My coins gathered together:D

My coins gathered together:D

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Add QSP to that and you'll be set ;-)

LINK got REQT you SUBhuman

it's like you really want to stay poor buying 3 meme coins


I need one moon mission

Then tell me why you bought in those coins, excepted because of the shills ? And I will tell you if you are going to have this moon mission.

When something is hardly shilled on biz, it means nothing good. Just a lot of people shilling their bags

In this case hardly=very hard and not barely OP

Srsly though

QSP ffs why is biz not talking about this

Coinbase adding new token in 2018, CEO said they need to do security audits

Quantstamp CEO had a meeting there yesterday

Anyone like money?

Because it's a shit idea and crypto is nowhere close to big enough to needing something like that, other coins will actually do things in the next year

Maybe shilling has effected little, but i think some of these have potential