For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War. Not the wargame. Not Chapter Master. Or Space Hulk.
There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things formerly listed individually on this post.
40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.
40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.45.160417), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now containing some of the DH2 content up to the first supplement.
My players want to use Autoguns instead of lasguns. Wat do?
Ethan Gomez
Let them? I don't see why not. They'll have supply chain issues, but they'll be more versatile. Give it a slight discount and have it replace their Main Weapon.
Ethan Foster
Let them do it. There were a few posts in the last thread that covered how not different they really are.
Hell, aside from autoguns having access to fully-automatic fire and their lack of the LVS, the only difference between them is their damage type. The damage code is even EXACTLY THE SAME.
So I was reading Into the Storm to consolidate the rules into a help sheet and saw the flyer rules on dodging.
"The pilot makes a Challenging (+0) Pilot Test, with a penalty equal to the vehicle’s size modifier (this deliberately works differently than the Dodge manoeuvre for ground vehicles and skimmers). For every success, he avoids one shot from a single source, as with a Dodge Reaction. The Dodge Manoeuvre is unique in aerial combat in that it is performed on an opponent’s turn, and is performed in addition to the standard manoeuvre. A pilot may only Dodge once per round." (p176)
It says it's different to the ground vehicle dodge which is the following: "The driver sees a threat and dodges, hopefully throwing his vehicle out of the line of fire. This action may only be taken if the vehicle has moved at least its tactical speed during its previous turn. The driver makes a Drive or Pilot Test, with a penalty equal to the vehicle’s size modifier (someone attempting to dodge with an Enormous truck, which grants opponents +20 to hit due to size, would suffer a –20 to his Drive Test). For every success, he avoids one shot from a single source, as with a Dodge Reaction. If the driver fails the Drive Test by five or more degrees, he loses control of the vehicle and crashes." (p172)
I'm just confused what they mean by it's " is performed on an opponent's turn" since that is literally what a reaction, which the dodge for ground vehicles is, does. How exactly is it unique then?
The only way I could see that is since dodge "is performed in addition to the standard manoeuvre" then unless the pilot makes their life more difficult by adding dodge unto their complex movement action they cannot dodge at all. So unless the pilot knows to set themselves up to dodge they can't.
So what do you think it is or is that unique-ness quote completely wrong?
Bentley Powell
Which fan entry do you guys think Knights the best, The Fringe Is Yours, or [CHIVALRY INTENSIFIES]?
Cameron Phillips
Its not like they can take our PDFs and books away user.
Though I fear in the future 40k RPGs will turn into "WHAT RPG SYSTEM IS BETTER GUIZ XDXDXD" shitposting if they make new ones
Landon Myers
Guys I just read the news about FFG and GW
What's gonna happen to our games m8s? Do you think GW has the heart or capacity to try and make a TRPG themselves?
Jason Reed
>the capacity Absolutely.
>the heart Absolutely not.
Jayden Rogers
Nothing's going to happen to it, and I don't mean that in a defeatist way.
You still have your PDF copies, don't you? You still have friends to play with, no?
You'll be good, bro. We all will. And if GW releases a new game, who knows. Maybe it will also be good.
Jonathan Cooper
but have you seen the disappointment that is the scion lore?
Colton Edwards
Was a non-scanned PDF of Faith and Coin ever uploaded?
Evan Foster
I have a very specific combination of their rules that I use.
Juan Torres
GW does not have the capacity. The company have shit the bed with Age of Sigmar in a big way and they know it. However, they're too invested in AoS to pull out for another 5 or six years. Also the egos of the executives whose brainchild Age of Smegmar was are too inflated and too fragile to ever admit to a mistake.
What we can expect from GW over the next five years or so are desperate attempts to salvage AoS by turning it into a half-hearted clone/hybrid of Warhammer Fantasy Battles and 40k.
That leaves absolutely zero resources for any sort of RPG development.
Also, Games Workshop fucking HATES RPG players with a fiery passion for some unknown reason. They kept us waiting for a 40k RPG line for 20 fucking years, tried to pull the plug on said RPG line once before and have now done it for real.
The best case scenario is that someone else will license the RPGs but at this point I doubt it.
The PDFs aren't going anywhere, but hold on to those hardcopy books because those are about to become very expensive indeed.
Ian Myers
Hunter Wilson
I like the stuff from The Fringe is Yours. They're a little more "grounded," and fit amongst other vehicles and weapons a little better (I use vehicles from Only War near exclusively). I found that The Fringe is Yours Knights, while taking some effort, will go down to concentrated fire from lascannons, tanks, etc, while the Chivalry Intensifies Knights are more balanced around fighting each OTHER, with the average vehicle or plucky heavy weapons guy not standing a chance.
Kevin Bennett
If your character has burned their last fate point, and you're playing with MNW, is it worth it to be embraced as a Thallax? It seems a powerful option, but everything I read in the wikis seems to indicate they're addled wrecks. I mean, maybe it's better to die at that point...
Gavin Parker
They only go insane slowly, user. It's all perfectly fine.
Besides, lore-wise, they belonged to the Ordo Reductor and are gifted to the rest of the Mechanicum. Though, we'll have to wait until IA14 to see if that's still true for the 41st millenium.
Andrew Perez
will there be a clearance sale, to get my hands on some?
Alexander Miller
>that feel when I just bought a copy of only war and DH 2e core books Maybe I should buy the supplements too.
Ryan Jones
Doubt it very seriously, I would be surprised if they even came back up on drivethru one last time, let alone them trying to put it on sale.
Carter Perry
Since it seems to be missing from the OP
Fear and Loathing (Ver 1.5.2) and The Fringe is Yours (Ver 1.6.0), Veeky Forums made Rogue Trader homebrew supplements for playable xenos, Knights, Horus Heresy gear, and other things. Now found in the Homebrew Megafolder.
Mars Needs Women! Rampage of the Nerds! (V1.1.9), a new Veeky Forums made Only War supplement for playing as Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, and joyriding an Ordinatus!
>Also, Games Workshop fucking HATES RPG players with a fiery passion for some unknown reason. user, the reason is very very simple. RPGs are games. RPG players are not buying Citadel™ Miniatures to play those games, they are not buying Citadel™ paint to paint those minis, and they are not buying Citadel™ Painting Supplies to paint them with. Games Workshop is not some kind of workshop for games, it is a modeling hobby company. They sell The Hobby, buying and painting The Best Miniatures In The World™. RPG players are not investing in The Hobby, and are therefore parasites on their business. I'm being facetious, but I would not be shocked if that actually is how they think
Brayden Murphy
It's missing from the OP because they're all in the Homebrew Megafolder.
Isaac Powell
Mars Needs Women isn't in there yet.
Blake Cooper
Any tips for those running an imperial knight game for someone considering doing it? What enemies and missions do you use to challenge your players?
Ayden Cook
Anything you'd use to threaten a Knight in the tabletop, to be honest. It scales pretty well in that case.
Boss fights would be other equivalents, like the Stompas and whatnot. Encounters like a tank squadron would provide a fun and intense fight. Occasionally introduce a sneaky fucker with a melta bomb to keep your boys on their toes.
Mason Ortiz
>start first session of Only War >we've already had two people have to use fate points on the very first roll to prevent themselves from being crippled via airdrop >one failed the reroll with a 98
Benjamin Foster
Rule #1 of a Knight campaign: Think BIG. You are playing a pack of Superheavies. Put on some hard rock or metal, start looking through the books, and put the players through absolute hell on Terra against fellow superheavies, ridiculously massive hordes, heavy armor units, and the occasional meltabomber. Be creative with arenas, too, and remember to let the players absolutely ruin the scenery with every movement and missed shot. Let them FEEL massive and powerful and unstoppable as they bull-rush through 300-foot-tall statues to cut a Bio-Titan in half from behind.
Jaxon Lewis
Wouldn't be surprised. For *years* they were fairly terrified of licensing their IP for video games, stating repeatedly that they didn't want to make something that would compete with the miniatures game. Dawn of War felt like a damned miracle when it came out. They've about faced on that, with mixed results. Plus side is that they seem extra eager to license out what used to be Specialist Games, so if we're good little boys and girls we might see Necromunda or Gorkamorka or something like that. But yeah. I feel like GW as a company has this weird complex about what is and is not competing with their gameline.
Colton Davis
Had I the money to do so, I'd buy a physical copy of everything instead of the handful of books I have.
Course I couldn't even do that if I wanted to, some stuff is already out of stock and sure as hell won't get refilled since the line is ending. Shame.
Gabriel Collins
Are there stats for Tau vehicles anywhere? I want to use a Tau heavy Only War campaign.
Wyatt Wood
Rogue Trader has the various battlesuits statted in the Tau Character Guide. Up through the Riptide. I think one of the Only War books has Devilfish and Hammerheads, but I could be wrong.
Cooper Hall
Just spreading the news, GW just pulled the warhammer and WH40k Licences from FFG, and all of their products are now cancelled. This includes Board Games (such as Relic or Forbidden Stars) Card Games (brand new lcg Conquest) and ALL 40k rpg's have ceased production, and will be removed from the product lines on Febuary 28th, 2017. Fuck GW. Proof:
Gavin Perez
>Fuck GW The decision was likely due to Asmodee owning FFG, and being in competition with GW, senpai.
Zachary Kelly
where will we get our DH fix? wait for DH3?
Nathan Richardson
Maybe the licenses will go to someone who will actually publish stuff.
Ah, who am I kidding, RPGs aren't profitable enough for anyone capable of getting the license. Even D&D itself is running on a skeleton crew these days.
Alexander Martinez
isnt 5e a best seller?
Carson Morgan
Yes, but that's a relative term.
Brandon Rodriguez
If we were to start unifying all systems, how would we go about it? We'd use DH2 mechanics, have one core rulebook, with about a dozen splatbooks? How would we create these PDFs? LaTeX? Host all of that shit on GitHub? Would we have a unified Monster Manual of sorts? So many questions.
Chase Rivera
DH2 core. Psychic system from BC or OW. Everything has three aptitudes with maximum discount still at two matches.
Benjamin Brown
Also where can I get non-english DH PDF-files now that DriveThru has removed everything from their store?
Alexander Morris
What obligates a Daemon to obey its summoner when it is summoned?
Aiden Ortiz
Rituals and runes of bindings and such. Otherwise it would do whatever the fuck it feels like doing which, in most cases, would be kill whoever summoned it.
Blake Flores
Sorcerous power, a properly performed ritual, and a clash of wills.
Justin Baker
Yesterday we tried playing Deathwatch with our Pathfinder group and even though we were completely unprepared we had a really good time. However, we've been thinking about buying the core rules for one of the other systems as purging xenos will probably get boring fast.
Now, we want a bit of each one of them, but playing off PDFs seems impossible considering how convoluted the rulebooks are, so we will definitely buy a physical copy. But, which one? Rogue Trader seems the most interesting but it's also the oldest one.
So, which one is your favorite? Which one would you guys recommend? Are the newer rules much better than the old ones?
Aiden Johnson
Interesting critique and mash up. What system do you primarily use it with?
>while the Chivalry Intensifies Knights are more balanced around fighting each OTHER, And other super-heavies. Chivalry Intensifies is about super-heavy combat so it's balanced around that. And define "average vehicle", because a Leman Russ with AP ammo is still capable of giving a Knight an "Oh fuck" moment, but a Chimera is going to get ravaged by the D-estroyer quality. Which is why you send squadrons of vehicles at Knights (especially a lance of Knights).
>or plucky heavy weapons guy not standing a chance. Well, a guy with a jump-pack and meltabomb going for your cockpit is not only a ballsy move but also surprisingly effective.
Jose Barnes
Deathwatch Mark of the Xenos, if I recall correctly.
Jaxson Smith
If you can remember the rules to Pathfinder, you sure as fuck can use a PDF of a 40k game.
James Jones
>Even in death I still serve
Luke Jackson
>Game dead.
So, how do I download? Mega limit is hell-of-a-low.
James Murphy
Considering how Subtly works, how do you gear up without attracting suspicion besides having the adept handing all the things with the techpriest handling all the cybernetics?
Alexander Evans
Rites of Battle for Deathwatch has a lot of them, from Devilfish and Hammerhead to Tiger Shark and Barracuda.
Josiah Turner
Best quality equipment and cybernetics, hidden body cavities for compact-stuff (from laspistol derringers to data-gremlins), decreasing the availibity or using Trade skills for creating weapons from undetectable materials. Also, joining the cult of Micro-Omnissiah.
Other way is to impersonate the organizations that are allowed the rather obvious ... things. Raid mission in the masquarade of Redemptionist dervish-commandos or walking down the PDF base as Commissariat Provosts always works.
Radicals Handbook for DH1 has few other good ideas.
Colton Brown
They scraped him off the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam and he ain't gonna jump no more
Matthew Howard
As in buying everything?
Angel Howard
You buy everything you could possibly need between missions. Or get gear via illegitimate means.
Cameron Perry
First off, good luck finding them now that they're out of print.
My preference is Only War or Dark Heresy 2e, since they finally got rid of the pointless "per-class advances" system and let you do what you wanted with your character. But honestly, just use PDFs.
Nicholas Rivera
There's also the homebrew with the droptroopers.
Kevin Foster
>Reading OW Hammer of the Emperor book >Checking Melee weapons to see neat things I can give my CC regiment >See Chainflail >"A solid grip with a trigger attached by various adamantine cables to a whirring head lined by four parallel rows of voracious teeth, the chainflail reminds all who see it that its wielder’s faith is untainted by the fear of death."
How the fuck does that even work
I have no problems with chain-weapons because I think they're awesome, the fuck does that even work
Logan Martinez
With lots of faith in the Emperor, user.
Julian James
Here, it explains it all.
James Butler
Literally played the worst game of 40k RPG that I have ever played. Actually would go as far to say as the worst fucking game I've ever played.
We accidentally invaded a planet without being told it was an imperial hive world, that we were part of an invasion fleet, and that we weren't issued radios, vox, or any means of communication.
Also we invaded an imperial hive world with 3 squads of infantry.
Logan Perry
What even happened? GM miscommunication, or what?
Elijah Wilson
Fukken saved.
Juan Rodriguez
>what system do you primarily use? Most of my 40k games are run in Only War, though I've wanted to do one or two with Dark Heresey. I've played some Deathwatch, also.
Ayden Clark
Oh the GM was just fucking terrible, and half the players were terrible. We had a psyker that tried to mind rape everything that moved, including the commissar and he thought he wouldn't get in trouble for it. Also tried to make half the party kill themselves because they dare go against him.
We also had a midget hiding in the glovebox of a car, smoking pot and tried to make a meth lab in the back of the chimera. GM was encouraging this.
Juan Morales
Parker Nguyen
>Though I fear in the future 40k RPGs will turn into "WHAT RPG SYSTEM IS BETTER GUIZ XDXDXD" shitposting if they make new ones The objectively correct answer will be FFG of course. GW, for the past half decade (with change), hasn't been capable of producing fluff or rules that aren't garbage
Robert Davis
Just dropped a bunch of money on the books that they still have in stock. Now I just have to brave ebay prices in search of Hammer of the Emperor and the Core Rulebook.
Joseph Kelly
story time >be first ever RPG game with friends >deathwatch >standard starting campaign >go blow up eldar ship blah blah >go to some inquisitors party for RP reasons and to talk about what to do >someones birthday >take bottle of wine because fuck it why not later >be on eldar ship >bomb has been in the eldar ship >have to go to find it >find bomb >get near our target >some high end eldar bitch shows up >monologues.gif > to GM "remember that bottle i took, i'd like to throw it at her stupid face >Gm: "okay roll" > *DoS for life" >hit eldar in eye >blinds her >someone smashes her with a table and kills her friend even doodled it and thus ends the best introduction to role playing i couldve had
Jackson Edwards
>applying the veiws of the kirby GW to the rountree GW GW has been actively looking to lisence anything and everything as of late. Hence the major increase in the number of warhammer vidya. Frankly, I wouldn't be suprised if rountree was looking into liscening the RPGs to someone else. Only reason not to would be if it wasn't profitable enough.
Cooper Powell
I'm glad you enjoyed your first time, user. Also that Eldar is QT. Why did you have to kill her?
Isaac Nguyen
You know, the eldar waifuism is pretty onesided. We never see a party of Sisters of Battle capturing the Eldar Corsair Captain.
Jason Hernandez
Because muh black templar anti-xeno autism
Cameron Ortiz
So in Only War do you round up or down for fettering your psyker powers?
Nathan Morris
If someone were to transplant an Only War character to Deathwatch, how much starting experience would they need?
Landon Wilson
Even if you gave them a buttload of xp they would be fucked without really good gear
Adrian Young
yes, that is a challenge.
Still, how much xp would be needed to start?
Nathan Torres
Sebastian Howard
Also expect them to run circles around the Marines. While space marines are space marines they're hardly specialized starting out
Noah Howard
is there any way to make space marines and normal humans more balanced within a game?
what about if we were to put both marines and OW guardsmen into Rogue trader?
Ayden Powell
Because the Sisters have eyes only for the Emperor and his grizzled, sexy-man followers. Eldar men aren't really men in comparison.
Whereas, if you think about it, men of the Imperium don't really have any female icons to look up to and weirdly sexualize. Unless you have a nun fetish.
Hudson Gray
The thing is, from a raw experience standpoint, an Astartes is about 13k above a normal person. But most of that XP goes toward shit like their specialized organs, that they won't find themselves using that much.
In terms of optimization and performance, an Astartes is probably closer to 8k-10k XP. Because on your average Guardsman, that XP is all going toward making them better at whatever they want, while the Astartes XP almost all goes toward making them jack-of-all-stats that can handle most encounters fairly from the get-go.
So give your Guardsmen something like 10k XP and tell them that while this will put them behind the Astartes in terms of raw numbers, it will put them on about even in combat performance.
I don't have any experience with Rogue Trader, so I cannot comment on that, unfortunately.
Ayden Rodriguez
>not sexualizing the governor's daughter filthy race traitor, what do you need? BLAM
>sexualizing the governor's daughter slaneeshi scum. BLAM
Parker Wood
>>Unless you have a nun fetish. >Not wanting to fuck platinum blonde uberfrau muscle-nuns with a thing for pain and fire play You gay, son? Because the door to Neo-Sparta is that way.
Adrian Gonzalez
I was raised Catholic, nigga. I KNOW I have a nun fetish.
I'm just saying that other people might not.
Luke Evans
Speaking of sexulizing shit
I always wanted to think of a back story to this picture its either the priest was wasting lives when they could have died for the emperor or the priest was a kiddy fiddler.
Anthony Ortiz
That'd be pretty cool, actually. A really brutally out-of-nowhere way of humanizing the one regiment that audiences have a hard time connecting to.
Owen Williams
They need more named characters the Catachans have the most out of all the regiments.
imo I think Lukas Bastonne would be a great Scion Character
Benjamin Williams
Me and my friends are having a little discussion in the group chat, about DH2e:
Why would a psyker ever push?
You get -10 on your willpower roll for every level you push, in addition to making psychic phenomena 9 times as likely. That last part is supposed to be the big deterrent, but the first is actually more significant in my opinion. Pushing is for dire situations, making a desperate move in a situation so bad that the Perils of the Warp don't actually make it significantly worse. Yet what you *don't* want to happen in such a situation, is your power fizzling and doing nothing at all.
None of the powers seem to scale enough with PR that the -10 willpower would be worth it, even if you've already resigned yourself to dealing with whatever Phenomena you cause.
What are we missing?
Asher Smith
40k is slipping closer and closer to the void. 40kRPG was the last bastion of greatness and creativity in the franchise.
Next thing we know they're going to pull a "Age of the Emperor" and fuck it all up forever.
Carson Wilson
How do I turn a plasma rifle into a veritable sniper rifle? Only War, any books are valid. Weapon modification is not-so-quietly tolerated by superiors, so that's not a concern.
I blew up an Ork flakka-dakka trukk's gun at 350m in one shot last night. I have to make it stronker.
Michael Sullivan
You must be something of a regimental rock-star right about now.
Robert Gonzalez
I am. It was about to shoot down a damaged Vulture we were using as air support. Saved a pilot's life, and our regiment isn't all that big in the first place.
Samuel Scott
I think there's a total of two named officer kriegers, but no stats even though one is in IA
Josiah Thompson
No obvious Aquila on the priest means he's a heretic. At least in my book.
Nathan Anderson
Can anyone help me? I want to run a Rogue Trader character who has a group of special soldiers working for him. I dont know what rules to use / what combo of rules to use. My only idea is to have them as an NPC character that i occasionally take control of.
Anyone have any experiance with this? Anyone ever used the minions rules in BC?
Jace Anderson
You're missing absolutely nothing, the system is just stupid.