Go/B/ Risk Thread

Read the map, then pick a
>Lord's/Lady's Name
We will be using the dice option:

Harlial Karstark

Claiming House Marbrand


House Frey


>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)





do i have to roll through my Northron sister houses or do i get implied passage??

no mup defense this game, but i will allow ceding should a leaderless faction wish to join up there. if you wish i will allow you to simply pass through as well, but only in certain circumstances

Your will is my command, demigod Freddy.

yeah in your case you are the only claimant to the king in the north and you need that stronghold so yeah bro
use dice

OP, Question:

Could a Lord Paramount rebel and declare themselves king of whichever pre-Targaryen conquest kingdom they rule over? Like, could House Arryn declare themselves King of Mountain and Vale? Or the Baratheons declaring themselves Stormkings, etc. etc?

I know the rules don't say so, but I'm curious anyway.

Rolled 97353 (1d99999)

We invade Bolton territory and move to claim tentative the rights of the Lord Paramount in the North. We ask for recognition from the old and noble House Targaryen, they being the rightful rulers of Westeros.

Rolled 61191 (1d99999)

Targaryen>sail from dragon stone to the north and march south east to kings landing.
As the only active player with a claim to the throne, I ask for someone, any lord or lady of Westeros, to ally with me.

Rolled 81583 (1d99999)

March south and seize the lands around Casterly Rock. We shall be the true Lords of the West!

not on this particular map... could do it on age of heros i suppose.

Rolled 56287 (1d99999)

Ready troops for the invasion Corbray

Might you consider an alliance with house Targaryen and back our claim?

We would be honored to stand beside House Targaryen, and support their claim to the throne.

Rolled 54283 (1d99999)

Sacrifice House Harlaw to the Drowned God

>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Round 2
>5 players and allying so early :^(

Shame, that would have been neat. Probably all sorts of balance issues with that, though.

Rolled 61202 (1d99999)

continue our march toward kings landing.
we are honored, but lets see how things play out
if we have your backing for the crown, we will give you the autonomy you seek as long as you help us conquer the entire south.

Rolled 95514 (1d99999)

What business do you have in the Vale, Riverlander? Return to your lands in peace.

Cut through Arryn towards Corbray

>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 1307 (1d99999)

Conquer Corbray lands!

Rolled 99025 (1d99999)

Finish isolating Casterly Rock. If we have strength left, we will seize more of the Lannister countryside.

Invest all of Bolton's Ts. Any spill into Manderly.

Rolled 6333 (1d99999)

Take over Iron Isles
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Rolled 2031 (1d99999)

>tfw your house is too shitty for the Targaryens to ally

Round 3
Karstark supplies never arrived so they were halted Edition :^)

Take Bolton Ts.

Their colour bothers me, and who may you be, random house """leader"""
Surround Heart's Home

Rolled 56580 (1d99999)

its not you, its me... we simply want everything south of the neck to be red
March on King's landing and spill more neutral tiles

Rolled 57786 (1d99999)

Rolled 81829 (1d99999)


Rolled 41934 (1d99999)

Prepare our forces to take Casterly Rock. Should our assembled might be lacking, we will continue to occupy Lannister lands.

Rolled 50931 (1d99999)

Siege the Ten Towers
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Rolled 95250 (1d99999)

I am the Defender of the Vale until Lord Arryn decides to grace us with his presence.

Surround Heart's Home, spills to remove Frey from Vale

heads up: if siege fails because the roll is lacking the roll is wasted

>We simply want everything south of the neck

Well, at least you're honest.

Well, you can defend Arryn and Royce until Lord Arryn returns and such.

Ah, gotcha. Oh well, that roll wasn't great anyway.

Rolled 98342 (1d99999)

Perhaps your maester failed to teach you how to read properly as a child. I defend the Vale ... which includes House Corbray.
>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Round 5
War breaks out in the Vail
and rolls are real time so if someone pushes you away from the stronghold before you roll to siege that roll is automatically transformed into "surround the city again"

Rolled 41237 (1d99999)

Continue the invasion of Bolton Lands...

Rolled 40406 (1d99999)

Remove Frey from the Vale

>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 56651 (1d99999)

we use our bonus to add 2 to our roll and attempt to siege King's landing

Rolled 42968 (1d99999)

>I roll 9, he rolls 0
>he overpowers me
Conquer Corbray

Casterly Rock is proving more resilient than we had anticipated. We shall leave them to starve for now, and will focus on securing more Lannister lands.

Rolled 97031 (1d99999)

>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

he rolled last

Rolled 61549 (1d99999)




Well done, Lord Maxwell.

Round 6
and should have sieged edition

Rolled 66182 (1d99999)

Take final Bolton T and invest Manderly.

Rolled 89237 (1d99999)

Siege King's Landing

Rolled 80439 (1d99999)

Siege Ten Towers please?!?!?
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Rolled 766262 (1d999999)

Invade Blackwood lands
Keep the Vale, it has no significance to me anyways

Rolled 30332 (1d99999)

OOC: The power of please, eh?

Push the Riverlanders back to the Trident
>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 22887 (1d99999)

>Try siege once, fail horribly
>"Fuck it, I'll get it later"
>Get a 9 next roll

I don't want to talk about it.

Try to take The Rock once more

Thank you, Lord Karstark. May your rolls be just as successful.

Round 7

So you shall leave peacefully and cede me your holdings in the Vale or do I need to claim them by force?
>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 56817 (1d99999)

Siege King's Landing

Rolled 44144 (1d99999)

Take Manderly Ts.

Tis nothing. How do you feel about the Dragon House? His entreaties were sweet, but the North remembers...

Rolled 7752 (1d99999)

March troops to surround Raventree hall, and take territories.
start rolling boyo

5D pali... too beautiful... should have sent a bard... *manly sniffs*

If spill, into the unclaimed Ts above the Moat.

Shipping down to the Arbour!
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Rolled 65167 (1d99999)

Wow, here is my dice roll

Rolled 1912 (1d99999)


Continue with the removal of the Freys
>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 34252 (1d99999)

Continue the siege of The Rock.

As the only current claimants to the Iron Throne, there is some value in working with them, not against.

...However, our view of them was somewhat dimmed by their most humiliating and demeaning rejection of our offer of aid.

so its last digit value plus 2 for 4D. i will do last digit value plus 3 for 5D

NP bae

redwyne lands in the reach

I hope you know where the Vale ends

Round 8

Rolled 39727 (1d99999)

I guess we'll find out if my maester was a better teacher than yours in due time.

Keep pushing them back
>Lord Radley, the Rogue of House Royce, Lord of Runestone and Defender of the Vale
>We Remember (Inactive)

Rolled 12026 (1d99999)

The siege drags on.

Rolled 38393 (1d99999)

Use our bonus, and in the name of old Valyria siege King's Landing!
>+2 this round, 2/3 for this thread used.

Rolled 93339 (1d99999)

More Manderly Ts.

Rolled 22876 (1d99999)

Take Blackwood lands

>Holy shit your rolls this game

b2b 5D palis

meanwhile Targaryen has rolled 7 both times they did not use their bonus of +2

Rolled 22344 (1d99999)

Siege The Arbour
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

Round 9

Rolled 41394 (1d99999)

Siege the Moat!

Rolled 91574 (1d99999)

We continue staring at the walls of Casterly Rock, waiting patiently for some magical force to knock them down.

Rolled 78166 (1d99999)

Siege King's Landing for House Targaryen, the purest of bloodlines, the most worth of the crown.

Rolled 93082 (1d99999)

Siege Raventree

Rolled 38348 (1d99999)

Siege the Arbour please
>Lord Reaper Urrigon Greyjoy of Pyke, Son of the Sea Wind.
>Bonus: Reavers, WDNS (1/1)

House Royce?

Rolled 37546 (1d99999)

Sorry. Was busy

Finish the removal of the Freys and make for the Crossing.

Round 10
A bunch of failed sieges on one successful.

Rolled 43589 (1d99999)

Siege the Moat!


Use the Elderberries!!!