So a friend of mine that moved back to our hometown a few months ago just got his hands on a copy of 6th edition Runequest and wants to run it for a bunch of us. We played some version of it, I think Mongoose, almost a decade ago. I've tried to make heads or tales of the pdf I found of it, but I'm really pretty confused. It looks to have a lot in common with CoC which is imo a solid system. With regards to magic and the actual world it takes place in I'm pretty damn confused. Could someone who's played the game a bit more recently lay down what the game is like?
Runequest 6th Edition
Try to find the Mythras rules, it's the game with the Golarion content removed and re-editing of the rules.
In general, if you are familiar with CoC imagine a game where the players in a CoC game are heroic and capable of fighting toe to toe with monsters and cultists. Culture and religion is very important to the game, and the combat is amazing.
The magic can be confusing, is there anything specific you have a question on? The Design Mechanism also has a forum that is active and is happy to answer questions too.
Stop being a lazy ass and read the book. This game is awesome.
>Try to find the Mythras rules, it's the game with the Golarion content removed and re-editing of the rules.
What? There was no setting in RuneQuest 6. I would especially be surprised if it contained the Pathfinder world.
Glorantha content.
RQ6 didn't have Glorantha content, they didn't have the license to it, still don't.
The game is setting-free. There are splatbooks with campaign settings though. Mythic Britain, Monster Island, later this year Mythic Rome will come out and next year Mythic Greece.
Yes, they did. They just opted to keep most of it out of the book, using it only for flavor descriptions.
Are you just blind to the Gloranta runes all over the book?
Are you blind the whole of character creating being done in a made up greek city state?
All I said was they cut the Glorantha content, I'm not even sure what you are saying here since it still contained Glorantha content... and they cut it.
So they also cut out all of the magic system?
No, now stop being a faggot
Fuck you for telling OP to ditch the current rules and get a different one that is the exact same.
There was no Glorantha content in RQ6.
And Mythras is just a rebranded RQ6.
RQ6 is setting agnostic, it's designed to work with anything.
Huh. So sometimes Runequest threads DO die. I thought people were just making up excuses when they make other RQ threads.
They die all the time unfortunately. Particularly over two dumbfucks bickering over shit like that.
He should get Mythras to support the Design Mechanism because it's their current product. Regardless, congrats OP. I just had my first session in my second Mythras (first was RQ6) campaign. It was the best I've ever had.
Shit ended with the party dragging one of their own out of a lord's manor in a village that had been cursed with some crazy amalgam of demonic spirits. The one they were dragging made his Will save to get up and a wraith critted another in the head, dropping him to 0 hp there. The way we worked it out is that he's currently in a state of unconsciousness being tormented by dreams of the villagers' souls who were trapped in the wraith's dominion.
They dragged him back into the magical forest from whence they came and managed to hunt a stag, only for the local druids to show up because they'd killed one of their sacred animals. We ended it there with them taking the party back to their haven to question them on what had happened.
>Will save
I honestly don't remember RQ6 having those. Is that something I just don't remember or did Mythras add saving throws?
(Caveat is that I play in Spanish, and I might be mistranslating, but 'voluntad' has always been willpower as far as I know)
RQ6 actually does have certain resistances like Endurance, Brawn, Evade and Willpower. Willpower governs pretty much anything related to defending yourself against magic or mind control and whatnot, particularly if you can't use magic yourself for it.
Thank god.
Must be something that I just forgot. Is it just a skill or something?
You know you love the ducks.
Ducks are fine if they are one of the bajillions minor races. Also donald ducks look alike should die.
Yeah, they're all basic skills.
Goes to show how much I remember the system. Glad you're having fun with a cool system. How is the Veeky Forums scene in your part of your country?
I started playing Runequest 3 recently, the book is a mess though. I found things about slaving a spirit to yourself but can´t find the fluff for it anywhere. Also I don´t get ceremony rituals.
I think I've heard more good things about 2 than Why are you playing RQ3 instead of 1, 2, MRQ, MRQII, or RQ6?
Because my friends dad had the books. 2 and 3 seem pretty interchangable though. I heard a lot of good things about 3 and I hate the formating of the MRQ books I also like Glorantha a lot so that's why RQ6 doesn't quite get me.
I thought RQ 3 didn't have Glorantha. I'm convincing myself I'm getting everything mixed up. Anyway, carry on. Only thing I know about older editions of RQ is that I was not allowed to play RQ with my group because many years ago one of the players played it and was less effective at combat as his familiar so he refused to play it and convinced everyone else it was bad.
Well, the Player handbook has no Glorantha content but there is a Glorantha booklet in my box so there is that. What edition where they playing because I don't think 3rd has familiars for starting characters.
I might be getting the terminology wrong and I have no idea about the edition. It was kind of told to me offhand. Didn't look into RQ more until I moved out of that town and wanted to look at games other than DnD.
It's decent. I live in a small town and there's still 2 or 3 different groups of people that host games either here or half an hour away. However no one really plays any kind of niche games because their exposure is to the most mainstream stuff that makes it over the language barrier, aka D&D and Pathfinder.
People almost exclusively play 3.5. I have one guy in my group that played a little Anima before Runequest. Everyone enjoys it a lot though and didn't have any real problem with the slight bump in crunch. I'm a native English speaker and I have a huge collection of pdfs, so I decided that if we get bored of RQ6 I'll at least show them a few other lesser known games like Exalted, maybe Legend of the Five Rings or something.
You're doing a service to your community. You should probably to whatever the local government is and demand to get paid.
Thanks but I already did that. They said something about smelly American neckbeards that I couldn't understand because hurrdurr
OP should look at Mythras because the new editing made the rules easier to read - especially for spells.
I wish Mythras Imperative was more like the final product - generic armor, firearms rules added in the book, etc.
I recently picked up ships and shield walls, what is a good excuse to use mass combat? The rules look amazing.