Post images or ideas about creative weapons, devices, entities or events that can end settings and turn them into post-apocalypse worlds; I need ideas and inspiration for my new campaign

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Now this is how welfare should be distributed.

1. Learn to predict an earthquake.
2. Trick the enemy army to go there at that time
4. Profit

So do you want a BBEG that is working on an apocalypse level event or BBEG caused triggered an apocalyptic event and now the PCs are in a post-apocalypse world?

Disease is always my favorite because it's the most likely to happen after global warming.

Not just the zombie plague, because that's been done to death and makes no sense, but like a "black plague" scenario in which 2/3 of the population is wiped out over a decade and centralized society collapses.

You could have the ban on chemical warfare lifted for some reason, then take it to the extreme.

Steelhead will always be the best Metabaron.

Mass cosmological transcendence happens. A trigger of some sort causes most of humanities consciousness to "escape" the universe.

People left behind have no idea what happened and probably think it was the rapture or something. Also weird psychic powers exist.

Earth is beset by cosmic dark matter energy that cause all electrically operated devices to malfunction and become useless. Chaos, disease, and famine ensue.

I've run only one post-apocalyptic fantasy game and the apocalypse happened when enormous beasts which the gods had made ran rampant and devoured their masters. Divine kaiju were everywhere.

Two words: Mole men.