What are some good youtube channels for DMs? Only channel I know about is Drunkens & Dragons

What are some good youtube channels for DMs? Only channel I know about is Drunkens & Dragons.

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Counter Monkey

I've been watching Office Hours done by Adam Koebel. The guy looks like a fruit, but he's got some good GMing advice, and gets in depth with 3 questions per episode, with each episode being about 50 to 60 minutes or so.


I subscribe to Extra Credits.
It's mostly about videogame design, but slot of what they say transfers directly to dungeon/encounter/story design.
They are currently doing a special 6-part series on Balder's Gate.

Bonus: they aren't pretentious and opinionated.

>Extra Credits
Those are the morons who said we were running out of internet in the air

>Running out of internet in the air
Literally what?

I like woodwwad but not too much at once

Matt Colville has some excellent stuff

>Extra Credits
>Bonus: they aren't pretentious and opinionated.