I came here to cast Terminate and Lightning Bolt.
And that is exactly what I'm going to do.
Thoughts on today's / recent spoilers?
I came here to cast Terminate and Lightning Bolt.
And that is exactly what I'm going to do.
Thoughts on today's / recent spoilers?
Other urls found in this thread:
I really expected them to spoil the red Gearhulk at last but they barely spoiled anything!, what was it, 3 rares, 3 uncommons total?, That's not much to talk about.
When will we have the full spoiler?, This monday or next?
Im going to fling my thopter onto everything!
[Spoiler]Of course i'll also disintegrate him in your face![/spoiler]
Next Friday, I believe.
Shouldn't adding red to murder make it strictly worse since red is the color of being strictly worse than black?
If I don't get a good planeswalker kill spell like dreadbore or Heroes Downafall I'm taking a break from standard
Being paired with other colors or artifacts is when Red is allowed to be good.
I called BR control being a thing and this is slotting perfectly into my vessel brew.
>4 chandra
>4 vessel
>3 Lili
>2 ob
>some combo of live fast / die young
>collective defiance / brutality
I'd there a program I can use to play test with kaladesh spoilers or should I proxy some cards.
>if you control an artifact
Do they truly believe a RB1 card that kills a creature and deals 3 damage to its controller would be too OP without this condition?
are you trolling, because most of those cards are good and Vessel is the awful and makes your deck strictly worse.
Or are you just being dumb.
>All the gud red and black walkers, together with as much removal as possible
so you just want to ult all your walkers?
>wah i wanna play with no creatures so I can interact with my opponents cards without them being able to interact with mine :(((((((
you'll get your draw-go control back when other colors besides U can interact with spells on the stack
Why do other colours need to interact with the stack? Where's blue's faceburn? Where's blue's removal? Where's blue's big efficient creatures? Oh wait those are what OTHER colours do.
>Comparing normal mechanics to blue having an entire part of the game to itself.
Self-unaware blue players everyone.
Blue being the only one to play with the stack is like making black the only color that can touch the graveyard, white the only color that can fly, and red the only color that gets non-counterspell instants while everything else has to make due with sorceries.
An entire part to itself? Fuck right off. Counterspells are literaly just removal for any spell that are dead if the card has already resolved. A hand full of counters won't save you from a board of creatures. Blue isn't getting some magical win-all tool with counterspells.
temur+tainted strike is a modern ready combo
>Wheres blue removal?
>Wheres blues faceburn?
Psionic Blast - 2u Psionic Blast deals 4 damage to target creature or player and 2 damage to you.
Where's blues big efficient creatures?
Pic related
there are more eficient creatures like sphinx'es or leviathan's, and more face-burn / removal in blue, just google for it.
Counterspells, spell redirection, and general stack control is all just for blue. That's an entire area of the game, just like the battlefield, graveyard, or Exile
I didn't say big creatures, I said efficient ones. You're literally complaining that counterspells are too good when blue noncreatures see almost no play in standard.
>Where's blue's big efficient creatures?
you literally asked for big creatures. there a a enormous amount of small efficient creatures in blue too, but im not gonna look them up for you, since its 5 in the morning here, and im tired.
also I never complained about counterspells being too good, i just provided examples of the things you said blue's not having.
different guy, but interacting with the stack isn't necessary, but playing with no permanents other than land means that you can't be interacted with outside of Blue and Black. Black because of discard.
Blue can, and does, get counterspells, but they aren't cheap and easy enough that they can prevent interaction.
Combo is still allowed, and happens, but it uses permanents. Control exists (it's not go enough to compete in the current standard meta, but that shifts. It's been less than a year, calm your tits).
Control doesn't get to say that the other side can't interact back. That's why they give it sorceries, planeswalkers, etc. So you have to occasionally do things on your turn, so the opponent has a chance to interact.
>3cmc instant to destroy target creature and bolt a player or planeswalker
Good card
just off the top of my head for efficient blue creatures (not talking about standard):
Tromokratis (7 mana for 8/8 with upside)
Consecrated Sphinx (6 mana for 4/6 flier with huge upside)
Docent of perfection (5 mana for 5/4 flier with upside)
Blue is the only color besides some cards in red that has access to the stack. Negate is an amazing card and blue players are spoiled enough with busted cards to complain that such a powerful card isnt good enough
every color should have something like negate that can respond to abilities or spells on the stack, which would make the game better by adding more complexity for each color
there's a huge reason why blue is the best color in the game by far, and counterspells are a huge part of that
Which is why standard has been broken for the last few years. This year it's 40% Company, last year it was 40% Meme Rhino. This shit makes the UWx control of RTR-THS look like a fun balanced deck.
easy solution: give counterspells or things like counterspells to each color
then we can play control in any color we want
blue will have their tempo/card advantage strategies because of their card draw, and other colors get to interact with decks that don't run any permanents
easy solution
>Tromokratis (7 mana for 8/8 with upside)
Saw no play, was a laughing stock.
>Consecrated Sphinx (6 mana for 4/6 flier with huge upside)
Was printed like 6 years ago nigger what the fuck.
>Docent of perfection (5 mana for 5/4 flier with upside)
Sees no play.
And are you SERIOUSLY saying that Negate is somehow warping blue? It's a limited 1 for 1. Did you start playing in BFZ or something holy shit.
>Thinking whether or not they see tournament play means they're not efficient.
That said, you're pretty stupid about this too.
Well, red has redirection and copying, green has uncounterable... give white more tax counters and black is the only color without stack interaction, and given the other things black has access to that seems fair enough to me.
you asked for efficient creatures, I gave you efficient creatures
the fact that efficient creatures don't see play says more about the busted nature of the color than anything else, insofar that it can win by playing almost no permanents, which is incredibly safe due to how difficult it is to interact with
negate is not warping blue, it's just an example of a card that every other color would kill to have, but blue players dismiss it because they are so spoiled in their options of being able to say "no" to whatever spell they want
>given the other things black has access to
Like its complete inability to interact with artifacts or enchantments?
t: salty mono black EDH player
40% of a field being a deck isn't that terrible. Not the best, but under 50% is normal. Caw-blade was a broken standard. Affinity was a broken standard. What's going on now is being subpar.
Right now the other part is Ramp, and delirium decks which are on more controlling midrange decks.
And While Rhino was really good, control decks existed in that format and one tournaments.
And even as you pointed out, the distortion was caused by a view overpushed cards, not because draw-go isn't pushed as an archetype. Dominant Draw-go makes it harder for their to be varied responses to it.
no, that's the bad solution. Control has worked in recent years, and it's used counterspells in recent years.
I was thinking more discard and creature-kill, the former especially (Gets rid of the spells a step earlier than counters do), though, I'll admit that that's a fair point.
So... increase the umber of discard spells black gets while we're at it, make it a party.
uncounterable is just as bad. it just mindlessly prevents interaction from blue cards, but blue still has tuck effects and bounce so it's not all that bad
it was just an off the top of the head suggestion. just give the other colors some way to interact with cards on the stack
white already has disruption for cards in the hand in terms of its tax effects
specifically referring to the stack, an area of the game that only U and specific cards in R have the ability to touch unlike every other area of the game which is shared by each color
doesn't change the fact that B still can't interact with the stack and that discard spells aren't proactive when they cost more on average than counters, meaning that they will likely never resolve
a proactive solution doesn't work when it costs more than the reactive solution
black has discard, so can interact off the battlfield.
Green being uncounterable doesn't help them interact with things that never touch the battlefield.
The problem isn't counterspells, those can be okay, just like sweepers and cheap removal can be. Which is why those are still getting printed.
What's a problem is when a deck can say "no, you deck can't interact". A deck deciding it's not going to interact with the board for their gameplan is one thing, like say storm, or U/G crush.
But other decks need to be able to interact back, at least being able to pressure them.
That's why aggro red feeds on blue control. Which is a thing that happened last year.
Black usually simply doesn't discriminate on permanents, hence why no artifact specific interaction. You just have to wait for artifact sets for black to interact to them.
Yeah, black should get to have a bit more fun rather than get it's stuff taken away, it's identity is pretty strong now, no need to really dilute it.
Blue's "everything else" identity is really bad.
I feel black being the only one that doesn't go "time to fuck with the stack" fits nicely in the color. It just seems the color that crosses it's arms, says, go ahead and try, then kicks you in the gut for trying and failing to kill it.
So maybe more "When you're opponent resolves a spell (something beneficial for you or something harmful to your opponent)" for black.
>Black usually simply doesn't discriminate on permanents, hence why no artifact specific interaction.
Black totally discriminates on what permanents it kills. Black removes creatures and sometimes planeswalkers.
When black gets stuff that hits other things, it's combined with green or white. You know, the cards that are good at taking out artifacts and enchantments.
Where black doesn't discriminate, or at least not always, is in cards it takes out of the hand.
40% is horrific considering a good chunk of the field is always random outlying decks that got lucky. Remove 1-2% from every deck in the meta and see just how bad it is.
How ddead is MonoBlue right now?
Will they give uss another languish effect?
Oh, you meant removing. My bad. I was thinking of beneficial interactions, like tutoring or benefiting for having it on your side of the field.
Like black gets generic all tutors while blue and red gets artifact tutors for instance. In that case, yeah, black has a dearth of interacting with enchantments and artifacts.
Yeah, honestly I wish black got more effects like pic related in general.
What is Blue?
>PT Eldrich moon
this was a month ago.
Subtracting 2%
Bant 17%, G/B delirium 10%, WB control (hey look a control deck) 5%, Zombies (it did bad) 4.30 %.
Emerge decks, token decks, etc.
Dropping the outliers is what gets it up to 40%, not where it starts.
My bad,
I was asking bout monoblue prison deck for standard.
>how dead is Monocolored decks right now
Been dead for long time, Mana's too good for people not to at least splash in another color
>How dead is blue right now
It's showing up multi-colored decks quite a bit, but it's the dominant part of those decks (though a very important one).
It's weaker now than it was last year.
You already have Ruinous Path and To the Slaughter.
The new uncommon land will kill whatever's left of any desire to monocolor.
I'm so happy for the new land.
You don't need black style removal if you can prevent stuff from entering the battlefield. Efficient (not big, but effective) blue creatures:
TNM (one of the best creatures in the game)
Merfolk as a tribe
Color hate spells used to be a thing.
They need to be a thing again. The colors have been boiled down to their absolute basics for far too long.
Things need to be spiced up.
What game have you played recently? All of the current design problems comes from WotC trying to change a perfectly functioning (altough not perfect) color scheme by "spicing things up". Blue is kinda fine but has completely lost his color identity, red soon will and is already a mess, white and green are getting a shitload of new tools and black is completely neglected.
Green has lost cheap ramp.
Red lost efficient damage.
Blue lost omni-counters.
Black... well, their staple power is usually at rare or higher.
White's retained some of it's flavors, but usually moved up a power.
Part of it is that R&D seems terminally afraid of a high-power game, which is understandable. Legacy has a few turn 0-wins due to many cards working togather in ways they probably shouldn't. Or other swift wins having poorly thought out mechanics.
Then, you have even modern legal cards that can do silly things, because silly things.
Planeswalkers probably should never have been a thing, but that ship's long sailed.
The game is something of a zombie, kept upright more from innertial momentum than remaining interesting to play.
I'm upset right now that blue can't get good counterspells
But I'm more upset with Green completely overshadowing blue in the drawing cards and value department
And I'm not sure what there plan is for red since they refuse to give good hasty creatures and face burn for current standard
>The game is something of a zombie, kept upright more from innertial momentum than remaining interesting to play.
Is that why they make a larger profit with each set release?
>Blue lost omni-counters.
That's just wrong, it' just now they have a CMC of 3 instead of 2
Get fucked cuck, your fault you dont isochron scepter up a thoughtseize and start sculpting hands
Might want to read the cards you mention.
So like he said, blue lost omni-counters.
No, it didn't.
And cancel is a dead cards all of the time. Blue needs more remand and unsubstantiate effects. There are too many uncounterable effects printed and blue needs to be punished for only playing on the opponents m1-m2 instead of using their turn and the opponents eot like everyone else.
>Stick a straight kill spell and a bolt on a 3 mana instant
>apply no conditions
user, you do realize how good bolt is, correct?
user, you do realize how good kill spells are, correct?
user, are you familiar with kolaghan's command, taking eternals by storm with its combination of removal and burn?
user, do you think this card would be ok with better removal and better burn than kolaghan's?
Tg being bad at magic as always
This is not true. Limited is keeping the game alive and well, kinda. The problems are constructed formats.
Market researches show counterspells are toxic, and WotC fears green and red are too tied to the simple mechanics of "ramping" and "burning".
Overall I think the dilemma is that WotC clearly wants to engineer a game that for years "designed itself", aka stayed true to its original schemes and conventions (black does mean shit, blue cares about spells, green ramps into big shit and similar things) simply because they worked and there were no reasons to change them. Thus decisions such as depowering blue, the best color overall because of card advantage, giving more complexity to green, giving red a reason to be other that lightning bolt and cheap hasty creatures. There would be no problems with all of this, if only WotC actually knew how to exactly engineer their game. I feel like WotC severely underestimate playtesting. They do a great job for limited, but for standard they just care about not making particularly broken things, and they admittedly give no shit about modern (they even willingly unbalance it, like they did with OGW and eldrazi winter, in order to sell more packs). So, their design policies are aimed to perfect a game already great, but since they're just crafted theories and are not backed by serious testing, they just unbalance and ruin a game that could litterally be designed by a bot and still have decent constructed formats. They really should involve the pro community in the design process, for more insightful feedback and better playtesting. WotC may know their game best, but they're far from being the best players.
blue is the best color in the game because of cantrips, actually.
>Where's blue's faceburn
Not recent but you have Psionic Blast and Prodigal Sorcerer
>Where's blue's big efficient creatures
Just in the last set blue got Elder Deep-Fiend.
> Where's blue's removal
Imprisoned in the Moon, Pongify. Also you have some indirect one like bouncing a creature to counterspell it after
Blue also get conditional mana dork like Qarsi Deceiver, Curious Homunculus or Cultivator Drone
Most of the best blue decks in Legacy and modern use counterspells to protect creatures on the board, actually. If you want to talk about "In Magic" generically, those would be the formats to look.
>a game that could litterally be designed by a bot and still have decent constructed formats
Wow, you're not wrong.
>involve the pro community in the design process
I am absolutely not vouching for Wizards, just contesting the idea that the top players would be better because they're top players.
Yes it did though.
Unplayable cards don't count.
And a Google search could tell you that multiple 3CMC counterspells have been played the past year in Standard.
They really should make a set with all cards made by RoboRosewater.
>1. Our advisors specifically told us to avoid Loxodon as they believed elephant humanoids might be disrespectful to some people.
RIP Loxodon in mtg.
>RIP mtg.
Fixed up your sentence for you.
Only in Kaladesh, because Ganesha.
M:tG didn't die enough this thread. Thanks for the contribution.
Of course they're different things, and of fucking course pros shouldn't design, but there's no reason why the two aspects shouldn't collaborate. Maybe we would have a game where thing are like momma wotc wants them to be without entire colors being near to unplayable. To bring a shitty comparison, look at Dota 2. The game is actually decently balanced because it's designed by people that know every ins and outs of it that mantain close relationships with the people that are actually best suited to give intelligent feedback (so not market researches among 13 yo casuals and communities of aficionados with autistic levels off the charts). This would be even more important in a card game where you can't easily cancel previous mistakes and the only way to change shit is by adding new stuff, making everything 10 times more difficult.
There is a difference, moba like Dota have a more competitive oriented playerbase, meanwhile most of MtG players are kitchen table players because it's way easier to play competitive in Dota than in MtG.
They could use pro but by doing this they would probably make the 13 yo casuals angry, and it's those 13 yo casual that buy boosters, intro pack and thing like that.
Get a load of this guy
In the worst case scenario they won't give a shit. As I said, they already know how to do a good job in limited, and it's not like a better designed game will stop anyone from making their beloved lifegain or mill shitbrews for the kitchen table, hell, it could even make them more interesting.
I think you should git fucking gud at this game.
>Lightning Helix
>Ajani Vengeant
>Nahiri the Harbringer
>Aurelia the Warleader
>Boros Charm
>Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast
>Olivia Voldaren
>Fulminator Mage
>Rakdos Charm
>Kolaghan's Command
>Izzet Staticaster
>Izzet Charm
>Keranos, God of Storms
>Dack Fayden
>Goblin Electromancer
>Epic Experiment
>Nin, Pain Artist
>Fires of Yavimaya
>Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
>Huntmaster of the Fells
>Bloodbraid Elf
>Destructive Revelry
>Vexing Shusher
>Giant Solifuge
>Atarka's Command
Off the top of my head.
Why is red only shit when it's alone?
>Why is red only shit when it's alone?
Because red is like a spice. All the other colours represent something solid (White is "good", Black is "evil", Green is "natural", Blue is "knowledge/learning/science") while red is more a flavouring; rage, passion, emotion in general.
"Emotion" is something really hard to portray on it's own so they usually just fall back on "red so fire" and that's why red has so much burn. When you add red to another colour it's basically like adding passion to that colour, passion for what that colour stands for.
>Boros have fanatical zeal for White's justice
>Rakdos have an intense love and enjoyment of the Black way of chaos and breaking rules
>Izzet are madly driven towards Blue's desire to discover and invent
>Gruul is aggressive about it's Green hatred of the un-natural
Red is a seasoning, it doesn't really have enough to make a full colour of. It's a colour of "Strong emotions" with nothing to be emotional about besides burning things and lightning bolts.
Good that they never made purple or the color pie would be crowded as fuck.
What was purple going to be anyway?
Don't forget tri-color.
Red inflames the Orzhovan ambition and will to power, turns them from esoteric mafioso to mighty conquerors who take power and keep it
Red strips away at Azorius' hesitancy and need for protocol, allowing them to seek enlightenment at greater pace with stronger wills
Red gives Simic a sense of self and thereby self-preservation, drawing it back from its reckless insanity and becoming intelligent and fierce survivalists
Red gives spirit to Dimir plotting and usurping, sharpening the greed and driving them to loftier heights, prevents inaction
Smashing Golgari and Gruul together becoming an unstoppable force of nature that consumes everyone and everything, never dying and never ceasing
... okay Naya is not interesting either.
>... okay Naya is not interesting either.
Naya is taking the white/green trait (Ordering and nurturing the natural world) and smashing it with Gruul (Unrestrained forces of nature) into "Protecting and nurturing the mightiest pinnacles of nature's works". They worship and protect the gargantuans because they're fanatics (Boros somewhat) who believe they are gods.
Basically, fanatical devotion to the protection and nurturing of nature and natural order.
A better Blue that could also kill things. Basically a mishmash of U and B.
are there even any interesting cards coming for white life gain decks?
so far it seems meh for me
What the fuck are you on user
WB lifegain is going to be strong as shit with the legend
that's the only worthwhile card so far i think.
fuck that life gain dwarf though, art is shit.
Make sure you already have your Soul Sisters and Ajani's Prisemates secured before the buyout, fellow mono white user.
>Soul Sisters
impossible to get for me.
i am running some strange sub-par healing deck cause i just play casual modern.
Some Sungrace Pegasi, healing kitties like healer of the pride or caracals, sungrace pegasus too. Anyway like i said i am casual scum and i play only at work on breaks since i have no friends. Getting expensive cards makes no sense for me.
i run mono-white, but that's cool i guess
Ah, my bad
oops i wrote sungrace pegasus twice, wew... that's how much i like them. Also got 4 Ajani Pridemates so at least that is going well for me.
Pic related is also awesome
If we're talking about EDH, Gate to Phyrexia lets you sac creatures to hate artifacts with incredible inefficiency.
I play casually too, but they're only a little over a buck each. Ajanis are even lower at fifty cents a pop. I wouldn't consider that anywhere near the too expensive range unless I was dead broke. Now Serra Ascendant, that's where I draw the line.
Also how do you play at work if you have no friends? Does your boss strongly encourage you and your coworkers to play with him like a bunch of Japanese businessmen being forced to drink?
Didn't see this post about the Ajanis, sorry. I'm gonna be quite honest here user, I made that post () and left after "completing" the captcha to jerk off and cum within that timeframe, only to come back and see that I had to enter it again.
So is this actually going to something we see people do in Kaladesh?
What, exactly, are you intending to do here?
mill your opponent out, you copy saheeli with saheeli.