Wouldn't it make more sense for trolls to be raging Swedish stereotypes than Jamaican? With the accent and the pickled fish and all?
Wouldn't it make more sense for trolls to be raging Swedish stereotypes than Jamaican...
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Did you miss the warcraft general or something?
There is literally only one instance of jamaican-inspired trolls in all fantasy fiction and, despite being sadly one of the most famous settings around (and also shit since 200fucking4), it is hardly representative. In fact, its trolls have nothing to do with any other troll in any other fantasy universe.
They do look a bit like Warhammer trolls.
BTW, why do trolls regenerate? Where did that come from? Hell, where does the modern idea of a troll come from? (D&D, probably). Trolls originated with norse jotnar / ice giants, right?
Swedish trolls are the best trolls.
Today I learned that old norse = swedish.
All alien was troll.
Fomorian was Belgian. Bulging muscle. You've learned another thing.
All nordic countries have their own folktales about trolls, but Sweden has the most well known because John Bauer.
Well, except for the fact that Warhammer trolls are large, blundering beasts twice the size of a human, with a gristly, scaly hide that looks like bark and hella stupid even by (Warhammer) Orc standards, while Warcraft trolls are about as large as a normal humanoid, lanky, agile, cunning, with relatively smooth skin in purple, blue or green tones, with huge and stupidly coloured manes, long tusks, pointy nose and pointy ears and a relatively well developed tribal society ... yes, I guess one could say they do look a bit alike.
Jamaican trolls are an interesting take on trolls that I have only seen in Warcraft, in fact, they may be the most original part of the setting.
Most trolls in fantasy are either dumb brutes (LoTR, Harry Potter, Elder Scrolls, Overlord, D&D) or forces of nature (Warhammer, Fable).
Because Blizzard doesn't have a creative bone in it's body, and they stuck so hard on the "Real people, but fantasy" archetype that they probably did Jamaican troll because they can't make anything interesting without laying on stereotypes so thick that it could gag a horse.
Jamaicans deserve better.
Diablo and Starcraft would beg to differ.
Three Hearts & Three Lions by Poul Anderson. It's also the originator of the Scottish accented dwarf.
How about a setting in which trolls look like Bauer types, but act like MODERN Swedish stereotypes?
Three Hearts & Three Lions? Does that have anything to do with Denmark?
Yup. Major spoilers, though.
What if you replaced D&D troll's weakness to fire and acid with weakness to electricity and loud noises? (because the trolls fear Thor, you see)
American Swedish stereotypes, or Swedish Swedish stereotypes?
The /pol/ stereotype of being overly polite socialist pluralist cucks.
Hm. I like it.
But I'd prefer to see Trolls as monstrous hex-fighters. I don't know why, but I always thohght they were magic for some reason.
>American Swedish stereotypes, or Swedish Swedish stereotypes?
That's a stupid thing to say.
Peer Gynt blows anything Bauer ever did out of the water when it comes to mainstream recognizability.
Warcraft is literally the worst form of lazy fantasy ever.
I'm actually having difficulty imagining something worse.
Norwegian trolls are 'the' trolls.
Which is why depictions of trolls vary so radically, 'troll' stands for any type of magical nature creature.
Do you hate Heroes of Might and Magic as well?
Would Scandinavian-style trolls work as a PC race?
Which one? They range from mountain sized monstrous uber wizards to stupid little gnomes to everything inbetween
>smooth skin
That's fur. They have fur. Look it up.
Trolls are Swedish eh? How do I crossbreed one with a chupacabra or other central American monster for a sort of interesting setting point?
>implying the Swedish have a culture
Grafts? Like giving a chupathingy an interspecies skin graft? What does it do with its new skin? Just sprout troll limbs at odd angles?
Jag talar bara lite svenka
Assuming trolls are of the regenerative type, just attach a limb and see what happens.
Space Rednecks, Generic Swarm, and Space Elves Minus Mouths? Great argument.
Also the source for paladins as a class, law/chaos, swanmays.
Err, what?
You couldn't possibly be meaning it's the source of the swanmay legend, which is, you know, an old legend, which the book has used.
But you also couldn't have possibly meant the source of swanmays in RPGs, because they're so rare in those connecting them to any particular book is impossible. With them being so rare, it's very much feasible that any particular instance of them being used is inspired by the same folklore that inspired Anderson.
3H&3L is the definite source of the swanmay in AD&D. "All RPGs" maybe not, but "the one in the Monster Manual II" without question.