Other urls found in this thread:
They should update Eldar models first. They're some of the oldest still available
Hey, looks like Tyranids may get some love.
That fits their theme perfectly though
but how will I get cheap eldar units if they update them?
Question is, how do they male CSM any worse? They're already trash tier, and lower than Orkz in strength
>playing table top
Just collect man
I mean we just got Death Watch so nids need some shit
I mean, it's just a 6 seconds long vid with basically nothing, but that's still better than nothing.
I guess I dont really play 40k just get the models and being the autist I am made my Veteran Death Watch kill team based off my parties kill team
After they update Sisters models.
Never. Filthy traitor.
I play chaos and even I feel bad for the amount of finecast Eldar have
I just want a new abaddon...
Really, we need to just end 40k and start over.
Age of Emperor or something.
Just convert that shit. Chaos is suppose to look unique and stitched together.
When we get FW Carnifex models.
>Not playing awesome HH legions with your old Chaos armies
>Actually using any chaos codex since the first HH book came out
How are you even still playing?
They already did...
>Age of the Emperor
>Basically Gorkamorka set on pre-Imperial Terra during the Age of Strife
>Techno barbarians become a faction
I'm sold.
Will there be men of iron and squats?
Holy Father, great anathema, may you purge the heretics with cleansing fire of your holy blade
>Chaos players complaining that their basic infantry looks old and bad
I would honestly be perfectly fine with paying £18 for a squad of Guardsmen if they had new sculpts at least as good as the Command Squad and have one of every non-heavy special weapon they can take in the box.
Plastic warp spiders fucking when?
I dont
Play with the CSM codex, that is. I use the regular SM codex. Fluff wise, my Warband is a rather large group of Night Lords that has been hired out as mercs by a rouge forgeworld, and are now conquering the nearby planets that dont submit to their bosses' rule. They even specifically killed off all the tainted marines, in exchange for new weapons, vehicles, and a stable base of operations to recruit and fight from. The Forgeworld empire gets away with this because they were isolated by hive Fleet Behemoth, and only survived due to the Tyranids pulling away from their front and towards Ultramar. They, and their sector, were written iff by the Imperiun as dead.
Don't mind us, just passing through...
At least you aren't insulted with shitty update after shitty update. Seriously, who the fuck uses Helbrutes?
And on your right, you'll see another one of the CSM rage threads. This exhibit features a "frogposter poltardus," a species foreign to the non-shitposting environments of Veeky Forums.
This specific type is very interesting for its ability to cover peaceful threads in total spam, first discovered during the "Land Raiders and Heavy 2 Lascannons are too OP, 300 points for five Marines is OP" endeavor on a trip into the Deathwatch region.
Fascinatingly, though, despite the overwhelmingly negative response in it's new Eco-system, the frogposter seems to be thriving, consuming in excess Chaos Marine butthurt and (you)'s over repeated, predictable posts.
While currently no predator is capable of deterring the poltardus, a thought-to-be extinct species known as "Mods" seem to terrify it, as well as destroy baited traps the creature sets up.
But CSM are S4.
I found these the other day and ordered some to use as warp spiders.
I find your lack of faith, disturbing.
Are there new Elysian rules since they stopped calling them the Imperial guard? and now the Adeptus Pleasebuyataurox
When I played eldar in 2nd edition, this was a jetbike... it remained the same for like 5 editions.
It finally changed though. It only took 20 years.
Don't forget, we used to look like this for a long time too.
Now we look like this.
So keep your chin up you Chaos worshiping Mon-Keigh filth.
You'll get your change eventually.
When you have had to build guardians out of metal bodied plastic armed "kits" sold 2 at a time that cost more than a marine and are worth a third the points, and only 1 shuriken catapult in the pack you will know true frustration my spiky brethren.
forgot the pic. look at this shit.
When they finally made plastic guardians, I jump in it.
Cannoness bike.
I'd hit it.