Just Stop, these people barely make up 1% of the player base. Trying to cater to them is impossible. This stupid fat India blogger has WotC dancing for him.
WotC STOP Listening to Tumblr
Other urls found in this thread:
>make an Indian themed set to please the Indians
>Indians still aren't happy
I spy 10 years of Medieval Europe on the way
I agree, it's kinda ironic. A few vocal majority trying to exploit WotC for exploitations, even though WotC is trying to walk a thin line for these fuckers. The should stop listening and focus on a good quality product.
Return to Kaladesh should be about a WB nation colonising it
It's the eternal catch-22 of the social justice movement.
If you stick with writing what you know, other cultures aren't "represented" enough and you're "erasing" them.
But if you do try to include them, you're bound to get some detail or another wrong, and then you're guilty of being "insensitive" or of "cultural appropriation" out whatever bullshit they can come up with to make it out to be your fault that they're irrationally offended by your good-faith effort to include them.
Heads I win, tails you lose. The only winning move is not to play.
The faggot that wrote the original blog post was that fucking fat Indian guy from Pax who said he was "I am watching you, Wizards"
See his Shit Street Post: talinthas.tumblr.com
It's clear that this guy is a fucking loser who is only using PC culutre to get some money and 5 minutes of internet fame. When will this bullshit end?
>and focus on a good quality product.
We both know MaRo is physically incapable of that - these days his main focus in Magic is to reuse mechanics from his less successful game in vain attempt to give some justification to their existence.
What an entitled asshole.
Exactly. If they stick to medieval europe they won't have to worry about people screaming "cultural appropriation" or getting mad because it's not accurate. They can just claim fantasy and call it a day.
>When will this bullshit end?
November user, see related
>is to reuse mechanics from his less successful game
That explains alot, I just thought they were slowing down the game so they could make a new modern, starting with Origins forward.
>indian themed set to.please indians
dude it has single women doing stuff other than being good wives
it has educated women
it doesn't have obvious castes
it is critical of authority
as if it would pass muster
Doesn't the article in question have nothing to do with SJWS and more to do with the fact that Kaladesh is as culturally bankrupt as Theros?
... Damnit, I am going to have to read the post to figure out if it is actually by an Indian raised in America who is salty about Kaladesh having Islamic themes.
Just for this guy
Dowry X - when this creature enters the battlefield target opponent may pay X. If they do not, pair this creature with a creature they control
Paired creatures can't attack or block
If this creature would die, exile any creatures paired with it
Much better for.a loyal wife
Can you make an Aurochs tribal deck? I want to call out anyone who uses a Kaladesh permanent to harm.a cow as insensitive
>I’m American, born and raised, though if you looked at me you wouldn’t think so. First gen immigrants still bear the marks of their ancestral homeland, and you can never hide from who you are.
>Spoke 3 languages before I started kindergarten, and none of them were english. >Had that funny accent from the get go, and the funny immigrant parent clothing and the funny immigrant parent lunches.
I'm fucking done
this. the product can't have possibly offensive elements. It must b bland, to not include things that would enrage any culture, Dragons and knights it is, and walkers won't be named Kiora Atua,but Jane Smith, and Daniqua Shisha
Presumably there are loos that are pooed in
>Daniqua Shisha
>D'ya nick 'er shisha?
So you're condoning stealing ethnic women's smoking paraphernalia now? Ugh
> let me tell you a story.
> Imagine you lived in a village, and every year, the big store at the center of the village put on a display showcasing one of the families of the village, or the surrounding cultures, or whatever the theme they decided that year was. And one by one, you saw all of your neighbors get to go up, celebrate themselves, and be feted by the town. You participated joyfully, buy their items, share them around, because you loved seeing other people be happy, and you knew someday your turn would come too.
> Years passed, and your turn never came up. And then one year, they came and said, Ok, we need a theme this year, so why don’t you bring some clothes and fabrics and things to the shop, and maybe this can be your year.
This is absolutely, 100% the wrong way to feel about anything.
YOU are not in charge of Magic. YOU do not get to impose your will on the creators, and act upset if they don't design the art to your exact preferences.
What self-importance. What arrogance. And this is how he honestly feels?
Fuck, now I'm mad.
The twistedly hilarious thing here is that the guy who wrote the blog post referenced in the OP screencap is pissed PRECISELY BECAUSE WotC did their best to play it safe and respectful.
>It was an amazing anime, but it was not Indian. Or even india. All of those buildings and clothing styles were persian, not indian. And over and over I was told “We didn’t want to offend anyone. We didn’t want to step on real beliefs, or real cultural influences, or do anything to make anyone mad.”
LITERALLY, they were trying their damnedest to be sensitive and avoid any offense, and BY THE VERY FACT OF DOING SO they turned out a product that this guy found offensive. But you know what, if they had gone deeper on the Indian culture, I guarantee you some other enclave of SJWs would've been pissed that this detail is inaccurate, or that's an offensive stereotype, or this villainous character/faction seems to resemble this particular Indian subculture and OMG are you trying to imply that they're evil, etc.
In Social Justice Warfare, nobody wins. Ever.
For the loser it's 5 minutes of fame he will remember fondly for the rest of his empty life.
For the media that enable him it's another day at the job, another article that is guaranteed to get the readers because the libtards will care enough to praise it and other will care enough to hate it.
Sure, those people don't matter as the individuals, but there's entire branch of business that uses them en masse as a daily fuel. Just less literally than would be desirable.
Has anyone read the full thing?
The final fucking paragraph is nuts, he spends the entire fucking essay going on about "wahhhh, not muh..." then the final fucking closing arguments is about how he wasn't able to buy a FTV because someone else had fucking reserved it.
>A few years ago i was at pax, and they announced that they’d have FTV 20 for sale at cost. I camped out at 3am to try because lol, it’s magic and you’ll never get it at cost. I got in the hall and went as fast as i could and was like 14th in line for 10 possible copies. first seven or eight went, and a few others left the line till there were two more and a few dudes ahead of me. a soldier came in and took his copy that somehow had been reserved for him as a person with a disability of some kind. apparently the last copy had also been earmarked for a person with a disability, but she hadn’t shown up yet and it had been four or five hours since show opened. dudes in front of me bailed and it was just me. Lady at the counter sighed, took the copy, and placed it into my hand. my other hand had my money out. She started to reach for the money and then a voice rang out and said “Thanks for waiting!” and the lady straight took the box back out of my hand and pivoted to give it to the other person. I stood there for a few minutes, just stunned like someone had clocked me or something. My hand was still in the shape of holding the box.
>She turned, apologetically, and said “Sorry, that was the last one. But how about these chandra goggles instead?”
>I turned and left.
>I waited so long. I’m still waiting.
>I guarantee you some other enclave of SJWs
I 100% agree, but I also feel that the Pax fatty would have still been upset, he's trying to get something out of this and the only why he can is by getting offended. It's like Anita, she doesn't give one fuck about women, she just found a way to make tons of money.
>In Social Justice Warfare, nobody wins. Ever.
Fucking true also Pic related
Pretty much. It's a very faint coat of Indian paint, which they are bitching about.
Basically: They wanted Indian Kamigawa, they got Indian Theros (If anything, even thinner as it doesn't touch on any mythology)
If he wants to start the Minority vs Disability tango, I'm in, that shit is hilarious
He probably thought it was a poignant metaphor for how he got shafted out of his special set just for him.
I don't think he realizes what a cunt he comes across as, being butthurt that he didn't get to take a disabled woman's stuff.
I bet most of these conversations went along the line of "Have you seen the fat indian nerd? LMAO"
You know, I don't really care about his opinion on Kaladesh. Fuck I can kind of empathise, I'm half mongolian and I'd have liked Tarkir to have drawn more from my cultures history.
But fuck me his, "I wasn't able to buy something because a disabled person got there first" shit rubs me the wrong fucking way.
>a soldier came in and took his copy that somehow had been reserved for him as a person with a disability of some kind
Somehow I feel he wanted to write something far ruder.
The guy probably had mental trauma and could have been missing a leg, but it's more important for Pajeet to get his cards.
Then again, imagine if he had said he doesn't particulary care about these things. It's easier to drop some PC words and assume people will be sated.
(I know this doesn't excuse that he answers these. I wonder how many other inquiries about Social Justice he gets and how he picks which ones to answer).
This is going to end up with WotC establishing a diversity committee from whom they'll need approval before creating any world or character.
They've put a bunch of whiners on such a high pedestal that they can't call them out on their whining without sounding like hypocrites. Talk about painting yourself in a corner.
I wonder if we could turn this around and sic the SJW on him. The second cripple was a woman after all, shouldn't be too hard to trigger them with that kind of setup.
Get the left on him with the disabled woman and the right with dishonoring a veteran. EZ.
yeah, like pajeet needs more sympathy points
let WotC fuck up by actually caring about next plane mythology, watch SJWs offended by slavery or whatever, the pendulum swings again
God Damn it WotC
Watching those Wizards employee's on stage walk on thin ice with their words, that fat fuck had them right were he wanted them.
God Damn it, this might happen, and it will be supported by the fucking mtg reddit too.
I wish WotC said something like this: "We decided to have an Indian based focus for this set since we wanted more cards/worlds that the diverse mtg community can relate to. We took the route we felt was best to reach that goal. If you have issues with how we represented Indians, then you are free not to play our game." or just "If you have an issue here's a tissue"
I feel like there's a /pol/ tier joke in there about him being mad he can't use the cards as toilet paper but I can't be fucked.
He just wants in on that sweet "consultant" cash that one company got for the forgetable Conspiracy 2 BW planeswalker.
You know, the funny thing is, for all I think this SJW blogger is entirely too up his own ass about the whole thing, I have to agree with him insofar as I'd have enjoyed much more if Kaladesh had a stronger influence of Indian culture and themes than it does. I couldn't care less about the whole "representation" thing, I just like learning about other cultures, and variety (as they say) is the spice of life.
Of course, I'm the kind of guy who fucking loved Kamigawa's flavor, whereas WotC these days is catering to the brain-damaged fuckwits who can't stomach anything that doesn't already fit into their neat little pop culture based preconceptions. So odds of getting a genuinely rich and interesting Indian plane (or any plane based on a foreign culture, for that matter) are slim to none. If they had really tried to make Kaladesh Indian in more than just the most superficial possible way, it would have undoubtedly been the most dumbed-down pop culture stereotyped India possible. Which would satisfy neither the SJWs, nor the folks like me who just like to explore a variety of cultures.
Maybe Egypt-land will be better
Or, and this is a thought, you could do some basic research and maybe even include someone with firsthand experience with that culture in the project.
I know you're OK eating the same microwaved crap over and over for all eternity, but some of us want to try something new every so often.
>tfw you realise Bolas being the Pharaoh slides delicately around the skincolor question
I bet someone will get mad though
We wuz draguns and shit
The complaint was that the 'Indian' plane of Kaladesh is just a coat of paint on an artifact plane that doesn't seem to be inspired in any way by Indian mythology or culture.
They could at least have named the Demons Rakshasa or the Dwaves Vamana.
Maybe because India in real life is fucking SHIT?
And Mongolia is a pretty awful place to live, but Tarkir turned out okay fluff-wise. "Mahabharata, but with robots" should not have been a hard concept to write.
there's so much waffle here i can't be bothered to read through, i tried to find her point but i'm not sure if it's even there.
Tarkir was mongolian in exactly one respect, and that was the Mardu, which was a pretty shit place to live and was accurately reflected.
You cannot give India a positive coat of paint, especially by making it the most advanced society in the setting, without introducing ridiculous inaccuracies.
you realize the cause of microwaved crap is the sjw outcry, right?
You can't try new things if they might be offensive for someone, and there is enough someones to always be offended. Despite you wanting a cushy "asic cultural research" job at WotC, I doubt you could catch Atua, or any other mistake like it.
The problem is that then you end up with another Kamigawa which was a financial catastrophe. The alternative would have been to make another Theros which would have been an offensive stereotype of a living culture.
I'm sure a lot of people here would have preferred the former. The problem is, the majority of people who play Magic wouldn't, and so WotC decided to make a set that recembles India on the surface but has nothing to do with it in reality, because that was literally the only way to handle this situation with any form of sanity.
Wizards have been trying for a while now to avoid the problems of Kamiagawa: that no one wants a setting based deeply on a culture about which they neither know nor care.
It's why Theros is based on the things people *think* about ancient greek mythology rather than on actual ancient greek mythology and folklore. The product just sells better that way, and people prefer it.
I wasn't aware that "make the same medieval European fantasy over and over again forever" was an SJW goal. I think you're just blaming everything on SJWs again.
This would be the beginning of the end. I can see it now
> maro approaches the closed door with a manila folder in hand
> knocks 3 times
> the room is dark
> Maro bows down before the Diversity Council raising the folder above his head
> "oh wise masters! I have brought you the mechanics for a new block!"
> a hand reaches out from the shadows and snatches the folder
> maro shrinks back
> "WHAT IS THIS?!" shrieks a voice from the darkness
> "wh-whats so offensive about Kicker?" maro asks in a quivering voice
> "b-but the fans love Kicker!"
> "i'll r-remove the offending mechanic xir! right away!
> A page turns in the darkness and another voice screeches out
> "HELP ME ! IM BEING RAPED!" cries a third voice
> "the mechanic is good as gone glorious council!" maro bows lower to the floor "what about the last one?"
> the folder flies from the darkness
and that is how we end up with the set with now white creatures, no removal spells, and no interaction. Players now cast their 0/1 creatures and stare at each other while the winner is determined by decking. Except there are no winners so no ones feelings get hurt. all games are draws.
Sooo... blue deck?
What is this Anita, and what the fuck did she do?
counterspells are oppressive
It's a byproduct of their actions, not their goal. Reading comprehension.
>Veeky Forums STOP Listening to /pol/
>Just Stop, these people barely make up 1% of the player base. Trying to cater to them is impossible. These stupid fat stormNEET bloggers have Veeky Forums shitposting for them.
>You can't try new things if they might be offensive for someone, and there is enough someones to always be offended.
there you go, core of my previous post. Knights and dragons have the amazing ability of being unoffensive. Kaladesh needed to be milquetoast for that. And someone is offended that it's milquetoast too. Can't win
>Mahabharata, but with robots
Holy shit that would have been amazing.
It's deeply depressing that you're right.
I mean I thought Kamigawa was cool and Theros was disappointing, but I recognize I'm in the heavy minority.
Anita Sarkeesian turned the video games industry into a world of gender politics. He "non profit" company made half a million non taxable dollars thru donations from numale cucks and fat feminist. She brainwashed a generation of nerd girls from "I like FF7 and Adventure time" into "shut it you CIS white male, your way of life is oppressing me"
I feel for the guys pain, but he does have unrealistic expectations. Wizards has learned that just dipping into mythology doesn't get you there in terms of design space: there has to be something else going on besides the Locally Guided Tour of Your Cherished 4k year old Mythos to capture people's attention. Kamigawa was entirely mythos and didn't sell great, and Theros had a little more going for it and was only pretty good. Wotc has to splice in elves, demons, dragons, Twilight Zone gremlins, Speed Racer and Worlds Fair and Mughal shit because people want a whole bunch of shit going on. It's not realistic anymore to demand an entire plane for your 4000 years of culture because the audience has a bunch of touchstones they want to reach for to get their bearings. People want the Disney Epcot version of your culture and heritage and WotC get burned every time they don't deliver that. This man has learned that you shouldnt hope for your culture to get a turn at being magicified anymore.
Though really they should give proper Hindi names to the elves demons, angels and dragons if they are forced to have them. Namedropping Asuras, Devas, and Maruts might encourage some normies to explore your 4k year old culture in a way that isn't a children's card game. Wizards not facilitating that is pretty lazy.
has "consulted" or contributed to the Betrayal at House on the Hill Expansion, a wotc published board game.
Jesus H Christ.
Except it sounds like the real problem is that MtG's player base likes microwaved crap and won't eat anything but microwaved crap. It's disingenuous to blame SJWs for that.
Fuck, Indian mythology had nuke-arrows wielded by god.
Imagine if the metaphorical nukes were actual goddamn nukes.
Indian mythology is metal as fuck, adding cyber-fantasy to it makes it even metalier.
But if you just slap a name on elves and dwarves, you end up with "This isn't close enough to the actual mythos!", followed by a wide variety of insults, accusations, and sometimes even calls to pull the entire set.
Especially Indian stuff. Their religious leaders regularly call for removal of Indian gods from games (Under an almost reasonable "You shouldn't be able to control these gods like puppets." argument), and making it more accurate just makes them call harder.
Not this /v/ shit again.
Poor neckbeard. Did you felt threatened 'cause your boys club exploded in your face? Sucks to be you, little boy.
I dunno, the gods problem has a point.
SMITE is the obvious example. It's generally a load of wacky ancient gods that nobody takes seriously any more. Look how funny they are, guys! Look how cool it is to play as Zeus! And Ymir! And this god from a religion worshipped by literally over a billion people! Isn't it all just so silly?
But not Jesus. Can't have Jesus. Or Uriel or Satan or any of the saints. Because that'd be disrespectful.
I really want to play as Azrael so much ;-;
I remember years ago wondering how Indians feel about Shiva, Ramuh, etc. being summon able in Final Fantasy, and how much shit would go down if you could get Jesus, Moses, Muhammed. This was different times.
The fact is that no gamers will care too much about your culture if they can't interact with it, if it's in a window box display or on your mantlepiece. They want to go into the store that this guy postulates in the article, and dress up in saris and bindis and play with their Ganesh headed loxodons and get bonuses for being Dravidian or whatever. It's Wizards job to keep making a good faith attempt at giving others a chance to experience that literal magic and mythos, and it's their job to let them meet them halfway. I don't think either Wizards or India guy is doing their job.
Jew here.
Gimme my Moses summon. Fuck you.
>But not Jesus. Can't have Jesus. Or Uriel or Satan or any of the saints. Because that'd be disrespectful.
>In a game about pantheons fighting each other people want a monotheistic religion...
Its Smite, why would they add Christianity when there would be one playable god and the rest would be mere angels and demons? Sure pantheons also have monsters and demons and shit but the majority of the pantheon not being actual Gods is a waste of design space...
ON TOP of that they have added numerous Angel and Demon skins, including an Azrael like skin... Its so many angelic/ demonic skins that fans are actually complaining about the endless surge of that shit.
But Smite, with the exception of Hindu, have pantheons no longer worshiped, characters from mythology.
Greeks and Romans
of all of these only Hindu is still worshiped, and the insane majority of their worshipers aren't even in the demographic to play Smite.
But yes, they didn't think of those complaints originally, but the only difference is that every time a Hindu throws a fit, a number of hindu players stand up for Smite, commenting on the accuracy and detail and such nonsense, so it never goes anywhere.
Like, think how fucking rad that could have been:
>obligatory angels are ebony fire and storm spirits with sweet headdress
>obligatory demons are multitusked multi armed mariliths and shit
>more vehicles are sky chariots, and warriors engage in sky archery duels with great bows
>remove elves, replace with nagas
>keep cute dwarves
I wish he would have had a serious conversation with R&D about the FUCKING REPRINT POLICY AND RESERVE LIST YOU FUCKING HACKS.
Fuck yeah man! Get Ezekiel and all the other OP as fuck Old Testament shit in there.
Nigga where's Metatron.
Japan still has active Shinto-Buddhists. The religion is small, not dead.
in Undertale
There's an r, smartass.
I genuinely love seeing girls in my hobby, but I don't like Anita's Sex-Negative attitudes and her criticisms of some games are obviously based on a surface level reading of marketing instead of complex look at the games she examines. Her work is sloppy and she should not be regarded as an expert.
As a Cherokee I'd love to see a block with Native American flavor but I know too many people would cry about it.
Shame, too, there's a lot of potential there.
They likely have discussions about both, but they also can't tell us about it nor why they can't tell us.
Uh, dude, there may be less Shintoists and Taoists than Hindus, but they do exist.
The SJWs exacerbate the problem by insisting that nothing short of perfect fidelity to the original culture is acceptable.
The plebs could at least stomach more than what we're getting as far as cultural elements in the block aesthetics, but we can't even have that because the SJWs will cry racism if it isn't absolutely perfect. They're actually more accepting of the more whitewashed settings -- or at least, their bitching is easier to deal with there, since it's easier to deflect accusations of "erasure" than it is to deflect accusations of disrespecting or misrepresenting a foreign culture.
>I don't like Anita's Sex-Negative attitudes
All American movements have been puritan, regardless of how conservative or progressive they are.
>her criticisms of some games are obviously based on a surface level reading
It's not even her criticism. Macinstosh writes all the episodes. Anita is just the face of the product. Kinda like Maro, but not really because Maro still has some form of power over the product he promotes.
Their gods are different though, they are already stories that are told and reinterpreted in their societies and as such have less problems with them being in videogames. No one is going to complain that NeZha or XingXian are "sacred and should never be played" or that Guan Yu is inappropriate.
Choctaw here. The nation can't tax Magic cards, cries foul because they're "gambling", and got them removed from the shop that sold them in town. Same with all TCGs.
Screw the tribe, screw wanting anything Native American, I'm going full white-wash.
>It's the eternal catch-22 of the social justice movement.
The social justice "movement" is not a hivemind. It's the eternal catch-22 of expecting to be able to please everybody, which is pure retardation and deserves the inevitable difficulties it encounters.
>Indian mythology is metal as fuck
>Rampaging Kali can only be pacified by literally stepping on man.
metal my ass, hindus were the original beta males
>cries foul because they're "gambling"
I thought you guys all had casinos. Are they worried about competition?
That's some shit
Casinos are essentially pure profit.
They can't force a ludicrous hike on pack prices and skim 99% of the profits, so they want it gone. Like anything else they can't leech off of.
I swear, the Euros should have coughed harder on the blankets they gave us.
Sounds like a strawman. You don't have to choose between being perfect cultural representation and stereotypes in funny hats. Do some basic research, get shit right, and make up shit that's actually inspired by what you're giving homage to instead of slapping a mask on an elf and orc and calling it a day.
>instead of slapping a mask on an elf and orc and calling it a day
Now I want every repackaged card to literally just be wearing a setting appropriate tribal mask and have a profile something like 'Masked Orc 1/1'
More culturally bankrupt than Theros actually.
Pajeet here would have been happy with an Indian Theros, which was a quick splash of paint and calling the demon "Asura of whatever" in the card name slot.
His bitching is basically that we got Steampunk with some Indian spices thrown at it instead of Indian Steampunk. He's upset WotC was too safe.
Egypt has western knowledge like Greece thanks to Napoleon and the Prince of Egypt. It'll be _GREAT_
Expect a cycle of high cost strong spells called "Plague of _____"
>WotC catches flak for being half assed in mixing Hindi shit, robots, and anime shamelessly
This idea might sound a little crazy, but if you dorks are really this upset about a corporation trying to make money, then vote with your wallets and stop buying their products.
Complaining about it on Veeky Forums just tells Wizards "hey, these are the Internet racists that we heard about, better do the opposite of what they want". Yes, you might miss the next "block" (I don't play Magic, I just see the daily threads about faggots complaining about whatever SJWs are complaining about that day), but it will create an actual result.
Or it won't and you'll realize that you're the unimportant and unwanted demographic.