New set dropped today, so what are you guys who still play this game brewing for new frontiers/wanderer ? im currently just playing 5-color tree since it works well in my meta and want to play some form of mars for fun
Force of will
They aren't even releasing this game in Britain anymore despite it selling out last time they did. So fucking dumb. The game is fun, too.
New Nyarly is 10/10 waifu but 0/10 Ruler, very disappointed.
yeah it seems like it, I really am wondering how meta is gonna shape up after worlds though, and yeah its sad shes not the best, but its a starter deck, only like fiethsing and mikage are really noteworthy.
Really thats a shame, wonder why, did the local scene just die out >
Im playing a shion/ gill lapis flip 12 apostals deck
really fun, im gonna keep with it through worlds and see what i can build from CFC by itself plus a few staples (gwiber ect)
Nope, the local scene was booming. It was gaining popularity everywhere in Britain, then they just stopped shipping it here for no reason. Even one of the biggest shops in the country, Fanboy3, can't get it in.
What's the plot this time?
By which i mean, how is everyone not water or dark buttfucked this time?
I want to fuck Piruruk.
Back in grimms world after lapis fucked attroratica, many years passed, bit sure beyond that
This set is more or less a prologue to re-introduce the cast before the slaughter begins, but there's a bit of plot.
We're back in Grimm's world now that Attoractia is fucked. It's been about 20 or so years since we left for Attoractia, since time passes differently in different worlds. Charlotte has fled to the Light Palace, Kaguya has gone to chill with the Six Sages and study the Magic Stones, and we don't exactly know where Alice is, but she's presumably off training so Lapis doesn't kick her ass again.
The Seven Luminaries are attacking, which is a group of powerful mages employed by some dark force. Mikage, one of Lapis' allies, reveals that whatever dark force is leading the Luminaries is an enemy of Lapis and Mikage, so they're getting ready to go to war. Apparently the reason Lapis goes around crushing planets into Regalia is so that he can get strong enough to fight whatever is leading the Luminaries.
Two of the Luminaries show up early, Mars and Mercurius. Mars fucks around and blows stuff up and acts foreboding for a while, while Mercurius traps Lumia in a casket of ice. Millium, Grimm and Pandora's son, gets pissed about this, and teams up with Charlotte and Lunya/Nyarlathotep to save her. Charlotte wants to save her because Lumia apparently has the power to undo whatever magic it is that Lapis uses to make planets into Regalia. Lunya wants to save her for their own reasons, but seems genuine in wanting to help Millium and Charlotte out. The three of them successfully free Lumia and Lumia undoes spell on the Earth Regalia that Charlotte stole from Lapis, but Mercurius escapes with her life.
That's it for the main lore, but I'll make another post about the smaller events and character details.
I got a real job again so now I have to work all the time. I want to play again so bad, but I only get fridays off.
Yog Sothoth and the other cthulus are around in human form like Lunya, and seem on okay terms with Nyarlathotep, but they also seem to have different agendas. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up fighting. Nyarlathotep seems to be more or less a good guy now after spending ~20 years in a human body.
After a report from R/R, Sun Wukong has come to investigate, him being the leader of an interdimensional justice league of sorts. He doesn't really do anything in this set, but he's there. I would expect he'll team up with our protagonists once the leader of the Luminaries is revealed and Lapis shows up and everything turns into a multi-sided clusterfuck.
Zero is working as a guard for the Light Palace, and is also the one teaching Millium (and Grimm and several others) how to fight so that they can better defend themselves.
Cheshire Cat, with Alice's whereabouts being unknown, has taken on Alice's role as a "guardian" until Alice shows up.
Red Riding Hood is around, and Nyarlathotep seems to want to make amends and form an alliance with her.
Christie and Aria are pals now, and when they see that Mikage has brought Vampires with him back into Grimm's world, they likely plan to go on another Vampire-holocaust.
Other than that, the only real thing of note is Glorius. Glorius is a masked knight that showed up to protect Charlotte while they were fighting, and he wields Excalibur X. We aren't sure exactly who he is, but a lot of people suspect Alice, Faira, or Lars.
The real action probably starts next set.
Mars was my first pull so he was my first build. Brought him to my LGS today and cleaned up shop pretty well. Invitation of Disaster and Flame King Shout -> Flame Dragon of Altea are amazing if your opponent isn't running counterspells.
Other than that, I'm cooking up a B/R Mikage deck built around Rinka with Blood Covered War Axe to get a fuck load of 100/100 counters. Also some Demonflame to capitalize on Mikage's Ruler side ability, and Demonflame for some more aggressive Mikage synergy.
Trying to find exactly how I want to run Zero, too, but that's more in the experimental planning stages than Mars or Mikage which are mostly done.
I meant Volga and Demonflame, not Demonflame and Demonflame.
Finally had it with magic, is there a way to play this game online yet?
There's, and the official battle simulator comes out sometime this month. Probably soon.
Anyone think yog will be fun to play with r/b cthulus
>Impliying yog wont be the new regalia ruler played with zero´s owl and some chtulu shenanigans
maybe he wont be top tier, but a masive removal/discard focused deck is growing on my mind
God I cant wait for Regalia to rotate out, if they reprint 0 drop free regalia again it be a huge mistake on their part. once regalia rotate out though I feel meta will stabilize a bit more, for the moment though aggro still seems strong as does tree
I think a lot of the free regalia were bad, but the ones that cost either to use in any capacity (like Earth) or cost to put on the field (Shrodinger, Excal-X) were fine.
I see Zero being that ruler, since she's already keyword soup. All she'd need to be truly broken is some form of First Strike. Yog certainly isn't a bad pick, but cards like Earth have taken a lot of the risk out of a J-ruler focused deck when they can't call themselves back.
RB Cthulhus seems fun, but I can't get the decklist in my head. I know 4 Azathoth, 4 Rlyeh, probably 4 Niggurath and Goats. And I'm not sure if Newlathothep is worth sideboarding.
I think for the purposes of Cthulus specifically, given only the Lapis Cthulus, I'd rather use Nyarlathotep. Yog's ability is great, but he doesn't really bring any huge synergy with him outside of Heaven Bound Pheasant while Nyarlathotep has Hastur Swiftness, and being able to cheese things with Demonflame is always a nice bonus. Maybe in a set or two if we get any huge graveyard related shenanigans Yog will start to shine in my eyes, but with just the tools we have right now I would definitely prefer Nya.
That's just me though.
I'm working on one at the moment. I wasn't around in the game the first time Cthulhus existed, and designing one around the jank of Limit sounds like a fun challenge really.
I just need to find a way to shut down Mars now...
Scorn of Dark Alice lets you make sure he doesn't have a Namblot in hand, which really hurts his mana. Or there's The Nameless Mist, and you could just destroy his Invitation of Disasters outright. That's about it as far as RB can do though, at least in the way of reliable shit.
Think Alexandria makes yog cthulu better?
I bough 4 Alice of Light and Shadow and 4 shift Pricia. I don't even know where I'm going to put them, I just like their arts.
I like to throw Pricia/Valentina into BU Lapis with a focus on stealing all my opponent's shit. God Art, Val 3.0, Val 4.0, and Adombrali to pop those Val 4.0s while keeping my hand full. Popping 2 Vals and stealing my opponent's entire field feels amazing.
I don't really like Lapis, that sounds cool tho. Any ideas for the Alices?
Val 1.0 works as a substitute for Lapis and keeps with the theme of stealing shit, but her God Art isn't nearly as devastating as Lapis'.
Alice you can kinda just throw into any BW deck. She's not really amazing, but she's pretty good in Shadow tribal. I have a Faria 2.0 deck that's based on duality and she's pretty good there for the lifegain and destruction, but that deck is gimmicky as hell and doesn't work super well at higher levels. I think I might throw her into the Zero deck I'm working on now, but I'm not sure yet.
So far ive been playing esper Mikage control, deck can just suprise otk with the ruler, r/g mars burn for my aggro deck and midrange playing 5 color tree, cant wait to see how meta is feels like a ton of stuff is viable now
>go to buy new starter deck on amazon
>lol, not prime eligible
>go to buy really anything on amazon that I actually need in a timely manner (such as paints for muh gunpla)
>lol, not prime eligible