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Hatred: Chaos Space Marines Edition

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It's possible since I'm exactly as old as MTG.

I really dig that old school...lascannon design?

>Hatred: Chaos Space Marines Edition

Wooo let's fuck up some traitor scum and then get oiled up and "interrogate" some of the initiates back at the Rock

Iron Warriors CSM, 998/1000

HQ - 115

Warpsmith, VoTL, Plasma Pistol

Troops - 524

1x10 CSM, Rhino, Havok Launcher, Dozer Blade, Combi-Melta, 2x Meltaguns, VoTL.

1x10 CSM, Rhino, Havok Launcher, Dozer Blade, Combi-Plasma, 2x Plasmaguns, VoTL.

Heavy Support - 344

1 Maulerfiend

1x3 Obliterators, VoTL

>tfw your opponent tells you the mathematical odds of how tough it is to kill his super unit with lasguns
>and you kill it anyways


>first army being deathwatch

Yes? no? maybe so?

>tfw you can't model the Power Glove (it's so bad!) to give a thumbs-up without some conversion work

Any help building a bike SM list?
Got bike squads, attack bikes with multi meltas, grav guns, sergeants with thunder hammers for funsies. Librarian on a bike with some wargear. That's it so far. Unit suggestions?
A devastator squad seems fun but I don't really know what special weapons to put in it.

The only weapon you will ever need.

Sure, whatever. They're a little odd, their high points cost is going to make them less forgiving to play, and all of the options available might be difficult to handle for a noob, but they're space marines and they're able to take a bit of punishment.