Hi! I heard that you needed art. Share it here!
I need artwork of people that look like they've seen some shit, ideally with excessive damage to the face.
Apologies for posting so many asians, I'm a giant weeb faggot
Ignore the filenames. I saved some of these to be campaign-specific
Can I get some pics of well dressed goblins?
It's fine thanks for the contributions.
These are great, are they part of a series
I don't know. I got them from one of /pfg/'s owlposting threads.
I used to have an image of a tiefling in a suit and hat.
Anyone happen to have some art like that? I've tried about everything to find it.
Anybody got pictures of characters just wielding a shield?
>these filenames
I'm enjoying this
Had a couple more like it I forgot about
Where do you guys get your art from?
Well the last few things I've posted have been from Fire Emblem.