Do you prefer swords over spears? Why or why not?
Do you prefer swords over spears? Why or why not?
I prefer polearms.
Spears are nice for their range but I love the versatility a sword provides. Especially a good longsword or a bastard sword.
Longsword you can stab, slash, bludgeon, puncture armor with the cross guard, use the hilt to smack somebody across the helmet, half sword it to stab the weak points. Just a great all around weapon.
Why not swordspears?
easier to mass produce and train dudes with spears
Individual warriors, swords.
Units of warriors, spears.
Depends on style and theme. Anything to do with teamwork, spear or polearm in general, is a good way to go. Going ham hero, then there is something to be said about a nice sword. Or a big fucking maul. I like to treat problems like oversized tent pegs.
What matters is the story you are trying to tell.
Swords. But only because I prefer Knights over Hoplites. Otherwise spears are cool too.
>Not using both tactically
Get on my level.
Spear and dagger/shortsword. Even if they got past that quick and very stabby(/somewhat slashy, definitely also blunty as a quarterstaff) point, you'd still got an answer for them.
I can go for either but goddamn do I love me some round shields.
Yeah but if they get past your spear they'd probably kill you for you can draw your shortsword.
Use both. A sword doesn't give you as much reach, but a spear is inconvenient to carry around. Keeping a hammer or mace is also a good idea in case some armoured faggot wants a go.
>Not incorporating both into your fighting style
What about going middle ground?
Spear and a Sword as a Sidearm.
A spear
I always liked it. It looks cool, it's a great weapon.
It triggers me to hell and back when I try a new game and discover that, like always, the spear is SHIT and the sword is the most strongest awesome weapon oh-my-god-sword-I'm-cumming
Poleaxe are cool too
Well fuck this cringemonger but...
Why not carry both?
mah nigga. But still swords are more of a secondary weapon on a battle field (but for fighitng 1 opponent or a small group they are great) still i would take a poleaxe as my main weapon and a longsword as back-up. Poleaxe is even more versatile than a sword, and if you don't know exactly what you are going to find in your adventure it's the perfect all around weapon
good taste
deadly from pommel to point
Boar spear and a small axe for backup. I'm not made of silver.
A-are you a Skallgrim yourself?
but two-handers are still awesome. once you master it, you have a dagger, a lever, a short spear, a hammer and sword in a single weapon
Swords can be very cool, but I prefer spears because of their simplicity and ruggedness. They fit into all contexts from stone-age tribes to elite palace guards. My current character, a pathfinder cleric, uses a spear and a sling as weapons.
I love it when spearmen are depicted in a characteristic way in fiction, for example the battle between the Mountain that Rides and that guy from Dorne in one of the ASOIAF books.
Millions of troops from the bronze age to the early middle ages did just that. Think about hoplites, Celtic fighters, legionaires and so on.
> 1d6 non-reach weapon
No, thanks.
I think about the Conan movie, the fight by the pillars has some good spear murder.
Spears. But only if they're also guns.
I was just making a throwing pommel joke...
I like Spears because they're under represented for the most part.
Maces are also cool
Rapier, shield and flute held close at hand. I need to turn my rapier into a flute....
That seems a tad dangerous user.
Stupid question OP. You should alway bring both since both serve a different purpose.
Yea I'm just of the armor-and-a-big-fucking-sword school of thought.
But a regular Spear deals 1d8 damage...
However, that argument is invalid because a greatsword deals 2d6.
I'm surprised no one has posted thic classic yet.
you wrote "skallgrim" so i was confused, but yeah
time to end some motherfuckers rightly