Drop a Dalek into the 40k universe. How long does it take for it to become a Daemon Prince of Malal?
Drop a Dalek into the 40k universe. How long does it take for it to become a Daemon Prince of Malal?
More Tzeentch's favored I think.
Reworking this question: How much time would pass after it became said demon prince, before it self destructed due to no longer being a pure Dalek?
And then it gets reborn again, because the Chaos Gods are dicks like that.
Never get that far. The instant it gets a mutation it'll detonate out of hatred at itself for deviation from the perfect Dalek form.
Depends, do Daleks have a soul in the 40K sense of the word?
According to Rusty, they don't. But then again, the 40k sense of the word and the link between a creature and the Warp is often linked to emotional intensity, which the Daleks have by the Tardisload.
Daleks have no emotions bar hate. The Dalek is going to be aligned more to Khorne or Khaine.
That said: I always thought that the Newcrons were pretty much Time War Time Lords. The Necrons have that funky high crest coller thing on their heads like the traditional "Time Lord" cape. They use "bigger on the inside" technology and screw around with physics as a pass time. They fought a war with biologically engineered killing machines and between them and their enemies they unleashed true cosmic horrors on the galaxy. The Necrons unleashed the C'tan and the Old Ones unleashed (as a side effect) Chaos and such.
Between the Time Lords and Davros they unleashed the Nightmare Child, The Skaro Degradations and the army of meanwhiles, lead by the Could've Been King, and the Horde of Travesties.
But this raises the question of which Chaos God would take notice of said soul.
Also considering this gave me the mental image of a Khornate Sontaran.
Khorne rejoices just as much at the blood spilled by Imperials as he does by his Champions. If a kill is made in rage and anger, it's his.
Oh, the Sontarans would start Blood Cults at the drop of a helmet. The Rutans would probably fit Tzeentch quite well.
Malalice sometimes includes blind hatred. The Daleks are a bit too outwardly-centred for Slaanesh and not really angry enough for Khorne, just deep loathing with an inferiority complex.
I also think the Orks would like it, even if it did not like them.
Christ, Looted Daleks, orksterminatin' the galaxy.
Depends on which world it landed on.
When you think of it... Ork really is just a meaty green Dalek.
Live for war, simple life goals, autistic-genius when it comes to machines of war, and an ork keeps a savage racial purity based on Orky and Unorky.
>Oh, the Sontarans would start Blood Cults at the drop of a helmet.
I think the only reason they wouldn't end up as frothing, blood gargling nutters like everyone else who follows Khorne would be because they are bred specifically for HONOURABLE warfare.
The outlook's a bit different. The Daleks looked at the sky and went 'IT'S GOT TO GO', the Orks looked up and went 'Let's punch it inna face!'
Aren't they more of a Khorne thing with all the exterminate and wipe out all life?
They'd probably lock up the forthing, blood-gargling nutters and use them like Death Company.
Khorne probably doesn't want everyone dead, because then there'd be no-one to shed blood
What if a Dalek decided that the Ork method of propagation was beneficial to the Dalek War Effort?
That's if said nutters aren't summarily executed by the application of if several thousand volts into their probic vents
Yeah but Daleks are pretty much fueled by pure hatred. Orks don't really have that hate, they're just in it for fun. I can't image that they'd get on well.
Not to mention that Trazyn is like a slight more violent Doctor.
How would the AdMech regard Mondasian Cybermen?
On the one hand:
>[Happy techpriest noises]
But on the other:
I guess you'd get a rift in the Admech. Again.
>Not to mention that Trazyn is like a slight more violent Doctor.
Do you know what that motherfucker does to people?
Would the Emperor get along with the Earth Reptiles, or would they be on the Thunder Warrior hitlist?
Forever. Because Malal doesn't actually exist, and hasn't existed since the motherfucking 80's you snowflaking newfag.
Wouldn't that make them a neckbearded nostalgiafag instead?
No because 99% of people who mention Malal weren't even alive when he was canon. It's primarily all edgelords who want to be even more edgy than normal Chaos is.
t. Assblasted Autistic
How does Malal make Chaos any more edgy?
Because Malal worshippers are edgy fringe lunatics even for Chaos, which by definition is as edgy as possible.
>Cor, dat tin kan's ded killy! Not much in da way of choppa or dakka, but itz roight zzappy! Look, you can see da skellingtons!
At least they dont worship the chaos god of atheism.
So a warpstuff covered Dalek going on mass killing sprees before blowing itself up, only to repeat itself later
So the Orcs are Toclafane then?
Eh, Toclafane are childish, Orks are ladz.
I don't know about later series', but the Daleks are an emblem of frailty. They're not immortal, indestructible, beasts; they're a metaphor for destructive isolationist, nazi-esque, philosophies.
Even in their later introductions, when a lot of their limitations were scaled back, they're still the same easily overpowered by friendship and egalitarianism lot.
Why even have these shitty threads? 40k is deliberately exaggerated. If games workshop thought their was a fair argument, they'd reboot the setting with more exaggerated fluff.
>would x beat y from 40k
>easily overpowered by friendship and egalitarianism
So in other words, in 40k they'd have no real vulnerabilities?
That honourable thing came from the new series, whose treatment of the Sontarans can only be described in terms of rape. Classic Sontarans were ruthless and quite prepared to engage in deceit and fight enemies on uneven terms (they didn't need any copper expander bullshit to be impregnable, their armour did the trick-even stopping Galifreian weapons), they just lacked somewhat in creativity as they were all clones.
I'd say they're a mix of both. At their height, the Daleks not only took on a civilization that was ridiculously high up on the Kardashev scale, but almost won, and almost every time need to be beaten via timey-wimey shit.
At the same time however, they are fragile, deformed mutants, trapped in a tin can, filled with loathing for everything around them out of a highly-developed sense of inferiority.
No his point was pansies could overpower them due to the ridiculous design flaws in their armour -the fliptop lid, inability to handles stairs and single easily obscured eye, combined with their tendency to self destruct at the slightest inconvenience.
They've had shields and flight for a while now.
Only really since the cancerous new series. They had levitation discs in the period of seventh doctor, but if anything they were more of a joke by then.
Their bodies are fragile, but the tin cans are pretty solid.
Honestly, any Daleks dropped into 40k would be without a doubt the most dangerous motherfuckers int he setting as soon as they hit the board. Not because they can't be killed, but because they will take one look around and say "Well, this all has to go".
And unlike the other powers in 40k, the Daleks have both the ability to build superweapons that can destroy the galaxy AND the willingness to use them. Their time travel tech isn't great compared to a Tardis, but its enough for them to participate in the Time War and not get owned, which is more than enough time travel to outmaneuver any 40k faction.
If the Daleks can set up shop and not get blitzed to death, it would take them a dangerously short amount of time to build something that will wipe out the entire 40k galaxy. The only question is whether or not they deem Chaos enough of a threat that the decide to blink the Immaterium out of existence and erase the Chaos Gods before they tackle their more conventional physical foes.
Horrifyingly, blowing up the Warp is actually something they can do based on their previous work.
About 20 minutes. Then the Dalek kills him for not being Dalek enough. Then "EMERGENCY TEMPORAL SHIFT" back to its own universe.
Followed by the next War in Heaven when he and his buddies come screaming out of a new Eye of Terror centered on Terra.
Four-way warp war between the (Great) Old Ones, the Time Lords, the Necrontyr and the Daleks?
The time vortex being in the deep warp would make sense
>I always thought that the Newcrons were pretty much Time War Time Lords
Necrons didn't invent the concept of Physics. Like, the actual laws of the universe, not just the study thereof.
I thought they did at one point. The Asylum of the Daleks had the Ponds turning into Daleks slowly due to microscopic Dalek-germs transforming anyone on the planet.
The problem with Daleks is that while they are as hostile, super-weapon hungry, and about as xenophobic and hate-filled as the average Inquisitor or Space Marine, they keep what is basically their soul stones behind metal plating in a universe where weaponry is judged by its ability to demolish metal plating
They might do well against the Eldar, and maybe IG if its only flashlight Guardsmen
I don't think either of the 40k factions have enough time travel to really keep up with the Who races. I know that the Necrons have a little time travel tech, but only one single Necron Lord has anything approaching reliable time travel, and he doesn't tell anyone else he has it. I doubt he would be enough to combat the sort of factions that can send entire planets through time.
Both Time Lords and Daleks have a nasty habit of supergeniuses. We are shown multiple times where a single Time Lord or Dalek, left to their own devices on a world, concocts some superweapon based on whatever happens to be around that threatens all life on at least that planet, occasionally more. Usually doing it in plain sight in such a way that the locals buy into it right up until the moment it turns around and destroys them.
Shit, the Daleks put a bomb the size of a fist into an android (who, by the way, was sophisticated enough to mimic a human to the point that it passed medical examinations) simply so they could threaten to blow up the entire Earth with it as a means of distracting the Doctor long enough to get away if their plan fell through. That's their plan B superweapon in that episode.
Timer War era have extremely good force fields
>The Draconians' interstellar empire was a monarchy, led by the Emperor and his court of nobles. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Space War) Former Emperors, known as the Deathless Emperors, were kept in orbit of Draconia.
Remind you of anyone
Don't forget Daleks have shields post time war. Ones that melt bullets right out of the air, and let 4 Daleks scoot through an entire warehouse of Cybermen shooting them with lasers and taking 0 goddamn damage.
There certainly are futureguns that can hurt them, but its clearly not exactly easy. Bolters are not going to do it, but Meltaguns should. Plasma... probably does it.
And their metal armour was made of a super reactive unobtainium material, so they never really needed the shields to with, all they needed was to put a catch on the top of their suits.
Well thinking about it, fucking flashlights would probably work on them considering how their lasers, not bullets
And lets not even discuss things like Terminators or Tyranids in general
Anything that is energy-based weaponry in this situation would probably work on Daleks. And Psykers would probably fuck em up real bad too, considering how whatever soul they have is totally steeped in 'fuck son calm down' anger levels
Daleks would be like really angry Tau but more technologically advanced
We are often told that concentrated gunfire (from humble ballistic weapons no less) is capable of wearing through sections of shield, though the armour behind is still a factor, thus "aim for the eyestalks". Only once did this actually work, and it was by a handful of desperate civilians, though he Cult of Skaro soaked up fire from far greater numbers of soldiers and cybermen, so it might just have been that they were an elite unit with better equipment than the Emperor's thrown together Daleks.
>fucking flashlights would probably work on them considering how their lasers, not bullets
Video clearly shows them working on energy weapons.
>Psykers would probably fuck em up real bad too, considering how whatever soul they have is totally steeped in 'fuck son calm down' anger levels
This is viable though.
>Mutates once and kills itself
>And it would never become a demon prince because only humans can do that. Not once did an inhuman ascend. No inhumans besides orkz that serve Khorne even worship chaos.
Stupid thread is stupid.
>they are fragile,
>filled with loathing for everything around them
>highly-developed sense of inferiority
Swap inferiority for superiority and they're not dissimilar from humans in that setting, and they're pretty powerful on the whole.
Yeah, when they really get innovative Dalek tech is no joke.
>Chaos Eldar
Drop a Dalek into the 40k universe. How long does it take for it to come up with a halfway decent, if horrifying plan to kill demons?
Oooh, I don't know, let's say, until lunchtime?
The Daleks have manufactured psychic weapons before. During the time war they used a kind of psychic reflection bomb that doubled all of the thoughts in your head, which then doubled again and again and so on exponentially until you literally thought yourself to death as every synapse in your brain overclocked and tore apart. Noteably, the effects of this bomb carried over between regenerations, so if used on a timelord after regenerating they would immediately succumb to the effects of the bomb again, forcing a time lord to burn through all of their lives in less than an hour of being paralyzed by their own thoughts and agonizing death.
It was one of the many doomsday weapons that The Time Lords unmade with time travel, only for their sabotage to get unmade, only for them to re-sabotage it, etc in an endless loop such that it simultaneously killed whole fleets and was never once used.
Time war was bananas.
Anyway, I'm curious what effect that would have if used in the warp. It would either tear the warp a new asshole, or result in INFINITY DEMONS. And I'm not sure which.
Aren't they clones?
In 40k aren't clones soulless?
>I don't think either of the 40k factions have enough time travel to really keep up with the Who races
lol they have plenty just send 2000 fully equipped guard regiments in 1000 ships into the warp and have the techpreists disengage the geller field drives. Some of them are bound to end up at the right time.
Yeah, see, that's not enough. Not to compete with a guy who can park his time machine on top of the Emperor in the past such that it manifests around him trapping him inside of an indestructible box made out of the fabric of spacetime itself, and then hit the 'vent' button and dump him into the void between dimensions where nothing, not time or matter or even Chaos, exists or has meaning.
We are talking time machines that have, on no less than TWO occasions, been used to replace the universe after it ceased to exist by creating a new big bang and restoring the timeline to its most recent save file in the time machines database.
"A couple of ships of guardsmen will probably end up in the right century" doesn't cut it against factions that understand how King Crimson works.
Then Daleks would become instant daemon princes, considering that varying levels of hate is pretty much all they feel.
Daleks WERE human at one point, and that's why the salt-shaker is terrifying, because they have to potential to turn you into one as well.
Please someone do a quest about this.
What would happen if the Tau managed to reverse engineer a Dalek body/suit?
Convert all local warp energy into a flood of demons in the material, temporarily or permanently carving out that section of the warp.
Daleks don't bow. Any blessing chaos gives it will be entirely without the Dalek's consent.
Nor would they want it really since such blessings would be a corruption of what they see as a superior form.
Well more then likely just material advances, possibly making their tanks and walkers a bit lighter or sturdier. Dalek on board weaponry would probably not be useful to them, dalek lasers, though incredibly deadly, aren't the most accurate, that or daleks are terrible shots, take your pick. The squishy flesh center might offer some scientific advancements in just how far mutations can go. If the dalek body in question has deflection shields, or emergency temporal shift generators those would probably be the most valuable pieces to take away from it.
The most adorable battlesuit in history. Imagine his knees sticking out the top as he wedges himself into the casing to pilot it around.
>Time war was bananas.
It's a miracle that time itself didn't fucking collapse, with the sort of shit they were throwing at each other.
Then again, by the end you literally had the "Never-Was King and his army of Never-Existed", so it probably WAS falling apart.
The Ood would get daemon-possessed at the drop of a hat.
Then there was the time he used the Moon landing to make humans murder the creepy Silence dudes
Destruction, Khorne.
Who can get up a flight of wooden stairs faster?
A terminator or a dalek?
You mean this scene?
judging by recent Who, the retro engineered Dalek tech would be infected with Dalek nano-viruse immune system bullshittery that would prevent any Tau using it from saying anything other than EX-TER-MIN-ATE and then convert them into Daleks
That's the one
Speaking of the Silence, whould they make a good villan for a Dark Heresy campaign?
With some tweaks, I think so, yes
What stats and traits do you think a Silence woudl have?
Yer thinking Cybermen.
The Daleks are the result of Davros accelerating the evolution of his (yes, humanoid) people into what he believed to be their ultimate final form... A, small, super-intelligent, jelly-squid, full of nothing but hate, which wouldn't threaten anything outside of its reach, if it wasn't mounted inside a magic salt-shaker tank that they've, apparently, been constantly improving upon.
Granted, this was on Skaros, which had been in perpetual civil war for thousands of years.
Still can't imagine how the Daleks came to be a threat against the fucking Time Lords, unless there was some internal sabotage going on. Which would be par for the course, as that is how the Sontarans managed to land on Gallifrey - the Time Lords have always been their own worst enemy.
No one knows - you forget them as soon as you look away from the character sheet.
I think there's some intresting similarities between the human's tendency to put supersoldiers in metal boxes and the dalek's salt shakers.
Considering OP's question it comes down to dalek time travelling or not. If yes they abuse it and cheese a victory. If not, they probably can become a faction and a threat but not exterminate everything.
What I really want to see is daleks copying dreadnought and biilding oversized salt shakers to put damaged regular size salt shakers in.
Time Lords were arrogant as fuck.
They probably looked at Skaros and its inhabitants and saw it as a global Somalia.
And promptly gave it no more thought.
Then the super genius Davros comes along, unearths some of the old pre-war tech makes or some other way aquires a time machine and once you have a time machine it's very difficult for you to un-have it.
Goes to the furthest reaches of Space and Time, beyond where any self respecting Lord of Gallifrey would go, to perfect his work then attacked a thousand places across a thousand times before the Time Lords could get their shit together.
What would the Dalek statline be? I'm thinking that they'd be a small, elite army, more so than the Grey Knights. Each one would be incredibly tough (T5, 2 wounds, 2+ armour, 5++?) and have a pretty good gun (24", S6, AP1, Instant Death?) but they'd be Slow and Purposeful, be terrible in close combat and obviously have a problem with hordes (though they do have a heavy weapon variant if I remember correctly).
>The Daleks are the result of Davros accelerating the evolution of his (yes, humanoid) people into what he believed to be their ultimate final form...
I was under the assumption that the Daleks mutated into what they were now due to the enormous amounts of radiation and chemicals they unleashed during their wars. Am I mistaken, or did the nuWho reboot retcon things?
Aren't these things beaten by stairs?
>What I really want to see is daleks copying dreadnought and biilding oversized salt shakers to put damaged regular size salt shakers in.
That would be ridiculous and I love it.