Here's the link again to the Spellburst Savant. I've added in a Spell Channeling/Infuse Arrow-type ability for the gun witch, in the hopes that that will help bridge the gap some (if only by giving them another option for gun-magic than full attacks). The sidebar about arcane archery is superfluous now, so it's been removed.
Otherwise, I'm out for a while. Seeing bits of Augunas' new book has made me incredibly skeeved out, as well as embarrassed and horrified to be publishing in the same industry as him.
Just... Ugh.
Chase Parker
John Allen
We uh, understand. I worried this was "magical realm" when I first saw the cover.
Little did we know how much further it would dig...
Expect feedback, but assume it won't be in this hellish thread, that all our eyes regain their cleanliness.
Jaxon Carter
>cleric can't make it tonight >inquisitor might have to leave mid-session >they party is about 1.5 hours away from a lethal boss fight >mfw I have to do last minute padding so that the entire party doesn't get slaughtered
Mason Thomas
>Kami Onmyoji
What the fuck? Is that intended to be a parody like 42?
Isaiah Martin
Owen Collins
Zachary Brooks
Blake Baker
Jose Morales
>by bedding four different young men, barely older than boys, in a single night. She lured her victims into her forest and made love with them all at once as her loins consumed their genitals.
What the fuck?
Jacob Nguyen
Hunter Ross
>Saturday: Exploring the sewers underneath Ustalav >Sunday: Making nice with the tomb-raiders of Osirion >Monday: Hunting down a criminal that uses kids as bait and pickpockets >Thursday: Running Crimson Throne
Life is goooood.
Henry Bailey
I was hoping this was gonna be a good book.
Just look past the occasional hint of realming.
But then these things just can't be looked past.
Jackson Powell
Christian Roberts
Xavier Wood
Sorry, meant Friday for Crimson.
Ian Collins
>4 campaigns a week
You. MOTHER. FUCKER! There are hundreds of starving fa/tg/uys without a game.
Jonathan Lopez
Julian Anderson
>Just had a session earlier tonight, homebrew setting >playing Skull and Shackles on Monday >playing Crimson Throne on Wednesday >making a campaign set in the Mana Wastes, undetermined start date
Kevin Allen
Nolan Bennett
Brandon Flores
I think the author got way too deep in his own magical pedo realm for anyone to be capable of taking this book seriously.
Brandon Allen
Ayden Powell
>they changed it back to Arthu
Christopher Watson
It's getting late, so I'm going to hit the hay and tell myself it's all alright. TTFN, I'll continue my dump in the morning, have fun unseeing it all.
Oliver Young
Given you're already ganking Circe and such, I don't see the point in it.
Jordan Hughes
One spirit reference I would have accepted. 42, king arthur, the little mermaid. One of them. But fucking hell at this point all I can do is just shake my head.
Luke Powell
>genitalia slough off
Thanks. I really enjoyed seeing these, though probably not for the reason the author was hoping when he wrote it.
Luis Lee
Don't forget Baldur, Jormungandr, and Jehovah.
Connor Gray
I just compared this text to the text the srd has from the previous version.
Admittedly, the last version DID mention genitalia, but was just 'lose'
The whole sloughing is all new.
Kayden Gutierrez
I don't even mind a lot of references. Arthu just sounds like something an eight-year-old would come up with. At least stick with Arturius like it was originally, that sounds halfway decent.
And the skeevy shit, man, I know it's supposed to be "more reminiscent of real-world occultism" or some shit but... ugh. At this rate I think I'll just stick with homebrewing Tome of Magic vestiges.
John Foster
post that shit when you do, bro
Angel Harris
Because Adromalius transforms you into a big titted furry when you want to seal a pact.
Gabriel Nelson
People keep complaining /pfg/ is fucking full of degenerates.
They don't realize a big chunk of the PF content itself encourages it.
We got kitsunes, we got battle maids, now we got the kinkiest pantheons that even makes Slaanesh look virginal
Jayden White
That makes no sense. The thing didn't even have a proper control system so it had to dock physically to not get wiped out by its force.
What the fuck about this is big titties let alone furry?
Carson Anderson
Battle maids are pure.
Camden White
>rune That's a penis
Robert King
>battle maids
Evan Young
>battle maids Yeah, I don't see it either. Where?
Elijah Lee
It's an idea I've been tossing around for a while, but never made any real progress on. Hell, as long as we're on the subject, what would you suggest as a starting point? I considered starting with another level of vestiges, so that they map more cleanly to the 9-level spellcasting progression, but I'm kind of iffy on whether that's even necessary.
Other than that, all I know so far is that I want to up their effectiveness overall and give them a couple more "toys" to play around with, in the form of relatively minor abilities (think the cantrip-like constellation powers from the Radiance House stuff).
Nolan Richardson
They're either talking about the Innocuous Servant rogue talent or the Gonzo Battle Butler.
Or Hidden Blade rogue with innocuous servant and riven hourglass
Jaxon Perez
Most of the previous version was a bit more sterile, yeah. I was one of the people who helped with it in the ideas phase, I like to think my suggestions helped to make it a more palatable product than it otherwise would have been. Sad to see a bunch of the suggestions I made are being reverted since I stopped following the products.
Brody Foster
I don't think it's Innocuous Servant when you're a legit maid.
Angel Jenkins
>Gonzo Battle Butler the what
Innocuous Servant honestly makes sense for Intrigue campaigns, it's just that specific combo with Companion of the Lonely for meme-maids.
And personally, Sakuya's more cool than magical realms imo
Jonathan Evans
The book Gonzo 2 has a Battle Butler/Combat Maid class. It's actually pretty cool.
Luis Hughes
Gonzo 2 has the Battle Butler class. They have a special counter that records how 'proper' things are being and get pissed off if things go to shit.
Okay, so Malefex update: got all the feedback from the last two threads gathered up and will be doing edits tomorrow/Sunday and writin' s'more malefactions at that time.
To the guy suggesting a retraining clause on Know-It-All I have to say that I still have absolutely no idea what you're getting at here. Right now the ability has you pick two Knowledges that you do NOT have ranks in, then gives you max ranks in 'em that continue to scale up as you level. I'm not sure where retraining would come in here or what it is you're getting at, so if you could walk me through what I'm missing here I'd be very grateful. I don't doubt that you're seeing a problem, I'm just not seeing it myself.
Hey Gareth, what do you think of the new pact magic book?
James Morgan
Lines were crossed that I feel should not have been crossed.
Jayden Phillips
Just looked at the class for the first time.
Holy shit are you an edgelord in real life? Once (the Harbinger) was fun, twice and now we're starting a pattern.
Evan Jackson
Are we talking about Grimoire of Lost Souls or a different book?
Hudson Ward
I think one of the issues he's bringing up is that you can't pick a previous skill. What if you have all the knowledges with at least one point?
And while it's a lesser concern, a purely feel-one as opposed to a mechanical one, what if you want the 'auto-scaling' skills to be a specific ones?
Like if you've got a Know: Arcana guy. His thing is knowing the magic shit. It'd make sense for that to be one of his skills he'll ALWAYS have at max. It works out mechanically the same, but something to think about.
ALSO something mechanically the same is just letting people pick whatever skill and then retrain previous skill ranks. Why does it HAVE to be ones you don't have ranks in? Either way (No ranks only or retrain skill ranks) It works out to the same overall benefit. One way (Yours) is just a lot clunkier.
Levi Campbell
You know, the sad thing is I'm really not. A bit bitter, yes, terminally sarcastic, certainly, but generally optimistic. I've noticed the trend in my design myself but I will note that a lot of my content that isn't base classes is non-edgy and/or even upbeat and optimistic! It just doesn't really get as much attention/love.
Plus I'm sorta counting Lords of the Night out of the running because the edge is a feature there.
Hudson Young
So I feel like my inquistor (who specialises in tower shields, ally shield, and intercept charge solo teamwork feats) is a little bit too cheesy.
Can anyone recommend me a good class in PoW?
I'm looking for a class that does something more than cycle through like a few maneuvers to maximise damage as much as possible.
Mason Reed
Any chance you can make your next base class edge/optimism neutral?
Michael Phillips
I mean, the auto-scaling ones are already the ones you picked, so...
I'll chew it over. The way I figured it was a nice way to snag a couple more Knowledges that you might not have ranks for to begin with, but my ability to grapple with my confusion is not being aided by this migraine at the back of my skull. I'll come back to this subject in the mornin' when I start my edits, aye?
Luis Miller
In that case your best bet is to go with an Archetype from Expanded.
In general they are less stupid on damage and class features, except the Ranger one.
Connor Kelly
If it ends up being the one I want it to be, yes.
Adrian Perry
Operation "fuck that one guy, you're not getting nice things from me" and "scrape out the remaining fun" is a go for my Sunday game. I refuse to let one person's whiny bitch fit ruin an entire campaign.
Other game has been pretty good, though that's mostly just because the GM is fun. I'm not really sold on Iron Gods so far, even if Val a cute. Still struggling with actually doing any damage whatsoever as well, since everything has completely dicked over rapiers. The RotRL campaign that died might get a reboot sometime. Fingers crossed for rebooting with Gestalt to make up for only having half a party.
Julian Richardson
Any good recommends? I don't have Expanded yet.
Ayden Robinson
>there are anons ITT drowning in more than one campaign per week >I've been stuck in a 6 month long hiatus
Nolan Garcia
Twice? Have you seen the Harrowed? Edgelords just seem to be Gareth's guilty pleasure.
Jack Rogers
...Well, you're not wrong.
Owen Collins
It's okay user, you'll find a good group someday.
Kevin Fisher
start planning a noblebright supplement book to offset your grimdark, Gareth
Oliver Fisher
If it makes you feel any better, I had almost two years of games starting and dying before the first session before I even got my first campaign ever. Only reason I ended up with multiples now is because of worry that drama will splinter the first group.
Michael Foster
The main problem I'm seeing is that, if you don't pick the Know-It-All option at first level, you're at this awkward crux where the knowledge skills you actually invested in (and therefore should be well-versed in) are precisely the skills you CAN'T get maxed-out for "free". Instead, you suddenly become extremely-knowledgeable about a subject you knew nothing about beforehand.
Landon Robinson
I've got lots of stuff with no grimdark whatsoever! Pic related has none! Almost all of the stuff I did for Psionic Bestiary had none (admittedly when I did have to go dark in there shit got dark as fuck fast)! The grimdark stuff just stands out for some reason.
Xavier Lopez
What's the thing you want it to be then?
Oliver Carter
The Paladin archetype is all about predicting enemies and enacting countermeasures to protect your party with the mechanic that replaced Mercies.
Monk Archetype is all about being Jude Mathis+Lee Sin with you hopping around debuffing enemies while jumping to protect allies. It's a less cheesy Warder.
Dread is a Debuffer, less stronk than Harbinger.
Alternatively you can use books other than Path of War since it sounds like a well built inquisitor was beyond what you guys intended for your game balance. In that case I suggest Alternate Paths Martial Classes, Liber Influxus Communis, Akashic Mysteries, or New paths Compendium for material.
What kind of character do you wanna play?
Connor Hall
Also here's a present. I love using this class.
Tyler Thompson
Okay, but, flip side - if you're investing in those Knowledges with ranks, are they not already maxed? Doing the retraining option just gives you the different and slightly harder to explain problem of suddenly having those ranks (if you pick one you already have been investing in) in skills you previously didn't possess.
Like. Why would you have Knowledges /not/ at the skill cap for your level, is what I suppose I'm getting at here. Because it seems like that appears to be the objection but I don't...really...get it.
I'm sorry user I really am trying here. It might be the headache talking, we might be miscommunicating, I may just be an idiot, I can only beg your patience.
Joseph Cruz
>PFSRD still has no updates to DSP content >DM won't allow anything from the docs or pastebin
Jason Edwards
Maybe make a Charisma -based Harbinger focused on positive emotions?
Carson Price
>Lee Sin Not this nightmare again fucking christ let me farm PLEASE >a well built inquisitor was beyond what you guys intended for your game balance Not really, I feel like i'm stressing my DM out because i operate really oddly due to being able to negate most forms of damage completely and helping my team do it.
I want something mobile that isn't stuck doing the same thing every turn. I rolled a Bushi once and boy i was just stuck doing the same two maneuvers every turn. That was boring.
Alright, I'll read through it.
Nolan Flores
Admittedly, most knowledges you'd want would be maximized! But if you're already maxing-out Perception, Sense Motive, Bluff, Intimidate, and Disable Device (for instance), that's 5 of your skill ranks each level. You're probably going to want a rank or two in Climb, Swim, etc. to make sure they're not untrained, you might want to spread out your Knowledges somewhat, and so on. Also, what if a different SoHK ability caught your fancy at 1st level, so you had to invest ranks in the Knowledge skill you wanted? It's now completely-unselectable with Know-It-All.
Evan Roberts
Most characters I've played only max out some knowledge and sprinkle in the others. The checks are oftentimes not hard enough to necessitate maxed ranks.
Austin Wilson
>Dread is a Debuffer, less stronk than Harbinger.
hahahhahano. my DM banned my Dread/AntiPali because I can hit 30 intimidate at 8th level, drop everyone's resistance to fear by -8, debuff everyone with shaken, frightened, panicked, sickened, diseased, fatigued and exhausted every round to the point of breaking encounters.
I get worse by 11th level when I get the Shadow Twin class feature
Dominic Lopez
You're not the only one, friend. 8 months and counting here. My GM has 2 jobs and a baby now.
Robert Martin
That was a gestalt-then? As in, not most normal games? By itself, the Dread is useful but not quite as strong as a Harbinger. Less reliable of one too.