Nourishing Lich to top the next GP. Prepare your sideboard now.

>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like?
>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...

>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)

Other urls found in this thread:

Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Dragon Stompy
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)

Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Sea Stompy
>Spanish Inquisition
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)

Hoping to get my final mtgo league match with nourishing lich in this weekend. If I can go 3-2 i'I'll consider it a success.

I've been working my monoblack control into b/w, excited to work with this guy since I have a slower, more creature based meta here

Post your list. Are you going to rock Thalia? Maybe Sculler? Also, what's your reasoning behind using that guy? Wouldn't it be a better choice for a more spell based meta?

>Turn 1 probe
I see a cloudpost

No Thalia atm, Scullers are on there still working on the list, I'll be sure to post it when I can. He's mostly to punish Force of Wills trying to stop my kill spells and hand disruption.

Enchantress, dredge, Canadian threshold
For enchantress i run a wishboard of hatebears with gaddock teeg, Emrakul and Sigarda
>>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like?
I run Leyline mainboard cuz lots of storm, and they can't answer it easily on G1

>still no Omnitell

Loam Pox
4 Leyline of the Void
3 Sphere of Resistance
3 Ensnaring Bridge
2 Toxic Deluge
2 Chains of Mephistopheles
1 Karakas
>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like?
I started running a Ghost Quarter for all the nerds running 1-3 basics to combat Wasteland.
My meta has a couple reanimator players, a dredge player, a DnT player, a couple Miracles players, about 3 delver-based decks of varied colors and builds, a MUD player (who will sometimes play a surprise Eldrazi deck), a lands player, a punishing jund player, and a couple affinity decks.
>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...
RiP, Blood Moon, Painful Truths, Pithing needle, Plains, Mountain, Swamp
I have no fucking clue what deck they are playing, but it would be annoying as fuck to do any kind of loam or discard shenanigans against them.

>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...
volc, strand, sudden shock, sudden shock, sudden shock, delver, delver

I forgot to mention the one dude who has the cards to play almost any deck.

Is Delver really that bad of a match for you?

Nvm I forgot what split second did for 4 seconds. Still is Delver a good or bad Matchup for you?

I think the point is that 3 sudden shocks will effectively keep him from dealing damage until turn 6 or 7. The whole time 2 delvers are beating him off.

no, not really. the delvers were just to represent a clock because there's probably some world where I beat 3 sudden shock given enough time, but not while getting clocked for 6 a turn.

>>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...

Helm of Obedience

The real question is, why am I probing t1 on the play? What deck am I borrowing?

Manaless Dredge of course. And in your infinite wisdom you decided it was a good idea to jam 4 git probes and rock a 64 card deck. What could go wrong?

I already play 4 probes and 4 street wraith.
Either I'm doing some weird shit with Probing them to see if I should play Unmask t1, or i'm drunk.

Ha, guess I know nothing about manaless dredge.

This is my current list.
Thinking of going to 4 Amalgam, and slotting in a FKZ somewhere.
Also gotta make my deck consistant with sets.

FKZ seems like an auto include. Also, on a scale of 1 to 10, how boss is amalgam?

>to your horror you see...
1 City of Traitors
1 Tundra
1 Simian Spirit Guide
2 RiP
1 Show and Tell
1 Emrakul

Awful to here about the flooding, and good on you with the cards. I'm sure playing mtg would be great after something like that.

What I wouldn't give for some more Legacy events...

Awful to here about the flooding, and good on you with the cards. I'm sure playing mtg would be great after something like that.

Sorry to hear about your shop. What I wouldn't give for some more Legacy events...

do you play in lafayette?

In an emergency it can be eaten by Ichorid, and if you play the blue SB, it pitches to Force. It's a 17-20th free creature. It's good shit.

We'll recover eventually, Louisianafags stick together, you know?
Plus, the store owner managed to evacuate all of his legacy stuff with the floodwaters rising and I haven't heard any tales of lost power 9 or duals or w/e.

I'm the guy from Baton Rouge, not who you responded to, but I used to go to Lafayette for prereleases back before Rocket's Hideout opened and we had a shop that ran them again.

Does 5th ed have any FBB languages?
I'm looking into the cost to pimp my deck out, and there's nothing I can do to my Nether Shadows besides altering them, unless I go with the art I don't like as much.

Dredge, Oops, looking to pimp my belcher deck with as many foreign foils as possible

Lost Legacy legit seems legacy playable
Can't snag artifacts though which sucks, but imagine being able to just name reality smasher or counterbalance on turn 1 and shut someone out

But if you push it out T1 on the play and it eats FoW then your both down 2 cards but your opponent didn't use up a turn to do it, and you've missed your window where Daze can't be up. On the draw you have a similar issue but you have to worry about the 2 for 1 with Daze/Spell Pierce.

If you do resolve it, great. You've removed 0-4 copies of a card your opponent may not even have drawn for the rest of the match. I think it's relevant in very specific combo matchups where the deck hinges on 1 card, but even those decks usually pack alternate wincons. This reminds me of an episode of CFB MTGtop8(when LSV still did it) where LSV explained how he had an opponent who thought they got something like 10 for 1 playing some card like that and how that wasn't how CA works. Tjough in this context you appear to be thinking of it more as a way to cripple combo decks.


Mono blue delver

Chill x3
Surgical Extraction x2
Grafdigger's Cage x2
Flusterstorm x2
Echoing truth x2
Winter Orb
Sapphire Charm
Vendilion Clique
Invasive Surgery

>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like?

Sapphire Charm for all the dumb batterskulls. And back to basics for all the dumb Eldrazi, rug, shardless, and cloudpost decks.
>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...
Island, island, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish.

Actually, that card might just make it in a Relentless Rats deck. Target yourself, exile enough Rats to draw your deck without decking, then win because you just drew 25ish cards. Unmask, Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal. Could be real.

>3 golgari thugs
>1 thug golgari
>having some of your cards in different languages
Worse than fucking Hitler.
You better get his art altered to give him some thug bling

It's best used targeting yourself to name something like Relentless rats and be left with just the good non-rats cards in your library. But that that point, why not just run Doomsday.

>then win because you just drew 25ish cards.
You only draw a card for each card exiled from your HAND so at most it's draw 6.

>Two are DD, two are RAV
>Same with my Trolls
>One of my Dread Returns is Italian as well.
>I only have two foil Amalgams

It triggers me too, user.

If that triggers you, get a load of my DDFT list. the list isn't up to date but the beauty sure is

I'm starting to think I should- we just have one little shop here and an hour of driving is a small price for legacy. You from Lafayette? Know a good store?
That would be heartbreaking.

Whoops I didn't understand the question. No, I play in Lake Charles.

what's your list look like? I've been toying with this concept for a while but haven't actually tried putting anything together.

d-did you sleeve all your cards upside down?


He probably inner sleeves right side up, it also probably makes it easier to shuffle

dank. do you play Adrian Sullivan style, then?

This is correct. Not sure it really affects shuffling though.
Not sure what you mean. Don't think I've ever seen him play.

cards upside down on the battlefield, lands in front. basically how mtgo displays your opponents board state.
it's how I play my draft decks, to tilt people

I've watched Adrian Sullivan play back when Standard was actually fun. It was a UB Control mirror and it was a holy mess of lands and Perilous Vaults and Kung-Fu Leviathans.

I've seen Magic. That was pure chaos.

man, I loved that deck. I remember playing against the hardened scales deck one time and my opponent wouldn't concede even though I had a full hand and like 11 untapped mana and an ugin.
is this how miracles pilots feel?

I find that my ugly deck is sufficient to tilt people.

At least your petal isn't FTV and your therapies original set ~~

That's how I play. Unless my life total is at 0 or I have no deck, I haven't lost the game yet. It's won me several "unwinnable" games against Modern decks.

>ywn own Judgment Cabal Therapies
I want to commit hari-kari

Oh god... They're Italian?! Never mind my earlier comment...

Also have like half my deck is in spanish, if you didn't notice. 4x Terapia de la Cabala, 4x Deseo Ardiente, and 2x Trompo adivinador del sensei.

I don't even know what to think of this... It's horrid but still beautiful somehow, I have a love/hate relation to your deck ~~

oh, I noticed. it's beautiful

one trick pony
R/B goblins

I'll do it when I can afford it and have a meta.

I have no meta. Wubba lubba dub-dub!

lion's eye diamond, faithless looting, dakmor salvage, lotus petal, narcomeba, narcomeba, narcomeba.

>narcomoeba narcomoeba narcomoeba
Who in the hell would keep that hand, there's nothing you can Dredge besides Dakmor Salvage.

>Lotus Petal
>Faithless, holding priority, crack LED, using Lotus Petal to prevent Daze
>Dump hand into grave, Faithless resolves
>Dredge 2

Now we've got 3 Narcomoebas stuck in the graveyard and virtually no engine to power anything. Seems bad my dude.

That's probably where the feeling of horror comes from where you see it.

MFW i prefer modern frame over older frame and bought FTV petals.

Also any good angel token i can print to use with Luminarch ascenssion/sigil? currently using this one

Generic shit you'd expect. More wraths, more counters, Flusterstorm, Containment Priest
>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like?
What local meta?
>Git Probe turn one on the play. To your horror you see...
Phyrexian Revoker, Thalia, Karakas, Aether Vial, Stoneforge Mystic, Rishadan Port, Mother of Runes

use the Ali aintrazi invitational ones and sharpie "can I cop a feel?" on them.

If I'm playing against you, I'm always scared unless I have countertop and 4 FoW in my hand with 4 other blue cards and lethal next turn. Otherwise? Sometimes, lots of burn players go down hilariously though. I have counter top active open mana and surgical extraction ed all their exquisite firecrafts after I thought seized one on t 1. They don't realize that when you can't cast a spell, you generally can't win. That's rare but it's an example.

Woops I misread narcomoeba. Still, dredge is the stuff of my nightmares.

Also, asking the real questions. Why doesn't basking rootwalla see play in dredge?

Something like this:

Have you considered Oboro? Gets around Choke effects and can bounce eot to get around B2B.

No I haven't, but that sounds like a great idea. I'll look into it

>Why doesn't basking rootwalla see play in dredge?
When discarding, a dredge player 100% wants to bin a dredger. Rootwalla does nothing for dredge. Can't even eat it with Ichorid. Sno gud mane.

People back when playing standard dredge actually considered the idea of playing the standard madness cards sideboard if people started playing too much graveyard hate.
I don't think it would be good, but it would be funny.

Gotcha. Also at this wouldn't ya think there would be some sort of madness or flashback deck. I mean, miracle has an enabler in the form of sensei's divining top, does madness/flashback have such an enabler? If not, then what would such an enabler entail? temur madness when?

jacetice league, to the gatherer!

what would you take out for it?
it's not a good card in the deck, and doesn't really deserve a spot there

I believe that's exactly what I said.

There is a flashback deck, but it's hidden in the form of Grixis Delver.

Fuck Snapcaster Mage

I tried as best as I could
If someone can do it better, go for it

Let me throw together something real fast, I have some ideas.

You should've went with the full Martyr/Proc/Emeria shell. Cards like Boon Reflection and Heroes Remembered are bad.

I think it's as easy as Nearhearth Pilgrim and Volcano Hellion.

>Cast Nearhearth Pilgrim
>Cast Volcano Hellion, Soulbond to Pilgrim
>Choose X damage, deal X to Volcano Hellion, take X damage to my life total
>Gain X life from Volcano Hellion's Lifelink, gain X life from Pilgrim's Lifelink
>Hellion dies
>Aetherflux everyone and everything
>Get to keep my X amount of life when or if the turn ends

It's bad and it's terrible, but it's a combo nonetheless.

>Not running all decks as 64 card decks with Git Probes

Uncommon/rare/mythic - decks that lose

How realistic is a chinaman deck? I'm a poorfag but Legacy interests me greatly.
>How much cheaper do Chinese fakes make your deck?
>How realistic are the cards?
>What are the odds you would see them at a tournament?
>What is the penalty for being caught?

Can throw recruiter in there too
Make is RWG and use GSZ to find the hellion
Can also use red's fast mana
Might actually work

A lot cheaper, though your proxies will retain 0 value, as you can't sell them on later.
The cards can be identified as fakes by judges utilizing a magnifying glass. There was a post on a judge forum about a judge ordering fakes and offering to share them around so that other judges could learn to identify fakes.
I don't know.
The penalty for being caught is disqualification. The penalty if you are caught trading them is fraud aka jail.

GSZ doesn't find Hellion unless you run Painter's Servant and make everything green.

ye my stupid
gonna switch it with fierce empath and chord of calling

Wasn't looking to scam anyone, just looking to be one of the >cool kids

I give up on reservoir
I'm too lazy to try to make it work
someone try throwing it in a painter shell or something, maybe that works

Maybe Boros Reckoner too?

How viable is Nahiri, the Harbinger in Legacy. Something that keeps coming to mind for me us using her+Emrakul, thr Aeons Torn as your primary wincon instead of Monastery Mentor, but even that isn't amazing.

If you're talking miracles, I'd say its probably worse than mentor
Mentor has synergy with top and all of your spells
Emrakul can just be a dead card if you don't find Nahiri, and she doesn't really do much the turn she comes down. Mentor can still generate all the tokens you want the turn it comes into play, so even if he's gone the tokens can still beatdown quickly.

>Nahiri in Legacy
I mean, somebody top 8ed a tournament with this deck:

So what is the verdict on Sanctum Prelate and Recruiter of the Guard? Do they work well in D&T?

Why would I take 6 turns to get a 15/15 that dies at the end when I could take 2 turns to stick it for free? Her only redeeming quality is jamming out Emrakul or Blightsteel, one of which can be hit with Swords and the other is a one-trick pony. I'd rather Ancient Tomb, Volcanic Island, Show and Tell Emrakul than go through that mess.

But that's just me.

yeah they see play, the numbers vary though

1 Main, maybe 1 boarded
3 main

She isn't that great, I mean she looks like she could do great but she really isn't. Especially since she's 4 mana and doesn't always do something great the turn she comes down. Tbh I've been thinking of dropping down to 1 JTMS because 90% of the time he's used as FoW fodder (the other 10% is gas but it's usually rare he lives long unless I'm against miracles). I could maybe see her seeing play if Dig through time was still around because she also let's you discard.

Alright friends, pick three card that you wish were legacy playable that aren't/not that great

1. Sphinx's revelation
2. Supreme verdict
3. dragon broodmother

As always I dislike everything you like.
1. astral slide
2. birthing pod
3. tortured existence (or more realistically stasis or Gaea's blessing)

Astral slide seems oddly specific, though I have no issues with your cards that you like. unban pod so I can make some sick cash dolla

Geeze it's like you want this thread to die. Where's all the other namefags at?

>upside down ultrapros
>inconsistent prints

I'm more triggered than Espie when he sees Invigorate+Berserk