Fall of Hyrule Herobuilder: Episode 1 Crusade - Part 3

The sounds of battle cries and the clash of weapons are heard from within a great cloud of dust that obscures the vision of those without and within the pocket of Hylian men trapped across the river Zora.

Dawn comes soon, as the sky turns blue again. It is the second day here, and thanks to the hardwork of Hylian engineers working around the clock the blown up bridge over the River Zora is over halfway finished.

Soon the great Crusading army will be able to pour over the river. But will they find any of their comrades left as the dust clears?


Sorry for the Week Long hiatus. Stuff has been...crazy IRL.


>Welcome to Fall of Hyrule, a herobuilder AU looseley based off the Legend of Zelda run by a guy who's only ever played Windwaker and got up to the Deku tree level of OOT.
>This is the second part in the first episode in a series of prologue leading up to the true game, where you can choose to start your character or wait. Those of you who begin now may or may not choose to continue your character after this episode based upon options
>Currently, in this episode, you must play either a Hylian or Gerudo
>Different factions/races will open up in later episdes as the game progresses
>New Players, please, fill out the sheet below

New Players:
Faction: CHOOSE: Hyrule/Gerudo
Race: CHOOSE: Hylian/Gerudo
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Updates from last thread incoming

Other urls found in this thread:


Dorbunga is a whirlind of death. One could compare him to Tombstone of Robot Wars or perhaps a blender. Spinning and slicing his way through foes, and as the smoke clears and the Gerudo retreat he finally slows down, a great red ball covered in blood and gore, his sword equally stained if chipped and bent due to bombs and other swords.

At last, the Gerudo are retreating! As the smoke clears and the sun rises, they've had enough for one day.

Fear many things in this world, but today, fear the GORON!
+Good Dual Longswordsman
+(DENTED) Good Iron Goron Sized Very Heavy Long-sword
+(DENTED) Good Iron Longsword


1. The Prince is evidently very busy doing “things” of an undisclosed nature. However, one of his top ranking commanders, a Fire Wizzrobe, whom he delegates military details to says he's heard of your family and your reptutation. On authority of the prince he authorizes you to help create a band of expert rangers, skilled in scaling difficult terrain and reconaissance. An effort to compensate somewhat for the Gerudo's uncontested superiority in such matters.
>You have met Alweir!
2. Alas, your men, upon arrival to the bridge, find that these so called “High Hylian's” look down upon you “backwater lowlanders”, sneering at your men's crude dialect which is nearly a different language due to such proximity to barbarian tribes. Truth be told many of these engineers were indeed, trained in actual engineering academies where as your family has oft to learn by mere experience in making do with patchwork and experience. Your men show no aptitude for actual design beyond dead reckoning. Little is achieved.
+reputation: lowland scum

Hansel, a simple lad from a simple village now in a rather unsimple war. A quiet lad of seemingly little intellect, even he himself knows little about how fortunate he really is.
Common Levy Armor
Common Levy Halberd
Common Levy Shortsword
Weak Halberder
[Bonus – Luck. Hansel is unawares of how fate plays a hand in its role in his daily life. It is difficult for him to to gain new skills, but by and large things tend to play to his advantage.]

1-2. Take it to Zwilli to cater to every detail! She now has several options for a planned escape route, and has several options at her disposal on how she intends to rob the joint. And boy is this place loaded.
A. Safe and sure: Go in go out, take only what can be carried in a rucksack, be superficial and don't be picky, and always be able to run. High tail it at the sign of any guards. There's literally less than 1% chance of failing this.
B. Risky: Go in and go for only choicest items! Try to penetrate into their vault or treasurey, and take a look into the owner's room . Try to sneak past the guards.
C. All or nothing: Stay as long as possible, load up anything and everything she can and steal an entire carriage. Incapacitate/kill guards as needed.

>con't don't post (unless you haven't posted)

1-2. Running. Lots of running. Shit, you dropped the box and hear a crash like glass. Can't go back for it now.


What did that voice say? 'Head to level 3 via staircase K, and then to-....'


Gods dammit you can't remember.


What? Oh. It's a talking ball of light.

“Yes, YOU! Do you even know where the fuck you are going? It's this way, c'mon. That voice is a damned idiot, just keep following my light.”

Welp. You certainly don't feel as though you're going anywhere at this rate. So what the hell you may as well on the straight adventure. The fairy leads you one way, but the knights seem to be headed off another.

“Forget about them. Get out your grapple hook. Okay,

She leads you right into...a dead end! It's just a precipice leading to a cliff. Fuck, it was a trick you're so dead.

“It's not a trap look where I am.”

The ball of light circles around a wooden beam held on the cliff ceiling.

“Get out your grapple rope, just start swinging it around and throw it at it. You'll need to swing your way through.”

You can't be serious. Zombies closing in from behind, no way back and only one way forward, virini starts twirling his grapple. He throws at a the beam- it latches on! Now only one last thing to do.

Just a zombie is inches away from grabbing him, he leaps forward holding onto the rope.


Virini can't believe it. He's swinging! He follows the ball of light who directs him to certain wooden beams. Swing up, swing up, swing down, swing left, swing right.

At the last ceiling beam the ball of light tells him to jump. And he jumps! He just barely makes it onto another ledge, rolling and tumbling onto the ground, until at last he lays on his back breathing heavily. Exhilirated and exhausted, he can't believe he was able to do that. He had never even thought such a thing was possible.

He turns his head to the side, and see's the ball of light dancing around.

“Ha ha ha! Fuck you Nintendo! I fucking did it, I taught a skil! Whose a defect program now. I'm A GOD DAMNED TUTORIAL FAIRY!”

A fairy? Indeed, the light moves right in front of your face and before your eyes floats the glowing frame of a tiny, slender woman with wings. It's a fairy. It stares at him, almost quizitively, before speaking.

“Well? I'd a bit of groveling for saving your life, but a thanks will suffice idiot. My name is Jene, and I'm your fairy now, so I expect some gratitude would be nice. Hey, I wonder what happened to your friends.”

+Jene, the failed tutorial fairy (this is a MAJOR boon to almost every action you could do)
Average Grapplerope


As for the Knights, they had run into a true dead end with no one to aid them. As the undead lurched forward, escape for the King and his knights seemed hopeless. When suddenly, the narrator suffered a frustrating case of writers block.

The knights suddenly found themselves right in front of Vrini. Their situational peril, was handwaved.

The quest for the sacred chalice, could continue.

Virini and company find themselves before a strange glowing door, with something like a big red eye staring down at them.

1-2. Firem scouts the hills.

Under normal circumstance, it would be practically impossible for anyone to spot any individual archer among a hialstorm of arrows. But thankfully, this sharpshooter was the only one firing and seemed to be the only one able to reliably hit through the smoke.

Firem makes a guess, watching the pallisades below. He looks at each individual arrow, how they are pointed a certain way, and his eyes trace what he envisions is their angle.

Low and behold, just as the sun starts to rise and daylight breaks, he spots an arrow fly from the hill, silhouhetted by the light is a lone figure just barely covered by a rock.

Praying to the gods for luck, he raises his bow and looses a single arrow.

It flies through the air. . .hit! The figure reels back. And doesn't get up.

As the sun rise and the Gerudo reposition that was the last Firem saw of the Sharpshooter, for now. Beneath him, men cheer up and him.

Firem can't believe his luck.

+Good Soldier Cameraderie
+2/8 Great Archer

The cheer is short lived as now that the dust is cleared, the arrows from the enemy hill once more start flying. Several begin to hit the stones around Firem, who ducks back into cover. Guess they don't like somene hitting their sharpshooter.

>con't don't post (unless you haven't posted)

1. Alas, contrary to what he expected, the Prince is in fact, less interested in battle as he is at his own coin. He makes it a point that as both Prince and King, the thrones personal coffers (and his own) will always take prerogative over that of state. That is to say, stay away from my money. You have your position in the camp, such as useful as it is. But before the state takes any hand in loot, taxes, or else, it is the royal right of the Prince to take his 'fair due' and let his administrators deal with the rest.
Seems the prince is equally as interested in his purse as you are. Doesn't look like easy money will come from him. Not yet at least. But at least you have your position.
+1/4 Weak Prince Rapport
2. Unfortunately, his own promotion as Imperial Administrator has somewhat been his undoing in regards to contacts in the underworld. He was only able to keep what he had in the capital city as he had built up those before ascending to his current title, but out here in the widlerness he seems as little more than a scrupulous inspector out to gnab any thief or brigand he can get his hands on.

>con't don't post (unless you haven't posted)