I need music for a campaign I'm running. I mostly put together YT playlists but they feel mediocre and 1 or 5 hr mixes or whatever are cancer.
What do?
Typical high fantasy/demon setting if that matters.
I need music for a campaign I'm running. I mostly put together YT playlists but they feel mediocre and 1 or 5 hr mixes or whatever are cancer.
What do?
Typical high fantasy/demon setting if that matters.
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>Typical high fantasy/demon setting if that matters.
I mean, I can just throw random music at you that I like that has no thematic bearing if it *doesn't* matter. Otherwise, you're going to have to get more detailed about your setting.
What environment are you fighting the demons in? Cold? Hot? WoD? How many demons are there? Hunting one really badass demon? Fighting an army? An infinite legion? How desperate is the struggle. Do you want grimdark or nobledark?
Was just wondering if there were any good general sources to find stuff for a variety of situations, because I feel like mine are shit.
As far as specific setting, it's generally centered around The Abyss, so lots of shadowy and mindless types of demons slowly attempting to claw their way into the material plane.
Players jumped into the first demon portal they found straight into a demi-plane of The Abyss, so needless to say things are heating up. They are level 9 (5E), so they might survive.
For more specific things... The demiplane is fairly strong and sustained by one fairly powerful demon seeking to use it to create a sustainable "bridge" into the material plane. Players kill him then the demiplane begins to fall apart and they can either come up with something interesting, or they stay and take stupid amounts of force damage as they get shunted back to the material plane, or they move deeper into the rabbit hole and end up in the Abyss, which is gonna be a hordes of demons sort of thing as they try to climb out of it and find a way out, or to a more hospitable plane.
Yeah I know outer plane lore. But that doesn't really help answer the question.
1) Describe the plane they are on, as you would to them. Is it a fetid demon swamp, like Demogorgons? A dark undergroud cave full of ooze lords? A fiery hellscape like the surface of Venus? Or a cold desolate wasteland? Is there just a crapton of thunder and storms? Or are we looking at undead hordes like Orcus?
Give me colors, sounds, and temperatures.
2) What tone is this game? Is the party composition paladins et al? Do they think they're going to win or do they think they're going to die fighting the good fight? Or are they just mercs looking for something for a mission or Punisher types out for revenge?
One is a paladin that is pretty directly motivated but the others have their own reasons for being involved.
It's pretty much a dark shadowy endless ravine. Caverns, stone bridges between the two sides that are miles apart, fissures on the walls, and shadowy demons roaming and occasionally being pulled into the bottomless shadowy depths of the ravine. Pic related. Yes I know that's minecraft but it's the closest thing I found with a 2m google search.
They seem to be prioritizing escape, having pretty much unanimously agreed that jumping into a demon portal is a bad idea, but they (mostly pally) are also putting importance in destroying the demiplane or something along those lines.
They're in a very deep and pervasive shadowy cavern lit sparsely by these purple altars that had a bad tendency to shoot beams of necrotic energy at them. Meanwhile shadow demons were playing hit and run/hide tactics abusing the party's limited vision in the magical darkness. They just fended off a fairly large amount of said demons when all the altars flared, illuminating most of the cavernous room and heralding the entrance of a flying demon wreathed in shadow who is the one powering the demiplane essentially. Party thinks they are beyond fucked. One player has prepared a new character just in case. I think they have a chance with one or two crits from the dealers, otherwise at least one person is going to die. Not unconscious die but actually die and maybe become an eternal shadow slave die.
Dunno if I can put more detail into it than that.
Yes, the source is cancer but I feel it fits darkish fantasy
HS and Toby Fox doesn't seem dark enough to fit the theme though.
This is what I use for dark abyss:
Other shit by Malice Mizer is sometimes workable too:
There's two in particular that are fantastic abyss music but I don't have Jap characters enabled on this computer to find them for you.
Ah, found what I was looking for by checking their discography.
Hirasawa's darker-sounding tracks for Berserk sound like they'll fit.
Music from the Souls series as well.
if OP's sated can i humbly steal this thread to request not-so-excitable eastern-themed music? stuff to play in teahouses and when watching fishing boats come to port with your kung-fu teacher. all i ever find is fighty music and it's a bummer.
Without any further context, I basically just googled "calm chinese music"
Forget all their anime trash, OP. What you gotta do is go open up The Planets by Gustav Holst. Each movement is dedicated to a different planet (and by extension the classical god), so they all correspond to different tones. So, you can get used to all that and switch between movements for when the game switches tones. For instance, you might want to play Mars for a boss battle, or Mercury for when the players make a daring escape.
I've been doing this for awhile and it's great. Though for stuff like this you probably also want to have one or two 'normal' tracks, for when the players are just bartering or whatever.
You know how I know your music sucks? Because you feel the need to be a smug faggot about it.
Well, what do you play in your games?
i exclusively play babymetal albums
good enough, man. i'd go into the nuances of exalted's setting to irk you about that but really i just was looking for stuff to comfortably sit in the background and -not- pop out at me.
Uhh, that's kinda strange. I don't see the problem, I think the whole Planets thing is a really versatile way to play music in your games.
my problem is that the entire suite is one hour long and games tend to last long enough to run the suite 4 and a half times. y'need playlists for times like those.
Did you read what I said? I wasn't suggesting you just play the whole thing through behind the session.
Just for the record, the guy you're responding to is not Mostly, I object to how incredibly pretentious you come off comparing your classical "movements" to "anime trash" (which only one recommendations came from anime- Berserk).
Dragon's Dogma's soundtrack has some good nuggets as did the Ultima X soundtrack if you can track that one down.
So, you're one of those guys who thinks people who like and promote classical music are inherently pompous? I mean, I didn't even present it that way. And if it's the 'anime is trash' comment, that's pretty normal for Veeky Forums, don't take it personally.
>pinwheel ost
Man, that shit is so creepy. If you listen closely to the whispers you can hear "I'm so sorry", "It's all your fault" and "Help me". I'm always glad that I finally put the family to rest.