Weekend Rush Edition
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Weekend Rush Edition
>Rules databases
>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
>Forgeworld Book index
> The Black Library
R8 my Haemonculi Covens list? Done for a tournament on 4x4 tournaments.
1 Corpse Claw Theif
5 Talos with Ichor Injectors, 5 TL'd Haywire Blasters
1 Scalpel Squadron
2 Venoms, 2 Splinter Cannons
4 Wracks, 1 Ossifier Gun each
1 Dark Artisan
Talos, Haywire gun, Ichor Injector
Chronos, Spirit Probe
Haemonculi with the Nightmare Doll
1300 points
previous thread because OP forgot
Alright boys, what are you working on this time around? Got any good models in the works? A paint job you're especially proud of, perhaps a WIP that looks particularly badass? Or are you gearing up for a game, got a list working through your head? Maybe something big, or something small?
Sculpting right now, my Chronos engine. Took a carnifex claw, sculpted over all the chitin plates, and threw on all the tentacles around the body. Put a pink horror head on upside down on the front, and green stuffed it into place, and now I'm putting on some Pink Horror arms gripping a guardsman, with a big needle coming out of his mouth, into his neck. Will take pics later.
Will I ever be able to beat the Tau with a fluffy and choppy World Eaters army? Is the dream dead?
Man, I love the Command Squad models.
I hate how they're the only sprue that comes with all the special weapons though.
Also, what would be a good color to replace the red cuffs/inside on a Caledor Sky blue uniform?
Been trying to get input on 2 lists that are generally the same. Barely gotten any. Here's the original and I'll put the 2nd one in a following post.
Angel's Blade and Blood Angels preorders up on NZ site.
Put them all into land raiders with dirge casters.
Try a light grey, maybe? Agreed wholeheartedly on the special weapons thing. For my last squad of infantry I grabbed three command squads just so I'd have enough melta for the rest of my army.
Ebay also works, but I've got a plan to make objective markers out of the flags and other assorted junk in the command sprues as well.
What is everyone working on?
Im doing some work on my motor pool
Eh, I just like to give everyone Flamers. The Command Squad has the only Heavy Flamer model though, which is annoying.
Good idea on the objective marker thing though!
Yeah, I was thinking a light grey, or maybe even Ulthuan, but then I'd just be reusing the color I use on my aquilas, though I doubt I'd actually have a problem with that. Plus I have no highlight color for it either.
Hot shit, the new Blood Angels formations look pretty good. I'm excited, this should be interesting
Also, the Death Company Strike Force looks especially badass
Dusting off the CSM to try the new formations (yay?)
# CSM Dec (1850pts) #
## Black Legion (1375pts) ##
### Chaos Warband - Core
#### Chaos Lord (175pts) ####
VoTLW, Mark of Nurgle, Melta bombs, Sigil of corruption, The Black Mace, Warlord, Bike
#### Chaos Terminators (112pts) ####
x3 Combi-Melta, VoTLW
#### Chaos Space Marines (195pts) ####
10x men, Rhino, 2x Melta Guns, VoTLW
#### Chaos Space Marines (195pts) ####
10x men, Rhino, 2x Melta Guns, VoTLW
#### Chaos Space Marines (205pts) ####
10x men, Rhino, 2x Plasma Guns, VoTLW
3x #### Chaos Bikers (90pts) ####
2x Meltagun, VoTLW
### Havocs (115pts) ####
4x Autocannon, VoTLW
### Chaos Spawn (108pts) - Auxilary
Mark of Nurgle, 3x Spawn
## Chaos Renegade Knights (Chaos RK Forsworn Knight Detachment) (475pts) ##
#### Renegade Knight (475pts) ####
2x Avenger Gatling Cannon, Stormspear Rocket Pod
>wanna run csm with actual csm
>they're shit
>could run kdk instead
>they take another armies' worth of cash in models for summoning and they don't run spikey marines, just shit tons of dogs
Smite me where I stand and scatter the ashes on the wind.
No proofs, sorry, I was looking at the model collections and like what I see. Just a cross-reference between the other releases and what it likely means.
's link shows off what looks like The Blood Angels equivalent of Traitor's Hate, and the ease to play Sanguinary Guard/Vanguard/Sternguard together fairly unimpeded seems like a fun time
Are there any bits I can use to make my Space Marines look like marines from DOOM?
Cadian bodies
Catachan arms
Scout shotguns
Cover the cadian heads so it looks like a visor.
>Blood angels get updated rules for various units, new relics, adjusted wargear/relics, two decurions.
Like, I'm glad for Blood Angels players, and they definitely needed the update.
But why didn't Chaos get the same sort of consideration last week?
>adjusted wargear
>assault marines not shown with meltagun
The rulebook isn't clear on this so I'd figure I'd ask here before I assemble the models.
I've got two squads of ten Skitarii Rangers, does the Ranger Prime get to take a Galvanic Rifle or am I forced to do the typical CCW+Pistol combo?
I'd like to just have squads of quick and long ranged snipey fuckers, and if the prime can't take a rifle it makes things a bit of a pain in the ass since that's 1/10th of the planned fire gone.
The composition is all galvanic rifles and one transeuranic arquebus. I'm taking them as allies for another army.
>Thinking the wargear adjustment isn't giving them grav.
Working on my cadian backlog, nothing special
if they give them grav cannons or free shit, im going to be pissed
Any news on that? Can BA finally fun a full-on melee army? Will they finally get Assault Troops?!
That would make me drop Raven Guard in a heartbeat.
Thanks bud.
Anyone got any ideas for what kind of models would be in a Doom-themed army?
For a little bit of creative liberty let's say that it can be "daemon possessed" and use Chaos models and shit
Doomguy is a Malalite Chaos Champion.
Putting together my Dark Eldar finally. Why did GW decide to split the molds so that the fucking spikes were right down the center. Every fucking spikey bit runs through a mold line.
Is that actually viable? I feel like if you manage to wipe out even a few squads of fire warriors before the berserkers are mowed down it still won't make back the investment in raiders.
Both look solid, I'd probably go with Interceptors over Paladins though. They hit just as hard and a lot faster, which is what you need.
Step 1: Make sure your opponent isn't a complete assclown
Step 2: Put plenty of terrain down on the table - especially LOS blocking terrain
Step 3: Move as fast as physically possible
Step 4: Rip and Tear
Step 1 is mainly so you can be reasonably confident they aren't going to cheat and make up rules. I don't know what it is but Tau players have a tendency to 'forget' what rules their models have or somehow misinterpret how those rules work.
I've had one guy claim that jet pack moves are 4d6" base, the Riptide's nova reactor automatically activates, and another guy try and get away with the Stormsurge having BS 5 base.
I say this as a Tau player - never assume the rules they're telling you are correct unless you know the person.
I'm trying to finish up a 10 man squad of Vanguard Vets currently. I only have the arms left, but Storm Shields suck to paint.
No MoN on the bikers?
From previous thread.
Things needed to make 40k more diverse and make it appeal to a broader audience:
>Drop Slaanesh - it's offensive to lgbt-people. Alternatively, make slaanesh more gray/morally questionable rather than outright evil.
>Introduce female space marines.
>Guard models should be at least 50:50 male/female.
>More focus on the role women and non-binary people in the 40k lore/books, especially the HH series. Maybe make one or two primachs canonically trans, it's ok if they are all kept biologically male then.
>Make the emperor more brown. He comes from the middle east - make it explicit, so that people don't assume he is another white male.
>Malcador should be a woman.
>Change the lore so that Horus rebels because he racist/sexist and he doesn't like the progressive changes the emperor is introducing.
>Cut out the lore about genocide of aliens and non-compliant humans by loyalist imperial forces. Good guys don't do such things.
Here's an 1850 MSU list I've been tweaking for Black Crusade. C&C?
==Black Crusade Detachment==
=Chaos Warband=
Note: Everything in this detachment has Veterans of the Long War for free (thanks to detachment bonuses), and Obsec (thanks to formation bonuses).
Chaos Lord w/ Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Power Axe, Sigil of Corruption, Boon of Mutation - 150
Chaos Sorcerer w/ Bike, Force Staff,ML2, Spell Familiar, Boon o fMutation - 130
5 Marines. Champion has Combimelta, 1 Marine has a Meltagun, rest have Bolt Pistol/CCW- 95
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
5 Marines. Champion has Combimelta, 1 Marine has a Meltagun, rest have Bolt Pistol/CCW- 95
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
5 Marines. Champion has Combimelta, 1 Marine has a Meltagun, rest have Bolt Pistol/CCW- 95
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
5 Marines. Champion has Combimelta, 1 Marine has a Meltagun, rest have Bolt Pistol/CCW- 95
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
5 Chosen, 2 Plasma Guns - 120
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
5 Havocs, 2 Plasmaguns - 105
-Rhino w/ Dozer Blade - 40
3 Bikers w/ 2 Bike-mounted Meltaguns - 90
3 Bikers w/ 2 Bike-mounted Meltaguns - 90
5 Havocs, 4 Autocannons - 115
5 Havocs, 4 Autocannons - 115
=Spawn Auxiliary=
2 Spawn w/ Mark of Nurgle: 72 points
2 Spawn w/ Mark of Nurgle: 72 points
==Allied Daemon Detachment==
Blue Scribes - 81
Pink Horrors - 90
Total Points: 1850
The Lord joins one Spawn unit, while the Sorcerer joins the other unit. They serve as "Keep aways" against small anti-tank teams (versus big deathstars on the other hand...it will take some effort). Dealing with stuff like the Barkbarkstar will be admittedly tricky.
Horrors roll on Malefic, getting both the Psychic Focus & Chaos Psychic Focus (thanks DraftFAQ), Blue Scribes rolls on Malefic table while using Turbo-boosts to hide behind the Rhino Wall, and the Sorcerer rolls on whatever discipline is most effective for the mission (usually Telepathy)
Man, I wish GW would make a Tyranids vs. Imperial Guard box already. The only thing I want.
It'd be an excuse for them to replace both of their sculpts on them as well and hopefully finally update the basic guardsmen and gaunt models.
And give me an excuse to start up some Tyranids. Maybe make a diorama or something. That'd be cool.
... Oh fuck.
You are completely right.
I think the biggest problem with 40k's balance is that GW's design team don't ever seem to understand the value of mobility and speed. This was true in WFB, too, but it was mitigated somewhat due to the rank-and-file nature of the game (even the fastest army was constrained by needing to navigate in formation) and the relative weakness of shooting (except for bullshit sniper cannons but that's just a demonstration of this larger point).
I think GW's designers just don't get that, assuming an equal points cost, a model that can routinely outrange its competitor is always going to be better than one that can stand up to getting shot at. Being out of range of your foe is infinitely better than being in range but able to mitigate damage.
Now that's not bad. That's reality for you. Real-life armies don't try to run up to each other and whack one another with swords anymore. Any combat at touching distances is by its nature going to be very lethal to everyone involved.
And it's not bad to have one or more factions in your game be based around this modern principle of outranging your enemy and hopefully destroying them without ever giving them the chance to fight back. But you have to apply an appopriate cost to those factions, and you have to give their opponents some ability to stand up to their shooting if you want to make it a fair game.
40k obviously takes a lot of cues from Dune, and in Dune the change to close-range warfare was necessitated by the development of virtually impregnable personal shields (and when those shields were taken away in the open desert on Arrakis, the Fremen were able to just blow their enemies apart from afar).
So, in other words, the current problems with the game would be solved by either greatly increasing the cost of troops for shooty, mobile armies like Tau and Eldar, or else by greatly increasing the efficacy of armor.
But I don't think that GW actually realizes that they have a problem with their game, so I dunno.
Probably because this is the only update/supplement BA are going to receive in this Black Crusade thing, but Chaos are likely going to receive quite a few - probably one for each god in addition to this Black Legion list.
That's a lot of content and they have to make sure it's all consistent with itself, so keeping the actual unit modifications to a minimum makes sense.
>tyranids getting anything except for when it's time for space marines to stomp them in the plot again
Ohh, lad.
>6 fingers
DA tier anatomy.
Where does that put armies like Sister of Battle who want nothing to do with melee, but are otherwise a dedicated shirt range army?
I know, user. I know. But an user can dream.
Could even be a game where a Command Squad is running from some Warriors or something.
Thanks for your input, but I am obviously not the artist.
More books, more money
Because fuck chaos obviously
Time and again GW gives a half baked, shit out update to orks, chaos or nids, then turns around and gives a sweeping update to an army that didnt really need it
Its not even a joke anymore, its obviously deliberate.
At first I was like "I'm not paying $85 for a Sternguard Squad and BA Upgrade sprue," but then I remembered that its NZ dollars.
I'm still not paying $60 for that, though. Kind of neat, I guess.
Also, another thing I am contemplating:
If I downgrade the Bikers to Flamers, and drop the Gifts of Mutation, I can give each Biker a 4th biker, and run them as cover-flushers. For opportune moments, a Tank Shock here or there.
>yfw Genestealer Cults are better than regular nids and are Distrusted Allies.
Thought they'd be better MSU
This guy is trying something similar. Really objective secured MSU and daemon summoning is the only thing I can think of using the new formations for.
>Nah, better make them Come the Apocalypse, Nids don't really need any allies.
>They're a perfectly balanced melee-oriented army, after all!
Cruddance must have a hell of a lot of pull if he could make that happen.
I mean, it had to have been him, right?
>Reading through ghazghkull """""""update""""""""
>Reading the Orkurion
>The benefit for it is exactly the same as one of the core choices, making it redundant
>Other core choice requires loads of models that most people would have to buy
Do they just think we're braindead?
The best thing about 40k is that there are no good guys. Everyone is evil in their own way.
That's a good question. Sisters have some mobility due to having access to Razorbacks, but their shooting in itself isn't great (doesn't outrange like Tau or offer the ability to Rend through everything like Eldar), and they're paying too much for having armor, because armor itself is overcosted at this point.
Compare them to Tempestus, which have the advantage of Deep Strike everywhere they want, access to Plasma (so good, strong shooting at a reasonable range), and aren't paying for 3+ armor saves. MT aren't amazing, but they're better-off than Sisters because they have those advantages.
Eldar have relatively short-ranged guns, too, but their mobility is so great that they can take advantage of cover and LOS more easily, and their shooting is just stronger than what Sisters can bring.
It's a combination of factors.
people will buy orks anyway so they don't give a fuck
I read about it working in one of these threads, I don't actually play Tau or CSM myself.
But as soon as you get out of those land raiders you should do your best to get in assault and stay in assault every round until dead. It's the best protection from shooting there is.
To continue on this for a second, in order to be better, Sisters would be faced with the same issues as every other army right now: They'd need either to be paying less for armor, to be getting more out of that armor, or they'd need a significant upgrade in mobility/shooty firepower.
Im certainly not
I dont see how anyone with an inkling of how the rules work would ever buy into orks
On Veeky Forums we take responsibility for our posts. This isn't /v/ or /m/, niggerchu.
We're all hoping that one day GW will make them good and usher in a golden age of 40k.
I would earnestly hope the word "niggerchu" is not in your vocabulary.
Makes sense there's focus on those, the entire 5th company went Black Rage before they even landed due to Chaos fuckery.
So Chaos's plan involves making the Blood Angels into even stronger and more badass than usual?
Genestealer Cults either get eaten like everything else or escape on evacuation ships to infect the planet they flee to. It makes sense they keep some distance.
They were going to destroy the ship they were on, but 2 other companies' ships comes and stop them before they finish them off.
>mfw the blood faggots formation that gives them charge from DS also allows them to ignore scatter and doesnt force them be a disordered charge
yes, but if they are going to get eaten it would make sense that they're there fighting when the nids land, so they could still ally
Stop complaining, what are you, an entitled chaos babby? :^)
>mfw Chaos babies cry about Blood Angels now
How would they ally when the Tyranids are trying to eat them?
>Genestealer Cults either get eaten like everything else or escape on evacuation ships to infect the planet they flee to. It makes sense they keep some distance.
Too bad daemon cultists also get eaten (both body and soul) once the daemon invasion is over (or sometimes even before) but they're still Battle brothers.
Being CSM is suffering
Whatever previous thread it was should've been put to the torch and never mentioned again.
Through books and books its been drilled into us that the imperials cant match chaos without resolve and discipline
Take that away and you get a fight chaos knows it can win
Thats a fluff explanation anyway
Dark Eldar and Craftworld Eldar consider each other to be stuck-up pricks and degenerate scum respectively, to the point where the Harlequins have to bring their family together in times of crisis. Yet they're still Battle Brothers.
Red/blackshirts: Hey, you know all that hyping we did for the chaos update? LOL JK it's a shitty splat book, instead Blood Angels are getting an update.
It's not a Chaos war plan if it doesn't have a glaring flaw in it somewhere.
Dark Eldar have literally joined Craftworlds, they can stop being DE.
Genestealers can't join the hive fleet, they will get eaten.
Daemons can mostly control themselves until they're ready. Tyranids are just going to eat them.
Its like standing in line for ice cream for 4 years only to get soft shit in a cone when you finally get to the counter
Then the guy behind you gets regular ice cream
That is what playing chaos marines is like
I'd love to see more of this force.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Sure, but then many of the Blood Angels' greatest (but costliest, and somewhat shameful) victories came when most of the Chapter succumbed to the Flaw and went nuts.
And DC are presumably basically immune to chaos influence, being in the throws of death and rather busy with experiencing Sanguinius's last moments. And they've got enough wits about them to follow their Chaplains, and the Chaplains can be told "hey go here and do this for the Emperor and Sanguinius etc. etc." so it's not like Dante would lose the ability to lead his men.
Still yeah it would make sense for Chaos to believe it was a good idea. They're dumb. They follow Chaos, after all.
They still manage to activate the artifact that allows Abaddon to skip Cadia entirely, so you know, it went well.
Individual Dark Eldar can, yes.
That doesn't mean the whole of the Flayed Skull Kabal or what have you is going to suddenly have a crisis of conscience and decide to give up doing drugs and getting off to murder and torture.
Dont forget how they also get new artifacts
Isn't that my point? The Main Tyranids can't not eat them, so they can't ally?
could probably solve this issue if cover, overwatch and random charges didn't make assaulting a hunkered down opponent so fucking difficult.
Plus even if you do wipe a unit in combat that just leaves you a sitting duck the next turn. Allow sweeping advances into other units to put you into a new combat.
>I'd love to see more of this force.
check out dwartist's blog. lots of good stuff
I was thinking about this today, and I think I'd get really tired of the DE lifestyle after a while. I mean there's no end to it, right? If you're powerful you'll just get resurrected back Commoragh if you die, so it's not like you can even say "well, one day I'll just stop existing."
After a few millenia of drugs and rape I'd probably want to go join a craftworld or the harlequins.
Tyranids also control themselves until they're ready. That's why they don't form digestion pools as soon as they hit the planet and eat up all their own forces before they've crushed all resistance..
what ever happened to this nigger anyway?
did he kill himself?
I think less for their armor would be a good place to start. 3+/6++ is great, but T3 means a lot more rolled saves than Marines.
SoB have a similar but unique play style to Marines. Currently, the meta for them is Cheap melta Razorbacks, and before that it was Rhinos. Even when vehicles were screaming metal death traps, Sisters played the parking lot, but they could also March on foot without much trouble.
They're particularly fast, they're not particularly shooty, and outside of a few units, they're not particularly stabby either. They're also not a hoard army, but not quite an elite army. They're more akin to an elite hoard army. They can put enough on the table that killing one isn't enough because there's more behind it, but killing them all is difficult. One small squad has the firepower of a Marine squad, but they have the ability to combine arms where Marines can't.
Bought the starter box of Dark Eldar to make a kill team list. Never played as or against them before, but they seem cool/fun enough.
Trying a dark red color scheme, since I'm not a huge fan of the regular, green one.
But isn't that the point brother?
Started them, too. I like the green, but I'm going for a darker green like this.