What are the odds Amonkhet, the new plane from Wizards of The Coast's Magic: The Gathering card game will be full of space niggers?
Mtg shitposting
imagine in a thousand years a nigger finds it and use it as proof that he wuz space kangz
We call them Jaffa, user.
And it will be full of Bolas.
Amonkhet will be full of fuck and awesome, you shut your whore mouth
Odds would mean there is a chance it won't happen.
I bet after poo in loo chandra, and we wuz walkers they do some sorta Aztec shit or pacific islander.
Yeah just like Theros and BfZ
If Amonkhet features as many Gods as Theros, I'll be happy with it.
Hell, if they just had a BW Not!Anubis God to go with Athreos, I'll be over the moon.
Yeah, absolute shame for a something based on a North African/Middle Eastern country. Total shock, really.
Shouldn't it be full of space sandniggers, rather than space niggerniggers, then?
There is that ongobongo plane in planechase thats african jungle with dinosaurs
Lizards, user, thereare no Dinosaurs in MtG.
Save Old Fogey.
>the Egyptian half has lighter skin
Deep down, he knows.
>Ugin, aka the Colorless Overseer, goes to Amonkhet to resume his oppression of the black man to fuel his de-negrofication of the multiversity, one colorless Honkey Titan per plane
>Nicol "The Black Sun" Bolas challenges him to a game for all the souls of all negros
>Ugin shuffles his deck of cards and sends the Uber cracker Jace "Living Jim Crow Law" Beleren and Gideon "I Send Darkies to War" Jura to spread his creed
>Bolas incarnates as Nicol Ra and seeks to awaken the minds of the downtrodden to how the colorless man prostitutes, enslaves, and dick-shrinks them
>In the end he even saves the bitches Liliana and Chandra, but they cannot take their whiteness with them
>The game ends with Liliana and Chandra 's whiteness spitting on the broken and dickless male Walkera while Bolas Ra ascends in his Dragon Ark into the Blind Eternities
>Kaladesh Explodes
>Space jazz is played at high volume during the entirety of Pro Tour: Johannesburg
I thought this was preview art for a split second card for a moment.
>How we have fallen," he said. "Once, we were gods...
>Bolas, Liliana's Origin
Nicol Bolas confirmed for going to Amonkhet to regain his former powers.
>No dinos
Deathmist Raptor
Bitch as much as you want, but that IS a pretty good piece.
It's a Lizard. Same as Imperiosaur.
There's only one Dinosaur in all of magic.
Okay now it's officially a shitposting thread, you're welcome.
Damn, that nigga draws good.
His master must be very proud.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the left side taking place on a bright and sunny day in fucking EGYPT.
Quick combat question, if I attack my opponent with a creature and they decide to not block can I then cast spells like mutagenic growth, assault strobe, ect. on it?
might as well be alt art for take possession
You can cast instants after no blocks are declared
In short, combat goes like this:
Before combat stuff triggers
At the beginning of combat stuff triggers
Attacking player declares attackers
Players can cast stuff
Defending player declares and assigns blockers
Players can cast stuff
First strike damage is dealt
Regular damage is dealt
End of combat stuff triggers
I'm not a judge, so I probably fucked something up, but that's the gist of it
i always forget what awful people you are
>Wizard put black people in not ancient greece
>/pol/ get triggered, shitpost on Veeky Forums and say it's not because they are racist but because of "historical accuracy"
>Wizard put white people in not india
>nearly no shitpost about that
>Wizard will put some black in Amonkhet
>/pol/ will get triggered again and will still say it's not because they are racist.
There is nothing wrong with "racism" by the contemporary definition. Every person looks out for their interests, and it is often beneficial for the individual to adopt a tribal identity for the sake of protection/social class/whatever else. Admonishing a person for racism is the same as admonishing them for self-respect and love of the self.
I don't get your point.
No one complained about race in Kaladesh, if anything brown people were expected to be a majority, as was the case with asians in Tarkir.
Considering how much Theros was inspired by Greek mythology and themes, the black people were somewhat out of place. That was even more so the case in Innistrad, which is clearly heavily inspired in gothic horror and Europe.
Black people don't belong as space Egyptians as much as white blue eyed people don't.
>nearly no shitpost about that
An amusing contrast to Reddit, where it went:
black people on Innistrad
>bla bla inclusivity bla bla Heimdall bla bla making people feel welcome bla bla colour not important
White people on Kaladesh (despite being in previous Kaladesh art)
> Briefly thought it was an art preview
The guy's got good technique, I'll give him that, but I think he failed to grasp that Egyptians also used a shitload of slaves.
How the fuck do you forget that? Do you forget your family's names, too? Is this some Alzheimer's shit?
Well, there were some discoveries about how the pyramide weren't build by slave but by farmer who worked voluntarily during the flooding of the Nil.
While I understand the point he's trying to make, weren't the vast majority of slaves taken in the slave trade from west Africa?
It's the whole thing were lots of people think all of Africa is this small desert with one single monolithic people.
It's really, really stupid.
Don't you dare say African-Americans don't have the blood of kings and queens running through their veins!
I mean there were kings and queens in West Africa, quite a few decently sized kingdoms and empires.
Problem is the kings and queens weren't the ones being sold into slavery and put on boats. That was all their peasants and their enemies' peasants
It will be full of trannies, gays, and forced diversity.
>No one complained about race in Kaladesh
>implying people haven't been complaining about how all the rebels are brown and the oppressors are pale, sometimes based on preview art alone and speculation
As a statement of fact, "No one complained about race in Kaladesh" is fucking wrong. I don't give a shit if you're "exaggerating," either, because there is no way to spin around the fact that you have stated something that is not true.
If I was concerned about it perfectly reflecting reality I'd have been sperging over the headdress. As it stands, my beef was more with the fact that 1)It's about as conceptually subtle as a sledgehammer to the face 2) It winds up contradicting the point he's trying to make
>slavery ruined us, slavery is bad
>Before slavery we used to be kings who made a great civilization and world wonders
>which wouldn't have been impossible without a shitload of slaves
Unless what says is true, in which case disregard all that.
Is is true though? Are all the villains white?
>Historical precedent with a planeswalker becoming a god with Xenagos
Are your butts ready for a Nicol Bolas god card?
No have you seen the WB legend? He's Indian as fuck
I mean maybe they're all color pie white, but that's just because white's desire for law and order makes it a good oppressive regime color
>Are all the villains white?
>saying that when Chandra is the block protagonist.
I just want Shard 'n Wedge gods for Amonkhet. Is that too much to ask?
What about when racism is clearly an impediment to rational thinking, e.g., hiring Johnny "Cousinfucker" Redneck over a professional brown person? Discrimination based on factors like race is a bias that harms critical reasoning, which is why it's a bad idea to be racist. It's the same as calling someone judgmental, short-sighted, biased, etc.
Additionally and more broadly, your last claim is basically "Not second-guessing yourself is good for your self-esteem." That might be true, but it's still a really fucking stupid idea if, for example, your first thought is to put a toaster on a pool float so you can make breakfast and have a swim at the same time.
In that, case, yeah, I WOULD admonish somebody for trusting themselves or their irrational "self-love," because they're fucking morons and their unwavering belief in their gut feeling is going to get themselves harmed.
No, but when preview art of the various "diverse" plane residents showed up, and the pale group looked kind of shady, our friendly neighborhood skinheads all did their noble best to point out that this was only further evidence of Wizards' sinister SJW agenda of "printing black people on pieces of cardboard."
it's propaganda. Complaining that it's historically dishonest is like complaining that water is wet. You seriously need to get the chip off your shoulder. I know this is a difficult time in your life but people are allowed to have different opinions, even if they are stupid and those opinions are wrong. Just step back and realize that what they do has less than zero impact on your life.
So Racism in Magic is just as much a domain of Black as it is White, it's just Black is more honest about it.
"All villains are white" isn't logically denied by "Some heroes are white". You were looking for "all white are villains".
First of, fuck off back to /pol/.
>. Every person looks out for their interests
There's a difference in looking out for your own interests and actively shitting on someone else.
> and it is often beneficial for the individual to adopt a tribal identity for the sake of protection/social class/whatever else
And why should "tribe" be derived from genes. In the modern era where ideas and talent get you farther than just straight up nepotism?
Anyone know of good MTG youtube channels? I am bored but don't feel particularly energetic, so, you know, passive activities.
Pygmy Allosaur
With the two set a block model the most likely thing is that they make shard Gods in Amokhet and wedge Gods in Hour of Devastation because if they made either people would immediately ask for the other.
If we only get one set of 5 I'm fairly confident it'd be shard Gods because Nicol himself is Grixis and he's considered the supreme ruler of the plane.
I have the feeling they'd rather keep Gods contained to as few planes as possible, so when we get them they do feel special. They at least need Amonkhet because introducing 10 more gods in Theros would make things far too complicated, but they might never do gods outside of those two.
If they do though I hope its Kaladesh that gets Gods. Its got the right setting for it, with Gods as the conscious manifestation of Aether.
Plus, Hindu Gods are the coolest of them all, who wpuldn't want to kick ass with Jeskai Shiva.
Yeah, pyramids and shit were built by farmers during the time of the year they couldn't cultivate the land due to flooding.
... Which doesn't they didn't also use a huge workforce of slaves consistent of convictes criminals, war prisoners, born slaves and the like, they very much did.
The pyramid had to be built by someone while there were no willing farmers.
You could cast mutagenic growth but no assault strobe. Sorcery spells can only be cast during your main phase when the stack is empty, instants can be played anytime you have priority.
>Wizard put white people in not india
>nearly no shitpost about that
What sort of Kaladesh threads are you reading? I'd certainly love to post in one of those instead because as far as I can tell they don't exist.
>people are allowed to be wrong and should not be corrected
>>>/anywhere but here/
Wedge and shard sets
Ever again
Wizards dont want 3-4 color decks in standard again, they wiuld need to teprint fetches and or pain/shock lands and nobody wants that
So, rather than use our good old Western morality, adopt the Islamic one, right?
But egypt was full of trannies gay and forced diversity .
The oldest gay slash fiction dates to Ancinet egypt.
>Nicol Bolas god card
FUCK YES. as long as it isn't as boring as most of the theros gods or the new kozilek.
Fetches and shocks are something that should be reprinted into the ground. I'm talking the $1-5 range. Land has absolutely no place being a pseudo entry fee to playing Modern. All it does is encourage people to use proxies.
I'd love to see a reprint of the zendikar fetchlands so that they'll be the same price as the khans fetchlands. Standard is always going to be one deck that will perform the best. If it isn't three colored it's going to be two colored or one colored. They print dual lands with every new set anyways so who cares. also having to spend over 60$ on one fucking scalding tarn is silly.
> Black people don't belong as space Egyptians as much as white blue eyed people don't.
They are literally Caucasians. Blue eyes were also known to occur among them. Well more specifically the Jews. There's a bunch of blue eyed chinks because Alexander the Great left a bunch of Jews behind in China and the Emperor decreed that they couldn't marry each other and had to integrate.
So I mean, having white blue eyed people is actually more historically accurate. They just would be a minority.
I hear he's going to make him a Journeyman soon.
ay my dudes...
downloaded xmage on friday. been downloading card images from magiccards.info for 2 days straight
i think it's frozen or stuck at 23959/27519
anyway to get the last couple thousand cards downloaded? i don't think this has moved in the past 12-16 hours at all..
Try uninstalling it then doing the download again. That part of the installation takes 15 minutes at most normally.
It wasn't so much about "willing" farmers as something you had to do. It helped structure Egypt's society; the work on the pyramids was very sophisticated in terms of management and organization. The sub-sections of responsibility, work teams etc helped strengthen the core structure of the overarching society.
This is believed the be one of the reasons why ancient Egypt lasted as long as it did.
Also keep in mind that the pyramids weren't built at the same time, different ways of going about it (organizational structure, demography among workers) probably differed depending on which pyramid/what century we're talking about.
Aaand the source most widely known is the greek historian Herodotus, whose recordings iirc were re-interpretated a number of times by greek scholars and also contain some guesstimate numbers when it comes to work force on pyramids.
There actually are white people in India. Ain't no KANGZ in Romania.
Every single people on Earth has at some point had rulers among them. By definition, every people has the blood of kings and queens running through their veins.
>every people has the blood of kings and queens running through their veins.
that reminds me of the fact that 0,5% of men are related to Genghis Khan
Not who you replied to. But I kinda agree with both of you I think.
Believing that there are different races is not a bad thing in and on itself in my opinion. When you make irrational choices and judging individuals solely based on which race somebody belongs to is though.
Tried that a couple times. Also tried limiting number of threads to 1.
On le reddit I found an images torrent but no one is seeding it.
They don't actually know that for sure. The artisan hypothesis for pyramids is very controversial and still debated
Doesn't matter though because in general Egyptians had lots of slaves
ooh, someone had a dick in her mouth. :)
yes. epic win. thread is over.