Bad Company edition
Kaladesh Spoilers
So, I could use this as a donate couldn't I? Except with creatures only.
from what we've seen, there seems to be a blink archetype in limited at least. So...just blink the creature after they get it?
Oh never mind, "may choose." Why does Wizards have to kill the fun?
>So, I could use this as a donate couldn't I?
For the last time no, it says your opponent "May" choose to take a creature.
Dynavolt Tower
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, get EE (two energy counters).
T, Pay EEEEE: Dynavolt Tower deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
I love it when they do this joke
This guy is pretty strong. He is a 2/3 body that gives 4 life advantage at the very least for 3cmc. He is one of these guys that you can put 4 in your deck, because as soon he hits the field, your opponent is going to take him out if he still wants to win.
>Every colour gets bolts now!
>But not actual red cards that burn, lol
There goes RU burn's inherent advantage over BW control
Return X target cards from your graveyard to your hand. Exile Wild Dreams.
Yet more ways for Esper to fire the Reservoir. I love it!
Defensive vehicles?
how does she get you life?
UW blink looks great so far
Mulldrifter is that you
When I saw WU in the cost, the first thing I thought was "Is it a blink target?", and when I opened the image it confirmed it.
More like evasive looting vehicles, this shit seems fucking good.
magic, ofc
rather, aether.
it looks pretty good. Shame it's a color combination that's completely unplayed right now, but maybe there's some other good rakdos cards to draw people into some kind of BR burn/aggro deck? Maybe with madness?
I love how it's "unlicensed" disintegration
Finally decent vehicles, this one and the mana one are pretty good.
You were only supposed to blow the bloody door off!
Jesus christ this is strong
Its not so bad at all. In my opinion its great for combo since it digs really deep and it has interesting options, take into account that if the opponent chooses *not* to put a creature on the battlefield you get both, and since it has no cmc limit like Company that probably means game over in a deck well built.
Its both a fun Timmy card and a Jhonny one.
>implying Fleetwheel isn't good
A 5/3 trample haste that can go in any deck is good shit mayne.
The problem is that RB isn't exactly a combination that makes good use of artifacts
>desire to brew UW flicker deck rising
>two color murder that sonetimes hits face
that's not too shabby. not grwat, but probably see play if RB goes anywhere.
>reading CFB
>they compare the Gearhulk cycle to the Titan cycle
Sometimes the shilling is too obvious.
Oh wow, it's even an instant. Shame about requiring too colours.
you can probably fit in some aggressive vehicles
>Gearhulks: like Titans, but worse!
We already got ManaCar, calm your shit.
Fuck off green
I should use this one in my pia shitbrew, to double the effectivness of my single thopter.
>Pia Shitbrew
Run Lost Legacy and pay your respects.
"Mana ramp is too broken for Standard so we've decided to remove it permanently. Please only play midrange from now on." - MaRo, probably.
its the same as with Chandra, pyrogenius.
I personally dont like the artwork that much, so i may put them in the sideboard.
>you cant play aggro decks without green
really nigga?
Trying to run her in an b/r deck? What else do we need? The three mana spell spoiled above, a chandra, the dual land from soi...
And I´m out of ideas already.
I can't deny
I'm just quoting Mr. Llanowar Elves is too powerful for Standard.
stop avatarfagging you anime piece of shit, its against the rules
"I have no point yet I must be cynical" - user.
Maro doesn't manage Standard you twit.
I dont know either, so i just ram in all the removal until i get better ideas
fine :(
This seems really strong. That's a big ca swing to have a life swing and 2/2 flyer along with it.
Wizards keeps gifting me stuff to help build Fading Bruna in commander. Thank you based wizards.
>posting reaction images is now avatar fagging
replying over and over with the same anime pic is
More Mulldrifter is always a good thing.
You're at the fair she's giving you breathing room by feeding you intel on the trails for proving your projects.
Life doesn't always have to be blood in your veins dropping a dragon on someone will always be dropping a dragon on them but a spy breaking into your safe houses and rifling though your documents is hardly advantageous.
This card references LSD /Shroom trips.
>that fractal warped art
>the flavor text talking about all living things being connected as a big consciousness
regardless of the thread or board, animeshitters always react this way, its insane. I'll stop now, since usually this end up fucking up the thread since you guys cant understand that this is not fucking /a/.
here have more vampire smug for variety
>Drag races snorting lines of Aether-coke before the race
They're literally not even the same character
My grixis insides are tingaling
How would I know?
>grixis vision burn
>toss in
>fuck shit up
All anime girls look the same anyway
By looking at them?
What the shit, this is common?
In a set with tons of artifacts?
Limited is looking fucking fun. I literally cannot wait for prerelease.
I dont give a shit with the actual character is
>creature only
>doesn't hit face
ugh. Well, should work well with clues I guess, shame aethergrid rotates out
Not bad for limited but it should have been able to go to the face too for 3.
For fuck's sake why doesn't this hit face
>to target creature,
kill yourself
Nice desu ne
Wish it was instant but decent board card
Are you insane?
Baan saving lives once again. Imagine if that thing blew up in your face.
Can't, that would require it to be able to target a player
Didn't get get a card like this in green, for CMC 3 or less?
>Printing cheap artifact removal in an artifact set
Wizards please stop
>play 20 thoopters
>play this
>do 20 dmg
>win at turn 4
>White Mana Battery
>When ~ etb, get EE
>E : add W, can't activate this ability more than twice
How's that?
>20 thopters in one turn
>implying 20 thopters won't win a game on their own
How are you making 20 thopters on turn 4
Affinity would have a field day with this if it hit face
Oh look the "It's not bolt" crowd is out in force again. You fucks are never happy. "It doesn't hit face" "It costs too much" "It doesn't do enough damage." They could make a burn card that was objectively better than bolt and you'd still find something to bitch about.
It would be too much. Getting 5 artifacts by turn 3 is not hard for affinity, and 8 to the face for 3 is a fucking lot.
You built up to it in turn 1-3 and then you use...
Just wait until we get the "it's not counterspell" crowd.
>Why doesnt it hit face
>Turn 3 Affinity, hit you for 12 burn you for 8, gg wp.
Go to bed MaRo
>until time ran out
Sorry, but could I get the flavor behind this one?
Can't we just lock them in a room and let them fight to the death?
>this stops artifact decks like a truck crash and even prevents you from losing to lucky cat pact
Mono W humans is still going to see play.
Yupiel-sama no Geboku
Don't get discouraged by some of the tags it has.
Nobody would die, because all the bolts would be counterspelled.
Time was fucked up.