricks for utility and a few spells for extra control, AoE damage, and utility. They're fine.

Warlocks are decent bruh.

I think you're missing the "regain spells slots with a SHORT rest, rather than a long rest," and "all your spellslots are max level" parts.

This comes up every 2 out of 3 threads it seems.

thanks my dude

every thread, I saw it in the last one too

>I think you're missing the "regain spells slots with a SHORT rest, rather than a long rest," and "all your spellslots are max level" parts.

I'm well aware

5th level warlock: 2 3rd level slots per short rest, 3 invocations which may give another spell to cast at-will or once a day or something. Might be tome and have a couple cantrips and ritual casting

5th level wizard: 4 1st, 3 2nd, 2 3rd level slots per long rest (can regen 2 levels of spell slots on a short rest once per day), ritual casting by default, way more spells known

How many short rests do you guys get per session? In combat heavy sessions my group might get 1-2, if even that

warlock just seems like it'd be shit to play. Sure casting Eblast all day means you'll do pretty well in a fight, but that just sounds fucking boring

maybe because warlock sucks

Not every class is for every person. It worse than wizard and sorcerer but far from being the worst class in the game. Some people like playing high damage cantrip turrets.

Warlocks also get a pact that let's them learn every ritual spell in the game!
Or have an invisible flying shapeshifting scout that can die with no consequence!
They also have a cantrip that deals 1d10+4 twice, every round!

>How many short rests do you guys get per session? In combat heavy sessions my group might get 1-2, if even that

It's the kinda class that some people like and some people don't and some GMs will be horseshit for, which is true of EVERY class weather you are aware of it or not.
This user is correct; not every class needs to appeal to every player, and you don't need to eat them all at once to gain the benefits of a nutritious and fully balanced breakfast.

Vecna was the stairs in this context.

If you're looking to DM Hoard of the Dragon Queen, I advise you to read this, as it has greatly helped me:

These two sites also have tons of good ideas and tips:

So only an object can have a surface? It does say an object OR surface. I don't see why it can't be applied to mean the surface of someone's skin.

Warlocks get fewer superpowers, but they can use them more often. They have fewer options than a wizard, but do more damage. They have more options than a barbarian, but aren't as tough and strong. They're a perfectly fine class.

It sounds like you want to play a wizard. That doesn't mean warlock sucks. You're chewing on a lime and screaming "this apple tastes like shit!"

>You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
Not that user, but I would agree with you. No issue with your 1 hour arcane henna tattoo.

Thanks for the help, hat's off to you my elegan/tg/entleman