The sounds of battle cries and the clash of weapons are heard from within a great cloud of dust that obscures the vision of those without and within the pocket of Hylian men trapped across the river Zora.
Dawn comes soon, as the sky turns blue again. It is the second day here, and thanks to the hardwork of Hylian engineers working around the clock the blown up bridge over the River Zora is over halfway finished.
Soon the great Crusading army will be able to pour over the river. But will they find any of their comrades left as the dust clears?
Sorry for the Week Long hiatus. Stuff has been...crazy IRL.
>Welcome to Fall of Hyrule, a herobuilder AU looseley based off the Legend of Zelda run by a guy who's only ever played Windwaker and got up to the Deku tree level of OOT.
>This is the second part in the first episode in a series of prologue leading up to the true game, where you can choose to start your character or wait. Those of you who begin now may or may not choose to continue your character after this episode based upon options
>Currently, in this episode, you must play either a Hylian or Gerudo
>Different factions/races will open up in later episdes as the game progresses
>New Players, please, fill out the sheet below
New Players:
Faction: CHOOSE: Hyrule/Gerudo
Race: CHOOSE: Hylian/Gerudo
Don't fill this out:
Updates from last thread incoming