Being Khârn Is Suffering Edition
Italian Spider-Man Sub-Edition
Italian Spider-Man > Curze. Anyway, that one WBfag is still suffering and we discovered his Primarch's true identity, we discussed "your dudes"/armor/Primarch drinks, Pert was revealed to be a FW dev, talk on the quality of the BL books and Terran legionary treatment was made and much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
Crusade Imperialis epub:
Strawpoll links:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for all you wonderful folks here at the 30k insane asylum.
So I was thinking, SHUT UP EREBUS, that we could give the word bearers even more unique units, and it's like gal vorbak that wields a possessed bolt pistol and daemon weapon
you know what I sayin'
What Word Bearers really need is to have faith.
Are summoned daemons counted as Fellow Warriors, Battle Brothers, Distrusted Allies or By the Emperor's Command?
Only mention I can find is if you use The Dark Brethren RoW on your primary detachment, Codex: Chaos Daemons are Battle Brothers. But without it, I can't find anything on what they count as. If they're By the Emperor's Command otherwise, is there any point to taking Daemons or summoning them? Seems like the benefits are not worth the problems.
First for Dorn.
>Fifth post
Why are imperial fists so fucking retarded?
>So lemon juice?
Then I think our lemons are very different. They're green, and when they become yellow as they rot, and taste acid.
Is it coincidence that I love lemons, sometimes eat them and I'm IW/DG?
Reminder that Dorn only drinks Tequila.
Warm water and bend.
you might be thinking of limes, lemons are ripe when yellow and very sour to the taste
because their pussy primarch didn't decimate them obviously
warm feet and warm nose
So I just finished angel Exterminatus recently and I enjoyed it. It wasn't on par with Deliverance Lost, but it was fun. It did seem a little schizophrenically written though like the first half and the second were done in different sittings. I liked Kroeger as the gruff everymarine sort of warrior who was the audience surrogate, not big on the Khorne berserkering Kroeger by the end.
So my question is are Iron Warriors paranoid because it's written in their geneseed or something? Or does Perty just not instruct his commanders to not stab each other in the back?
Would you a Kelly Curze?
It's an Olympian cultural thing - basically Greeks are cunts
How do I play Night Lords in 30k? Are they any good?
We don't use the term "bitter" for the beer type in the US, so there might be some confusion here.
>are Iron Warriors paranoid because it's written in their geneseed or something?
Along with their legion's hierarchy, hell ye.
What is this, brother?
Angel Exterminatus is my favorite book in the series, user. Glad you enjoyed it.
Iron Warriors are paranoid mostly because of their actions throughout the Great Crusade where they would be expected to fight some ridiculously overpowered enemies compared to them, as well as being Space Great War/WWI.
Also because their commanders could be anything from Kroeger-everyman's marine, to the more often than not backstabbing and looking for a promotion marine.
Drop assault vanguard ROW, run lots of cheap assault marines backed up by nasty things in drop pods and fliers. You can get 1st turn deepstrike assault marines with 5+ cover or better with a dread drop pod nearby + only fire snapshots at them + fnp from a apothecary. Make sure you put them down with a bunch of other drop pod 1st turn units to ensure target saturation and then clean up turn 2. Kharybis and dreadclaws filled with your flavor of mean shit pair well with this.
Oh and tactical support squads with volkite + extra cc weapons in a pod have been absolute cheap workhorses for me recently. They will shred a unit the turn they come in and then help clean up or tac objectives.
Dorn has a higher primarch kill tally than comrade at arms
Nah, they're equal. Dorn>Alpharius Pert>Fulgrim.
Wasn't Fulgrim killed by that OC raven guard sniper?
Nope. Primarchs can get shot through the eye socket and have the round lodge in their brain, and survive.
No, he just let him shoot him in the eye in a surprise momentary change of character where he acted on a just-as-planned to get Pert to work for him, rather than acting on his regular I-don't-know-what-this-feels-like-so-let's-do-it.
>No black within black eyes
Does no-one read the Primarch descriptions?
To bad he only cracked his mortal shell, fulrgim lives!
Daemon hax don't count.
Then fulgrims two kills don't count. Well his kill and a half.
Wait a minute, he's been cloning Ferrus...
A kill and a half + a heap of mannus's
The bullet hit him in the temple and instead of penetrating his skull it just went around to his forehead
Yeah, the weapon he was using wasn't a Bolter, it was a needle rifle. According to the stats that's a str 3 hit to the head, wouldn't be capable of wounding the t6 or 7 on him anyway.
It's done anons.
I've ordered 9 thallax, 1 archmagos, 1 mymidon secutors squad, 2 castellax, 1 thanatar and a knight Atropos.
The 40k scene shall feel my wrath.
I'd rather a Isis.
Anyone ever used or played against a Knight Errant? The Astartes kind not the big mech kind.
How was it? Did they have much of an impact? Did the oath of moment get fulfilled?
How would you tool one up for a challenge? Biomancy jump pack psyker?
why would you buy 30k to play with filthy 40k? 40k is a broken pile of formation led degeneracy, people usually play 30k to play 30k because its a world apart in balance and theme.
Not to mention most of the points values that are common for 40k matches are sub par for 30k armies to really start taking all their toys and or good army composition while competing against formation with oodles of free shit.
Not him but it's like trying to escape Isstvan III to find a 30k group in some places.
I play in Central Florida and there is exactly 1 store within a 25 mile radius, and their only starting to play 40k. I couldn't even imagine finding someone else who does 30k near me.
Which of FW's weapons sets look best to you?
Phobos or Umbra or Tigrus?
Legion Heavy Flamer versus Phaistos Pattern?
>tfw have an entire class of all the primarchs
>tfw Alpharius and Omegon both have Scheming and exploitable
>tfw I manage to get a threesome with Angron and Russ
>tfw end up getting killed by Curze for cheating on her.
So, before I go and start buying parts to turn Calth tactical marines into assault marines, I figure I'd ask how well they do, as to determine if I should make some just for the pleasure of modeling them or for also fielding them.
If they are recommended, what would be the advised squad size? 10 man minimum? 20 with an apothecary?
I run alpha legion and I generally have a fair amount of tacticals/other squads since I'm magnetizing my marines to make them more modular with weapon load outs to mainly save on money, but since assault marines use entirely different arms and its easier to just build them than giving them magnets for the arms and backpack, I figured I should ask on how people think of them before I order so I know if I should do it for pleasure of also fielding.
It's "Woman's hair", apparently
>when you lead fem-dorn on and on, making her go through trial and tribulations for your affection until that fateful day where you invite her to the rooftop and Have her walk in on you pounding Pert's thick ass
>it turns out to be her fetish
Female primarchs are in this thread?
You mean one of her fetishes?
Was it tight like an Iron Cage?
I never thought I'd want to be Dorn.
But that is my fetish. Still trying to convince my bf to try it out.
>Dat spoiler
My my.
I'm interested in the answer to this as well. I've scraped together 11 Sanguinary Guard jump packs (because they look like the old school ones) and I'm gather arms for an assault marine unit + chaplain.
But as user asked I'm wondering how they would best fit in an Alpha Legion list
>tfw fem-Ferrus gives you head
It's perhaps the only time /d/ has failed me.
You know those silly jokes where you already know the punchline but it still gets you? This is one of those jokes, rolling 2D6 on my sides.
What happened, user, if any?
/d/ never has any threads regarding it. Only the reverse. Which I find somewhat hypocritically distasteful.
As in men suffering NTR rather than women?
Except I'd much rather it be consensual.
Isn't that netori?
Near impossible to find any that isn't just cheating though.
There's a japanese-only porn game that is literally consensual netori that would be awesome if it was translated/available outside of Japan.
"NTR" or "Netorare" is when someone steals your loved one
"Netori" is when (You) steal someone else's
"Fucking Savage" is when you tank a Fleshbane hit without somehow losing your arm and perform such an overkill on Alpharius in a way so his whole legion has to make excuses on Alpharius' supposed survival and whereabouts.
Nevermind then, I've seen stuff tagged as netori that wouldn't count as netori under that definition.
Have faith, Imperial Fist.
We do, user, if you are a brewer.
But a bitter is not a lager or pilsner, the most common American beers.
But fuck me if a good English bitter is top tier drinking when you are writing or doing some slow work around the house.
>tfw its a cuck episode
The correct term in this case would be cuckqueen.
pretty sure thats not what that term means
It is, user. What do you think it means?
I'm not even an AL (or am I? ) and I too felt angry about his demise.
Such promise, now reaped away with all the subtlety of a Chainsword.
Have some sad music.
Is the cuckqueen the cuck-ee?
means cuck
I know this pain. W. Central Florida and your store at 25 is mine at 90.
It's a game called "Artificial Academy 2". Check Veeky Forums for the general.
You are correct. The vixen is the cuck-er.
>You'll never be Lion's husbando and have her walk in on you fucking Luther, her best friend.
/HHG/ is now the Cuck General.
Who the hell turned off the Geller field?
Well, if we are to be precise, then /hhg/ is now the cuckqueen general. Which is hotter.
>this thread
I was about to correct you on their/they're, but noticed you mentioned your from Florida. Why bother?
>inb4 correction. I know what I'm doing senpai
uncle morty...
get the gas
I'm almost certain that someone summoned Hermine to where I was.
Female cucks, user. Female cucks.
>uncle morty...
>get the gas
I'm happy playing the board game at all to be honest. A game is better than no game.
you putting 'female' in front of something doesnt magically make it attractive, right?
Am I wasting my time if I wanted to run a Gal Vorbak heavy army list?
Besides, my Atropos is my win button, o u being cheesy, we'll take this Atropos in a 1250 point game. We will see who gets the last laugh.
Dantioch's improved considerably. I must know his recipe.
Also I always knew Veeky Forums was /d/ lite.
>You'll never be Lion's husbando and have her walk in on you fucking Konrad, who proceeds to skin that bitch alive
>You'll never have Konrad wear Lion's skin as a warning to any bitch who tries to take you from her
Sundered Tower Chapter bros report in.
no GVs are awesome
>implying I don't want it from normal Ferrus
calm down fulgrim
I hope you guys are happy.
I downloaded Aa2 and cucked lady Gulliman with Lorgar. The Betrayal at Swimming Pool still haunts her to this day
Nah mate, Black Comet is where it's at. You're pretty lame not wanting to be literal Hell's Angels: The Space Marine chapter.
>tfw no non-WS RoW that makes outrider squads compulsory troops
Ywn have an all daemon biker army.
wb with bikes and khornedogs would be pretty boss
What is this
I love this paint scheme but i'm so on the fence about Iron Warriors. I'm really not huge on their lore.. maybe I need to read some of the novelizations.
My other Legions of choice were Blood Angels, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines and Word Bearers.
Climb Mount Narodnaya
Artificial Academy 2.
Also, checked.
I don't know which girl is which primarch.