/cyoag/ - CYOA General: Your Choices Still Suck Edition

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Any new word from Highlander since she popped into the thread a week or so ago?


haven't been in these thread for a bit: this one been posted lately? Any updates or new versions?

gonna be a bit slow
>yfw I'm a cheap faggot and don't have a pass.



and last page.

Anons, start your builds.

Just slowly chipping away at my workload, and reading some things I got sent over from a friend (The League of Extraordinarily gentlemen, Mononoke's calling, A few Discworld things, Hellboy, and some other things) for some insight.

Just wondering if there were any status updates.

Keep up the the good work Highlander. You're the best and I love you.

Nothing that's worth talking about, or that I think I should be talking about. Spoilers and whatnot.

Stay clear of rivers full of carp, watch out for giant eagles, elephants and unicorns and always pull the lever on those treefucking elves.

Stay safe and barricaded you crazy dwarf.

To parse this into something a Canadian would understand.

Keep your stick on the ice.

Identity – girl, 16
30 p
Power Source - Genetic
Emotional – Dulled +5 p
Physical – Perfect -4 p
Mental – Enhanced -6 p
Life – Prime (21 years) -15 p
Memory – Knowledge -5 p
Spiritual – Magnet +5 p
Telekinesis -4 p
Precision -2 p
Power -3 p
Future Sight -2 p
Relevant -1 p
Clarity -3 p
Mind Reading -4 p
No Filter +3 p
Mind Control -10 p
Flawless -10 p
Healing -2 p
Self Service -5 p
Miracle -3 p
Levitation -2 p
Mechanics -3 p
Inner Focus -4 p
Empathy -2 p
Influence -1 p
Tongues -2 p
Siren -1 p
Non-Verbal -1 p
Interference -2 p
Targeted -2 p
Dowsing -1 p
Specific -1 p
Clairvoyance -1 p
Direct -1 p
Cowardly +7 p
Asexual +5 p
Insomnia +9 p
Addiction (Internet) +7 p
Addiction (Videogames) +7 p
Addiction (Drinking) +7 p
Guardian – Ally (Eric Strickland)
Home – Yarrow Falls
Students – Adam Wiley, Peter Blake, Scarlet Manning
Adults – Louise Webb, Eric Strickland (Guardian)
Perks – Overcome x2 (+18 p)

May Tim Hortons be with you.

And remember, if the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.

What does a person need to do to get a nice fan base like this?

>Pic Related

Reality Slider: All the way to the left; rewriting history.
Gender Silder: 25 Male/75 Female
Male; Puberty: 4, Hair:Y, Mammaries:Y, Hips:Y, Claws:N, Horns:Y, Wings:Y, Aggression:Y, Gigantism:N, Pheremones:Y, Hide:N, Tail:N, Libido:Y, Cycle:N, IQ: 170
Female; Puberty: 1, Hair:Y, Mammaries:Y, Hips:Y, Claws:N, Horns:N, Wings:M, Aggression:N, Gigantism:N, Pheremones:Y, Hide:N, Tail:N, Libido:Y, Cycle:Y, IQ: 89

What does this world look liek?



Like you just made every single man into a demon and every single woman into a perpetual tween. So, hell.

powers used to cost 1 not 2. now they're up to 6x more expensive. I don't find that reasonable at all. 3x sure. 6x, no.

Does the Buttplug work on modifiers?

IQ: 89 Women.
So I'd wager they are kept under leash.

How is this hell?

Though I'd rather just post this build on /d/... This is a lot better from before, I'm not able to get roughly my desired build despite lacking a few specialty modifiers, but alternate infusion/energy drain allows me to ensure I can infuse mild powers without them being able to use them while being bound. Of which, I also have Neutralize, Webbing, and Undying Sticky Fluids while Pheromones, Sprung and Osmodia can distract them with lust. It's seriously overkill though, so many bindings but the least I can say is that I have a weakness to Magic/Mental Powers to 'balance' things out. I've also noticed quite the implications with Hypnojunk and Infusions, you can basically adversaries to transform themselves and your infusion would still run out naturally if they lack the ability to fix it otherwise. Handy for turning a Jon into a Joan. I also have to eventually figure out how to send all the slimes to another planet before they literally drown the slime that only I'm able to survive in even if she is 'friendly' but I figure having Trupta Traps and their own space-ships and galactic knowledge could find them a cozy planet. I could've swapped ass for tits, but wanted a stupid pun name.

The Greedy GiantAss (physical descriptiong skipped)

Restricted:Bukkake(Skin Coverage) /Restrained/Production/HypnoJ/ Sticky/ EdgeAmp/ Denial/ AlterDCharge:SweatyAss/
Sharing/ Elastic/ Cloning/EfficientEx/Aux:Butt/ ShockAwe/Swimmer/ Seed Bearer/ Generator/HTrigger


Full Timer
-6 Milkmaids/Barbara/Trupta-Traps/Osmodia/ S.Skin
+10 Andromeda/Keeper/JonLong/Robotica

-10 Susten/PhysicalImmune/PerfectHeal

-10 Reflex/S. Speed/Shapeshift/GrowShrink/
-11 EnergyDrain/Flight/Web:Butt/Ingest/Neutralize
-4 Pheromones/Overflow/Sprung

-2 P. Plug: Energy Drain, Neutralize, GrowShrink

Trying to make Hypno Junk an unbreakable?

This won't end well

age a year younger than me
skin very dark
eyes blue
hair blonde
breasts C cup
butt the flattest
background she's my childhood friend

personality she's a doormat
athletics very athletic
interests firearms and tactics and has a small armory

height mich taller than me
weight average
features full lips
magical features she's an alien
insanity extreme masochist
weapon nails
tell takes out her phone and takes photographs of everything


Don't be shit, stay outta bullshit, interact just enough to be a semi active force and answer questions yet able to go into your own little world when the shitflinging starts.

You know, the usual anonymous-with-a-name deal.

C/B/None/B/D/Flat/D/B (I thought Breasts row were some weird form of column marking until the very end when I went back and added breast size, So that's why i labeled them like that.)
Production, Edging, Denial, Exchange, Super Swimmers, Generator, Open tap, Hair Trigger, Seedbearer, Adaptive Response (0)
Power Pills
Cockgoblin (ally), Futas (Ally), Cundirictus (Ally)
Wealthy +1 (For the freedom it provides)
Self Sustenance, Perfect Healing, Adapative
Enhanced Reflexes, Superspeed
Density Control, Vibration Emission
Fuck everything into submission with vibrating supervagina riding. Have fun, If anything murderkilly shows up, Infinite mass Supervibration Superspeed punch it to atoms.

No need, modifiers are always active

I am now wicked waifu wishing fairy, make stupid wish


Okay, I wish for you to keep doing this.

Yeah but the anti-pregnancy thing costs energy.

disadvantages pint-sized, reincarnation, without a map and case 53

difficulty god mode
powers wild card culinary intuition, twins and apprentice

advantages companion, item of power, charles atlas super powers, special snowflake, comic book pretty, cauldron vials, man of mystery, bad@&& normal, resources and plot armor




Not seen this one before. It's nice. I don't see any of the curses as viable for me but I have always wanted a free lunch.

My life plans have made the equilvment of that of bayonetta, ghost rider and Morgan from darkstalkers

mind reader
things that go bump
bullet time
heck storm
hate empowerment
obvious joke
super charger


Never actually did this one before.

>Present Allies: Sam, Polly
>Present Bosses: Carmen, Miriam
>Myth Ally: Yami
>Myth Boss: Urd
>Feudal Ally: Lyubitshka
>Feudal Boss: Bic
>Colonial Ally: Meinhilde
>Colonial Boss: Aeis
>Future Ally: Fernleigh
>Future Boss: Clone
>Boss Ally: Carmen

Order: Present -> Feudal -> Myth -> Colonial -> Future

I swear I dont know if its /d/ tier but there was this cyoa awhile back that had mindconttol and pheromone manipulation. Ive been searching for fuckin ever but for the life of me can find it, I think it had some trap named sam who wanted you to make him into a woman.

Hey, question about Duwall, is his mail breaker a hint that he comes from darksouls? Or is just your favourite weapon or something. Also I was designing a character that was a bit of a fanatic about him, and I was wondering how that flew with you.

A Dragon's Roar (Critical Mode)
A Realm Reborn (Normal Mode)
Vampire Reign (Hard Mode)
The Demon King (Hard Mode)
Wonderland (Critical Mode)
Fox And The Hound (Hard Mode)

At least six wives not counting the fox, and five kingdoms.

The Bloodletter quest seems easy.
The Dragon quest seems fairly straightforward; the black sun seems light a good sign to me. Hopefully I can clear it. Once I'm done I'll have an army of dragons I can use to help Bathory with this business and eventually become a vampire. Demon king will be even easier since I'll have three kingdom's worth of forces to bring to bear against any rebellious fools. Four kingdoms of armies to take down Wonderland even though just a single one would have been more than enough. Not certain what I'll do about the Fox but it shouldn't be too hard with the influence I'll have with such a large populace.



Replacing Fox & Hound with The Empress' Toy (Hard Mode).

>Elven Moon, Normal Mode
Farming is good exercise, and fresh food is good for the body. I'll need both if I want to survive what's going down next. Plus, the sense of accomplishment might help my self-esteem, and I do literally owe them my life.
>Star Crossed Lovers, Normal Mode
It's the little things that help.
>The Little Ones, Normal Mode
I can't just leave them to languish here.

89 IQ is like the average NASCAR fan, and have you seen the shit they get up to? You're going to get a bunch of perpetually tweenage women running around doing stupid shit, and all the men are going to be too concerned with what the other men are going to do to stop it.

I'm gonna hit the hay with my wicked succubus waifu for the night


I've decided to pick the meta A for the next cyoa for once

>Tfw you want some women to be born with small breasts/flat chests, with the possibility of some others being slim/lithe but you also want /ss/ land.

I wish there was a scale to compare puberty levels to.

location buenos aires argentina
product hearts
strategy morgue
other revenue forgery

Dangit I'm tempted to just set the person free, even though I /know/ the world isn't perfect.

Don't want to be the one responsible for them being chained up /another/ few millennia.

I'll take the architech's compass

Puberty 1

IQ: 125, Wide Curve

Puberty 4

IQ: 135, Medium Curve.

1:9 ratio of males to females.
Switch to the right. Let's see what happens.

Enter into my imagination and see the person I am. Suddenly thrust into the world of Eden, I throw off the melancholy burden of normalcy, accept my place as a righter of wrongs, and sally forth into this strange new world as a knight-errant.

I first seem to encounter a fox woman. It is the proper place of knights to do good deeds in the name of a beautiful maiden. So, I tell her that I will do great deeds and so win her recognition and adoration. Now, one-thousand followers is quite a lot. So, I set out to do other quests while fulfilling this one.

Journeying towards a changing city, I happily agree to aid an Archmage with the rampant drug problem in his academy. When this task is done (in normal mode), all I ask is for armor, training, and what magical enhancements and enchantments they might be willing to offer a knight-errant. I also ask them to go before the shrine of the fox spirit and offer their earnest thanks for the efforts of her champion.

With my new supplies and armor, I set off properly to right wrongs. But, instead, the remnants of an old empire mark me as their enemy and decide to take me down. I throw off my gauntlet at them, saying that if they are true knights, than they will fight me in single combat one after another. With my enchantments, willpower, and sword skill, I no doubt defeat the knights after a few deaths and close calls. They bow, telling me that I am the one to restore their lost empire of knights. I nod solemnly, telling them that we must do great deeds if we are ever to restore the empire of knights to its proper glory. I also demand that they beg the forgiveness of my lady before we continue.

I for one decided to make the fae our queen for the world

And continue we do, finding three Valkyries tasked with slaying a great dragon. Hearing of their plight, I beg them the honor of slaying the dragon in single combat. I tell them that the lives of them and my companions are too valuable to risk, and that I as a denizen of the waking world may come back to fight the battle again. My companions no doubt beg for the chance to fight gloriously in my name.

I calmly inform them that if I am to be their emperor, and having released them from their vows to stay in our kingdom until such a time as it is restored through our deeds, that I must exemplify the tenants of chivalry, which to me mean fighting a great battle no matter the odds. And so I fight the great dragon and no doubt in the manner of great battles of chivalry eventually slay it after many casualties.

When brought before the High King, I weep and earnestly say I cannot marry any of the Valkyries, for my heart already belongs to another maiden. Instead, I say that they shall marry three of my companions, and that we shall all return to my land.

By this time, no doubt, I have completed the first quest. In the new homeland, I inform my great companions that the duty of ruling falls upon them, and that they together can rule this land of knights and restore it to greatness. Turning to my fox lady, I thank her graciously for the chance to love her chastely from afar before turning away, riding into the sunset with my armor glistening, and wake up a fat neckbeard once more.

>tfw no more $1 for 10 timbits
I'm a sad Canadian, indeed.

This is a rather odd cyoa.
>New York, USA
Close to home, so I'm good there.
My uncle had to have a transplant many years ago, so I guess this would relate somehow.
>Grave Digger
Shouldn't be too much security.
Protecting the rich and powerful while manipulating the downtrodden.

I'm going to rob many graves, taking the livers of people and selling them to the rich or the drunk. In addition, I'll see if the violent can't get me a couple of livers from the downtrodden.

Gluttony and pride

abjuration and information



I appreciate it senpai.

>tfw the CYOA hits you right in the magical realm but you could never forgive yourself for indulging, especially if it happened for real


CYOA I promised to an user.

That perfectly describes it. It just makes one feel unclean.


Really I only got that feeling from the other slave one with the regenerating girl.

I feel this way.
But damn if I don't want it all the same.

>tfw cyoa allows you to be the wife of the villain, and the mother of their children.


Uh, what CYOA?

All the ones about being a slaveowner really get me feeling all conflicted. Dirty and gross, but also hungry for more.

Aye, I feel you, man.


Minor update again, very minor. Just posting for those who didnt see it in the last thread.

-Pervy Super CYOA

Yikes those spelling errors. I WAS able to get my correct build is what I meant to say, and I have a technicality question and requests.

Mixing Perfect Healing, Mind Control/Hypno Junk, Energy Drain, Ingestion, Shapeshift, GrowShrink, and Density control, would it technically be feasible to merge supers into myself and change their 'power source' into whatever body-part they reside in, or would I need to go the extra step and scramble them with a localized vibration first? It's quite the cruel method of empowering myself, but it's a useful means of turning Twin Team into Twin Tits for an separate power-set I could imbue onto others or drink/drain from myself. I get a slight hunch I'm not taking these powers as intended and just trying to justify ways to cruelly enhance myself just because I desire it and value the long-game.

Would appreciate if you gave the adversaries a small list of their powers, and for stuff like Double Team, give a notification they'll be assisted by supers with random/varied powers.

So, if I understand the intro properly:
>There are several other super powered beings in my universe.
>By killing them, I get closer to demigod hood.
>Killing the super powered beings in other universes doesn't get me any power.

>A Witches Nightmare (Critical)
>A Realm Reborn (Normal)
>A Dragons Roar (Critical)

So rule over two kingdoms with the dream world as an extension for the rest and Dorothy as dragon goddess.
By conquering my fears there really shouldn't be anything worse out there unless new phobias can take form
Otherwise sticking around sounds great at this point no fear of death
With this I can carve a future for myself here living a slice of life and adventure. If I still age then entering the world of dreams from time to time should stall Lord Death.

Did the older version have more quests?


>But its fun

Post Worm 5

Then yeah, the plug works for that.

5? I didn't knew that existed, someone please post it.

Its all fun and games until someone rips apart all 11 dimensions of reality.

>Beauty Stacy
>Youngster Joey
>Primal Palkia

It's me, this lady, this idiot. and Flying Banana Dinosaur against a... god of space-time.

Honestly? This is gonna be a pretty sweet win. I'm going to teach Joey about F.E.A.R.

The mail breaker is just a weapon I figure Duwall himself would be very fond of. Easily underestimated until it finds a weak joint in the armour. As for the character, I think Duwall has enough friends and followers that a fanatic would be a definite possibility, though if the character was a little too gung-ho, Duwall would likely try to calm him down a bit.

Hmmm, I hadn't considered absorption as a thing.
I don't think those powers should add up to it, but go ahead and say they do for now. I'll add that as a legit option that the next time I do an update.

We doing this now?

Gotta catch my pokefu Mawile
Best girl forever and always
>Imposter Oak


> Shiny Magikarp.
> Valarie.
> She looks on in horror as I stand atop a burning car, half naked, and screaming unthinkable profanities.
> Turns to run and steps on Magikarp.
> It stare at her expressionlessly quietly whispering all the ways it wants to kill her.



D did absolutely nothing wrong.
Genesis is too mentally retarded to be punished for his actions because he did wrong.
Empty did everything wrong.

>He removed a loli getting raped.
>He didn't remove Amew getting raped.

For what purpose?

Are there any cyoas where I can gain a lot of power, such as in pick related? If so, post as many as you can and I'll try and make builds for all of them (no traveller; don't have time for that long but good thing.)

Amew being raped has been canon since she was included. Flafnir getting raped had only been added in the recent update, and had no important to the story or any other bit of information in the CYOA.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am about to embark on a project which may or may not be fake that in doing it on newgrounds, YouTube and kick starter and it's called "chosen's quest to jump into adventure" and it's inspired by the likes of penn zero part time hero, docter who, kingdom hearts, kamen rider decade, all the capcom vs series, super smash bros, fusion fall, Lego dimensions, mushroom kingdom fusion, Star Trek, power rangers timeforce, heroes of the storm, play station all stars battle royal, dreammix TV world fighter, back to the future, that one episode of family guy called road to the multiverse, the new 52, dragonball xenoverse, captain N the game master, teenage mutant ninja turtles portal power, final fantasy, nick toons unite, the perpetual testing initiative portal DLC, super robot wars, the futuristic world of Hanna-barbera, rifts, the flash, red dwarf, stargate, once upon a time, the dark tower, last action hero and all those's jumpchain's

Hopefully it will be worth the wait and it will last for up to 7 seasons

bonuses asian investor
genre action, comedy, fantasy, mystery, satire and sci-fi

merchandising generic toy, model kits, limited edition, girl figurines, scratch marker, video games, audio drama, manga sidestory and home video extra material

primary atributes
story 7
animation 7
design 7
music 7

secondary attributes
show length 7
fanservice 10
casting 7
advertising 7
staff quality 7

Theme intro

Theme outro