Hello i am going to be running a session of dark heresy soon and i need some suggestions as to what to put inside of a mining facility the party will need to go through. Suggestions?
Hello i am going to be running a session of dark heresy soon and i need some suggestions as to what to put inside of a...
What's the mission and opposition?
Mining equipment.
they are going to be heading to a mining planet thats tithes have been low and several high ranking magos have gone missing
the opposition will be rebels trying to disrupt general production and such on the planet the long term plan is to have this linking to the planetary governor trying to gain power through any means necessary
logis deamon controlling the mine cart systems
mega fauna wurms tunneling in and killing people.
veins of warpstone driving people insane
burried necrons
fossilized ork spores that reactivate when found and slowly start growing grots/gretchin/sqigs
double ghosts
a long forgotten miner who has become a moleman
what constitutes a double ghost?
miners that became disillusioned with the Imperium, turned to chaos and summoned deamons
nascent psyker accidentally unleashes the warp and causes rapid mutations of him/herself and fellow workers
twice as spooky
the question is less of what kind of enemies or plot hooks to use and more of what do i actually put in a mining base
Carts, heavy machinery, big ass drillers, pits, low quality habs for the miners, lockers, corpses, mutilated corpses, corpses with a horryfied face, lunchboxes fill with corpse stach sandwichs
Mine is infested with Rak'Gols
What level of technology is the mining world operating at?
If it's a feudal world, like Sepherus Secundus, the mines will be filled with peasents and brutal overseers who keep them at it. Mining tech will mostly consist of pickaxes, primitive mining carts, oil lamps and such.
A mining world run by the adeptus mechanicus, on the other hand, would probably have most of the mining done by servitors with the occasional tech-priest patrolling the mines to makes sure they're all working right.
In either case, definitely make sure to include mutant refugees who live in old abandoned mining tunnels, they give a lot for you to work with from both a story-standpoint, and an encounter one.
This sounds exactly like a successful rebellion via Genestealer cult.
There should be Genestealers in the mines. Hybrids, too.
Angry labour-helots with Breachers, Nailguns and Melta-cutters
Space bats. Angry ones with weaponized mining equipment.
>first session
You're evil.
>double ghosts
>twice as spooky
Depends on what type of world it's on. Forge world? Feudal world? Hive world? Some non-distinct modern world?
>Dark Heresy
That's excessively cruel even for DH.
I'll retract what I said about the genestealer guy earlier, you're the most evil one here
genestealers are like the easiest way to get people to learn that combat is not always the answer
Gas hazards. Either explosive ones or heavy gases that displace air and can cause suffocation. This can either force them to fight with knives and such wit the former or keep them from sitting on one area too long with the latter.
the magos mined into a tombworld, the magos were then gaussed by necron
>social combat with genestealers
Fund it
What better way to teach that DH is Hell?
Conveyor belts
Mining tools (manual)
Mining tools (powered)
Large equipment (rock crushers)
Massive equipment (tunnel borers)
Imagine passing by a miner's corpse, his bones cracked open an hollow, suddenly Rippers shoot out of the walls.
this is too good not to use
Squats with a grudge
They dug too deep