Would you a female primarch?
Would you a female primarch?
women are inherently inferior to men so there would be no point
I'd have to get to know them first.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Go fuck yourself.
And deprive women of their solo purpose?
Yeah, I would.
I know I would.
>tfw no WHH animu
Oh gosh there b'y, Your dumber then a sack of hammers on Tuesday. See if I dont come over to your place and slam your cupboard doors.
I would. I would alot. In many ways.
Your tiny female Primarch waifus disgusts me.
Through great feats of science and magic you make such things?. Such a waste, the Emperor should have made all his Space Marines giant women who can all fight during their short pregnancy cycles with only the benign weight of the baby being of any concern. Letting them breed countless more super soldiers and ignore several life threatening stages of the space marine creation process by integrating the organ implants and such into their genes.
Yes. But none of those. None posted so fae. Primarchs are massive larger than life minor gods walking the earth.
Those are schoolchildren cosplayers.
What I'm saying is they should be more... amazonian. It's not my fetish or preference, but if you're going to do a genderswapped character you should do the character right.
Now, question. Which Primarch has the biggest tits, and is it related to psyker power? Also butts.
Answer: Victoria of the Emp's Chosen.
That's just poor planning.
Hermaphroditic space marines would be maximally efficient; any binary gender would mean only half of them could bear children at any one time, and could only be impregnated by half the possible sperm donors.
With both sets of sexual organs, every single member of the chapter could both impregnate and be impregnated, giving the highest possible level of genetic diversity for the next generation, as well as the highest possible rate of reproduction for the population base as a whole. Losses could be recovered, and a more stable gene pool could be maintained with fewer members of the chapter.
I bet FemGulliman would be pretty fuckable. I imagine a Janeway type figure, only bustier and more muscled. Buisnesslike sex until you slip a finger up the bum, then crazy-time.
FemDorn would be a stubborn tsundere, most likely insufferably so.
FemSanguinus, hot blond but stuck on permamenstruation. Nope.
FemCurze would be one of those goth chicks with mental problems and a face always three-quarters-covered by lank black hair. Stinky unwashed vagoo, zero sexual standards or limits. Sort of want.
FemFulgrim would obviously be the most gorgeous, but with impossibly high standards. You'd have to work on her psychological fault lines, on that sliver of an inferiority complex. Do that well and it's hard anal in black latex time, every night for life.
FemAngron and FemMagnus would both be fugly. A-fucking-void. I bet FemMortarion is pretty gross too. FemLorgar is already devoted to the Emps, might get some fun NTR stuff out of it though. I can't help but see FemHorus as a giant butch lesbian with a crew cut.
The rest are pretty meh. You've got the black one, the asian one, the twins, and others of no interest.
You're right, I concede.
Plus it gets pass those particular kinds of autists who can't wrap their heads around making female super soldiers equal to a male super soldiers.
Thank fuck for that. WHY is probably one of the cringiest things Veeky Forums came up with, up there with Harem Knights
I would personally have preferred genderless marines. Either males or females could become marines, but once the transformation is complete, no trace of their former selves remains.
Instead there is only a terrifying living weapon. The Emperor's Angels of Death.
Man look at all those generic moeblobs with no defining characteristics behind those most hamfistedly stapled on.
Aw, it was pretty fun I thought!
I'm sure those harem fags felt the same way about their cringey self-insert waifushit
I see, well. uh. Sorry.
That's not what 'self-insert' means, /a/.
But then you're only here to shitpost, not to be right. :^)
So far Samus is the closest thing this thread has to a female Primarch.
I blame the namefag. Mostly because he's a namefag.
WHH was full of self-inserts fucking their Primarch waifus
Could pic related be a primarch?
Of course not.
Too skinny?
Pic related?
Why is Magnolia so tall?
How are you this shit at this? I mean you're not even close.
Look at a primarch. Now make it a woman. It's not hard.
Here's a hint: It isn't a fucking scantily clad Japanese schoolgirl like your hentai mangos that your mother pretends she doesn't know about.
Best girl sounds right though.
>cute twintail dies
Petra is best girl.
morty, dunno, Alphi, Angron, Konrad, Magnus, Fulgrim, dunno, dunno but probably either Horus Smurfi, dunno, but if before is Girlyman, then this is Dorn, dunno, Ferrus, Yiff Russ, dunno, dunno, Lion El maybe?, Kahn, Lorgar
Follow them into battle for the glory of Mankind and in the name of the Emperor?
Regardless of the materials used, if the Emperor in his wisdom decided to make the Primarchs in the form of the Fairer sex, then it is not my place to question why. His plans are vast and deep, and my job is to keep my part of it going while letting him handle the overall strategy.
Much as how I don't waste time questioning why he made it so that they are based on the Male body, as are his Space Marines.
Now then, there's Tyranids afoot and I'd rather not die under the spores and greater beasts of a splinter fleet, so slap your shit together because you've just volunteered to go on patrol.
That IS what happens. For all intents and purposes, they are so far away both physiologically and psychologically from the rank and file of the Imperium that you are much more similar to your assigned wife than to one of His holy Avatars of Vengeance.
Except for the soul of man that burns bright within you both.
The confusion stems from the fact that men are much more optimized than women are for combat, so unless you've actually experienced the existential dread, the realization that comes with meeting Space Marines and seeing them in combat, the Men of the Imperium are simply the closest thing to judge them by.
It's okay though, the Imperial Guard has standard issue titanium balls that will help compensate you with courage, faith, and brotherhood with your millions of fellow guardsmen so that you too can fulfill your different, but equally important role whether you are a man or a woman.
>best girl
correct answer.
>How are you this shit at this? I mean you're not even close.
>Look at a primarch. Now make it a woman. It's not hard.
But Samus is the exact opposite of that. We took a woman and make her a primarch, so it stands to follow Ryuko would also be one of the lost primarchs.
They acted like the most bitchy high school gossip girl primadonnas when they were male. I don't really want to know how bad would it be being XX
>tfw Dorn is a headstrong DFC who secretly loves being bullied [\spoiler]
>Hermaphroditic space marines would be maximally efficient
You have no idea what efficiency is; what you're describing is flexibility, efficiency arises from specialization or life on earth would be completely different.
Victoria would be into ALL of the kinky shit and you know it.
Ryuuko is tainted with foul xenotech.
Pic related is a true daughter of the Master of Mankind.
It's not even xenotech, it's full on alien thread-worms living inside her.
A fine choice indeed
Piss off you pathetic virgin
Someone made them in aa2?
I can never decide whether they're better as Fem!Primarchs or Daughters.
Someone in /hhg/ did. Curze and Dorn, at least.
He says in defense of a WUT IF BOY WAS GURL AND ALSO UR WHYFOO thread.
Whats the deal with all these rickets on the girls legs?
Female space marines were a mistake
Stylistic choice.
A terrible one, sure, but it's a style
Depends. Would they still be 9 to 12 feet tall? If so, then yes
Homie with that much physical and psychic prowess
I would not have the opportunity to pick
someone is mad at badwrongfun
FemMagnus would be the most freaky of them all though, also why do you think she would be ugly? Just because of the red skin and one missing eye?
Also, I want to have awkward sex withAutismus Prime FemPerturabo
Which Fem primarch would be the thiccest?
>best girl
patrician taste
None. They'd all be fit as fuck
Mortarion too?
It's been 5 years since both came out. I can guarantee you far cringier things have happened since then.
I think he was pretty skeletal, rather than beefy
>tfw no thicc primarch waifu
>Things that could improve Warhammer High.
More yuri.
More Necrons.
More Tyranids.
More Chaos shenanigans ft Uncles Erebus and Kor Phaeron as well as a certain “Inheritor”.
And Fabius Bile doing SCIENCE!!!
Magna a best
Man, I could see those two as creepy 'uncles'
Not sure about crons, nids or orks though, unless you're playing up the 'kitchen sink' nature of WHH
I meant as things that want the daughters' heads on a plate or crash a sweet 16 via pewpew,omnomnom or WAAAGH,
I do like the idea of the daughters in the semi-regular universe, joining their fathers' legions as lieutenants - young, headstrong lieutenants who upset the order of the legions somewhat but also have a bit of their own agenda... such as crushing the orks who wrecked their birthday party
>Now, now why don't you sit on my lap and I'll tell you a little something about human sacrifice and carving tunes into your scalp?
Erebus would be uncle of the year
Runes, god damn it
Daughters, hands down.
It explains how they are so popular, and nothing is funnier than "boyfriend meets crazy father" situations.
>Girl no one cares about.
Damn...that's harsh.
Poor Petra
Perturabo is canonically a bit chubby, isn't he? I can also imagine Angron being thicc af
>girl that no one cares about
She is /hhg/'s waifu!
Seeing as most of them are Iron Warriors.
So am I.
If it's thicc you want, Pert or Lorgar would be your girl.
As someone who once upon a time wrote some stuff for WHH, the real thing that would improve WHH were it ever relaunched is a consistent tone. Half the stories are generic SOL with nothing other than the names to link them with the universe they're supposedly based on. Others might namedrop a few things but otherwise set everything in generic modern times, and a few try to go the full 9 yards and show the setting as it is in the HH books.
There were a few good ideas in /hhg/ about a setting where the Great Crusade won, and I'd go with them as a starting point. Ditch everything that has been written before and try and make it read and feel like 30k, with the daughters more closely resembling their fathers and not being just generic waifus that aside from looks act nothing like the Primarchs.
What are ya, fuckin gay or something?
One of these days someone's going to post something that's actually a female Primarch and not some waif wearing underwear and cosplay accessories.
Seriously now, Primarchs are massive titans, battlescarred warriors, mighty sages and kings of worlds and stars.
How hard is it to just do that, but with tits?
It's almost like all these images are made by hack artists who only know a couple body types and just want to make fapbait- oh, right.
>warrior kangz
Let's be real, if someone tried to make a real female Primarch everyone would get mad. Some people would hate the implication of female primarchs or female space marines, some people would think that she's not what a possible female primarch should look like, and others would just be mad that she isn't just a cute girl.
It's easier to make fapbait because on some level it's so ridiculous and obviously not serious that it's hard to argue with it beyond 'how dare you not be serious,' like what you're doing right now.
I guess. It's just weird that there's no half-decent genderbent version of them. Usually you can't stop the internet doing that.
Wow you're bad at this.
Mortarion, Perturabo, (Alpharius), Angron, (Omegon), Conrad, Magnus, Fulgrim, Lorgar, Horus
Lion, Vulkan, Ferrus, Russ, Dorn, Guilliman, Sanguinius, Khan, Corvus
The T7 Primarchs.
Morticia, Petra and chocogirl.
And maybe Perturabo too, idk.
Angron is smol.
At least spoiler that thing user, plz.
Angron is short (for a primarch) but made of beef and hueg.
True, but so are his brothers, so by comparison he's smol and buffed. But he looks more battle scarred because the Nails are killing him. Doesn't he have metal teeth?
Pffft please. I would even male Fulgrim.
Because space marines aren't sexy, that's why, and neither are primarchs, and female versions of them drive people up the wall in a way that genderbent versions of most characters are only really treated as porn or cute.
>not sexy
Nigga what
Mortarion may be T7, but his face makes him a 4
What horrible poses.
But he usually keeps the mask on, so it's not that much of a problem
>FemSanguinus, hot blond but stuck on permamenstruation. Nope.
That's retarded. She's not Angron. Fem Sanguinus would be a straight up saint that everyone loves and would be one of the principles favorite students but she'd be on edge around them occasionally cause she's been keeping wild animals in around school and can't let the faculty find out.
She loves them. Sooooo much.
If he takes it off will he die?
>Mortarion suffering from allergies, crying blood.